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What is Scientific Research?

Definition, Characteristics, and

● What is Scientific Research?
● Characteristics of Scientific Research
o Rigorous
o Purposive
o Replicability
o Objective
o Testability
o Precision
o Operational Definitions
o Generalizability
● Process of Scientific Research
o Realize A Problem
o Identification of Problem
o Review of Literature
o Hypothesis Formulation
o Research Design
o Collection of Data
o Data Analysis
o Interpretation and Generalization

What is Scientific Research?

Scientific research is the process of finding facts or solutions to
problems systematically, experimentally, and logically. Its process
always remains purposive and comprehensive.

Generally, scientific research is conducted to solve problems. It analyzes

all the dimensions of the problem systematically and finds out the
natural causes of the problem, collects, and interprets the data, and
finds out the solutions to the problems.

It is not undertaken based on someone’s intuition, experience, and

estimation, instead, it is always comprehensive and objective in nature.
According to F.N. Kerlinger – “Scientific research is a systematic,
empirical, and critical investigation of propositions about the presumed
relationship among the variables.”

Characteristics of Scientific Research

Scientific research is systematic and empirical research that is
conducted based on evidence and logic. The following eight are its main

Rigorous research is defined as using a strong theoretical foundation and
methodological framework. It refers to the carefulness and degree of
exactness in research investigation.

With a clear goal in mind, research should begin. Research is
meaningless if it is undertaken without any goals. The process of
choosing a sample, gathering data, and interpreting that data are all
governed by the goal of the research.

Therefore, you can prevent mistakes and reach a true conclusion if you
are able to create a clear and practical target.

The result gained is considered reproducible if the same result is
discovered when the investigation is done once more. Such excellence
is needed for scientific research.

Our conclusions or findings are deemed untrustworthy if observations

cannot be replicated. The study ought should be repeatable as a result.
It should make it possible for us to impartially and accurately categorize
facts. The conclusions drawn from our data should not be based on our
subjective or emotional values but rather on the facts established by
actual data.

Non-data-based decisions lead the organization astray and encourage

performance decline.

Researchers develop hypotheses logically in scientific research. A
hypothesis is an estimation of the relationship between variables. Such a
relationship is established logically.

Relationships are tested using various statistical and mathematical tools.

Thus, testability is one of the important qualities of scientific research.

Precision reflects the degree of exactness of the results. The conclusion
drawn from the research must be nearer to the actual result as it is
based on evidence and objectivity.

Operational Definitions
The variables should be defined in such a way that they can be
measured. This eliminates confusion in meaning and communication.

It speaks to the extent to which the research’s conclusions can be
applied to other organizations as well. The greater the scope of
applicability of the research’s answers, the more beneficial the research
is to users.
For instance, there is a good probability that a researcher’s findings can
be applied to a wide range of businesses if they show that stress hinders

Process of Scientific Research

The process of scientific research helps to carry forward the research
work and draw conclusions. The following are its main steps.

Realize A Problem
A researcher should first identify the issue that motivates their research.
Changes in the environment or other factors can lead to problems. Such
an issue should be recognized by a researcher and cause concern.

The processes of feeling, research, experience, and observation can all

lead to realization. The researcher can sense the unease in the
surroundings even though he is unable to see the issue.

Identification of Problem
After identifying the issue, the researcher should work to identify its root
causes and actual form. Through information gathering and situational
analysis, he should ascertain the root causes of the issue.

For instance, if sales are down, a drop in sales is the symptom, thus the
researcher needs to identify the reasons why. This can be the result of a
lack of motivation, inadequate direction, and inefficient sales staff.

Review of Literature
Literature review refers to the study of previous research and
documents. Researchers should find out the study gap from the review
of the literature. It helps to define the problem and find out the methods
which are suitable to study the research problem and issues.
Hypothesis Formulation
The term “hypothesis” refers to an anticipated outcome of the research.
Based on prior research, an estimate has been made. In a form that can
be tested, it displays the relationship between two variables.

A literature review helps researchers learn about problems and the

contributing reasons for such difficulties. Researchers develop a
hypothesis in light of the data from the literature review.

The procedures to be employed and the data to be gathered can be

decided upon with its assistance. Systematizing the outcome and
making inferences aids in understanding.

Research Design
It is a framework of research. Research works are completed based on
research design. It helps to collect evidence in less time and cost.
Research design depends on the objectives of the research.

It clarifies the way of collecting data, method of analysis, and base of

research. Research design is prepared before initiating research.
Researchers should find out appropriate research design based on the
research problem.

Collection of Data
The collection of information on the basis of the research problem and
objectives is called data collection. The success of research largely
depends upon data collection.

Reliable data collection helps to draw a reliable conclusion. A researcher

should develop questionnaires, and schedule interviews or observations
for collecting data.

Data Analysis
A researcher classifies the collected data and information on the basis of
their feature and nature. Classified data then are codified, tabulated, and
presented in charts. Such presented data are analyzed using
mathematical, statistical, financial, and accounting tools.

Most researchers use statistical tools for the analysis of data. Mean,
median, mode and standard deviation are descriptive statistical tools,
and t-tests, z-tests, and x2 tests are used to test the hypothesis.

The use of statistical tools depends on the research objective, research

design, and nature of the data.

Interpretation and Generalization

This is the last of the scientific research process. After the analysis of
data, certain conclusions can be drawn in relation to the hypothesis.
Whatever conclusions are drawn, they are considered theories. Such
conclusions are applied in all similar organizations which are regarded
as generalizations.

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