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Name: Forca, Ashley H.

Submission Date: October 27, 2021

Section: ME1 Professor: Dr. Andy G. Gutierrez

1. Differentiate the concept of Technology according to your view versus the

view of Heidegger.

For Heidegger, one cannot talk of technology without his reflection on art.
According to Heidegger, technology is not evil, but the abuse of technology is
harmful. Heidegger also makes a clear distinction between technology and the
essence of technology. Heidegger believes that art is a reflection which leads to
the understanding of Being as Being.
Personally, I think what Heidegger says is true and I totally agree on him.
Technology brings the best thing for our conveniency and It helps a lot in many
aspects. Since a lot of people are into technology, creators thought of putting
entertainment in technology will be a good thing, which is for me it is a good move
but what’s sad about it is that a lot of people especially teenagers used technology
for entertainment only most of the day. People’s addiction to online games
nowadays is not healthy and that’s what Heidegger wanted to point out. Too much
of technology will harm us, but I still stand to the side that technology is a good
thing but use it in moderation.

2. Explain the saying of Heidegger "questioning is the piety of thought."

Heidegger means is that through questioning or asking we can gather

information ang gain something from it. What makes it a powerful thought is that
by a simple question it can lead to right decision. He tentatively proposes that
poesis, another way of bringing the concealed into unconcealment, might be a way
of getting technology in hand but ultimately concludes that the "piety of thought",
the asking of questions, is the only guaranteed route to salvation. Heidegger
provides a convincing and interesting account of the essence, form and limitations
of technology, the way in which its molds and influences human thought and the
potential deliverance that technology reveals as it unfolds in the world.
3. What is the danger of modern technology in the present condition of the

Technology is one of the best inventions in the world and we can’t

deny the fact that it is helpful, but we all know that if there’s a good side
there’s a bad side. We can’t expect that technology will only make our lives
easier because the more invention created it affects humans and other
natural living things. What Heidegger’s scared of is that we will become a tool
of technology and that’s happening right now in the world, some factories
invest more in technology so their production will progress faster than human
employees. On my own opinion, I still think that we are still beyond in any
technology because we are the one’s who inventing and using technology it is
still on the people on how they will manage their time and lives with or without
technology, the more they used it the more they become a too. So, since
technology is a great help in our daily lives, we can still use it but again in

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