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Page of 3 ENGINE INTERNATIONAL AIR POLLUTION PREVENTION CERTIFICATE CertificateNo. 14K B05999EAP Tasoed under tho provisos ofthe Protea of 1997, at amended by renition MEPC.176(S8 in 200, to amend the INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, ‘8s modified by the Protocol of 1978 related thereto (herent efired to the Convio’) der the authority ofthe Goversment of the Republic of Panama byNIPPON KALI KYOKAI ae Model Seat Tes Raed pomek®) | Engine approval cats sumer umber | elas) | mi sect) umber ‘Yanmar Co,, Lid. onyi6L-uw | 2081FWe | D2 3555 | taxBoss99 1,200:pm ‘THIS IS TO CERTIFY: 1, That the above-mentioned marine diesel engine has been surveyed for pre-certification in aecordance with the requirements ofthe Technical Code on Control of Emission of Nitrogen Oxides from Marine Diesel Engines 2008 made mandatory by Annex VI of the Convention; and 2, That the pre-certification survey shows that the engine, its components, adjustable features, and technical file, prior ‘the engine’s installation and/or service on board a ship, flly comply with the applicable regulation 13 of Annex ‘Viof the Convention ‘This certificate is valid for the life ofthe engine subject to surveys in accordance with regulation 5 of Annex VI of the Convention, installed in ships under the authority of this Government, Issued at Kobe on 8 August 2014 The undersigned declares that be Is duly authorized by the sald Government to issue this Certifcte (CHLAKIYAMA) General Manager of Kobe Brant NIPPON KAISI KYOKAI EIAPP(PAN) +007 Page 20/3 SUPPLEMENT TO ENGINE INTERNATIONAL AIR POLLUTION PREVENTION CERTIFICATE (EIAPP CERTIFICATE) RECORD OF CONSTRUCTION, TECHNICAL FILE AND MEANS OF VERIFICATION otes 1. This Record and its attachments shal be permanently attached tothe EIAPP Certificate, The ELAPP Certificate shall accompany the cngine throughout it life and shall be available on board the ship at al mes. 2, The Record shal be at lest in English, French or Spanish 1Pan offical language ofthe issuing country i also used, this shall prevail incase of «disput or discrepancy. 43. Unless otherwise stated, regulations mentioned in this Record refer to regulations of Annex VI of the Convention and the requirements for an engine's technical file and means of verifications refer to mandatory requirements from the revised [NOx Techmnieal Code 2008, 1, Particulars of the engine ra} 1.2 Place of engine build 13. Date of engine build 14 Place of pre-certfication survey _Amaga 1.5 Date ofpre-certification survey _8 August 2014 1.6 Engine type and model mmber _ 6NY16L-UW LT Engine serial number 2081F 1.8 Mepplicebl, the engine isa parent engine [ ] or amember engine erengine group [] _6NYIOLW. 1.9 _ Individual engine or engine family / engine group details: 1.9.1 Approval reference 1.9.2 Rated powwer (kW) and rated speed (rpm) values or ranges _ 1.93 Testeycle(s) 1.9.4 Parent engino(s) test fuel oil specification Be 1.9.5 Applicable NOx emission limit (g/kWh), regulation 223, 13.4 or 124-4 (delete as appropriate) 1.9.6 Parent engine(s) emission value (gk Wh) EIAPP(PAN) 1907 Page dof 2, Particulars ofthe technical file ‘The technical file, as required by chapter 2 of the NOx Technical Code 2008, isan essential part of the FIAPP Certificate and must always accompany an engine throughout is life end always be available on board a ship. 241 Technical file identfication/approval number G2-30605-1850 / 14KB05999TF. 22. Technical ile approval date ‘8 August 2014 3. Specifications for the onboard NOx verification procedures ‘The specifications for the onboard NOx verification procedures, as required by chapter 6 of the NOx Technical Code 2008, are an essential part of the EIAPP Certificate and must always accompany an engine through its life and always ‘be available on board a ship. 3.1 Engine parameter check method: 3.L.1 Identification /epproval number 3.1.2 Approval date 3.2. Direct measurement and monitoring method: 3.2.1 Identification / approval number 3.2.2 Approval date ‘Alternatively the simplified measurement method in accordance with 6.3 ofthe NOx Technical Code 2008 may be utilized, Issued at ____ Kobe General Manager of Kobe Branch NIPPON KAUI KYOKAI EIAPP(PAN) 1007 Page lof 3 ENGINE INTERNATIONAL AIR POLLUTION PREVENTION CERTIFICATE, CertificateNo. 14K BOSOOCEAP Teed der the provisions ofthe Protocol of 1987, a amend by eeoton MEPC.176(58) in 208, to amend he INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, as modifi by the Protocol of 1978 eae thereto hersinater refered tas ‘the Corveten") under the authori of the Government of the Republic of Panama by NIPPON KAIJI KYOKAT punearoaas Moat seri Tet Rated power) | Eapiecaprovat sorbet amber — | qc) | md spent) ‘umber Yanmar Co., td enyi6L-uw | 2082Fwc | D2 355 | 4K B06000 1,200 0m ‘THIS IS TO CERTIFY: 1, That the above-mentioned marine diesel engine has been surveyed for pre-certfication in accordance with the ‘requirements of the Technical Code on Control of Emission of Nitrogen Oxides from Marine Diesel Engines 2008 made mandatory by Annex VI ofthe Convention; and 2, ‘That the pre-cerifcation survey shows that the engine, its components, adjustable features, and technical file, prior to the engine's installation andior service on board a ship, fully comply with the applicable regulation 13 of Annex VI ofthe Convention, ‘This certificate is valid forthe life of the engine subject to surveys in accordance with regulation 5 of Annex VI of the Convention, installed in ships under the authority ofthis Goverament. Issued at Kobe on 8 August 2014 General Manager of Kob? BES ‘NIPPON KALI KYOKAT BIAPP(PAN) 10.07 Page 2053 SUPPLEMENT TO ENGINE INTERNATIONAL AIR POLLUTION PREVENTION CERTIFICATE, (EIAPP CERTIFICATE) RECORD OF CONSTRUCTION, TECHNICAL FILE AND MEANS OF VERIFICATION Wares 1. Thie Record and its attachments shall be permanently attched tothe ELAPP Certificate. The ELAPP Certificate shall accompany the engine throughout its fe and sll be available on boar the ship tall times. 2. The Record shal be atleast in English, French or Spanish. Ifan official language ofthe iteuing country i also used, thie shall prevailin ease ofa dispute or discrepancy, 3. Unless otherwise stated, regulations mentioned in this Record refer to regulations of Annex VI of the Convention and the requirements for an engine's technical file and means of verifications refer to mandatory requirements from the revised [NOx Technical Code 2008, 1. Particulars of the engine 1.1 Name and adéress of manufscturer Yanmar Co, Lit. L-L-1, Higashi-dori, Nagasu, Amagasaki, Hyogo, Japan 1.2 Place of engine build agasal Higeshi-dori, Nagasu, Amagasaki, Hyogo, Japan 13. Date of engine build 1.4 Place of pre-cetification survey 1.5. Date of precetification survey 1.6 Engine type and model number 1.7 Engine serial number 1.8 applicable, te engine is a parent engine [] ora member engine orengine group [] _6NYISLW. 1.9 Individual engine or engine family /engine group details: 19.1 Approval reference 1.9.2 Rated power (EW) and rated speed (rpm) values or ranges 19.3. Testeycle(s) eee 1.9.4 Parent engine(s) test fuel oil specification DM grade(1808217) 1.9.5. Applicable NOx emission limit (g/kWh), regulation 13.3, 13.4 or 12:Sel (delete as appropriate) 1.9.6 Parent engine(s) emission value (g/kWh) 8.1 gkWh BIAPP(PAN) 1007 Page 3of3 2, Particulars of the technical file ‘The technical file, as required by chapter 2 of the NOx Technical Code 2008, isan essential part of the FIAPP. Certificate and must always accompany an engine throughout is life and always be available on board a ship. 2.1 Technical file identification/approval number .62-30605-1850 / 14K BO6000TF 2.2 Technical file approval date 8 August 2014 3. Specifications for the onboard NOx verification procedures ‘The specifications for the onboard NOx verification procedures, as required by chapter 6 of the NOx Technical Code 2008, are an essential part of the EIAPP Certificate and must always accompany an engine through its life and always. bbe available on board a ship. 3.1 Engine parameter check method: 3.L__ Identification /spproval number 3.1.2 Approval date 8 Angust 2014 3,2. Direct measurement and monitoring method: 3.2.1 Identification / approval number = 3.2.2 Approval date Alternatively the simplified measurement method in accordance with 63 of the NOx Technical Code 2008 may be utili Issued at Kobe on 8 August 2014 _ ranch NIPPON KAU KYOKAL EIAPP(PAN) 10.07 IReference number T 9-0005201 =i) Faun ote] 200-050 BBGRE St ome LF Technical File on Engine ere Drain [-S Meda [own | ant [QB | lle Engine SNe ere need Fae) The details are according to attached technical file on engine (Technical File LD. No. G2-30605-1850 -(8) ) JRated engine speed (min) Approval No. ONY 16L-UW ONYIOLW peers '33-0005201 | ~<2) eee He eaten] 02 0806-1050 tear le Vege ete oa Technical File on Engine [Reorocstcte |e [tds eae aru | Yemmneant® [eras -Clktad egestas | _ 282500 luteved 7 The details are according to attached technical file on engine (Technical File LD. No. G2-30605-1850 ~(8) ) Name of engine Family Rated engine speed (min™) Engine serial number Dete of engine build 6NYI6L-UW ONYIGLW Approval No |/#¢kB060007 } The Recording Book of Engine Parameters for On—board Verification of IMO NOx Emission Control 1 Diesel Generator Engine 6NY16L-UW ( 355 kWat 1200 min') 2081FWC Family(6NY16LW) Technical File LD. No. + G2-30605-1850 On-bord NOx Verification Procedure LD. No. : G2-30605-1840 CONTENTS ; 1. Fuel Injection Timing | . Fuel Injection Nozzle Fuel Injection Pump Fuel Cam Cylinder Head Piston Top Clearance Turbo—charger Air Cooler % This Recording book is used for control and maintenance of engine parameters for on—board NOx verification. * All alterations of engine parameter should be checked and recorded in chronological order in this list, B3-0065201 ® Fuel Injection Timing Allowable range of Cylinder No. Order No, 83-0065201 | Engine No. 2081FWC | Signature of person Remarks responsible _for_ship/engine ‘Shop tested No.1 to No.6 2014/6/24 = Manufacturer's declaration ® Fuel Injection Nozzle 2014/6/24 Installed Signature of person No. Cylinder No. | 1D. Number responsible for ship/engine Bee aa Shop tested | 46.1 to Nob uc eae Manufacturer's declaration Section Manager of Inspection Group ® Fuel Injection Pump Date Cylinder No. Shop tested 1 to Nos 2014/6/24 | No! te No Designed LD. Number NYI6L_ Installed LD. Number NYT6L ‘Signature of person responsible for_ship/engine Tape Section Manager of Inspection Group Remarks Manufacturer's declaration} YANMAR Supplier’s Material Declaration - Asbestos — FANADERASZSS Order No. L¥# : B30065201 M ; emma arananna, © F7 TNR S.No. : 1337 Company name :; YANMAR Co, LTD. Large Power Products Operations Div. | MRES 7 T—RRSRARS YY ERA Hereby declares that our products and spare parts have not contained asbestos after 30/09/2004 of the delivery date, in accordance to SOLAS TI-1, Regulation 3-5 and MSC. 1/Cire.1379 200459 30 OVALS b tht SHSRBBELULANT? tat SOLAS II-1,Regulation 3-5 AU MSC.1/Cire. 1379144, TANA ba SENTORVIELEELET, 1-1-1, Nagasuhigashidori Amagasaki, | ‘Hyogo, 660-8585, JAPAN. RAPT RM IGGL T 161 27-Jun-2014 (Place of issue HAF) Yasuhiro Kanai Senior Manager, Quality Control Dept. BHERR KR SiH | ' (Name, function #444 ) (Signature #4 7)

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