Week 3 - Self Review

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Teacher’s name (Reviewee) : Mutiara Erwani

Reviewer : Mutiara Erwani

Day & Date (Doing review) : 30 Maret 2024
Classroom : VII B
Link of Video : https://youtu.be/BbUTdx7Uqek
Subject : English

Review Aspect Score
Time Stamp What Happened Suggestions
Learning Structure & Activity 3 00:10 The teacher preparing for the Teacher just focused at first to their own
lesson such us material other, property. Teacher could help student to
waiting for student get ready tidy up their messy room
preparing to study, etc
While explaining material teacher doing it
to faster so then may caused student not
01.31 Opening Class by reciting salam understand well. For next session teacher
could explaining step by step and patient
01.36 Teacher melakukan perkenalan while waiting finish their notes.
kepada siswa

02.05 Teacher asking for how are

students doing

02.33 Teacher asked questions to

“Why were school closed in few
past days”

03.19 Teacher asked quastions to the

“What do you feel if there is a lot
of smog in the morning during
morning ceremony ? “
“Why do you think this is could be
“What is the cause of smog?”
“How to deal with this issue?”

The teacher asked the student to

write in their text book
06.33 “Give your opinion on this forest
fire issue each on a sheet of paper
then collect!”

07.00 Teacher gives example on how

write simple oppinion

Silent Moment, student do their

08.59 task

The teacher asked student to

12.00 read their oppinion on forest fire
issue out loud.

12.41 The Teacher asked the second

student to give their oppinion.

13.30 The Teacher asked the third

student to give their oppinion

14.11 The teacher moved to the next

context and asked questions to
“What do you see in the picture?”
“Have you ever found your class
dirty and a bit messy?”
“How do you feel when the class
or dorm or your room messy?”

15.38 The teacher asked questions to

student (Second Context)
“What should you do if your class
messy and you feel like
uncomfortable in it?”

The teacher explained to the

16.15 students that the argument they
do before, are the topic material

The Teacher asked questions to

18.04 student.
“Have you ever heard about
analytical expossition text?”
“What is Text?”
“What is analytical?”
“And what about expossition?”

19.13 The teacher discuss the previous


19.45 The teacher walking around the

class checking the student

25.47 Teacher asked the student to

explain their prior knowledge
about the Analytical expossition

28.03 The Teacher explains the


Silent Moment. Students are

28.04 make notes based on the
definition given

Teacher would like to explaining

the differences between
28.58 analytical and hortatory
expossition in very short time

Teacher aked for reflection to the

student about
29.25 “On a scale from 1-5, how do you
rate your understanding about
Analytical exposition text?”

The Second Reflection questions

“What did you remember about
29.35 the explanantion about analytical
expossition text”

The teacher closing the class and

30.03 asked the class leader to lead the
Pedagogical Content Knowledge 3 02.33 The Teacher provides context by While explaining and giving context
Content giving questions and asked the etacher could using english more than
Context student to think in a moment indnesian.
Knowledge of Learner & Learning about the phenomena happened
Pedagogy around her:
Assessment Procedure 1. Why were school closed in
few past days?

02.50 Stuedent answered the context

Next teacher continuing the

03.19 context to thestudents
1. What do you feel if there
is a lot of smog in the
morning during morning
ceremony ?
2. Why do you think this is
could be happened?
3. What is the cause of
4. How to deal with this

The teacher provides a question

06.33 and asked the student to write in
their text book
“Give your opinion on this forest
fire issue each on a sheet of paper
then collect!”

The teacher asked three student

12.00 to give their answer based on
their oppinion
Higher Order Thinking Skill 3 06.33 Teacher one asked for students Teacher could level up the question based
Learning Goal to give their idea about forst fire on the nearly problem happening around
Learning Path issue based on their oppinion the student
Leveling Question (how many boxes) 1. Give your opinion on this
Higher Order Questioning Skill forest fire issue each on a
sheet of paper then

18.04 Multiple Questions breakdown

about the definition about the

Text, Analytical and Expossition

18.08 separately to gain student
understanding to connect with
18.10 other subject
1. Have you ever heard
about analytical
expossition text?”
2. What is Text?”
3. What is analytical?”
4. What is Expossition

Classroom Management 3 01.31 Opening Class by reciting salam Teachers could pay more attention to
students at the back so that they do not
(is a term teachers use to describe the 01.36 Teacher melakukan perkenalan fall asleep.
process of ensuring that kepada siswa
classroom lessons run smoothly
without disruptive 02.05 Teacher asking for how are
behavior from students compromising students doing
the delivery of instruction. The term 12.00
also implies the prevention of The teacher asked students to
disruptive behavior preemptively, as read their oppinion on forest fire
well as effectively responding to it issue out loud.
after it happens)

19.45 The teacher walking around the

class checking the student

The teacher closing the class and

30.03 asked the class leader to lead the
Soft skill Opening- Teacher opened the class with Teacher could remind student to not to
closing good vibes. noisy and correct students
Teacher shown excitement using
gesture/body language when

The teacher appreciated

students’ work.

Average Score Notes:

Teachers could remind some students who were joking with their friends to focus on the lesson.
Teacher could check around more especially to low achiever students and help them to
understand better with other ways. Teacher could spend time wiser in every steps of the lesson.

Alalak, 30/03/2024
HODE of Academic Guru Bahasa Inggris

Widhi Astuti, S.Pd. Gr. Mutiara Erwani, S.Pd.

Deputy Director in Learning

M. Rijali Riyadi, S.Pd.

Review Aspect Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 4
Learning Tidak ada aktivitas dan Siswa hanya berfokus Ada lebih dari satu Ada variasi aktivitas (lebih dari
Structure & guru hanya memberikan pada satu aktivitas aktivitas, namun belum satu) dan aktivitas tersebut
Activity materi saja yang sama dari awal terlihat keterkaitan langsung terkait spesifik dengan
hingga akhir antar aktivitas ataupun tujuan pembelajaran
pembelajaran dengan tujuan
pembelajaran. Terlihat struktur pembelajaran
(opening with related context
Pembelajaran stuck (hanya Terlihat structure (context leveling question) +
delivery materi saja) dan Terlihat structure pembelajaran (context discussion + FGD / kinesthetic
tidak terlihat struktur dari pembelajaran minimal + materi + assessment) demo (activity) +
pembelajarannya (materi + assessment) + reflection worksheet/exercise + delivering
content + leveling question + final
assessment + reflection.
PCK Delivery content, tanpa Mengajar dengan Mengajar dengan Mengajar dengan menerapkan
menggunakan konteks di konteks, namun hanya konteks (namun belum context yang digali dengan dialog
awal/ cek prior knowledge untuk opening saja, digali dengan lebih (tidak hanya sampiran) + jumlah
(jika di tengah pelajaran), cakupan materi dalam), jumlah dan isi dan isi content yang diajarkan tepat
tidak ada assessment. kurang untuk durasi content yang diajarkan dan pas dengan durasi waktu +
pembelajaran, pas, instruksi fokus dan instruksi fokus, jelas, ada kegiatan
assessment hanya di jelas, ada assessment yang mengakomodasi semua tipe
akhir pembelajaran dalam tiap tahapan siswa, memperdalam materi dengan
saja. pembelajaran, belum mengajarkan esensial konsep dan
memperdalam materi bisa mengkaitkannya dengan mata
dan konsep materi pelajaran lain dan kegiatan yang
dengan aktivitas yang bertujuan menanamkan konsep
bisa menggambarkan materi ke siswa, assessment di
ilustrasi dari konsep. setiap tahapan
HOTS Dalam pembelajaran tidak Ada pertanyaan Terlihat level Terlihat level pertanyaan yang
ada learning path nya, tidak namun terlihat pertanyaan yang bertingkat dari waktu ke waktu
ada pertanyaan bertingkat. levelnya stuck, tidak bertingkat dari waktu sesuai dengan learning path,
bergerak naik (selalu ke waktu sesuai dengan pertanyaan yang diberikan
sama), learning path, berkesinambungan satu sama lain,
pertanyaan yang memberikan challenge soal yang
diberikan levelnya lebih tinggi dari tujuan
berkesinambungan satu pembelajaran, membantu siswa
sama lain, yang tidak bisa dengan
mengextrapolasi pertanyaan
Classroom 70% siswa di kelas tidak 30% siswa di kelas Siswa mengikuti Siswa mengikuti dan memberikan
Management terkendali, melakukan hal – tidak terkendali, instruksi dari guru, dan respon terhadap semua instruksi
hal – hal improper karena melakukan hal – hal – memberikan respon yang diberikan oleh guru,
guru kurang mampu hal improper, namun positif, guru selalu mengangkat tangan ketika
mengendalikan kondisi guru tidak mencoba mengaddress apabila menjawab, meminta izin ketika akan
kelas. mengadress siswa siswa melakukan hal – ke toilet, guru selalu mengadress
tersebut. hal improper. apabila siswa melakukan hal – hal
inproper. Siswa melakukan routine
dan rules yang dibuat oleh guru
Soft Skill Terlihat tidak bersemangat, Bersemangat, bisa Bersemangat, Bersemangat, kharismatik,
datar, suara pelan, dan tidak berkomunikasi menginspirasi, mampu menginspirasi, mampu mencairkan
banyak berkomunikasi dengan baik dan mencairkan suasana suasana dengan skill komunikasi
dengan siswa. interaktif. dengan skill komunikasi yang baik, interaktif dan mampu
yang baik, interaktif. membuat jokes – jokes yang
membuat siswa tertawa dan cair,
namun masih bisa menjaga kelas
agar tetap kondusif belajar dan

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