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Name:_____________________________________ Section: __________________Score: ___________

Subject:___________________________________ Teacher:__________________Date : ____________


SY 2023 - 2024
Learning Competency: Observe correct grammar in making definitions. (EN10G-IIa-29)
a) recognize sentences that follows correct grammar rules; Q4 – MELC 4
b) observe correct grammar in making definitions.
Self-Learning Module 4 Quarter 4

Task 1: Tick!
Direction: Read the sentences carefully. Put a tick mark (/) if the sentence observes correct grammar (following the SVA pattern). If it is
otherwise, put (X) and write down the corrected sentence.

( ) 1. The pace of jogging is faster than brisk walking and slower than running, allowing joggers to maintain steady movement without
( ) 2. Jogging is a physical activity that improves mental and heart health, builds muscle, and burns calories.
( ) 3. Jogging release endorphins.
( ) 4. Jogging burn calories.
( ) 5. Jogging help you build and tone muscles in those areas.
Task 2: Read-It!
Direction: Read and understand the text.

A. Comprehension Check:
Direction: Answer the following questions.

1. What physical activity is being focused in the text?

2. How is this cardio exercise done?
3. What are the benefits of jogging?
B. Recall:
Direction: Reread the lines lifted from the text then focus on the highlighted part. Then, answer the following questions.
Jogging is a physical activity that can improve mental and heart health, build muscle, and burn calories. It is also a mid-intensity
cardio exercise in which an individual trots or runs slowly for an extended period. The pace of jogging is faster than brisk walking and
slower than running, allowing joggers to maintain steady movement without overexertion.

1. What is the subject in the text?

2. Why is “is” used as the verb?
3. Do the sentences in the text observe correct grammar? Why or why not? Explain your answer.
Grammar rules are important in making definitions because they ensure clarity and accuracy in the language used to describe the
concept being defined. By following grammar rules, the definition becomes easier to understand, and the intended meaning is conveyed
more effectively.
Subject - Verb Agreement

 Subject-verb agreement refers to the grammatical rule that subjects and verbs must agree in number. In other words, if the subject is
singular, the verb must be singular, and if the subject is plural, the verb must be plural. This agreement ensures clarity and accuracy
in writing.
 Subject-verb agreement helps maintain the coherence and correctness of sentences, making them easier to understand.

 Rule 1: WHEN THE VERB AGREES WITH THE SUBJECT - This is the basic rule where the verb in a sentence must agree in
number with its subject.
Examples: Regular exercise is a physical activity that improves overall health and well-being.

 Rule 2: PHRASES OR CLAUSES WITH WORDS LIKE “GROUP OF” - When the subject includes a phrase or clause that comes
between the subject and the verb, the verb agrees with the subject, not with the words in the phrase or clause.
Example: A group of healthcare professionals is a team of medical experts who collaborate to provide comprehensive patient care.

 Rule 3: COMPOUND SUBJECTS - When two or more subjects are connected by "and," the verb is usually plural.
Example: A balanced diet and regular exercise are essential components of a healthy lifestyle.

 Rule 4: WHEN SINGULAR SUBJECTS ARE JOINED BY “OR” - Compound subjects joined by or take S-form of the
verb or singular verb.
Example: Either yoga or Pilates is a form of exercise that focuses on strength, flexibility, and mindfulness.

 Rule 5: WHEN WORDS END IN -S - Subjects that end in -s and appear to be plural but are really singular, require S-form of the
Examples: The news is a powerful tool for disseminating health information to the public.

 Rule 6: WHEN A COLLECTIVE NOUN IS USED - When regarded as a unit, collective nouns, as well as noun phrases denoting
quantity, take singular verbs.
Example: The committee is responsible for reviewing and implementing health policies within the organization.

Task 3: Go-glee!
A. Direction: Read and understand the text. Make a definition of the underlined phrases following the correct grammar rules. (5 points each)

Example: Balanced nutrition

According to Slimfast 2023, balanced nutrition is a dietary approach that involves consuming a variety of foods from the five essential
food groups in appropriate proportions to meet the body's nutritional needs for overall health and well-being. It entails incorporating fruits,
vegetables, grains, protein, and dairy into meals to ensure the intake of essential macronutrients and micronutrients necessary for optimal
bodily functions.
1. Regular exercise
2. Mental well-being
B. Direction: Answer the following questions.
1. What are some common grammatical errors to avoid when crafting definitions?
2. How do you ensure that your definitions adhere to proper grammatical structure?
3. Can you provide an example of how correct grammar enhances the clarity and effectiveness of a definition?

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