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 Boiling tube.

 2 test-tubes.

 Cork to fit the boiling tube, carrying a 25cm length of 10 mm glass tubbing (to act as an air-

 Cork to fit the boiling tube carrying a right-angled delivery tube.

 Stand clamp.

 Bunsen burner.

 Boiling chip.

 Ethyl ethanoate (ethyl acetate).

 2 mole dm-3 hydroxide solution.

 2 mol dm-3 sulfuric acid.

Method Part 1.

1. 2cm³ of ethyl ethanoate and 10cm³ of 2 mol dm-3 sodium hydroxide solution will be placed into a boiling

2. A boiling tip will be added (a fragment of broken porcelain or pumice stone will do)

3. The boiling tube will be supported vertically over the Bunsen burner, by means of a stand and clamp, and
the air-condenser will be added afterwards.

4. A very small flame will be used to burn the liquid in the tube gently until the ethyl ethanoate layer can no
longer be seen.

Method Part 2.

1. The air-condenser will be replaced with a delivery tube.

2. The boiling tube will be incline at an angle of 45° and the test-tube will be supported so that
Everything coming from the delivery tube can be collected.

3. The mixture will be gently heated so that some of it distils over into the test-tube.

4. About 2cm³ distillate will be collected then the test-tube will be removed and set aside.

5. Most of the liquid but not all will be distilled into another test-tube and the liquid will be
throwed away.

6. The boiling tube will be then left to cool down and an observation will be made.
Method Part 3.

1. The liquid collected will be then warmed and the vapour will be smelled.

2. A bit of the liquid will be poured into a watch glass and will be try to ignite it. Do not try to blow
the flame off this will just made the burning liquid spread over the bench. To put the flame off
the watch-glass can be covered with, for example a beaker.

3. A little of the material from the cool boiling tube will be placed into a test tube and a bit of
sulfuric acid will be added. Then cautiously smell the vapour which is produced.

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