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Extreme Tutorial College production 2019

God of women analysis

By: Anna Ashipala and Cesilia Alugodhi (Grade 9 learners 2019<Oikango Combined School>)
Edited by: Wilhelm P. Hango and Mr. Jeremiah Mike
Act 1 Scene 1
God of women is a book which describes a polygamous marriage between a chief and his four
wives. It focuses on the themes such as Ruthlessness, Respect, Polygamy and Violence against
women and children.
The first scene shows us how the chief believes in tradition by calling the seer to cleanse his kraal
from an evil curse. The seer than tells the chief that he shall at last have a son which he has long
awaited without the knowledge of John’s existence. He (seer) also informs the chief that he shall
share one of his spouses with his unknown son. The seer too, warns the chief about the death that
awaits his compound. After this, the chief calls all his wives where he assured them all that Joyce
will bear a baby boy.
It is also in this scene we are exposed to what children were learning in white man’s school. This
comes to light when Inonge plays a prank on her father which led to him questioning the authentic
of white man’s school. Chief Lewanika’s friend Neo entered and exchanged words of wisdom
about such school.
One of the disadvantage of a polygamous marriage is fighting which broke out between Ma Inonge
and Ma Ilenge. It is where Chief Lewanika shows his way of controlling his wives and he questions
his choice of a polygamous marriage.

Act 1 Scene 2
In this scene John is disappointed by Joyce when he finds out that she is married to the chief despite
the promised they had made. Joyce enlightens John what transpired which eventually leads to them
embracing each other. They are caught right in the act by the chief’s friend Neo.

Act 1 Scene 3
Ma Inonge reveals to Joyce that John is her child which she had kept hidden for a long time.

Act 1 Scene 4
Lewanika maligns Nsala in front of Neo. This is where Neo comes to know who Lewanika really
is, selfish and above all ruthless. Wives sympathize with Nsala especially for her fruitless womb.

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Act 2 Scene 1
Joyce reveals to John that she is pregnant, however she has no idea about the father (John or
Lewanika). She also tells him that his father is Chief Lewanika.

Act 2 Scene 2
Lewanika questions his wives to see if he still has strong support and influence around the village.
He has doubt and a bit wary whether people still trust him to rule the village.

Act 2 Scene 2
In this scene Nsala and Ma Ilenge talk about their lives before coming to the compound. Ma Ilenge
also tells Nsala about the man that she had loved before getting married. The wives also find out
that Joyce is pregnant. Joyce also tells Ma Inonge that she has revealed her secret to John and Ma
Inonge is very disappointed by all this.

Act 3 Scene 1
Joyce reveals to the chief that she is pregnant and that she does not know who the father is. The
chief also finds out that John is the father of Joyce’s pregnancy. The chief tells Joyce to get rid of
the foetus. After the news that John is the long awaited son of the chief, Lewanika decides that he
no longer deserve to live thus decide to kill himself. Upon arriving at the scene of the suicide Ma
Inonge collapses and dies as well.

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Words and their meanings

seer- is a person who predict what will happen in future.
lust- strong sexual desire.
polyandry- a woman with many men as sexual partners (bitch).
scene- one part or division of a play.
polygamy- a man with many women as sexual partners.
setting- refer to the geographical area/a location of the story (in this case zambezi region).
plot- have to do with how the story is arranged/story line e.g. raising, climax, falling down e.t.c.
climax-the point where the story is more exciting/the more interesting part.
irony- something is said but the meaning is opposite.
character- the participants who played a role in the story.
actors- people who participate in the story.
author- [Francis Sifiso Nyathi] the inscriber or writer of the story.
act- one of the main parts of a play
figurative- is the language expression different from the usual user’s meaning.
theme- the main idea of the story or the central idea, the main talk of the story.
deflowered- loss virginity
imbecile- stupid
implore- to beg someone to do something

What does it mean by God of women?

- The king or chief who was controlling the wives act as the god, by means of culturing them
and educate them. These is so because all his wives believe in him, they actually do whatever he
said in a hurry.
Examples of metaphor
- the old lady is an elephant
- we are all graves
Example of personification
- the sun smile upon their marriage

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Flat characters (who appeared in some occasion)
> seer > Neo > Inonge
Round characters (who appeared in most of the occasion)
> Lewanika > Ma Inonge > Ma Ilenge > Nsala
> Joyce
> John
Theme of the book (God of women)
Ruthless and women abuse or violence against women as Lewanika has been abusing his
wives/spouse. Women roles and position in African tradition.
Traditional Beliefs

Superstitious beliefs for example the owl hooting in the day


Violence and abuse against women

use of the rod of correction


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Ilenge using the Bible verses

Questions and answers

Why was ma Inonge quarreling with Nsala?
- Because Ma Inonge mentioned Nsala’s name when she was quarreling with Ma Ilenge
Nsala was the beloved wife of Lewanika.
What is the symbolism of the drum?
- to express joy or happiness
What is symbolism of the cry or crying?
- To conceal disappointment, anger and sadness.
What is meant by the phrase “crucible of fire”?
- it is when someone is in trouble or in difficult situation [in hell]
Why the chief Lewanika is has to order his first wife to call other wives rather than calling
them himself?
- Because Ma Inonge was the elder than other [senior] and the first wife is always the
commander of other.
What is the overall mesage of the act one, scene one?
- The dream of chief Lewanika to have a son.

Wise rulers do not dispute god! What does it mean?

- wise ruler always think they are right, they do not agree , contradict ancestors spirit

The vulture in a dove’s feather

- someone who pretend to be good while she/he is not in fact, so that he can take advantage
(buy favor) from the victim

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It is better to cope with one small mind than many small minds
- it’s good to be with one woman than many of them
There is none that can heal your wound than he who made it
- There is no way I can forget this person, he is the one who deflowered me.

Describe the relationship between chief Lewanika and his wives

- they are jealousy, quarrels, fighting and insulting each other
Describe lewanika’s opinions and attitude toward his wives
- Lewanika has weak opinion, rude, ruthless and hypocrisy opinion toward his wives
What does it imply when Ma Inonge asked that which one my lord, how Lewanika think
about it?
- he actually think ma Inonge is stupid and mad to ask such a question
How does this specify monologue? (A long speech made by one person in the story).
- What the seer predicted has happened, Lewanika shared one of his spouse (Joyce) with
his son john, but he did not notice it and prevent it, Lewanika died and his death has lust effects
as a seer predicted that “death awaits in the compound”.
An axe is meant for fire wood but not for another axe.
- A man is made for a woman, not for another man.
Why did the chief marry many wives?
- He never knew about the existence of john, as he wanted a son to inherit the chieftaincy.
- He is rich and he can afford the needs of four women.
What is so ironic about inonge’s practical jokes on her father especially her saying “I
fooled you father” how did she fool her father that day?
- Inonge fooled her father by telling him that her mother had broken his smoking pipe,
what Inonge did was a joke, because her teacher told her that it was fool’s day.
Describe the relationship between john and Joyce
- They were together since school, they separated when john went to study abroad. they
loved each other so much that their relationship was emotional and physical before john went
away and when he came back, their relationship was compromised by Joyce married by the chief
Lewanika, but john still has passion for Joyce, Joyce later told john that she was carrying,
although she was unsure who is the father of the child she was expecting.

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How do you feel about the end of the book? According to my personal views
- I am happy with the ending because it was appropriate, it ends the way it was supposed to end.
- The wives were free from Lewanika’s rude chieftaincy.
- Joyce and John are now free to continue with their relationship.
- Little Inonge has guardians.
Bad messages from the book
- John and Inonge had lost their parents.
- committing of suicides, as Lewanika did
- Ma Ilenge and Nsala become widows
- death arrived in the compound
- the village lost the chief
Climax overall book
- Lewanika committed suicide
- Ma Inonge collapsed to the ground and died
- John appeared with a spear in front of Lewanika
What does it mean “the father shall eat with the son”?
- It means chief Lewanika will be sharing/compete with his son John in a woman (Joyce).

Figure of speech
Personification - a figure of speech which human characteristics are being given to non-living
things e.g. an old lady is an elephant
- we are all graves
metaphor - a figure of speech that involves any involved comparison of two unlike things e.g.
(the sun smile upon their marriage)
Similes- comparison of two things indirectly e.g. you speak like a granny
- don’t work behind me like a dog following a she-dog

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What is the word/the message of a seer and how did Lewanika interpret to the words of the
a seer- I speak the voice of the man I speak the language of elders leave you devils, I say go
back to your casket of doom, I say
The way Lewanika interpret the seer’s words- voice of the wise are made for our wisdom give
me vision and don’t accuse me of petty dreams.
Interpret- to explain what something means
Wisdom- diligent and wise and courage
Brought to the soil a spotted leopard with your bare palms
- overpowered a powerful leopard and killed it with empty hands
You found me strayed in the earth of our ancestry
- You found me in deep thoughts, day-dreaming, absent-minded and I was not aware of
Where she toiled to feed other
- She worked hard to feed others/labored in order to feed your son
Your melody strikes me “your beautiful words make me happy”
The pleasing sweet- words you are using/your beautiful words are making me happy [You are
appeasing me with your words]
Do young and old still come to seek for your counsel?
- do young and old still come to you, looking for your advice and help to show respect
Why the author entitled the book “God of women”?
- Because chief Lewanika act as God to his wives that he married and ordering them
(culturing them) to do what he want and out of their will, the four wives obey his order
accordingly, they called him “my lord”. The chief uses a rod of correction to punish them
although he used to be busy with nothing.
Name three more, genre used when writing a story?
drama – written in form of conversation
novel/prose- written in a form of paragraphs continuously
poetry – has stanzas, verses and lines
Don’t reach your destiny before you arrived at it
- Don’t jump to conclusion and don’t say things that you are not entitled to say.

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Go back to your casket of doom

- to go back to your grave
Where she toiled to feed others
- She work harder to feed others or labored in order to feed other.
Your melody strikes me
- The pleasing sweet words.
Redeemed from the jaw of the lion
- taken quickly from a dangerous situation
Hold your bitter bile
- calm down/cool your anger
It is not easy to bend a cold iron bar
- It is not easy to solve a problem when it is too late.
She shall ooze a perennial spring of trials
- she will cry for a long time heavily
Do not lead your nostril into my ancestral business
- do not interfere in other people’s issue
Will you arrange for the treatment of my throat before many birds come?
- will you give me something to eat/drink before many people come
I fear your potent instinct my lord
- I am afraid of what you are saying my lord
The son of a female is a shadow of a man (like father like son)
- the son will inherit all the characteristics of his father
Your granary has been depleted
- you will not/you do not bear babies anymore
Your traditional dish has lost its delicacy
- I lost interest in you/your normal quality declined
Seal your stinking mouth
- shut/close your mouth
Serve your lungs of rot

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- be careful
You would wish your father was there to redeem you from the jaws of lion
- you would wish your father was there to rescue (save) you from dangerous situation
We are all graves
- everyone have to die/will die
In your palm see a load of innocent soul
- although you have killed many people
Let my sight desert my past let demise, overcome my firmness
- let me think carefully now
I am not a toothless boom slang
- I am not a fool/weak
Go and find who has a fermenting seed before not contaminated
- go and find who is pregnant here
- I know it cannot be your exhausted womb, you are on menopause
Do you think Lewanika was responsible for their own downfall and subsequent death, why
- Yes, because Lewanika deflowers ma Inonge
- Lewanika and Ma Inonge physical relationship
- Ma Inonge keeps the babe secret
- John never knows his parents
- when the truth came out it was too late
How the news of the unknown son do influenced the lives of villagers in your own
- They will be shocked, flabbergasted or wondering because they never expected it.

- the truth about john existence reaches Lewanika
- The climax of the story started when Ma Inonge revealed her secrete to Joyce and other
wives of the chief, that john is the chief’s son.
Don’t stir your pestle in my affairs

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- do not interfere in my matters

- It is the story educating people on something, e.g. the story that ma Inonge was telling
her daughter about hyena and guinea fowl (maybe she made it to educate her daughter to
be wise)
Morale lesson
- We must learn to take advice from our friends but not to insulting them battering/beating
human (people) is not good.
- Being married by someone who does not love you is a huge problem
- Practical of polygamies
- Make your choice before marriage.
- Trust your husband, Joyce never loved her husband and Lewanika consider her as the
lovely wife among others.
The theme of the book
- It is the idea or topic that is important in the text, the main idea of the book, they called it
the main talk of the story.
Violence against women
- Lewanika has no mercy on his wives, he beats them and did not respect them or love
Women roles and position in African society tradition
- The duties of women is to prepare food for their husband, bear children and do all the
house work. The truth (secrets) always come out even if it takes years for the truth to be
revealed, than confusion, disappointment and pains will follow.
- bigotry (behaviors/beliefs typical of a bigot people) people who think their opinion are
- denials of people of their birthright.
- respecting others is important.
-an owl symbolizes misfortune/bad luck
- John and Joyce saw an owl during the broad daylight and after it disappeared. (Neo caught
them embracing each other in a romantic pose).

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