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………………… ……………….


………………………….l identificat cu CI seria …… nr. …………………………………. identified with CI serie …………

…………………. , domiciliat in ………………………. str. no. …………………… with residence in ……………………………
………………………………………….numit in prezentul street ………………………………………………………. here in
contract LOCATOR after referred as the OWNER.

si and

Dl. ………………………… , cetatean …………………, Mr …………………………….. citizen, identified by

identificat cu pasaport nr. ……………………. eliberat de passport nr. ………………………., issued by
…………………………. valabil pana la …………………………. , …………………………… valid until ………………………. here in
numit in prezentul contract LOCATAR after referred to as the TENANT.


By this agreement the lessor rents and tenant has
Prin prezentul contract LOCATORUL inchiriaza, iar rented the appartment in the building located in
LOCATARUL ia cu chirie imobilul situat in Bucuresti street………………………………………………… with
………………………………………………………. cu destinatia de the destination of residence.
rezidenta. This contract lays down the Rights and Obligations of
Prezentul Contract stabileste Drepturile si the parties for the purpose of renting the
Obligatiile partilor contractante in scopul inchirierii abovementioned premises.
acestui spatiu.
3.1. Initial period of one year rental, starting with
3.1. Perioada de inchiriere este de 1 an, incepand the date of ……………………. until the date of
cu data de ………………………… pana la data de …………………, with the possibility of being extended.
11.03.2023 ., cu posibilitatea de a fi prelungit. 3.2. The date on which the TENANT is handed over
3.2. Data de intrare in posesie este: ……………….. .. the premises (apartment) is …………………
3.3. Data semnarii Procesului verbal de predare- 3.3. The date on which the Delivery-Receipt Protocol
primire si a inventarului este: ………………… and the Inventory List are signed is ……………………..


4.1. The monthly rent set out and agreed by the
4.1. Chiria lunara fixata si acceptata intre parti este Parties is of EUR ………….. payable in EURO
de …………. euro) , platibila in euro. Payments will be effected by the TENANT into the
Platile se vor efectua de catre LOCATAR, in contul account …………………………………………,opened with the
……………………………………………………, deschis la …………………………. Bank, account holder
………………………………….. titular cont ……………………………………………
……………………………………… 4.2. The rent shall be paid on a monthly basis, in the
4.2. Chiria se va plati lunar, perioada…… a lunii period between the ………….thday of the month for the
pentru luna ce urmeaza chiria fiind platita mereu month that comes, exept for the first month, with
anticipat, cu exceptia primei luni, pentru care plata respect to which payment shall be effected at the
se face in momentul semnarii prezentului contract moment when the flat will behanded to the tenant.
in cont bancar. 4.3. At the execution hereof, the TENANT shall pay
4.3 La data semnarii prezentului contract se va the equivalent of one month rent ……………… euro as
achita contravaloarea a ………. euro cu titlu de guarantee. This amount shall be reimbursed to the
garantie in numerar. Aceasta suma va fi restituita TENANT, at the official exchange rate in the day of
LOCATARULUI, la cursul oficial stabilit in ziua platii, payment, at the end of the term hereof based on the
la sfarsitul perioadei contractuale pe baza delivery-receipt protocol whereby no damages are
procesului verbal de predare-primire prin care nu identified (other than the normal wear and tear) and
se vor constata stricaciuni (altele decat uzura provided that there are no outstanding invoices.
normala) si daca nu vor exista facturi restante.
4.4. Chiria nu include si pretul utilitatilor (energie 4.4. The rent shall not include the price of utilities
electrica, apa curenta, incalzire, gaz, canalizare, (such as electricity, water, heating, gas, sewerage,
telefon, intretinere gradina, taxa de administrare, telephone, gardening, operating costs, etc.), which
etc.), care vor fi suportate separat de catre are to be paid separately by the TENANT, based on
LOCATAR, pe baza facturilor emise de furnizorii de the invoices from the suppliers of these utilities and
utilitati si servicii. services.
5.1. The OWNER hereby represents, holding itself
5.1. LOCATORUL declara pe propria raspundere ca fully liable in this respect, that it is the owner of the
apartamentul este proprietatea sa si ca are dreptul apartment and that it is fully entitled to rent,
absolut de inchiriere, conform actelor de according to ownership documents attached to the
proprietate atasate la contract. contract.
5.2. LOCATORUL are obligatia sa puna 5.2. The OWNER has the obligation to make the
apartamentul inchiriat la dispozitia LOCATARULUI rented apartment available to the TENANT, based on
in baza Procesului verbal de predare-primire si a the Delivery-Receipt Protocol and the Inventory list,
Inventarului, care fac parte integranta din both making an integral part hereto(Annes 1 and 2)
prezentul Contract (Anexa 1 si 2). 5.3. The OWNER has the obligation to ensure to the
5.3. LOCATORUL are obligatia sa asigure TENANT the exclusive and personal use of the
LOCATARULUI folosinta exclusiva si personala, apartment, as well as the quiet enjoyment thereof,
linistita si utila, a apartamentului pe toata perioada and not to disturb the use under proper conditions of
inchirierii si sa nu tulbure, pe intreaga durata a such apartment, throughout the entire period of
inchirierii, folosirea in bune conditii a rental.
apartamentului de catre LOCATAR. 5.4. The OWNER has the obligation to pay all
5.4. LOCATORUL are obligatia sa plateasca necessary repairs due to issues related to the
cheltuielile de reparatii datorate unor probleme de construction or general maintenance of the entire
constructie sau intretinere generala ale imobilului, building, as well as any other costs of repairs which
precum si alte cheltuieli de reparatii care sunt, are incumbent upon it pursuant to the law, as well
potrivit legii, in sarcina sa, precum si sa asigure si as to ensure and bear all households repairs of the
sa suporte reparatiile locative ale spatiului rented premises.
inchiriat.. 5.5. The OWNER has the right to periodically check
5.5. LOCATORUL are dreptul sa verifice periodic the manner in which the TENANT uses and maintains
modul in care LOCATARUL foloseste si intretine the apartment. For this purpose, the OWNER shall
apartamentul, in acest scop, va stabili de comun set out with the TENANT, by mutual agreement, the
acord cu LOCATARUL ziua si ora vizitei cu cel putin day and hour of such visit by not less than 24 hours
24 h inainte. in prior.
6.1. The TENANT has the obligation to take over the
6.1. LOCATARUL are obligatia sa preia apartment based on the Delivery-Receipt Protocol
apartamentul pe baza Procesului verbal de and the Inventory List, making an integral part
predare-primire si a Inventarului ce fac parte hereof.
integranta din prezentul Contract. 6.2. The TENANT has the obligation to use the
6.2. LOCATARUL are obligatia sa foloseasca in mod apartment and its the facilities thereof in a proper
adecvat locuinta si echipamentele inchiriate manner, according to their intended purpose
conform destinatiei prevazute in Contract, cu mentioned hereunder. The TENANT has the right to
obligatia exploatarii si intretinerii corespunzatoare bring furniture and equipment into the apartment, at
a acestora. LOCATARUL are dreptul sa instaleze its own choice, without making any structural
mobilier si echipamente in apartament, dupa cum modifications.
doreste fara a modifica structura. 6.3. The TENANT has the obligation to hand over the
6.3. LOCATARUL are obligatia sa predea apartment at the end of the rental period, based on
apartamentul, la sfarsitul locatiunii, cu inventarul a complete inventory, without any damages thereto,
complet si fara nici o stricaciune, in afara, uzurii save for the normal wear and tear; otherwise, the
normale, in caz contrar LOCATARUL va plati, dupa TENANT shall pay the equivalent value thereof,
o estimare facuta de catre specialisti, based on an estimate performed by specialists.
contravaloarea acestora. 6.4. The TENANT must use the rented apartment in
6.4. LOCATARUL trebuie sa foloseasca cu buna good faith. If any deterioration of the apartment or
credinta apartamentul inchiriat. Daca pe parcursul of the inventory arise throughout the rental period
perioadei de inchiriere apar deteriorari ale acestuia, thereof, as a consequence of its improper use,
materialized into floods, fire, damages of the goods
precum si ale inventarului, ca urmare a folosintei that are part of the enclosed list, others than the
defectuoase, concretizate prin inundatii, incendii, normal wear and tear, modifications of the structure
deteriorari ale bunurilor din lista anexa, altele of the rented premises, the TENANT shall be liable to
decat uzura normala, modificari ale structurii pay the entire amount of all damages in accordance
spatiului inchiriat de LOCATAR, acesta va suporta with the foregoing.
intreaga valoare a pagubelor produse conform 6.5. The tenant is not entitled to bring constructive
celor de mai sus. changes leased premises, to sublease in whole or in
6.5. Chiriasul nu are dreptul sa aduca modificari part, to assign the right to lease the space, to
constructive spatiului inchiriat, sa subinchiriaze in accommodate any pet in rented space.
total sau parti, sa cesioneze dreptul de inchiriere a
spatiului, de a gazdui animale de companie in ART. 7: RENEWAL OF CONTRACT
spatiul inchiriat.
7.1. This Contract can be extended upon the expiry
ART. 7: PRELUNGIREA CONTRACTULUI of the period initially stipulated, by the mutual
consent of the Parties.
7.1. Prezentul contract poate fi prelungit la sfarsitul 7.2. Should the TENANT wish to renew this Contract,
perioadei initial prevazute, cu acordul celor doua it shall have to express such intention within 30 days
parti. in prior to the expiry of the initial period, otherwise
7.2. In cazul in care LOCATARUL doreste this Contract shall terminate.
prelungirea Contractului, va trebui sa notifice
intentia sa cu 30 de zile inainte de sfarsitul ART. 8: TERMINATION OF CONTRACT
perioadei initiale, in caz contrar, prezentul Contract
va inceta.
8.1. This Contract shall be terminated:
a) by cancellation, as per art. 8.2. hereof;
ART. 8: INCETAREA CONTRACTULUI b) by unilateral cancellation.
c) upon the expiry of the period for which it was
8.1. Prezentul contract inceteaza prin: concluded, in case the Parties do not extend such
a) reziliere, in conditiile art. 8.2. din contract; period.
b) denuntarea unilaterala. 8.2. If any of the Parties faultily fails to fulfill, in full
c) implinirea duratei pentru care a fost incheiat, or in part, its obligations hereunder, or
neurmata de prelungire. inappropriately fulfills such obligations, the other
8.2. Daca una dintre parti, in mod culpabil, nu isi Party shall be entitled to deem this Contract as
indeplineste total sau partial - sau isi indeplineste terminated, provided that it notified the faulty Party
necorespunzator obligatiile prevazute in prezentul in this respect and the latter failed to remedy such
contract, cealalta parte este indreptatita ca, dupa situation within 7 days as of the notification, without
notificarea partii culpabile, ramasa fara raspuns in any other proceedings and without any court
decurs de 7 zile de la primirea notificarii, sa intervention.
considere contractul reziliat, fara efectuarea unor 8.3. The contract may be canceled by the both
alte formalitati si fara a fi necesara interventia partyes in prior to the expiry of the initial 1-year
instantei judecatoresti. term, only with a written notice issued with 30 days
8.3. Contractul poate fi denuntat de catre ambele in advance.
parti inaintea expirarii termenului initial de 1 an
doar cu un preaviz in scris emis cu 30 de zile in 8.4. For the partial or total default on the obligations
avans. undertaken by this Contract and/or for the
8.4. Pentru nerespectarea - totala sau partiala - a inappropriate performance of any of such obligations
clauzelor contractuale si/sau pentru executarea incumbent upon it, the faulty part shall be held liable
defectuoasa a oricareia dintre obligatiile ce ii revin, for the damages incurred by the other Party.
partea culpabila raspunde pentru pagubele produse
celeilalte parti. ART. 9: SPECIAL PROVISIONS

ART. 9: CLAUZE SPECIALE 9.1. This Contract shall be governed by the

Romanian laws.
9.1. Prezentul contract este guvemat de legea 9.2. If the misunderstandings regarding the validity
romana. and / or the performance of this Contract cannot be
9.2. In cazul in care rezolvarea neintelegerilor amicably settled, they shall be referred for
privind validitatea si/sau executarea prezentului settlement to the competent court.
contract nu este posibila pe cale amiabila, ele vor fi 9.3. This Contract can only be amended by written
supuse spre solutionare instantei competente. consent of both parties.
9.3. Modificarea prezentului contract poate fi facuta 9.4 If the contract is terminated by the tenant with a notice of
numai prin acordul scris al partilor. at least 30 days, or terminated for a reason other than those
9.4 In cazul in care contractul este reziliat de catre listed above, the tenant will bear the termination fee which is
chirias cu o notificare de minim 30 de zile,sau the equivalent of a monthly rent, unless and allows visits
reziliat dintr-un motiv altul decat cele prezentate with other clients to take over the rent and the landlord does
mai sus, chiriasul va suporta taxa de reziliere care
not suffer any financial loss.
este contravaloarea unei chirii lunare, exceptand
cazul in care si permite vizite cu alti clienti care sa
preia chiria iar proprietarul nu sufera nicio pierdere ART. 10: FORCE MAJEURE
10.1.Force majeure is represented by any
ART. 10: FORTA MAJORA unexpected, unavoidable, insurmountable, which
cannot be controlled by the Parties and can appear
10.1.Forta majora reprezinta orice eveniment during the availability of the present Contract and
neasteptat, inevitabil si insurmontabil care nu has as effect the impossibility of execution of the
poate fi controlat de catre Parti si care ar aparea in Present Contract, in total or by part. The restriction
timpul executarii Contractului si are ca efect or the temporary interruption of the activity(which
imposibilitatea executarii Contractului, in tot sau in wasn’t caused by the force majeure), incapability of
parte. Restrictia sau intreruperea temporara a payment and the strike are not considerate events
activitatii (care nu sunt cauzate de forta majora), of force majeure.
incapacitatea de plata si grevele nu sunt 10.2. In case of force majeure, the Part which
considerate evenimente de forta majora. claims it will not be responsible for the damages
10.2. In caz de forta majora, Partea care o invoca caused by the delayed execution or by the
nu va fi responsabila pentru daunele rezultate din inadequately execution of the obligations arise from
executarea cu intarziere sau din executarea the present Contract
necorespunzatoare a obligatiilor care deriva din 10.3. The partwhich claims will have to bring
prezentul Contract. sufficient prove in support of the occurrence of the
10.3. Partea care va invoca va trebui sa probeze force majeure event.
corespunzator evenimentul de forta majora. 10.4.The events of force majeure will be notify by
10.4. Evenimentele de forta majora vor fi notificate the Part which claims them as soon as possible
de Partea care le invoca in cel mai scurt timp after the beginning, but not later than 10 working
posibil dupa aparitie, dar nu mai tarziu de 10 days from the event. In case that the notification to
(zece) zile lucratoare de la producerea the other Part is not associated by the proof above
evenimentului. In cazul in care nu se trimite stipulated at the art.10.3 in 10 working days, the
celeilalte Parti notificarea insotita de dovada Part which claims the force majeure is not any
prevazuta la art. 10.3 de mai sus in termen de 10 more exonerate of responsibility.
(zece) zile lucratoare, Partea care invoca forta 10.5. In case that the force majeure make the
majora nu mai este exonerata de raspundere. usage of the Residence according with his
10.5. In cazul in care forta majora face imposibila destination and the effect are longer than 1 month,
folosirea Resedintei conform destinatiei sale any Part can cancel the Contract, without penalties,
contractuale iar efectele acesteia dureaza mai mult by a simple notification address to the other Part in
de 1 (una) luna, oricare dintre Partile contractante this content, the Contract will be canceled by right
pot rezilia Contractul de drept, fara penalitati, prin on the date that the other Part receive the
simpla notificare comunicata celeilalte Parti in acest notification, without any other formalities been
sens. Contractul va inceta de drept la data la care necessary and without the Court intervention.
cealalta Parte contractanta primeste notificarea de
reziliere, fara alte formalitati si fara interventia ART. 11: CONFIDENTIALITY
Both parties have the obligation to keep
ART. 11: CONFIDENTIALITATE confidentiality in their relation with a third part as
concerns the content of this contract as well as all
Cele doua parti se angajeaza sa pastreze other documents that are mentioned.
confidential fata de terti continutul prezentului
contract, ca si toate documentele la care se face ART. 12: NOTIFICES
referinta. Any communication or notice to the other part shall
be considered valid only if it is delivered by
ART. 12: NOTIFICARI registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt,
Orice comunicare sau notificare adresata de o parte email, fax or telex with the proof of sent notice,
celeilalte va fi considerata ca fiind valabil delegate / commissioner with the proof of sent
indeplinita daca va fi facuta prin scrisoare notice.
recomandata cu confirmare de primire, email, fax For the purpose hereof, the address for
sau telex cu dovada transmiterii, delegat/curier cu communication of the Parties are the ones below:
dovada primirii din partea partii notificate.
In scopul Prezentului Contract adresele de TENANT:
corespondenta a Partilor sunt cele de mai jos (pana Telephone:
cand se notifica schimbarea acestora): Email: …………………………

Email: ………………………………………… Telefon:

Email: The present agreement was concluded both in
Romanian and English language. In case of
discrepancies between the Romanian and the
English version, the Romanian version shall

Prezentul contract a fost incheiat in limba

This contract was made by mutual agreement of
romana si in limba engleza. In cazul in care both parties, in 3 originals, one copy for each party
exista neconcordante intre versiunea in limba and one for financial administration.
romana si cea in limba engleza, versiunea in
limba romana va prevala.

Prezentul Contract a fost incheiat de catre cele

doua parti de comun acord, in 3 exemplare, in
cate un exemplar pentru fiecare parte si unul
pentru administratia financiara.




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