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Name: Forca, Ashley H. Submission Date: October 23.

Section: ME1 Professor: Andy G. Gutierrez, Ph.D.

The photo above shows the cruelty of reality. Through time many things change that we failed to
notice that ruined our mother earth. Harmful gases emitted by ACs, refrigerators, industries and
vehicles are depleting ozone layer and increasing our exposure to very harmful UV rays of sun
leading us towards various skin diseases, eye cataract and even cancer. Wastes like plastics and
other non-degradable wastes like insecticides, pesticides, chemical fertilizers etc. highly degrade
soil quality and decrease agricultural products and kills soil microorganisms and decomposers.
Water pollution increases the risk of water-borne diseases like cholera, dysentery etc. and lead &
arsenic highly degrade our mental ability and causes the extinction of many aquatic animals. Air
pollution causes airborne diseases like asthma in humans and animals and disturbs whole
metabolism process in plants. Noise pollution causes insomnia and heart diseases in humans.
Deforestation is leading to natural calamities like floods, soil erosion etc., temperature increase
and changed rainfall distribution, drought, loss of valuable biodiversity, decreased oxygen density
etc. The burning issues in the world at present are “Climate Change and Greenhouse Effect”.
Solution to those problems is not impossible, we save our mother earth, but the process is not
easy. But if we make a change even in small things it will reflect to the mother earth. Also, I believe
to the quote “our mother earth, our responsibility”, we are humans, the ones who benefits the
most in nature so in return we must take care of our mother earth because at the end of the day,
the bad deeds will reflect too bad results

The video shows how people harm the nature and living things in many ways. Some part that I
saw is indeed happened and affects nature in a bad way, but some things are meant to do and
wasn’t harmful at all. First, in the first seconds of the video its shows that the man used snakes
for his boots, it’s true that people use their skin for products but the cruel truth behind it is that
people force to kill snakes and harm them in the gruesome way. Second, I notice that the man in
the video is shearing the sheep which I can’t see any problem at all because sheep needed to
shear for healthy hygiene purposes. Also, chickens are human’s food and it’s not wrong to eat
them, what’s wrong in the video is that the man harmed the chicken before eating it which it
happens but not most of the time. For several thousands of years, humans and other living
species have coexisted together, but as the human population continues to dramatically increase,
the need for an extraneous number of resources does as well. Over the past two decades, the
human impact on wildlife is easily seen worldwide. Forests have been diminishing at an alarming
rate, one of it is deforestation. The needs of paper in the world are increasing so people cut trees
a lot, some companies stick to “cutting trees” solution instead of doing more nature friendly
In general, the video shows that people harm the nature and animals in different and in
unimaginable ways, which I personally hated it too. All living things have a right to live on this
Earth, but we become insensitive to their pain, only because animals can’t speak the language of
humans, they do not have a voice like we do. We can still save our natural resources and wildlife
starting from ourselves like educating ourselves in the most effective ways to save nature and
through ourselves, we can voice it out so others will follow.

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