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A prebiotically plausible scenario of an

RNA–peptide world Felix Müller1,2, Luis Escobar1,2, Felix Xu1, Ewa Węgrzyn1, Milda Nainytė1, Tynchtyk Amatov1,
Chun‐Yin Chan1, Alexander Pichler1 & Thomas Carell1 ✉
Received: 13 July 2021

Accepted: 22 February 2022

The RNA world concept1 is one of the most fundamental pillars of the origin of life
Published online: 11 May 2022
theory2–4. It predicts that life evolved from increasingly complex self-replicating RNA
Open access
molecules1,2,4. The question of how this RNA world then advanced to the next stage, in
Check for updates which proteins became the catalysts of life and RNA reduced its function predominantly
to information storage, is one of the most mysterious chicken-and-egg conundrums in
evolution3–5. Here we show that non-canonical RNA bases, which are found today in
transfer and ribosomal RNAs6,7, and which are considered to be relics of the RNA world8–12,
are able to establish peptide synthesis directly on RNA. The discovered chemistry creates
complex peptide-decorated RNA chimeric molecules, which suggests the early existence
of an RNA–peptide world13 from which ribosomal peptide synthesis14 may have
emerged15,16. The ability to grow peptides on RNA with the help of non-canonical vestige
nucleosides offers the possibility of an early co-evolution of covalently connected RNAs
and peptides13,17,18, which then could have dissociated at a higher level of sophistication to
create the dualistic nucleic acid–protein world that is the hallmark of all life on Earth.

A central commonality of all cellular life is the translational process, contain additional amino acids in the form of amino acid-modified
in which ribosomal RNA (rRNA) catalyses peptide formation with the nucleosides, for example, g6A (ref. 33), t6A (ref. 34) and m6t6A (ref. 35),
help of transfer RNAs (tRNA), which function as amino acid carrying which are found directly next to the anticodon loop at position 37.
adapter molecules14,19,20. Comparative genomics21 suggests that ribo- Other non-canonical vestige nucleosides often present in the wobble
somal translation is one of the oldest evolutionary processes15,16,22,23, position 34 are nm5U and mnm5U (refs. 36–38).
which dates back to the hypothetical RNA world1–4. The questions of Close inspection of their chemical structures (Fig. 1b) suggests that if
how and when RNA learned to instruct peptide synthesis is one of the they are in close proximity (step 1), an RNA-based peptide synthesis may
grand unsolved challenges in prebiotic evolutionary research3–5. be able to start (step 2), which would create, via a hairpin-type interme-
The immense complexity of ribosomal translation14 demands a step- diate, a peptide attached by a urea linkage to the nucleobase (m6)aa6A.
wise evolutionary process11. From the perspective of the RNA world, at Cleavage of the urea39,40 (step 3) would furnish RNA with a peptide con-
some point RNA must have gained the ability to instruct and catalyse nected to a (m)nm5U (step 4). Subsequently, strand displacement with a
the synthesis of, initially, just small peptides. This initiated the tran- new (m6)aa6A strand may finally enable the next peptide elongation step.
sition from a pure RNA world1 into an RNA–peptide world13. In this To investigate the potential evolution of an RNA–peptide world,
RNA–peptide world, both molecular species could have co-evolved to we synthesized two complementary sets of RNA strands, 1a–1j and
gain increasing ‘translation’ and ‘replication’ efficiency17. 2a–2c (Fig. 2). The first set contained various m6aa6A nucleotides41
To gain insight into the initial processes that may have enabled the at the 5′ end (1a–1j) as RNA donor strands. The complementary RNA
emergence of an RNA–peptide world13, we analysed the chemical prop- acceptor strands were prepared with an (m)nm5U nucleotide at the 3′
erties of non-canonical nucleosides6,7, which can be traced back to the terminus (2a–2c). Figure 2a shows the reactions between 1a and 2a.
last universal common ancestor and, as such, are considered to be The analytical data are presented in Fig. 2b. We hybridized 1a with 2a
‘living molecular fossils’ of an early RNA world8–12. and activated the carboxylic acid of 1a using reagents such as EDC42/
This approach, which can be called ‘palaeochemistry’, enabled us Sulfo-NHS43, DMTMM·Cl43 or methyl isonitrile44 (pH 6, 25 °C). In all cases
to learn about the chemical possibilities that existed in the RNA world we observed high yielding product formation (Fig. 2c).
and, therefore, sets the chemical framework for the emergence of life. A kinetic analysis shows that the nature of the amino acid affects the
In contrast to earlier investigations of the origin of translation24–29, coupling rate (Fig. 2d). For example, G (in 1a) couples to 2c with an apparent
we used naturally occurring non-canonical vestige nucleosides and rate constant (kapp) of 0.1 h−1. For the amino acids L (in 1d), T (in 1e) and M
conditions compatible with aqueous wet–dry cycles30,31. (in 1h) a fourfold higher rate constant (≈0.4 h−1) was determined, and the
highest rate was measured for F (in 1g) with kapp > 1 h−1. These differences
establish a pronounced amino acid selectivity in the coupling reaction,
Peptide synthesis on RNA probably as a result of distinct pre-organizations. We next reduced the
In modern tRNAs (Fig. 1a), the amino acids that give peptides are linked length of the RNA donor strand to five, and finally to three, nucleotides
to the CCA 3′ terminus via a labile ester group32. Some tRNAs, however, (Supplementary Information). We detected coupling even with a trimer

Department of Chemistry, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München, Munich, Germany. 2These authors contributed equally: Felix Müller, Luis Escobar. ✉e-mail:

Nature | Vol 605 | 12 May 2022 | 279

a A OH
b O R
O Me
Transfer RNA (tRNA) O N H N
3′ H N NH
A O N N R Me N N
C 3′ 5′
5′ Amino acyl A 5′ 3′
m6A-RNA m6aa 6A-RNA
4 (aa )n mnm 5 U-RNA 1
Acceptor stem NHMe Me
T-stem loop H
N N RNA-peptide N N
synthesis cycle
Variable loop Me R O O N
Me R
HN N NH2 Urea linkage
D-stem loop N HN N H
H n R
O O R H n
Me O O
H n
Me/H 3 N 2
O 37 N N CO2H N HN
34 H
N R = aa H2O N
Me/H Anticodon loop Side chain
N N Me Hairpin-type
(m)nm5U (m6)aa 6A O N O

Fig. 1 | Concept of how nucleoside relics of the RNA world enable RNA-based the wobble position 34. The amino acid-modified carbamoyl adenosine,
peptide synthesis. a, tRNA structure showing selected ribose and nucleobase (m6)aa6A (aa, amino acid), is present at position 37 in certain tRNAs. b, General
modifications. The 3′-amino acid-acylated adenosine is located at the CCA 3′ RNA–peptide synthesis cycle based on mnm5U and m6aa6A. The structures of
end in contemporary tRNAs. 5-Methylaminomethyl uridine, mnm5U, is found in oligonucleotides are simplified and only terminal nucleobases are drawn.

RNA donor strand, although it required duplex-enforcing high salt and study we used synthetic 3′-peptide-mnm5U-RNA-5′ acceptor strands
low temperature conditions (1 M NaCl and 0 °C). The interaction of three as starting materials (Supplementary Information). The synthesized
nucleotides on the donor with the corresponding triplet on the acceptor acceptor strands were hybridized to the donor strand 1a. After carbox-
seems to be the lower limit for productive coupling. Interestingly, this is the ylic acid activation, rapid formation of elongated hairpin-type inter-
size of the codon–anticodon interaction in contemporary translation11,18. mediates with yields between 40% and 60% was observed (Fig. 3b). We
We next investigated coupling of the nitrile derivative of 1a (m6gCN6A, found that the coupling yields did not drop substantially with increasing
1j) with the different acceptors 2a–2c under the recently described peptide length, suggesting that other factors, such as the RNA hybridi-
prebiotically plausible thiol activation conditions45 (DTT, pH 8, 25 °C). zation kinetics, are rate limiting. In all cases, the subsequent urea cleav-
Here also, the coupling products were obtained within a few hours age (pH 4, 90 °C) affords dipeptide- to hexapeptide-decorated RNAs
(Fig. 2c). For example, the combination of nm5U 2b with 1a gives cou- in 10–15% yield. These modest yields are the result of substantial RNA
pling yields of 64% and 66% using EDC/Sulfo-NHS or DMTMM·Cl, degradation, driven by the pH and temperature conditions that were
respectively. Coupling of 1a and 2a, featuring a secondary amine, used. The decomposition of RNA, however, can be overcome by using
afforded 3a in 16% and 33% yields. The nitrile of 1j afforded yields of 2′-OMe nucleotides (see 'Stepwise growth of peptides on RNA'), which
up to 65% after thiol activation coupling. are also vestiges of the early RNA world46.
We next measured the stability of the hairpin-type intermediates. For During urea cleavage we detected competing formation of hydan-
the hairpin 3a (Fig. 2a), a melting temperature (Tm) of approximately toin side products47, depending on the pH and temperature (Fig. 3a).
87 °C was determined, which in comparison to the starting duplex Under mildly acidic conditions (pH 6, 90 °C), exclusive formation of the
(approximately 30 °C for 1a·2a, see Supplementary Information), hydantoin product, cyclic-5c, was observed. Reducing the temperature
proves that the peptide formation reaction generated thermally more and a shift to higher acidity (pH 4, 60 °C) led to the preferential forma-
stable structures. This could have been an advantage during wet–dry tion of the peptide product, 5c (approximately 7:1 5c:cyclic-5c ratio).
cycling under early Earth conditions.
The discovered concept also enabled the synthesis of longer pep-
tides. When we used 3′-vmnm5U-RNA-5′ 2c as the acceptor, we observed, Fragment coupling on RNA
on reaction with 1a–1j, peptide bond formation with up to 77% yield We investigated whether longer peptides can also be generated by frag-
(Fig. 2c, d and Fig. 3a). ment coupling chemistry with RNA donor strands containing an already
We next studied the cleavage of the urea linkage and found that this longer peptide (m6peptide6A). This is essential because an RNA–peptide
reaction was possible at elevated temperatures (90 °C) in water at pH 6 world, with initially low chemical efficiency, might have been limited to
(Fig. 2a, b). After 6 h, the products, m6A-containing RNA 4 and RNA 5a the synthesis of smaller peptides. We found that the required adenosine
were formed already with a yield of 15%. nucleosides, containing a whole peptide attached to the N6-position,
are available if the peptides that are produced by RNA degradation
of the RNA–peptide chimeras, for example, can react with nitrosated
Longer peptide structures on RNA N6-methylurea adenosine (Fig. 4a). When we treated N6-methylurea
We next investigated how the length of the generated peptides influ- adenosine with NaNO2 (5% H3PO4) and added the solution to triglycine
ences the coupling reaction (Fig. 3 and Extended Data Fig. 1). For this (pH 9.5), we obtained the peptide-coupled adenosine nucleoside ggg6A

280 | Nature | Vol 605 | 12 May 2022

a Donor Acceptor b c Activation of carboxylic acid and nitrile groups
O R O 0.4 1 nmol – 1a (m 6g6A-RNA)
Me 3a [M-H]
N N CO2H MeHN NH Activators 2a (mnm 5U-RNA) 2b (nm 5U-RNA) 2c (vmnm 5U-RNA)
N 0.3 Na+
N N O adducts EDC/Sulfo-NHSa 16% 64% 56%

Absorbance (a.u.)
1a; R = H + 2a 3a
5′ 3′ (33%) DMTMM•Clb 33% 66% 60%
0.2 1a MeNCc ND 28% 50%
3′ 5′ GUACAGCGAUmnm5 U 5,700 5,800 5,900
activator 2a m/z 1j (m6gCN6A-RNA)
UCGCUAm 6aa 6A (1) Coupling Calcd. 5,791
buffer pH 6
–H2O 0.1 Found 5,790 DTTd 12% 65% 42%
NaCl, RT
d Scope of the coupling reaction and rate constants
N NH 0
6 6
15 20 25 30 1 (m aa A-RNA) 2a (mnm 5U-RNA) b 2c (vmnm 5U-RNA)a kapp (h–1) b
N Time (min)
O a; aa = G 33% 56% 0.12±0.02
N 3a; R = H b; aa = A 51% 76% ND
N 0.2 0.5 nmol –
N 5a [M-H] c; aa = V 21% 54% ND
N d; aa = L 27% 77% 0.42 ± 0.02
3a Na+
(75%) e; aa = T 18% 77% 0.39 ± 0.04
Absorbance (a.u.)

O N O 4 f; aa = P 11% 18% (55%)

H H 2O
5a g; aa = F 27% 50% >1
(2) Cleavage 90 °C 0.1 (15%)
3,500 3,600 3,700 h; aa = M 22% 70% 0.42 ± 0.04
CO2 m/z e
i; aa = D 28%, 26% 34%, 17% ND
Calcd. 3,588
Found 3,588 O O O
R Me
N N O 0 Me
N 5a; R = H 15 20 25 30 2a; R′ = Me N O N O
(gmnm5U-RNA) 2b; R′ = H 2c
Time (min)

Fig. 2 | Peptide synthesis on RNA with terminal (m)nm5U and m6aa6A different donors 1a–1i and acceptors 2a,2c, and apparent rate constants (kapp)
nucleotides. a, Reaction scheme for 1a (5′-m6g6A-RNA-3′) and 2a of selected coupling reactions with 2c. All coupling reactions were carried out
(3′-mnm5U-RNA-5′) with coupling (1) and cleavage (2). b, HPLC chromatograms using a concentration of 50 μM for 1a–1j and 50 μM for 2a–2c (100 mM NaCl,
of the crude reaction mixtures, obtained after coupling of 1a with 2a using 25 °C). a50 mM EDC/Sulfo-NHS (100 mM MES buffer pH 6, 24 h). b50 mM
DMTMM·Cl (see reaction condition b) and cleavage of 3a (100 mM MES buffer DMTMM·Cl (100 mM MES buffer pH 6, 24 h). c50 mM MeNC (50 mM DCI buffer
pH 6, 100 mM NaCl, 90 °C, 6 h). HPLC peaks of RNAs are coloured: donor in pH 6, 5 days). d50 mM DTT (100 mM borate buffer pH 8, 24 h). eThe two yields
blue; acceptor in red; hairpin-type intermediate in purple; and cleaved donor with 1i (aa, D) describe the reaction of the aspartic acid α-COOH and of the side
strand in pale blue. The insets show MALDI-TOF data (negative mode) of the chain COOH. An assignment was not performed. RT, room temperature; ND,
isolated products 3a and 5a. Calcd., calculated. c, Coupling results obtained not determined.
with different activators for 1a and 1j with 2a–2c. d, Coupling reactions with

in approximately 65% yield. Incorporation of (m6)ggg6A into RNA and

hybridization of this donor strand with a 3′-ggvmnm5U-RNA-5′ acceptor Effect of base pairing
strand furnished, after coupling and urea cleavage, the RNA–peptide To investigate the importance of sequence complementarity, we added
chimera 3′-gggggvmnm5U-RNA-5′ (53% coupling, approximately 10% two RNA donor strands of different lengths (7-mer: 5′-m6g6A-RNA-3′
cleavage; Fig. 4b, left). We could also directly transfer longer pep- and 11-mer: 5′-m6v6A-RNA-3′) to an acceptor strand with a vmnm5U at
tides. When we hybridized the 5′-m6gaggg6A-RNA-3′ donor with the the 3′ end (11-mer: 2c) (Fig. 5b, left). On the basis of the melting tem-
3′-agggvmnm5U-RNA-5′ acceptor, 3′-gagggagggvmnm5U-RNA-5′ was peratures of the two possible duplexes (approximately 30 °C for the
obtained as the product (56% coupling, approximately 9% cleavage; 7-mer·11-mer and 59 °C for the 11-mer·11-mer, see Supplementary Infor-
Fig. 4b, right). These experiments suggest the possibility of generat- mation), only formation of the VV-dipeptide RNA conjugate, derived
ing highly complex RNA–peptide chimeras with just a small number from the thermodynamically more stable duplex, was observed. Finally,
of reaction steps48. we mixed two RNA donor strands of identical length (7-mer). The first
contained a 5′-m6l6A and the second a 5′-m6g6A, together with two mis-
matches. We added this mixture to an RNA acceptor strand (11-mer:
Multiple peptide growth on RNA 2c) with a 3′-vmnm5U nucleotide (Fig. 5b, right). In this experiment,
We next investigated whether peptide growth is possible at different exclusive formation of the LV-dipeptide was found, generated from
RNA positions simultaneously. To this end, we examined the simul- the fully complementary strands and thus the more stable duplex.
taneous binding of different donor strands to one or two acceptor Collectively, these results support that full complementarity is needed
strands. We hybridized two donor strands (7-mer: 5′-m6g6A-RNA-3′ and for efficient peptide synthesis.
10-mer: 5′-m6v6A-RNA-3′) to a single RNA acceptor strand (21-mer) with
a central gmnm5U and a 3′ terminal nm5U (Fig. 5a, left). On activation
of the carboxylic acids, a GG-dipeptide was synthesized in the centre Stepwise growth of peptides on RNA
of the RNA, whereas a valine amino acid was attached to the 3′ end of We finally investigated whether one-pot stepwise growth of a peptide
the acceptor strand. In a different experiment, we hybridized an RNA on RNA is possible (Fig. 5c). To increase the stability of the RNA towards
donor strand (22-mer), containing both a 3′-m6g6A and a 5′-m6v6A, to phosphodiester hydrolysis, as needed for this experiment, we used
two different acceptor RNAs, containing a central vmnm5U (21-mer) the RNA acceptor strand 2g, in which the contemporary canonical
and a 3′ terminal vmnm5U (11-mer) (Fig. 5a, right). On activation, we bases were replaced by the non-canonical 2′-OMe nucleotides: Am, Cm,
observed formation of a central GV- and a terminal VV-dipeptide. Gm and Um. The strand 2g was equipped with an additional 3′-mnm5U

Nature | Vol 605 | 12 May 2022 | 281

a O 1a O
Me Me O
Donor N N N N
N (1) Coupling N HN (2) Cleavage H2N N NH N NH

N N O O Me O Me
N O –H2O N N O N O
3′ 5′ H2O CO2
5′ 3′ NH2 N
N N N Me
4 (m 6A-RNA) + 5c + cyclic-5c
Me 3c pH 6, 90 °C cyclic-5c (exclusive)
Acceptor O N O O N O
H H pH 4, 60 °C 7:1 5c/cyclic-5c


2c A NH2 G
(1) Coupling

3c; 56% 51% G 46% G 40%
G 40%

[M-H] m/z calcd. 5,890; found 5,887 calcd. 5,947; found 5,948 calcd. 6,004; found 6,003 calcd. 6,075; found 6,074 calcd. 6,132; found 6,133

(2) Cleavage G NH2

15% ~12% ~10% ~10% ~10% A
5c G NH2 A G

[M-H] m/z calcd. 3,687; found 3,687 calcd. 3,744; found 3,743 calcd. 3,801; found 3,800 calcd. 3,872; found 3,872 calcd. 3,929; found 3,929

Fig. 3 | Growth of longer peptide structures on RNA. a, Scheme for the cleavage reactions of the coupled compounds (100 mM acetate buffer pH 4,
reaction of 1a (5′-m6g6A-RNA-3′) with 2c (3′-vmnm5U-RNA-5′) including coupling 100 mM NaCl, 90 °C, 6 h). MALDI-TOF data (negative mode) of the isolated
(1) and cleavage (2). b, Coupling reactions between 1a and RNA–peptide products are given.
acceptor strands using EDC/Sulfo-NHS (see reaction condition a in Fig. 2) and

nucleotide. For the experiment we used the same amount of donor filtrations, we observed, by high-performance liquid chromatography
strand for all coupling steps and performed filtration steps to remove (HPLC) analysis, the presence of the product 3′-ggmnm5U-RNA-5′ 7g
remaining activator. After two couplings, two urea cleavages and two (Fig. 5c, left). The circumvented material consuming isolation steps

a O O O O
H Me H Me H N OH
N (1) Nitrosation N (2) Coupling N
NaNO 2 O
5% H3PO 4 N OH ggg6A
OH OH O O OH ~65% over two steps
Buffer pH 9.5
OH OH isocyanate OH

G G G CO2H 0.4 G A G G 0.4
Absorbance (a.u.)

Absorbance (a.u.)

0.3 0.3
NH 2
0.2 0.2
(1) Coupling
0.1 G G 0.1
0 0
15 20 25 30 15 20 25 30
G Time (min) A Time (min)

[M-H] m/z calcd. 6,118; found 6,118 – Calcd. 6,374; found 6,372
[M-H] Calcd. 3,944 Calcd. 4,171
(2) Cleavage G NH2
Calcd. 3,916 Found 3,940 G G Found 4,169
~10% G Found 3,916 Cyclic ~9%
form A G NH2
3,900 4,000 4,100 G G 4,100 4,200 4,300
m/z m/z

Fig. 4 | Capture of peptides by nitrosated N6 -methylurea adenosine for Fig. 3). HPLC chromatograms show the crude mixtures of the coupling
fragment condensation. a, Prebiotically plausible formation of peptide6A reactions. The RNA signals are coloured: donor in blue; acceptor in red; and
structures, such as ggg6A. b, Coupling reactions between RNA‐peptide hairpin‐type intermediate in purple. MALDI‐TOF data (negative mode) are
conjugates using EDC/Sulfo-NHS (see reaction condition a in Fig. 2) and shown for the isolated products, together with the 5′-m6A-RNA-3′ strand 4 and
cleavage reactions of the coupled compounds (see reaction conditions in the hydantoin side product (cyclic form) in the case indicated.

282 | Nature | Vol 605 | 12 May 2022

a HO 2C G V CO2H 22-mer HO 2C G V CO2H
7-mer 10-mer 0.4 0.4

Absorbance (a.u.)
Absorbance (a.u.)
21-mer H2N G NH 2 0.3 21-mer H2N V V NH2 0.3
Coupling 0.2 0.2

G V 0.1 G V 0.1

0 0
15 20 25 30 15 20 25 30
N G Time (min) V V Time (min)

[M-H] m/z calcd. 12,350; found 12,348 Calcd. 17,685; found 17,681

0.4 0.4
+ ~49% + 65%

Absorbance (a.u.)
Absorbance (a.u.)
0.3 66 6 6 0.3

(1) Annealing 0.2 0.2

(2) Coupling
2c V NH2 0.1 2c V NH2 0.1

G CO2H V 0 L G CO2H 0
15 20 25 30 15 20 25 30
+ Time (min) + Time (min)

V VV-dipeptide product V LV-dipeptide product


[M-H] m/z calcd. 7,217; found 7,215 Calcd. 5,946; found 5,944

G CO2H After one G CO2H After two F CO2 H
1a cycle 1a cycles 1g

First First Second Second Third G
2g 3g N cleavage 5g G NH2 coupling 6g G cleavage 7g G G NH2 coupling 8g G
Me coupling Me
0.2 m/z calcd. 3,785; found 3,785 0.2 Calcd. 6,135; found 6,136
5g + 7g 8g 1g
Absorbance (a.u.)

Absorbance (a.u.)
(23%) 7g [M-H]
– (~10%) 8g [M-H]

After second 4 cyclic-7g After third 4 cyclic-7g

0.1 (13%) 0.1 (13%)
cleavage coupling

0 0
15 20 25 30 3,700 3,800 3,900 15 20 25 30 6,100 6,200 6,300
Time (min) m/z Time (min) m/z

Fig. 5 | Parallel growth of peptides at various positions on RNA, effect of and performed under one-pot conditions with intermediary filtration to
base pairing and RNA–peptide synthesis cycles. a, Coupling of remove the remaining activator (coupling: DMTMM·Cl, see reaction condition
oligonucleotides containing multiple donor or acceptor units (EDC/Sulfo-NHS, b in Fig. 2; cleavage: 100 mM acetate buffer pH 4, 100 mM NaCl, 90 °C, 24 h; MES
see reaction condition a in Fig. 2). b, Annealing followed by coupling (EDC/ buffer pH 6 was used in the first cleavage reaction). HPLC chromatograms show
Sulfo-NHS, see reaction condition a in Fig. 2) of an acceptor strand with donor the crude mixtures of the coupling and cleavage reactions. Peaks of RNA
strands of different length (left) or base sequence (right). c, Two RNA–peptide strands are coloured as in the reaction scheme. MALDI-TOF data (negative
synthesis cycles with a third coupling step using a 2'-OMe acceptor strand mode) of the isolated products are given.

(Extended Data Fig. 2) enabled us to obtain the product in an overall transitions into the modern dualistic RNA and protein world, in which
yield of about 18%. A final, third coupling reaction with the 5′-m6f6A RNA predominantly encodes information whereas proteins are the
donor strand 1g furnished the FGG-hairpin intermediate 8g in approxi- key catalysts of life.
mately 10% overall yield (Fig. 5c, right). We found that non-canonical vestige nucleosides8–12, which are key com-
We next studied fragment condensation with the 5′-m6ggg6A-RNA-3′ ponents of contemporary RNAs6,7, are able to equip RNA with the ability to
donor strand and the complementary 3′-aggmnm5U-RNA-5′ acceptor self-decorate with peptides. This creates chimeric structures, in which both
strand, consisting only of 2′-OMe nucleotides. Here, coupling with chemical entities can co-evolve in a covalently connected form13, generat-
approximately 50% and urea cleavage with approximately 85% gener- ing gradually more and more sophisticated and complex RNA–peptide
ated the product 3′-gggaggmnm5U-RNA-5′, together with some of the structures. Although, in this study, we observe peptide coupling on RNA in
hydantoin side product (Supplementary Information). Together these good yields, the efficiency will certainly improve if we allow optimization
data show that, with the help of 2′-OMe nucleotides, peptides can grow of the structures and sequences of the RNA–peptides by chemical evolu-
on RNA in a stepwise fashion and via fragment condensation to gener- tion. The simultaneous presence of the chemical functionalities of RNA
ate higher complexity. and amino acids certainly increases the chance of generating catalytically
competent structures. The stabilization of RNA by incorporation of 2′-OMe
nucleotides significantly improved the urea cleavage yield.
Discussion Interestingly, in the coupling step we observed large differences in
The plausible formation of catalytically competent and self-replicating the rate constants, which suggests that our system has the potential to
RNA structures without the aid of proteins is one of the major chal- preferentially generate certain peptides. We also found that peptides
lenges for the model of the RNA world1–4. It is difficult to imagine how an can simultaneously grow at multiple sites on RNA on the basis of rules
RNA world with complex RNA molecules could have emerged without determined by sequence complementarity, which is the indispensable
the help of proteins and it is hard to envision how such an RNA world requirement for efficient peptide growth.

Nature | Vol 605 | 12 May 2022 | 283

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284 | Nature | Vol 605 | 12 May 2022

Data availability
General method for the peptide coupling reactions The data that support the findings of this study are available within the
The RNA donor and acceptor strands (1:1 ratio, 5 nmol of each strand) paper and its Supplementary Information.
were annealed with NaCl (5 μl from a 1 M aqueous solution) by heat- Acknowledgements We thank the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for supporting this
ing at 95 °C for 4 min, followed by cooling down slowly to room tem- research through the DFG grants: CA275/11-3 (ID: 326039064), CRC1309 (ID: 325871075, A4),
perature. After that, MES buffer pH 6 (25 μl from a 400 mM aqueous CRC1032 (ID: 201269156, A5) and CRC1361 (ID: 393547839, P2). We thank the Volkswagen
Foundation for funding this research (grant EvoRib). This project has received funding from the
solution) and NaCl (5 μl from a 1 M aqueous solution) were added European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
to the oligonucleotide solution. Finally, carboxylic acid or nitrile innovation programme under grant agreement no. 741912 (EPiR) and under the Marie
activator/s (10 μl of each component from a 500 mM aqueous solu- Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 861381 (Nature-ETN). L.E. thanks the Alexander von
Humboldt Foundation for a postdoctoral fellowship (ESP 1214218 HFST-P).
tion) and water (100 μl of total reaction volume) were added to the
solution mixture. The peptide coupling reaction was incubated at Author contributions F.M., L.E., F.X. and E.W. synthesized the modified phosphoramidites and
RNA strands and performed the peptide coupling and urea cleavage experiments. M.N.
25 °C for 24 h. The crude reaction mixtures were analysed by HPLC synthesized RNA donor strands and performed preliminary experiments. T.A. refined and
and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. developed mechanistic concepts and performed initial proof-of-principle studies. C.-Y.C. and
A.P. synthesized modified phosphoramidites. T.C. conceived the project and directed the
research. All authors contributed to the analysis of the results and writing of the manuscript.
General method for the urea cleavage reactions
The hairpin-type intermediate (0.5 nmol) was diluted with MES buffer Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests.

pH 6 or acetate buffer pH 4 (12.5 μl from a 400 mM aqueous solution), Additional information

NaCl (5 μl from a 1 M aqueous solution) and water (50 μl of total reacion Supplementary information The online version contains supplementary material available at
volume). The urea cleavage reaction was incubated at 60–90 °C at
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to Thomas Carell.
different time intervals. The crude reaction mixtures were analysed Peer review information Nature thanks the anonymous reviewers for their contribution to the
by HPLC and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. peer review of this work. Peer reviewer reports are available.
Reprints and permissions information is available at

Extended Data Fig. 1 | Analytical data of the growth of longer peptides on products obtained after the cleavage reactions (100 mM acetate buffer pH 4,
RNA. a, HPLC chromatograms show the crude mixtures of the coupling 100 mM NaCl, 90 °C, 6 h) of the coupled compounds. In the HPLCs, the RNA
reactions (100 mM MES buffer pH 6, 100 mM NaCl, 50 mM EDC/Sulfo-NHS, strands are coloured: donor in blue; acceptor in red and hairpin-type
25 °C, 24 h) between 5′-m6g6A-RNA-3′ 1a and RNA-peptide acceptor strands. intermediate in purple.
b, MALDI-TOF mass spectra (negative mode) are shown for the isolated
Extended Data Fig. 2 | RNA-peptide synthesis cycles using a 2′-OMe cleavage conditions: 100 mM acetate buffer pH 4, 100 mM NaCl, 90 °C, 24 h).
acceptor strand. a, Two RNA-peptide synthesis cycles in which the product of b, HPLC chromatograms show the crude mixtures of the coupling and cleavage
each step was separated and added into the next reaction (coupling conditions: reactions. In the HPLCs, peaks of RNA strands are coloured as in the reaction
100 mM MES buffer pH 6, 100 mM NaCl, 50 mM DMTMM•Cl, 25 °C, 24 h; scheme. The product 3′-ggmnm5U-RNA-5′ 7g was obtained in ≈ 6% overall yield.

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