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Tugas ini dibuat untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah rekayasa sungai & konservasi DAS

Dosen mata kuliah : Dr.rer.nat.,Ir.Sance Lipu,ST.,M.Eng

Disusun oleh :
Nama : Zulbahri
NIM : F11120119



Abstract : Population growth every year will affect the need for clean water as a
fulfillment of daily needs. Likewise, with the increase in the area designated for
industrial use, the need for clean water for industry using the approach to calculating
the needs of the number of industrial workers will also increase. The methodology
used is by projecting population growth, increasing water use for both business
activities and society in general. The need for water in Temanggung Regency has
increased every year. Under these conditions, an activity is needed to conserve water
resources as an effort for sustainable maintenance. By implementing water use
efficiency in agriculture of up to 30%, the total water demand can decrease by 0.36
billion m3/year so that the carrying capacity of water can be increased to 1.24 or a
surplus of 0.26 billion m3. Scenarios for implementing water use efficiency in
agriculture can also increase the water carrying capacity of Temanggung Regency
until 2030. From the study above a conclusion can be drawn, namely water resources
management policies, water resources management patterns, sustainable groundwater
conservation as an effort to maintain quantity and quality, the need for a study and
understanding of the properties, characteristics of water, the need to involve the
community to managing the watershed.

Key words: sustainable conservation of water resource availabilityIntroduction

ZULBAHRI / F11120119 Rekayasa sungai & konservasi DAS

1. Introduction
Population growth every year will affect the need for clean water as a
fulfillment of daily needs.
Increasing the area of industrial designated areas will increase the need
for clean water for industry with the approach to calculating the needs of the
number of industrial workers.
Water resources are one of the most important resources for human
life in carrying out various activities, including development activities.
The environment is a spatial unit with all objects, power,
circumstances, and living things, including humans and their behavior, which
affect nature itself, the continuity of life, and the welfare of humans and other
living things. Environmental protection and management are systematic and
integrated efforts made to preserve environmental functions and prevent
environmental pollution and/or damage which includes planning, utilization,
control, maintenance, supervision and law enforcement. (Law No. 32 of 2009
concerning Environmental Protection and Management)
Based on Law Number 37 of 2014 concerning Conservation of Soil
and Water Ground and water within the territory of the Unitary State of the
Republic of Indonesia is both a gift and a mandate
God Almighty for the Indonesian nation which needs to be preserved and
utilized for the greatest possible prosperity for the people, both for the present
generation and for generations to come.
Decreasing water quality can occur due to pollution in water bodies
caused by waste that enters water bodies and has an impact on health and a
decline in water ecosystems. Some of the impacts that occur when the quality
of water bodies is polluted include:

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1. Decline in the function of water bodies resulting in a decrease in the
quality and quantity of water bodies
2. The decline in the aquatic ecosystem, namely the water biota has
undergone changes
3. Increasingly expensive costs for water treatment

Apart from pollution, water quality can decrease due to changes in land
cover in an area. Land cover is the condition of the observed biophysical
appearance of the earth's surface, while land use is the arrangement of
activities and inputs for certain types of land cover to produce something,
change or maintain it.
Land cover change is the condition of a land where humans experience
changing conditions at different times (Lillesand & Kiefer, 1990).
Conservation of water resources needs to be done earlier in an effort to
ensure their wiser and sustainable use so that their availability is more stable.
Water sources are places or containers of natural and/or artificial water
found on, above or below the ground surface. Management of water resources
is an effort to plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate the implementation of
conservation of water resources, utilization of water resources, and control of
the destructive power of water.
The water resources management policy is a strategic direction in the
management of water resources. The water resources management pattern is
the basic framework for planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating
water resources conservation activities,
utilization of water resources, and control of the destructive power of

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Water resources are one of the natural resources that have flowing and
dynamic properties and interact with other resources to form a system.
Management of water resources will have an impact on the condition of other
resources and vice versa. Therefore, in order for the management of these
resources to produce optimal benefits for the community, a reference for
integrated management between agencies and between regions is needed,
namely the pattern of management of water resources.
2. Methodology
The methodology used is by projecting population growth, increasing water
use for both business activities and society in general
3. Results and discussions
For the sustainability and maintenance of water resources, an activity is
needed that can later be carried out in a sustainable manner and carried out by
all elements of society and supported by related parties, in this case the local
Referring to Government Regulation Number 42 of 2008 concerning
Management of Water Resources, this is the implementation of Law Number
7 of 2004 concerning Water Resources. This water resources management
policy is intended as a strategic direction that forms the basis for integrating
the interests of developing administrative areas with river basin-based water
resources management. The scope of this water resources management
arrangement includes:
1. the process of formulating and establishing policies, patterns and plans
for the management of water resources;
2. construction of water resources infrastructure, operation and maintenance
of water resources;

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3. conservation of water resources and utilization of water resources as well
as control of the destructive power of water.

Movement of water in the soil occurs due to differences in total moisture

potential and slope between two locations in the soil layers. Water moves
from areas with a high humidity potential to areas with a lower humidity
potential. Hydrological balance can occur when the driving force of water is
proportional to the sum of potential gravitational forces and potential suction
forces, so that the higher the groundwater level, the smaller the potential
suction power (Asdak, 2010). This means that the greater the suction/pumping
power, the drier the groundwater becomes. When the groundwater level
decreases as a result of groundwater extraction activities, a groundwater level
basin will form.
According to Sosrodarsono and Takeda (2003), reduced groundwater
volume will be seen through changes in the physical structure of groundwater
in the form of a decrease in the groundwater level or a continuous decrease in
groundwater pressure. Furthermore, lowering the pumping facilities and if the
decrease exceeds a certain limit then the pumping function will be lost so that
the groundwater source will dry up.
Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Decree Number: 1451.K/ 10/
MEM/ 2000, states that the principle of water efficiency is carried out by
utilizing surface water and ground water in an integrated manner. Fulfillment
of water needs for various purposes is prioritized from surface water sources
while groundwater is used as an additional water supply and the priority for
groundwater designation is to meet the needs of drinking water and

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The spatial pattern of changes in land use in Temanggung Regency can
affect the condition and demand for water as the main requirement for the
sustainability process.
The following are the results of calculations based on the 2011–2031
RTRW spatial pattern plan for Temanggung Regency and estimates for 2023
by estimating land changes, an increase in population and an increase in water
demand for irrigation and industry.
Table of Land Cover Coefficient Runoff Coefficient of Temanggung
Regency 2023

Penggunaan Lahan Luas Koefisien Luas x

Hutan Negara 8.399,0001 0,18 1.511,82
Hutan Rakyat 3.764,04 0,18 677,52
Hutan Lainnya 1.962,04 0,2 392,40
Permukiman Perkotaan 15.510,0 0,7 10.857,00
Pertanian Lahan 20.600,0 0,3 6.180,00
Pertanian Lahan Kering27.801,0 0,3 8.340,30

Tanaman Tahunan/ 8.729,0 0,35 3.055,15

Total 87.065,0 0,35 31.014,19

Source: Calculations based on Permen LH Number 17 of 2009 and using

land cover from the Temanggung Regency Spatial Pattern Plan 2011-2031

SA = 10 x C x R x A
= 10 x 0,35 x 2.970 x 87.065,00
= 905.040.575 m3/year

By using a detailed needs approach, the total water demand in Temanggung

Regency in 2023 is estimated at 660,920,260 m3/year with the following details.

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Table of Estimated Water Needs for 2023 Temanggung Regency

Kebutuhan Jumlah Satuan Keb. Satuan Keb. Air

Penduduk 800.102 Jiwa 100 ltr/hr/ 29.203.723
Sawah Irigasi 19.788,00 (Ha) 1 ltr/dtk/ha 624.034.368
Sawah 812,00 (Ha) 0,3 ltr/dtk/ha 7.682.169
Tadah hujan
Total 660.920.260
Source: Calculations for 2019
From the calculation above, it can be concluded that surface water is
expected to experience a surplus in 2023 if efforts are made to follow the
current trend (Business as Usual). The surplus is around 250 million m3/year.
So the carrying capacity of surface water will increase from 2017 to 1.37 in
2023. If the projection is added up to 2030 according to the TPB directives,
the increase variable is added to the population, while other factors are stated
remains constant, there will be an increase in demand to 661,925,896 m3.
Thus the carrying capacity of water in 2030 will be 1.36 or a deficit of 2.02
million m3.
The future scenario is based on the spatial plan of the Temanggung
Regency, which estimates that there will be a surplus of around 250 million
m3 or a water carrying capacity of above 1. Ideally, to meet the sustainable
development goals that access to water sources must reach 100% of the need,
then required conditions of water carrying capacity of at least 1.
By implementing water use efficiency in agriculture of up to 30%, the
total water demand can decrease by 0.36 billion m3/year so that the carrying
capacity of water can be increased to 1.24 or a surplus of 0.26 billion m3.
Scenarios for implementing water use efficiency in agriculture can also
increase the water carrying capacity of Temanggung Regency until 2030.

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The need for water in Temanggung Regency has increased every year.
Under these conditions, an activity is needed to conserve water resources as
an effort for sustainable maintenance. Implementation of water conservation
aims to:
1. Protects the soil surface from falling rainwater blows, increases soil
infiltration capacity, and prevents surface runoff concentration;
2. Ensuring the Functions of Land on Land to support people's lives;
3. Optimizing the Functions of Land on Land to realize economic, social
and environmental benefits in a balanced and sustainable manner;
4. Increasing the carrying capacity of the watershed;
5. Improving the ability to develop capacities and empower community
participation in a participatory manner;
6. Guarantee the benefits of Soil and Water Conservation in a fair and
equitable manner for the benefit of society.

Some land use information includes the type of land use as a reference for
activities that can assist in the subsequent management process.

As for land use factors, they include the type of land use, including
information on water sources that can be utilized, drainage systems that have
been implemented, sanitation activities, quality of waste, and waste water
disposal. This information must be processed into information on land risks
for decreasing groundwater quantity (disruption to the water cycle, such as a
decrease in groundwater recharge and not aspects of groundwater
taking/utilisation) and groundwater quality. For example, in residential use, it
must be categorized based on the water source system used by piping water
or groundwater plastering underneath it, the sanitation system (including the
disposal system, the quantity and quality of the waste disposed of), the

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percentage of surface cover by buildings, sidewalks or roads ( sealing),
drainage systems, and other matters that may affect the degradation of the
quantity and/or quality of groundwater.

Whereas what is meant by groundwater conservation is an effort to

maintain the existence and sustainability of the condition, nature and function
of groundwater so that it is always available in sufficient quantity and quality
to meet the needs of living things, both now and in the future. Groundwater
conservation is carried out thoroughly in groundwater basins, including
recharge areas and groundwater discharge areas. Groundwater conservation
activities include:

1. Protection and preservation of groundwater;

2. Groundwater preservation and groundwater savings;
3. Determination of groundwater conservation zones.

Groundwater Conservation and Control Scheme

Preserving the function of groundwater recharge areas by means of

vegetation is an effort to conserve groundwater by utilizing the natural role of
plants to be able to maintain water cycles and dynamics. Groundwater

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conservation by reforestation can be carried out in areas with several
groundwater problems, such as high fluctuations, deep groundwater levels,
catchment areas, protected areas, spring areas and other forms of surface
waters. This mode of vegetation is generally intended to increase water
infiltration and reduce water evaporation, which can be done by:

a. Reforestation or afforestation on hilly areas with steep slopes and creation

of forests (forestry), which can be applied to groundwater protection zone
b. Creation of urban forests (city heart), which can be applied to vacant
lands in urban areas and dense urban residential areas;
c. Making green lanes in the form of planting perennials on the side of the
d. Strict regulation of the area of land that may be built or land cover
arrangements, which aim to provide opportunities for rainwater
infiltration into the ground, can be applied to densely populated areas or

One method that can be carried out in this activity is to use the in-channel
or off-channel structure method, carried out by making dams, lakes,
reservoirs or artificial infiltration ponds. Naturally, only a small portion of
surface water will reach groundwater, so conservation efforts by creating in-
channel or off-channel structures are logical efforts to increase groundwater
recharge from surface water.

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Picture of Infiltration Reservoir in a River Flow

In the in-channel structure method, the method of filling groundwater by

utilizing the existing river flow, in which several relatively small "check
dams" are constructed in the river channel, widening or crosswise cutting the
flow. With the existence of several "check dams" that cut off the flow, it is
intended to slow down the flow of the river and lengthen it the contact time
between the water and the riverbed, thereby increasing the amount of
infiltration of river water into the underlying soil/rock layers.

The in-channel structure method is best used in losing stream rivers,

namely rivers that have a water table that is higher than the groundwater table
in the area. Thus the river will be able to absorb and add water into the
surrounding aquifers. The advantage of this method is that it has a relatively
large contact area between the water and the soil surface, the contact time is
quite long, thus the amount of water infiltration into the soil/rock is very
large. Besides that, the quality of the ground water obtained is quite good and
this method does not require special maintenance and construction. While the
weakness of this method, among other things, if there is a flood, fine or
coarse materials will be deposited on the riverbed which will cause the pores
to be closed. soil/rock, thus reducing the amount of infiltration.

On the surface of a small groove or ditch that is relatively parallel,

shallow, and has a flat bottom and in a closed area. This is intended to get as

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much contact as possible between the water and the soil surface, so that the
infiltration that occurs will reach an optimum point.

The planning of the ditches is made in such a way that they are adapted to
the local area's topographical configuration. Infills and ditches must have a
sufficiently large gradient so that the water flow will be able to carry
dissolved fines. The deposition of fine-sized material will result in closing of
the pores at the bottom of the canal, thereby reducing the amount of water
infiltration into the soil/rock. In an area that has an irregular topography, is
relatively steep and has very large gradients, the trench method is not widely
used, because this area has minimum contact with water and soil surface, so
that the amount of infiltration is also very small. This method, compared to
the basin method, has a lower rate of infiltration and requires more careful
construction and maintenance.

To ensure sustainability, a provision is needed regarding the regulation of

the area of land that may be built or land cover arrangements that still provide
opportunities for rainwater infiltration into the ground and will be determined
by the local regional government.

To support the management of water resources, the Government and

Regional Governments organize a water resources information system in
accordance with their authority so that it can become a means of information
about the availability of raw water. In terms of financing the management of
water resources, it is necessary to support the implementation of sustainable
management of water resources. Users of water resources are required to bear
the costs of water resources management services (this fee is not payment for
the price of water, but reimbursement of some of the costs required for water
resources management).

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The issue of permits in the use of water resources is a control instrument
for realizing orderly management of water resources, protecting the
community's right to obtain access to water for fulfilling basic daily needs
and people's agriculture in existing irrigation systems, as well as guaranteeing
customary rights of customary law communities. local.

In this case, one of the conditions currently faced by Temanggung

Regency is related to the development of groundwater potential which
already requires policies, patterns and plans for water resources management,
implementation of construction and maintenance of water resources as well
as conservation, utilization and control of the destructive power of water. .
This condition is something that must be implemented in order to achieve the
benefits and uses of water resources without causing damage.

4. Conclusions
From the above study a conclusion can be drawn that is the water
resources management policy is a strategic direction in the management of
water resources, the need for sustainable groundwater conservation as an
effort to maintain quantity and quality so that it can be enjoyed by present and
future generations and conservation activities need to be carried out because
approximately 95% of fresh water on earth is found stored in groundwater
aquifers and not in lakes or rivers on the surface of the ground.
5. Bibliography
Asdak, Chay. (2010). Hidrologi dan Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Air Sungai:
Edisi Revisi Kelima.
Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press Yogyakarta.

Keputussan Menteri ESDM Nomor: 1451.K/ 10/ MEM/ 2000 tentang

Pedoman Teknis Penyelenggaraan

ZULBAHRI / F11120119 Rekayasa sungai & konservasi DAS

Tugas Pemerintahan Di Bidang Pengelolaan Air Bawah Tanah
Menteri Energi Dan Sumberdaya Mineral
Kepres No. 32 Tahun 1990 tentang Pengelolaan Kawasan Lindung.
Lillesand dan Kiefer, 1990 Penginderaan Jauh dan Interpretasi Citra.
Diterjemahkan oleh
Dulbahri, Hartono, dkk. Fakultas Geografi. Universitas Gadjah Mada
Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 42 Tahun 2008 tentang Pengelolaan Sumber
Daya Air
Permen LH Nomor 17 Tahun 2009 dan menggunakan tutupan lahan dari
Rencana Pola Ruang Kabupaten Temanggung 2011- 2031
Sosrodarsono dan Takeda 2003, Hidrologi Untuk Pengairan
SNI 7645:2010 tentang Klasifikasi Penutupan Lahan
Undang–Undang nomor 32 tahun 2009 tentang Perlindungan dan
Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup
Undang-Undang Nomor 37 Tahun 2014 tentang Konservasi Tanah dan

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