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No Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Nomor dan Butir Soal Kunci Jawaban Skor
1-5 3.2 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, 1-5 Memahami teks Dialogue for questions number 1-5
struktur teks, dan unsur I am able to tentang menanyakan Mila : What are you cooking, mom?
kebahasaan teks interaksi do it seseorang untuk Mother : Grilled chicken with mushroom sauce. You
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melakukan sesuatu like it, don’t you?
melibatkan tindakan memberi Mila : Yes. It’s my favourite food. Please, make
dan meminta informasi terkait the vegetables salad too.
kemampuan dan kemauan Mother : Of course. I’m grilling the chicken now.
melakukan suatu tindakan, sesuai Mila : Wow, it smells good and looks so tasty.
dengan konteks penggunaannya Mother : Will you pass me a plate to put the chicken?
Mila : Here you are, Mom?
Mother : Will you wash the carrot and bean then cut
Mila : I’ll do it, Mom.
Mother : Thanks, my dear.
Mila : With pleasure, Mom.
1. Where does the dialogue possibly take place?
a. In the bathroom c. In the dining room 1. D 2
b. In the living room d. In the kitchen
2. The following foods are going to be made by Mila’s
mother, except… 2. B 2
a. Grilled chicken c. Mushroom sauce
b. Meatball d. Vegetable salad
3. What does Mila take to put the grilled chicken?
a. A plate b. A bowl c. A frying pen 3. A 2
d. A pan
4. What vegetables does Mila wash and cut?
a. Potato and carrot c. Carrot and bean 4. C 2
b. Bean and tomato d. Bean and potato
5. The underlined sentence is the expression of …. 5. C 2
a. Asking for opinion c. Asking someone to
do something
b. Asking for capability d. Giving help
Rudi : Excuse me, Sir. I think you have left your
bag behind.
The man : Oh, thank you very much.
Rudi : You’re welcome.
6-9 3.1 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, 6. Various Mengidentifikasi 6. What does the underlined sentence mean? 6. D 2
struktur teks, dan unsur Expression kalimat meminta a. Giving opinion c. Asking for
kebahasaan teks interaksi perhatian permission
interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang b. Asking compliment d. Getting someone’s
melibatkan tindakan meminta attention
perhatian, mengecek 7. Various Melengkapi kalimat 7. Jake : _________? 7. A 2
pemahaman, menghargai kinerja, Expression tentang meminta Niki : I think it is nice and clean.
meminta dan mengungkapkan pendapat What is the suitable expression to fill the blank?
pendapat, serta menanggapinya a. what about the new apartment ? c. how do
sesuai dengan konteks you feel about the election?
penggunaannya b. what do you think of this match? d. how about
watching movie?
8. Various Melengkapi kalimat 8. Rani : Tia, I think you are the best one. 8. B 2
Expression tentang merespon Tia : __________.
apresiasi/pujian a. of course b. thank you c. never mind d. I
am sorry
9. Various Melengkapi kalimat 9. Ririn : I heard from mother you are promoted to be a 9. B 2
Expression tentang apresiasi/pujian manager. Is that true, sister?
Lala : That’s true.
Ririn : Congratulations! _______
Lala : Thank you
a. I think you lie to me c. are you serious?
b. good job d. I don’t understand
Melengkapi dialog Dialogue for questions number 10-12
10-12 3.1 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, 10-12 rumpang tentang Teacher : If you have done your homework, collect the
struktur teks, dan unsur Various mengecek dan book tomorrow. (10)______?
kebahasaan teks interaksi Expression menunjukkan Student : I’m sorry sir, (11) _______. Could you repeat?
interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang pemahaman Teacher : OK, after you’ve done your homework, collect
the book tomorrow. Do you get it?
melibatkan tindakan meminta Student : (12) _____. Ok, I will collect my book.
perhatian, mengecek 10. a. do you understand c. attention, please 10. A 2
pemahaman, menghargai kinerja, b. do you think so d. Sorry to trouble you
meminta dan mengungkapkan 11. a. I don’t understand c. I know what you mean
pendapat, serta menanggapinya b. I think so d. I’d like to 11. A 2
sesuai dengan konteks 12. a. Yes Sir, I got it c. I’m afraid, I can’t
penggunaannya b. I don’t follow you d. I don’t agree with you 12. A 2
13. Edo: Udin, will you help me to bring this book?
13-15 3.2 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, 13-15 Melengkapi cerita Udin: Sure, I … bring it.
struktur teks, dan unsur I am able to rumpang tentang a. don’t c. help 13. D 2
kebahasaan teks interaksi do it kemampuan b. can’t d. will
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang 14. Chika: Would you pass me the sugar, please?
melibatkan tindakan memberi Rara: … Here you are.
dan meminta informasi terkait a. I don’t think I would 14. B 2
kemampuan dan kemauan b. Sure
melakukan suatu tindakan, sesuai c. I don’t think I could reach it
dengan konteks penggunaannya d. I’m sorry, I do not like sugar
15. Anto : Can you dance traditional dance?
Rio : ……
a.Yes, I can c. Really? 15. A 2
b.No,thank you d. Good dance
16. Which one is the expression of prohibition?
16-19 3.3 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, 16. Students Mengidentifikasi a. I know what you mean c. I have to
struktur teks, dan unsur should study ekspresi suatu larangan submit the assignment tomorrow 16. B 2
kebahasaan teks interaksi b. You are forbidden to enter the room d. Let’s put
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang the trash into the dustbin
melibatkan tindakan memberi 17. Which one is obligation?
dan meminta informasi terkait 17. Students Mengidentifikasi a. I have some bars of chocolate c. Don’t litter
keharusan, larangan, dan should study kalimat keharusan the river! 17. D 2
imbauan, sesuai dengan konteks b. What should I do? d. I have to
penggunaannya return the book in the library today
18. “I like your idea” is the expression of ….
18. Students Mengidentifikasi a. Making suggestion c. Declining suggestion
should study ekspresi tentang b. Supporting suggestion d. Asking suggestion 18. B 2
merespon saran 19. “What should I do?” is the expression of …
a. Asking suggestion
19. Students Mengidentifikasi b. Expressing prohibition 19. A 2
should study ekspresi tentang c. Expressing obligation
menanyakan saran d. Refusing suggestion
20. I ….. call him after he’s arrived.
20. 3.2 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, 20. I am Melengkapi kalimat a. Can b. Never c. May d. Get 20. A 2
struktur teks, dan unsur able to do it rumpang tentang
kebahasaan teks interaksi kemampuan 21. The weather is so cold. The door of your house is
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang opened. Your little sister is near to the door. What 21. D 2
melibatkan tindakan memberi Mengidentifikasi instruction do you give to her?
dan meminta informasi terkait kalimat perintah a. May I close the door?
kemampuan dan kemauan b. Let’s close the door!
melakukan suatu tindakan, sesuai c. Keep the door open!
dengan konteks penggunaannya d. Close the door please!
22. Pras : Some of our friends will join the concert
21-27 3.4 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, 21-27 Merespon sebuah tomorrow. Would you like to go with me? 22. C 2
struktur teks, dan unsur Please Open undangan Gilang : __________. It will be very interesting. I need
kebahasaan teks interaksi Your Book to refresh my mind this time.
interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang a. I’d love to but I don’t think I can come
melibatkan tindakan menyuruh, b. I’m really sorry. I already have my own plan.
mengajak, meminta izin, serta c. What a great idea!
menanggapinya sesuai dengan d. Well, I’m not sure
konteks penggunaannya. Dialogue for questions number 23-27
Lala : What are you looking for?
Ino : I lost my pen. I’m sure it’s dropped under the table.
Lala : There’s no pen under the table.
Ino : It’s gone.
Lala : Don’t you have another pen?
Ino : I only have one. May I borrow your pen?
Lala : Sure. Here it is.
Ino : Thanks.
Lala : Not at all
23. What is Ino looking for?
a. Pencil 23. B 2
Memahami teks b. Pen
mengenai meminta izin c. Ruler
d. Eraser
24. Where does Ino look for his pen?
a. on the table 24. C 2
b. under the chair
c. under the table
d. In the teacher office
25. How many pens does Ino bring? 25. A 2
a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four
26. The underlined sentence shows an expression of ....
a. asking for a service
b. giving help 26. D 2
c. inviting to do something
d. asking for permission
27. “Sure. Here it is.” the word “it” refers to the word .....
a. Ino
b. Lala 27. D 2
c. Table
d. Pen
Text for questions number 28-31
To : Jay
Happy 14th Birthday. I wish you luck and happiness. May
God always bless and help you.
Your friend
28-31 3.5 Membandingkan fungsi 28-31 Mengidentifikasi jenis Jake
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur Have a kartu ucapan, pengirim 28. What kind of text is this?
kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus Blessed dan penerima kartu a. invitation card 28. C 2
dalam bentuk greeting card, Birthday! ucapan b. announcement
dengan memberi dan meminta c. greeting card
informasi terkait dengan hari- d. notice
hari spesial, sesuai dengan 29. Who writes it?
konteks penggunaannya. a. bram 29. D 2
b. pram
c. jay
d. jake
30. To whom is the greeting card addressed?
a. bram 30. C 2
b. pram
c. jay
d. jake
31. How old is Jay now?
a. thirteen years old 31. B 2
b. fourteen years old
c. fifteen years old
d. sixteen years old
Text for questions number 32-33

Dear Wuri,
Congratulation on your success on the college
32-33 3.5 Membandingkan fungsi 32-33 entrance exam. May this achievement be just the
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur Have a beginning of your long life success and happiness.
kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus Blessed
Remember that the challenge is waiting for you in the
dalam bentuk greeting card, Birthday!
dengan memberi dan meminta near future but I believe that you can handle it well.
informasi terkait dengan hari- Good luck!
hari spesial, sesuai dengan Your best friend,
konteks penggunaannya. Adit
32. The purpose of the text above is …..
a. To persuade someone 32. C 2
Mengidentifikasi b. To entertain someone
tujuan dari kartu
ucapan c. To congratulate someone
d. To invite someone
33. What has Wuri done?
a. Won the contest 33. B 2
b. Passed the college entrance exam
c. Invited Fina to his celebration day
d. Graduated from University
Text for questions number 34-36

34-36 3.5 Membandingkan fungsi 34-36 CONGRATULATION!

sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur Have a Congratulation on your success in winning the
kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus Blessed badminton competition this year, Dodi. It was a tough
dalam bentuk greeting card, Birthday! competition. We are so proud of you. We knew you
dengan memberi dan meminta would make it. We wish you the best always.
informasi terkait dengan hari-
hari spesial, sesuai dengan 34. What do the students of VIII A say to complement
konteks penggunaannya. their friend?
Mengidentifikasi 34. C 2
kalimat memuji dari
a. It was a tough competition
kartu ucapan b. Winning the speech contest this year
c. We are so proud of you
d. We wish you the best always
35. “We are so proud of you.” The word “we” refers
to ….. 35. C 2
subjek suatu kalimat a. Dodi
b. The badminton team
d. Teachers
36. “We wish you the best always.” The word “wish”
has the same meaning with …..
Mengidentifikasi 36. A 2
persamaan kata
a. Hope
b. Hoop
c. Wash
d. Watch
37-42 3.6 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, 37-42 37. ...... cheese in the refrigerator.
struktur teks, dan unsur Inside Your Melengkapi kalimat a. there is
kebahasaan teks interaksi Classroom dengan menggunakan b. there are 37. A 2
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang there is/there are c. there was
melibatkan tindakan memberi d. there were
dan meminta informasi terkait 38. .... two erasers in my pencilcase.
keberadaan orang, benda,
a. there is
binatang, sesuai dengan konteks 38. B 2
b. there are
c. there was
d. there were
39. I am so thirsty but .... no water in the bottle.
a. there is
b. there are 39. A 2
c. there was
d. there were
40. We are playing at the park. ...... lots of children
40. B 2
a. there is
b. there are
c. there was
d. there were
Dialogue for questions number 41-43
sela : hi, april! sorry to bother you
april : hi! whats up?
Memahami teks sela : i want to make coffee but there is not any sugar.
mengenai there is/there april : i see. i have a lot of sugar in the jar.
sela : may i take two spoons?
april : sure.
sela : thank you.
april : not at all.
41. the underlined sentence means ...
a. sela bothers april 41. C 2
b. april disturbs Sela
c. sela asks for april attention
d. april does not care about sela at all
42. what does sela need to make a coffee?
a. attention
42. C 2
b. permission
c. sugar
d. jar
43. the italic sentence shows the expression of ....
a. asking for permission 43. A 2
43 3.4 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, 43. Please Mengidentifikasi b. asking for attention
struktur teks, dan unsur Open Your ekspresi meminta izin c. giving permission
kebahasaan teks interaksi Book d. giving attention
interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang 44. “Everybody, may I have your attention, please?”
melibatkan tindakan menyuruh, The sentence above expresses …
mengajak, meminta izin, serta _____ 44. A 2
menanggapinya sesuai dengan
a. Asking for attention
konteks penggunaannya. Mengidentifikasi
ekspresi meminta
b. Giving an attention
44-46 3.1 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, 44-46 perhatian c. Giving compliments
struktur teks, dan unsur Various d. Checking someone understanding
kebahasaan teks interaksi Expressions 45. “Do you know what I am talking?”
interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang The sentence above expresses …
melibatkan tindakan meminta Mengidentifikasi a. Asking for opinion 45. D 2
perhatian, mengecek ekspresi mengecek b. Showing appreciation
pemahaman, menghargai kinerja, pemahaman c. Giving attention
meminta dan mengungkapkan d. Checking for understanding
pendapat, serta menanggapinya 46. Karin : You look very happy Kiara, What
sesuai dengan konteks happened?
penggunaannya. Kiara : Guess what? i just got a perfect score on the 46. C 2
Melengkapi dialog last English test.
rumpang mengenai
Karina : . . . . . Congratulations on your achievement!
Kiara : Thank you
a. I don’t think so
b. I disagree with you
c. That’s amazing
d. I don’t believe it
47. A: "Can you lend me your pen, please?"
47-48 3.2 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, 47-48 B: "No, ... ...
struktur teks, dan unsur I’m Able to Melengkapi dialog a. I can’t 47. A 2
kebahasaan teks interaksi Do It rumpang mengenai b. I could
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang kemauan/ketidakmauan c. I can
melibatkan tindakan memberi
d. I would
dan meminta informasi terkait
kemampuan dan kemauan
48. Marry Lina's birthday party?
melakukan suatu tindakan, sesuai Putri : Of course. I will go there with Raka 48. A 2
dengan konteks penggunaannya Marry : Thanks a lot
a. Will you come
b. Can you come
c. May you come
d. Don't you come
49. Jennie : Must we wear shoes at school?
Lisa : __________
a. No, we must not 49. B 2
49-50 3.3 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, 49-50 Melengkapi dialog
b. Yes, we must
struktur teks, dan unsur Students rumpang mengenai
kebahasaan teks interaksi Should keharusan
c. No, you must not
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang Study d. Yes, you must
melibatkan tindakan memberi 50. Diki : I got 5 in English.
dan meminta informasi terkait Pasha : I suggest you to ______.
keharusan, larangan, dan Melengkapi dialog a. Play 50. D 2
imbauan, sesuai dengan konteks rumpang mengenai b. Hang out
penggunaannya saran c. Sleep
d. Study
Mengetahui Sejangkung, 28 November 2022

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