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‫إنثلت التهاب‬

‫الله عز وجزة‬
and this is what I recited at the beginning of this football
‫الله سد ما أصاب مموسيبة إال بإذن الله‬
whatever calamity happened to you, whatever struck
any kind of calamity that struck
somebody got in a car accident
somebody got diagnosed with a disease
somebody's family member passed away
somebody lost a job
somebody got into a fight with their spouse
and they're getting divorced
somebody walked away from home
somebody they don't want to deal with their family anymore
so they blocked every number
and now they're just gone forever
you have a brother that doesn't talk to you
doesn't want to pick up your calls
won't respond to your text messages
you have a son who hates your guts
you have a mother who just walked away from the family
it happens
and people experience different kinds of calamities in life
the first thing Allah says
no, nothing struck
anyone ever
except that Allah allowed that to happen
number one
but then the question is
why did Allah allow
something so terrible to happen
why would that happen
and Allah says sometimes
in this ayah there are many ayahs on this
but this ayah Allah teaches us a powerful lesson
he says
whoever truly has faith in Allah
Allah will guide that person's heart
Allah will guide their heart
and what is Allah saying
Allah is saying my heart feels anxiety
my heart feels anger
my heart feels sadness
my heart feels frustration
my heart feels this person got away with something
they deserve justice
my heart feels that it was unfair
my heart feels unrest
I feel all of these things
but if I have Iman in Allah
Allah will guide my heart through these negative emotions
actually some of those negative experiences
are a test of my Iman
and if I do have Iman
Allah will guide my heart
in other words I am supposed to go through
some of these difficult experiences
to truly experience guidance
I have to
and this will be the way my Iman gets secured
and Iman is the greatest asset a human being can have
because on judgment day
the only thing that matters
in the man at Allah
the only people
nothing will be of any benefit
except people who come before Allah
and they have a good heart
and the only way to have a good heart
is to have Iman in that heart
and the only way to have Iman in that heart
is to go through a tough experience
and hold on to your faith anyway
and not let that be shaken
and you stay the course
so this is
this is a remarkable thing Allah has said
and this Allah is telling us
to face a traumatic experience
to face it
to deal with it
but deal with it with faith
and not let it change you
and this is why the best people
the best people that ever lived
the prophets themselves
every one of them
are victims of trauma
if you want to use psychological terms
it's surrounded by toxic people
every one of them
have their boundaries crossed
every one of them
every last one of them
had to experience
isn't it?
isn't Abraham
had a toxic father?
didn't use of
didn't he?
isn't he a victim of family abuse
and gaslit when he was being called a thief?
isn't this what was happening to them?
so they could
take all of that
listen to all of that
and those experiences
and then for the rest of their life
they can say I know all these
fathers are toxic
I know I need to draw a healthy boundary
between me and them
and even Abraham
when he is being expelled
from his own home
he turns my beloved father
at that to feed a little hope
he turns to his father
and says that I still love you
you may not be good to me
but that doesn't mean I will no longer be good to you
and I'll still pray for you
to be forgiven
let us stop it and the fact
I'll pray for you still
I you know because
maybe a law will turn your heart
I can't do anything about it
I have to leave now
it doesn't say you know what
you are a narcissist
you are a toxic person
I'm glad that there's a distance between us
I need to keep you away from my own personal healing
this is not his attitude
this is not his approach
what we have done
is we have created
and these judgments
these labels
they are against the fundamental teachings of our den
and I'll leave you one last
well one last but especially within our families
okay somebody
you could have a argument
between husband and wife
happens okay don't raise your hand
but if you have an argument
husband and wife and one of you says you know
you're so you're such an abuser
you're such a gas lighter
instead what does the den tell us
is the book
that tell my servants
is something that is better and more beautiful
because shaytan will try to cause friction between you
chaos between you
discord between you
there's an argument happening
and you hear something painful
you could respond with something that will make things worse
you can also respond
with something that can change the direction of the conversation
towards something better
Allah is not telling you to walk away from the conversation
Allah is telling you to deal
with the conversation
completely out of hand
Allah is saying
when the ignorant address them
they walk away peacefully
they say peace
they don't walk away stormed out
but in this iron surat
I learned something I was fascinated by
being a student of psychology
I was fascinated by it
those of you who believe
among your children
and among your spouses
there may be enemies for you
this is in
was living among the Jewish and Christian tribes
and he was also among
many among the Muslims were actually
leading towards nifaq
they were leading towards hypocrisy
and you don't know in your family
who really has iman who doesn't
there was a mix
get ready for a brother
or get ready for a father
and some family members saying
why are you going to get yourself killed
stay home
just tell him you got sick
I'll just say you were sleigh
you overslept
tell him later
and they're trying to hold you back
they don't want him to go
why do you have to go every morning at Fajr
can you just stay
and they're having these conversations
so people that the family is so extreme
that they might even be enemies for you
that extreme
I mean you don't use this iron go home and say now
I know what you are to me
heh heh heh
heh heh heh
heh heh
this is an extreme case
these are extreme cases the word i do is not used
lightly in the Quran
okay but this is the extreme case fine
an extreme case can exist
an extreme case where your own spouse
and your own children
according to Allah or what
and enemy
what are you doing the extreme case
well what you do from the
pop psychology perspective
the instagram psychologist can tell you
what you do in such extreme cases
is you draw some boundaries and you walk away
and you heal yourself
and you you know declare them abusers
and all this stuff
and what does the Quran say
so that Allah will tell you the truth
okay and if you can forgive
if you can overlook
you can cover their mistakes
okay at one point they became really aggressive
but now they are really sorry about that
you know don't bring it up again
means to turn the page
turn the page you know what that means
I remember what you did last year
you remember? I still remember those words
‫ماذا تفعله؟‬
‫هذا ال تفعله‬
‫ال تفعله مرحبًا‬
‫ال تفعله مرحبًا‬
‫ال تفعله مرحبًا‬
‫ال تفعله مرحبًا‬
‫ال تفعله مرحبًا‬
‫ال تفعله مرحبًا‬
‫ال تفعله مرحبًا‬
‫ال تفعله مرحبًا‬
‫ال تفعله مرحبًا‬
‫ال تفعله مرحبًا‬
‫ال تفعله مرحبًا‬
‫ال تفعله‬
‫تفعله مرحبًا‬
‫ لكن لو‬the hearts are not
‫ لو‬your two absorb in yourself
you're not going to look for a solution
the only thing that you want to serve
is your own wishes
and so this is, the last thing I will share with you
the direction that psychology is going in now
pop psychology
reminds me of the ayah of
Rahat al-Jathiyah
‫رأيت من التخذ إلهه‬
‫ هو‬lower
‫اللهم ألعن‬
‫ هل تشعرون‬someone who takes their feeling
their empty feeling
‫ و‬they turn it into their God
their God has become their feeling
and Allah allows this person to be misguided
even though they have knowledge
they can know, they can be a PhD
they can be a doctor
they can be a professional
but they are being led by their emotions
and they give themselves a new diagnosis
and give themselves other people of diagnosis
depending on how they make them feel
today you are a narcissist
tomorrow you are an abuser
the next day you are a toxic person
the next day you are this
the next day you are depressed
the next day you have attachment issues
you just throw out these diagnoses
label people
‫ إذا كان‬One of them
‫ بهذا عندي إ‬foll‫ا‬
you know what that means?
that means it doesn't matter if you
have how to respond to them
you cannot reason with people who live by emotions
many of you have experienced this
when people are living by their emotions
if you are trying to be logical
and it is like talking to a wall
but it feels the feeling is Your God
the feeling is Yours
‫واسمعه و جعلهعدا قل به دشانه‬
‫ اليوم رما‬، ‫ إماني سبحانه‬installations ‫ع‬eur tribus
‫ليس لدينا أن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن‬
‫نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن‬
‫نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن ن‬
‫وء يرأ‬ว ‫ أن هذا‬dinosaur ‫نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن‬
‫نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن الوقت على نحن نحن نحن نحن‬
‫نحن احن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن‬鏡 ‫نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نحن نح‬
‫ ا‬howling oder fool one to me so i cannot judge another persons heart but in this
new psychology
I can easily judge another person's heart so women i call somebody a narcissist
the woman i call somebody one of these terms i'm notigetrocalled judging their
i am judging the state of their hearts
be careful, this is not something Ardina who is with us
well we've made this normal practice because we're enamored by these terms now
if you're going to understand these terms, if you're not a student of the subject,
don't do it.
Don't misdiagnose yourself and misdiagnose others, it's only creating a problem in
our society and in our families.

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