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Session 2023-2024
Major Project Report On
“Human Flowing Robot”
Submitted to the Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki
Vishwavidyalaya Bhopal (M.P.)

In Partial Fulfillment For The Degree of

Bachelor of Technology

Under the Guidance of Submitted To

Prof. Amy Alice Kujur Prof. Amy Alice Kujur
(Dept. of Electronics & Comm. Engineering) (HOD of Electronics & Communication)
I.G.E.C. Sagar (M.P.) IGEC Sagar M.P.

Submitted by:

Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Indira Gandhi Govt. Engineering College Sagar(M.P.)
We owe a great debt to a number of people who generously gave
us so much of their precious time. Primarily, we wish to express
our gratitude to Prof. Amy Alice Kujur, Head of Department of
Electronics and Communication Engineering, I.G.E.C. Sagar(
M.P.), The supervisor of our dissertation, for giving us the right
direction, excellent references and taking keen interest in the
project right from the beginning and for providing the guiding
light and always being a source of motivation to experimentally
learn new things. We have been benefited by his expertise a lot.
We want to express our sincere thanks to Dr. Anurag Trivedi,
Principal, I.G.E.C Sagar for providing the guiding light and
always being a force of motivation to experimentally learn new
things. We are specially indebted to Prof. Amy Alice Kujur and
all the faculty members of Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering, I.G.E.C. for helping us to complete
the project work relatively easier and better.

Submitted by:


We hereby declare that the following document Major Project

on “Human Following Robot ” is an authentic work done by us.
We undertake the project as a part of the course curriculum of
bachelor of technology from electronics and communication
engineering of Indira Gandhi Engineering College Sagar
affiliated by Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya,
Bhopal (M.P.)

Submitted by:


This is to Certify that Rohit Chakravarti, Kushal Singh Gond,

Pushpendra Jhariya, Jaivind Borker of B.Tech. 7th semester
Electronics & Communication Engineering has completed Major
Project report on “multiple working robot" towards the partial
fulfilment of the requirement for the award of Degree in Electronics
& Communication Engineering of Rajiv Gandhi Proudhyogiki
Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal for the session 2023-2024.
The work presented in this report has been carried out by them
under our guidance and supervision.

Signature Signature Signature

Under the guidance of Head of Department Principal
Prof. Amy Alice Kujur Prof. Amy Alice Kujur Dr. Anurag Dwivedi
Dept. E.C. Engineering Dept.E.C. Engineering Dept.E.C. Engineering

Robotic operations such as opening doors in an unstructured

environment pose a challenge for robot control due to
unmodelled constraints. In this article, a multiple working
mode approach is proposed to control a mobile serial robot
manipulator to perform operations on mechanisms with
unmodelled constraints. The multiple working mode control
switches the working mode of a number of active joints
during the operation to relax the problem of over-actuation of
the constrained robot manipulator when modeling errors cause
excessive internal and external reaction forces. Three practical
criteria are derived for the assignment of active and passive
control modes; two based on the coordinate partitioning
method for multibody dynamics, and another based on
minimizing task friction forces. The proposed control method
has been implemented on a mobile reconfigurable robot,
performing constrained motion along an elliptical trajectory,
similar to a door-opening task. Simulation and experimental
results are presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed
control approach.
Table of Content
List of figure
CHAPTER 1 Introduction of robot
1. Robot
2. What can robot do
3. Robots do better than humans
4. History of robot
5. Why is robotics important
6. Advantages and Disadvantages

CHAPTER 2 Human Following Robot

1. Introduction
2. Human Following Robot

CHAPTER 3 Industry-purpose robot using arduino

1. Why Arduino
2. Arduino Uno used for

CHAPTER 4 About used all components

1. L298 motor driver
2. What is IR sensor
3. What is HC-05 in Bluetooth module
4. What is gear Motor
5. What are the wheels used in robots
6. Ultrasonic sensor
7. Jumper wire and switch
8. Servomotor
9. Battery
CHAPTER 5 Software Requirement 23
5.1 Arduino IDE 24

CHAPTER 6 Program 25
6.1 Source code program 26-31

CHAPTER 7 Circuit diagram And Working And 32

1. Circuit diagram 33
2. Working , Working Process 34-36
3. Hardware 37

CHAPTER 8 Future Work And Conclusion 38

8.1 Future Work And Conclusion 39

CHAPTER 9 Refrences 40-41

List of Figure

Figure 1. Robot
Figure 2. Arduino UNO
Figure 3. L298 Motor driver
Figure 4. IR Sensor
Figure 5. Bluetooth Module
Figure 6. Gear Motor & Wheels
Figure 7. Ultrasonic Sensor
Figure 8. Jumper wire & Switch
Figure 9. Servo Motor
Figure 10. Circuit Diagram
Figure 11. Hardware



1. Arduino UNO 1

2. L298N Motor Driver 1

3. IR Sensor 4

4. Bluetooth Module 1

5. Gear Motor & wheels 4

6. Ultrasonic Sensor & 1

7. Jumper Wire As Per Req.

8. Servo Motor 1

9. 3.7 volt 18650 battery 2

Multiple Working Robot 2023-24


Introduction to Robot

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1. Robot
A robot is a type of automated machine that can execute
specific tasks with little or no human intervention and with
speed and precision. The field of robotics, which deals with
robot design, engineering and operation, has advanced
remarkably in the last 50 years.

2. What can robots do?

• Essentially, there are as many different types of robots as
there are tasks for them to perform. Robots can perform
some tasks better than humans, but others are best left to
people and not machines.
1.3 The following are things robots do better than humans:
• Automate manual or repetitive activities in corporate or
industrial settings.
• Work in unpredictable or hazardous environments to spot
hazards like gas leaks.
• Process and deliver reports for enterprise security.
• Fill out pharmaceutical prescriptions and prep IVs.
• Deliver online orders, room service and even food packets
during emergencies.
• Assist during surgeries.
• Robots can also make music, monitor shorelines for
dangerous predators, help with search and rescue and even
assist with food preparation.

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1.4 History of robots

The history of robots has its origins in the ancient world.

During the industrial revolution, humans developed
the structural engineering capability to control electricity so
that machines could be powered with small motors. In the early
20th century, the notion of a humanoid machine was developed.
The first uses of modern robots were in factories as industrial
robots. These industrial robots were fixed machines capable
of manufacturing tasks which allowed production with less
human work. Digitally programmed industrial robots
with artificial intelligence have been built since the 2000s.

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1.5 Why is Robotics important?

Robotics technology influences every aspect of work and home.

Robotics has the potential to positively transform lives and work
practices, raise efficiency and safety levels and provide enhanced
levels of service. Even more, robotics is set to become the
driving technology underpinning a whole new generation of
autonomous devices and cognitive artefacts that, through their
learning capabilities, interact seamlessly with the world around
them, and hence, provide the missing link between the digital and
physical world. Robotics is already the key driver of
competitiveness and flexibility in large scale manufacturing
industries. Without robotics many of Europe’s successful
manufacturing industries would not be able to compete from
their current European bases of operation. In these industries
robotics already underpins employment. Increasingly robotics is
becoming more relevant for smaller manufacturing industries
which are central to Europe’s manufacturing and employment

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1.6 What are the advantages?

• In many situations robots can increase productivity,

efficiency, quality and consistency of products:
i. Unlike humans, robots don’t get bored
ii. Until they wear out, they can do the same thing again
and again
iii. They can be very accurate – to fractions of an inch (as
is needed for example in manufacturing of
• Robots can work in environments which are unsafe
for humans – in the nuclear or chemical industries
for example
• Robots don’t have the same environmental
requirements that humans do – such as lighting, air
conditioning or noise protection
• Robots have some sensors/actuators which are
more capable than humans

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What are the disadvantages?

• The use of robots can create economic problems if

they replace human jobs
• Robots can only do what they are told to do – they
can’t improvise
• This means that safety procedures are needed to protect
humans and other robots
• Although robots can be superior to humans in some
ways, they are less dextrous than humans, they don’t
have such powerful brains, and cannot compete with a
human’s ability to understand what they can see.
• Often robots are very costly – in terms of the initial
cost, maintenance, the need for extra components and
the need to be programmed to do the task.
• Can you think of any other possible advantages or
disadvantages to using robots? Share your thoughts in
the comment section below. Remember you can ‘like’
and reply to comments made by others.

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Human Following in Robot

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2.1 Introduction of Human Following Robot

Over the last few years, robotic technology has evolved

significantly that innovations were merely a utopian dream for
some. The automation becomes first priority to any kind of
works which gives the birth to robot. Robot is a programable,
automation device that replace human intervention from basic
daily activities to activities that people think it cannot be
alternated like consultant or any field related to art. There are
plenty of robots can assist multiple aspects of human life.
Among those machine assistant, a robot that can detect and
follow humans or obstacles within a certain range is known as
a 'Human Following Robot'. Human following Robot can co-
exist and enhance the life quality of people. This robot presents
as a carrier which deliveriesitems or packages in daily life in
several places such as restaurant, hospital, shopping mall.
When it comes to require more strength and speed, the robot
can easily surpass the human limitation to acquire the goal
more efficient and faster. For example, in military field, the
weight of luggage and the harshness of topography types will
definitely be a huge disadvantage for human. Thanks to this
innovation, human intervention will reduce and be even more
productive despite enormous difficulties appeared before.

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Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-

to-use hardware and software. Arduino boards are able to read
inputs - light on a sensor, a finger on a button, or a Twitter
message - and turn it into an output - activating a motor,
turning on an LED, publishing something online. You can tell
your board what to do by sending a set of instructions to the
microcontroller on the board. To do so you use the Arduino
programming language (based on Wiring), and the Arduino
Software (IDE), based on Processing.

Industrial robots are playing a vital role in the manufacturing

industry. They are generally used as payloader, welding,
painting, assembly, packaging, and other important
applications. These types of robots are automated,
programmable as well as can move in all three dimensional

3.1 Why Arduino

Its straightforward and available client experience, Arduino has
been utilized in great many various ventures and applications.
The Arduino programming is not difficult to-use for amateurs,
yet adaptable enough for cutting edge clients. It runs on Mac,
Windows, and Linux. Instructors and understudies

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Arduino UNO is a low-cost, flexible, and easy-to-use

programmable open-source microcontroller board that can
be integrated into a variety of electronic projects Arduino
UNO is a low-cost, flexible, and easy-to-use
programmable open-source microcontroller board that can
be integrated into a variety of electronic projects

3.2 What is an Arduino Uno used

Arduino UNO is a low-cost, flexible, and easy-to-use
programmable open-source microcontroller board that can
be integrated into a variety of electronic projects. This board
can be interfaced with other Arduino boards, Arduino shields,
Raspberry Pi boards and can control relays, LEDs, servos, and
motors as an output

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About used all components

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4.1 What is a L298 motor driver?

The L298 is an integrated monolithic circuit in a 15-

lead Multiwatt and PowerSO20 packages. It is a high
voltage, high current dual full-bridge driver designed
to accept standard TTL logic levels and drive
inductive loads such as relays, solenoids, DC and
stepping motors.

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4.2 What is IR sensor

IR sensor is an electronic device, that emits the light in order

to sense some object of the surroundings. An IR sensor can
measure the heat of an object as well as detects the motion.
Usually, in the infrared spectrum, all the objects radiate some
form of thermal radiation

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4.3 What is HC-05 in Bluetooth module ?

HC-05 Bluetooth Module is an easy to use Bluetooth

SPP (Serial Port Protocol) module, designed for
transparent wireless serial connection setup. Its
communication is via serial communication which
makes an easy way to interface with controller or PC.

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4.4 What is a gear motor?

A gear motor is a mechanical system consisting of an electric

motor and a gearbox containing a series of gears. The function
of the gearbox coupled to the motor is to reduce its speed and
increase its torque to do a given job at a given speed

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4.5 What are the wheels used in robots?

Omni wheels are sometimes known as Swedish wheels and

can be used to both drive and steer a robot. Mecanum Wheel
is also a type of Omni wheel with the exception that rollers
are attached at 45° angle around the circumference of another
bigger wheel.

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4.6 Ultrasonic Sensor

Ultrasonic Sensor are electronic devices that calculate the target’s
distance by emission of ultrasonic sound waves and convert those
waves into electrical signals. The speed of emitted ultrasonic
waves traveling speed is faster than the audible sound.

Ultrasonic Sensor Holder

This Ultrasonic Sensor Holder is designed specifically for the
HC-SR04 to help you easily mount it onto a flat surface. The
bracket is made of durable acrylic material, providing reliable
stability and support for your sensor.

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4.7 What is the F to F jumper wire?

• Male-to-male (M-M) jumper wires are used to connect
components that have male pins, while male-to-female (M-
F) wires are used to connect components with female pins.
Female-to-female (F-F) wires are used to connect female
pins to other female pins.

What is an on off on switch used for?

On-off-on toggle switches are variations of the on-on
design. They add a third, neutral off position in the centre.
In (on) off (on) switches, the off position is the default
resting position and both on positions will click back to this
once released.

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4.8 Servomotor

The servo motor is a closed-loop mechanism

that incorporates positional feedback in order to control
the rotational or linear speed and position. The motor is
controlled with an electric signal, either analog or digital,
which determines the amount of movement which
represents the final command position for the shaft.

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4.9 What is a 3.7 volt 18650 battery used for?

18650 batteries are commonly used in electronic devices such

as laptops and flashlights, as well as in electric vehicles and
other high-power applications. They are known for their high
energy density, long lifespan, and relatively low self-discharge

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Software Requirement

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1. Arduino IDE
The Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a
software platform used to write and upload code to Arduino
boards. It provides a user-friendly interface for programming
microcontrollers and allows users to easily create, debug, and
upload code to their boards. The IDE is available for Windows,
macOS, and Linux, and is free to download and use.

Some of the key features of the Arduino IDE include:

a) A code editor that allows users to write and edit their code
in a variety of languages, including C++, Java, and Python.
b) A built-in simulator that allows users to test their code
without a physical board.
c) A debugger that helps users identify and fix errors in their
d) A library manager that allows users to easily install and
manage libraries.
e) A file manager that allows users to manage their project
f) A waveform viewer that allows users to visualize the output
of their code.
g) A serial monitor that allows users to communicate with their
board and view the output of their code in real-time

the Arduino IDE is a powerful and versatile software platform

that makes it easy for users to program and control a wide
range of microcontrollers

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The source code/program for Human following Robot

Car is very simple and you can program the using
Arduino IDE.

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The source code/program for Object following Robot Car is

very simple and you can program the using ArduinoIDE.

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Circuit Diagram And Working And


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7.2 Working

1. If you performed the previous buld a motion robot.

Activity, then keep the chassis model as it is because
we are going to use that model in this activity as it is.
We are going to add only an ultrasonic sensor on that
2. 2. First remove batteries from the battery holder.
3. 3. Connect an Arduino board to your laptop using an
Arduino cable
4. 4. Open Arduino IDE.
5. 5. Go to File->Examples->Sparklebox_code->Select
build_Obstacle_Avoid er, Humen Follow, Line follow
6. 6. Go to Tools->Board->Select Arduino Uno.
7. 7. Go to Tools->Port->Select com port(Arduino).
8. 8. Click on the verify option
9. .9. Click on the upload option.
10. 10. Disconnect Arduino cable from the Arduino board.

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First, Take a chassis 13 x 16 size and then stick Bo-motors
on the bottom of chassis with the help of double tap after
that stick a caster wheel too. With this robot easily move and
rotate.For command the robot we need an arduino uno and
then we need a motor controller l298n and stick both on the
chassis . you can also control motor with l293d IC.Now
connect the motor to the motor driver. Motor 1 is connected
to the out 1 and 2. Motor 2 is connected to the out 3 and
4.Connect the motor driver to the Arduino Uno.First,
EnableA pin is Connected to the Arduino pin 11.IN1 pin is
Connected to Arduino pin 13.IN2 pin is Connected to
Arduino pin 12.IN3 pin is Connected to Arduino pin 7.IN4
pin is Connected to Arduino pin 6.EnableB is Connected to
Arduino pin 5.

EnableA and EnableB is use for controlling

speed of the motor.
on the front of the chassis after that stick a breadboard too
for power connection.Connect the Arduino 5v pin to the
breadboard positive side and gnd pin to the breadboard
negative side. Now, connect the IR sensors to the Arduino
Uno.Connect right IR sensor Out pin to Arduino pin
4.Connect the Vcc pin to the 5v.Connect the GND pin to the
GND. Connect left IR sensor Out pin to Arduino pin
3.Connect the Vcc pin to the 5v.connect the GND pin to the
GND. Next, connect a dc jack with the switch to the motor
driver for powering.

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Positive terminal is connected to the motor driver input pin and

Negative terminal is connected to the Motor Driver GND pin
and also connect Arduino GND pin to the Motor Driver GND
pin for a logic connection after that take servo motor and stick
it on the chassis.Connect servo motor signal pin to Arduino pin
2, Vcc pin to 5v, and gnd pin to gnd Next, Take an ultrasonic
sensor and attach it to the mount with the help of a screw after
that Attach an ultrasonic sensor on the top of the servo motor
and secure it with a screw. It will help us to rotate the sensor and
get the left and right distances. If you want to Know how
ultrasonic sensor works? To connect the ultrasonic sensor with
Arduino. Connect VCC pin to Arduino 5v pin. Trig pin is
Connected to Arduino A5 pin .Echo pin is Connected to Arduino
A4 pin. Gnd pin is Connected to Arduino gnd pin.

Now stick a supporter on the mount with help of a double-tap

and then take an IR sensor and stick it on the supporters. With
this IR sensor robot can detect the object and follow it. for the
connection of IR sensor, Left IR sensor signal pin is connected
to Arduino pin A0.Right IR sensor signal pin is connected to
Arduino pin A1.Connect VCC pin to 5v.Connect gnd pin to
gnd. Now, take a 7.4-volt lion battery and stick it on the bottom
of the chassis .Don't use a 9v volt battery for powering the
motor driver. Connect the battery to the dc jack .Now, the
circuit is completed.

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Conclusion and Future Work

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8.1 Conclusion and Future Work

In this project , we have presented hardware implementation

of an input based multiple destination, multiple lines
follower robot with obstacle by passing ability. The robot
is able to follow the colored path and can identify the
destination by using color information. Once the
destination is reached and the robot is unloaded, it is able
to return to its initial position to get ready for loading.
During its journey, the robot is able to bypass the
obstacles. Though, there has been significant work in the
field of line following robots, no cost effective solution
seems to have been reported for multiple lines following
to reach at multiple destinations. Besides, the obstacle
avoiding task has been addressed with some limitations.
The robot discussed in this paper is able to bypass the
obstacles effectively and efficiently. Additionally, it is
also capable of returning to its initial position. The robot
presented in this work accounts for obstacles only. An
interesting future work is to make the robot more
intelligent by using deep learning approaches such as
those in [18], [19], [20], [21]. In this way, the robot can be
trained for speech data so that the robot identifies voices
and responds to both speech and image signaling.

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1Duino-Robotics. (2013). Obstacle Avoidance Tutorial. (Duino-

Robotics) Retrieved November 23, 2015

2Dogo, E. M. et al. "Development of Feedback Mechanism for

Microcontroller Based SMS Electronic Strolling Message Display
Board." (2014).

3V. Naga phanindra, B. Suresh Ram ― Wireless Remote Control

Car Based on ARM7.ǁ IJETT, Volume 5 Number 5 – Nov

4.N. Jagan Mohan Reddy, G.Venkareshwarlu, et al. “Wireless

Electronic Display Board Using GSM Technology”, International
Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication, ISSN:
2320-2084 Volume-1, Issue-10, Dec-2013.

[5]. Martin Jawitz,Printed circuit board materials hand book.

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