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Lesson Plan in Digital Literacy Skill in the 21st Century

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will able to:
1. Described the meaning of digital literacy.
2. Described and Identified the elements of digital literacy.
3. Conduct a self-evaluation on level of digital literacy.
II. Subject Matter
Reading: Answering questions correctly, imaginative and analysing meanings.
Reference: Technology for Teaching and Learning 2 pp. 30-32.
Materials: Module, art materials and activity sheets.
Value Focus: Reflectiveness
III. Procedures
A. Daily Routine
1. Prayer
2. Checking of attendance
B. Motivation
1. Review the past lessons. Students will answer the questions. ( What have
you learned in our past lessons?)
C. Vocabulary Development
Give an acronym in the word DIGITAL
D. Give the following meaning of the digital literacy skills needed to become
digitally literate.
1. Coding-
2. Collaboration-
3. Cloud Software-
4. Word Processing Software-
5. Screen casting-
6. Personal Archiving-
7. Information Evaluation-
8. Use of social media-
E. Analysis. Read and understand. Write your answers on the space provided.
1. ________Participating in the digital networks for learning and research.
2. ________Adopting, adapting and using of digital devices, applications
and services.
3. ________Critically reading and creatively producing academic and
professional communications in a wide range of media.
4. ________Managing digital reputation and online activity.
5. ________Studying and Learning effectively in technology- rich
6. _________Requires students to think out of the box and to take pride in
what is uniquely theirs.
7. _________Makes students express their ideas in the clearest and
organized manner.
8. _________Students know how to work well with others to accomplish a
given task or group activities.
9. _________It is ability to differentiate facts from opinion.
10. _________It is an essential part of document management.
F. Abstraction. What 21st century digital literacy skills are most important used to
become a digital literate?
G. Application. As a future educator, how can you apply those digital literacy skills
to be useful on your students.
IV. Assessment. List down the advantages and disadvantages of digital literacy. 1-10.
V. Assignment. Make a poster of a digital literate educator.

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