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Part I.

Write a paragraph of 300 words telling about your experiences in the last five (5) years

Five years ago, I was starting a new stage in my life. Leaving high school marked the end of
an era and the beginning of an exciting college adventure. I remember the mix of
nervousness and excitement as I said goodbye to lifelong friends and embarked on a
journey into the University.

College was a whole different world. Challenging classes, new friend and the freedom to
explore my own interests marked the beginning of this new phase. I discovered my study
technique, immersed myself in exciting academic projects and, as the semesters
progressed, experienced personal growth I never imagined.

The friendships I formed in college became a cornerstone of my life. Together we faced

stressful exams, celebrated small accomplishments, and supported each other through
difficult times. College was not only a place of academic learning, but also a school of life
where lessons were learned both inside and outside the classroom.

The early years of college also marked the beginning of my independence. Learning to
manage the balance between studies, work and social life was a challenge. I experienced
the freedom to make my own decisions and learn from the consequences. I made
mistakes, but each one was a valuable lesson that contributed to my personal

During this period, I also had the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities,
from student clubs to cultural events. Each experience broadened my perspective and
allowed me to meet people with different backgrounds and points of view.

Today, as I reflect on those years, I see the journey from high school to college as a roller
coaster of emotions and discoveries. Although I faced challenges, the lessons learned and
friendships forged have left an indelible mark on my life. Now, I am filled with gratitude
for all the experiences that have shaped these past years, preparing me for the challenges
and joys that the future may bring.
Part II

Interview some of your classmates to learn from his / her experiences in the last five (5)


 Tell me about your college experience after leaving high school.

 How did you decide what to study?
 Have you had any academic or professional accomplishments that have made a
mark on you in these past five years?
 How would you describe your social life?
 Have you had any significant changes in your personal relationships?
 How has your circle of friendships evolved?
 What would you say have been the most significant moments in your personal
 Have you faced significant challenges and how have you overcome them?
 Is there anything you have learned about yourself in these past five years that you
did not expect?
 Have you had the opportunity to travel? Tell me about those experiences.
 Are there any places you have visited that have left a lasting impression on you?
 Have you changed your place of residence, how has that affected your daily life?
 Considering you moved, what led you to make the decision to move?
 What has your work experience been like over the past five years?
 Have you changed jobs or taken on new roles in your career?
 What were your goals five years ago and how have they changed since then?
 Do you have short or long term goals that you are currently working towards?
 Have you discovered any new hobbies or interests in this period?
 How do you find time for your passions within your daily routine?
 What has your approach to physical and mental health been like over the past five
 Have you implemented lifestyle changes to improve your well-being?
 Looking back, is there anything you would change or do differently?
 What advice would you give yourself five years ago, with today's perspective?

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