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John Milton - Shakespeare and Milton are the two figures who stand the most prominently in

English literature. Each represents the forces that dominate our humanity, the force of impulse
and the force of fixed purpose. He became blind at 42 years old, but was still able to compose his
masterpiece paradise lost. Shakespeare is the poet of impulse, of the loves, hates, fears, and
jealousies, while Milton is the poet of steadfast will and purpose. He was concerned with soul
and represented the religious consciousness of the puritan of England.
● Works: On His Blindness, On His Arrived at the Age of Twenty-Three (Both are about
Milton’s blindness and dedication to god), Paradise Lost

Alexander Pope - Short and sickly, Pope was the top literary figure of his time and for more
than half a century dominated the literary world in England. He was a versatile writer and wrote
various kinds of verses on a variety of subjects.
● Works: The Universal Prayer ( Shows deep longing for god)

Elizabeth Barrett Browning - During her lifetime, she was extremely popular, even more than
her husband Robert Browning. She is paralyzed.
● Works: Sonnets from Portuguese ( This book of love sonnets reflects the exquisite
romance of the Brownings’ courtship and love) , XLIII ( How do I love thee)

Christina Georgina Rossetti - well known for the careful workmanship and exquisite melody of
her poems.
● Works: Song, Remember ( both are notable for their sadness)

Arthur Hugh Clough - expresses a philosophy that governed his life: he resigned from Oxford
when he disagreed with its policies. He spent his last years fighting for his health.
● Works: Say Not the Struggle Nought Availeth

William Ernest Henley - had one of his feet amputated because of tuberculosis of the bone. He
lived on to be a newspaper editor and literary critic.
● Works: Invictus

Benjamin Franklin -
● Works: The Whistle

William Cullen Bryant - America’s nature poet. He expressed a philosophy of life built around
certain animating principles: (1) his love of nature is deep and sincere; (2) god is the creator of
all things and his purposes are good;and (3) human beings should regulate their thoughts in
accordance with the loving fatherhood of god and the equally loving society of human beings.
● Works: To a waterfowl

Edgar Allan Poe - He is the first significant literary figure to come from the southern United
States. He belongs to the romantic movement in America.
● Works: Annabel Lee
Mastering Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes
Words consist of three parts: prefix, suffix, a root
Prefix - added before roots
Roots - main part of the word ; also known as base
Suffix - added after roots
Variants - formed from words by the use of prefix, suffix, and compounds.

Types of communicative styles

Intimate (serious) - used between people who know each other very well. Nonverbal
communication lake facial expressions and gestures are used in the intimate communicative
Casual - informal kind of communicative style, uses slang words.
Consultative - uses polite words
Frozen - prepared beforehand

Understanding Argumentation and Its Forms

Argumentation - form of discourse by means of which we try to persuade others. It’s about the
truth or falsity of a disputed matter
Persuasion - appeals to the emotions ; it seeks to produce action (act accordingly to the truth
presented and accepted)
Conviction - appeals mainly to logical reason ; it seeks to move the mind (whether true or false)

Which should we use depends on the situations

Audience : Highly educated and Intelligent = more conviction
Audience : Hostile and Indifferent = more persuasion
Debaters uses more conviction while political speeches and editorials use more persuasion

Using Modal Auxiliaries in Arguments

Modal Auxiliaries - also called helping verbs
Low Certainty - perhaps/ maybe, may/ might/ could, sometimes/ occasionally/ seldom, possibly/
Moderate Certainty - likely/ probably, can/ ought to/ should/ would, usually/ frequently/
often/regularly/majorly generally tends to/ rarely
Strong Certainty - is/ will , can/ not/ must, undoubtedly/ definitely/ clearly, always/ never

Expressing Permission, Obligation, and Prohibition

Permission - can, may, could
Prohibition - can’t, musn’t
Obligation - have to , must

Biography - A form of nonfiction in which the writer tells the story of another person
Context clues
- Hints given by the author that helps define a difficult word

Types of context clues

Restatement/ synonym - synonyms are words that have the same meaning. The difficult word
may be repeated in a simple way using synonyms

Contrast/ antonyms - antonyms are words that have the same meaning. Antonyms are often
signaled by the words unlike, while, whereas, or in contrast

Definition - The meaning of the word may be given directly in the text. The definition is often
found before or after the difficult word

- A common form of argumentation. Propaganda presents only one side of a preposition
and is a sustained, organized attempt to make others accept a decision and act in accordance with
that decision. Business establishments make use of extensive propaganda in the form of
advertisements. Propaganda may be good or bad depending upon its aims. Propaganda is good if
it is based on truthful evidence, as in various drives for worthy civic or religious causes or if it
aims to promote drives for safe driving or cleanliness.

Brainwashing - a type of argument that uses coercion. Brainwashing uses rigidly controlled
persuasion and propaganda in a mixture of sound and spurious arguments

Coercion - is the use of force or the threat of force.

Types of Reasoning

Deductive reasoning - proceeds from a general statement to its particular applications. Perhaps
the most powerful type of deductive reasoning is the syllogism.

Inductive reasoning - proceeds from particular instances to a general conclusion. The danger in
inductive reasoning lies in the temptation to make a generalization that is too hasty. We often
generalize on the basis of insufficient particulars
VOLCANO: Voyage to the center of the Earth

Volcano - an opening in a planet or moon's crust through which molten rock, hot gasses, and
other materials erupt.

Earth Science - the branch of science dealing with the physical constitution of the earth and
its atmosphere.

Basic Parts of a Volcano

● Crater – It is a funnel-shaped depression at the top of a volcano formed as a result of

explosive eruption.
Ex. Caldera - a volcanic crater that is formed when a part of the wall of the crater
collapses following an explosive eruption.

● Summit - an opening that can either be a caldera or a crater

● Slope - the angle made by the lower flank of the volcano and the peak of the volcano.
● Base - the lowest bottom or supporting layer of the volcano.
● Magma Chamber or Reservoir - underground compartment where magma is stored
● Conduit - passageway through which magma travels to reach Earth’s surface
● Vent - opening through which volcanic materials are released
● Fissure - elongated fracture or crack on Earth's crust from which lava erupts
● Flank - side of volcano

Ring of Fire ( Circum Pacific Belt ) - A zone along the edge of the Pacific Ocean that has many
volcanoes and Earthquakes. These volcanoes are caused by plate boundaries.
Hotspring - A natural spring of mineral water at a temperature of 21°C or above, found in areas
of volcanic activity
Geyser - A hotspring that intermittently sends up fountain-like jets of water and steam into the

Major Types of Volcano

Stratovolcano or Composite - The magma inside a composite volcano is rich in silica and much
thicker than magma from shield volcanoes.
Shield Volcano - The magma inside a shield volcano is rich in iron and magnesium and very
Cinder Cones or Scoria Cones - shares similar characteristics with scorias.
● Scoria - irregularly-shaped, highly vesicular (bubble-shaped cavities) fragments of lava
that are erupted into the air and are typically solid when they land.

Volcanic Eruptions
● Active Volcano - volcanoes that have a record of erupting within the last 600 years or
those that have erupted 10,000 years ago
● Inactive Volcano - those that have not erupted for the last 10,000 years
● Extinct / Dead - those that have never erupted
● Dormant - those that aren’t erupting but are expected to in the future

According to PHIVOLCS as of 2013 there are 23 active volcanoes

Petrology - study of rocks
Primary Factors that Affects the Volcanoes Eruptive Style
● Magma’s Temperature - The higher the temperature of the magma is, the lower is its
○ Viscosity - ability to flow
● Chemical Composition - Magma’s with high silica content are more viscous than those
with low silica content
● Amount of dissolved gasses it contains - gas dissolved in magma tends increase its
stability to flow

Types of Flow
● Basaltic Flow - is very fluid like and can travel a great distance forming a thin sheet
● Andesitic Flow - is too viscous to travel far and tends to break up as it flows
● Rhyolitic Spire - too viscous to flow at all and rises out of the vent as a columnar plug
● Rhyolitic Dome - Rhyolitic dome is so viscous that it piles up at a vent as a dome

Types of Volcanic Eruption

● Phreatic or Hydrothermal - a stream-driven eruption as the hot rocks and water come in
● Phreatomagmatic - violent eruption due to the contact of water and magma ; fine ash
and pyroclastic are emitted at high speed
● Strombolian - a weak to violent eruption ; characterized by fountain lava
● Vulcanian - tall eruption columns that reach up to 20 km high with pyroclastic flow ash
● Plinian - excessively explosive type of eruption of gas and pyroclastic
● Hawaiian - the least explosive type

Geothermal Energy - heat from the interior of the earth ; used to generate electricity

Effects of Volcanic eruptions

● Positive effects
○ Spectacular scenery
○ Production of very rich soil ● Negative effects
for farming ○ Loss of lives and properties
○ Earthenwares from ash fall ○ Decrease in earth surface

Minerals of the Earth

Crystallization - the process in which minerals are formed which occurs when conditions allow
for ions or molecules to bond together in a definite and ordered internal structure.

Around 99% of the minerals in the Earth's crust are made up of eight elements including oxygen,
silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium. Common minerals include
quartz, feldspar, bauxite, cobalt, talc, and pyrite.

Talc - softest mineral

Diamond ( carbon ) - hardest mineral

Philippine Mine

The Philippines has rich deposits of copper, gold, nickel and other minerals still waiting to be
tapped and 55 operating metallic mines and seven processing plants.
Climate and Climate Change
Weather - mix of events and conditions that happen in the atmosphere for over a period of hours
or days
Climate - refers to the average weather condition in a place over many years ( up to 30 years ).
The climate of a place varies from one area to another

Two major seasons in the Philippines

● Rainy Season - June to November ( Habagat / Southwest monsoon )
● Dry Season - December to july ( Amihan / Northeast monsoon )
○ Cool Dry Season - december to february

Factors Affecting Climate

● Latitude - the specific north to east grid positions on earth ranging from 0° at the equator
and 90° at the poles ; the higher the latitude is, the lower the temperature
● Altitude - the altitude of a place affects the air temperature ; the higher the altitude is, the
lower the air temperature ; at higher elevations there is less air, this also makes the air
less dense and the molecules within farther, less dense air cannot absorb much heat
making the temperature lower

● Topography - refers to the natural feature or arrangement of an area like a land

○ Windward side - wind blows, high temperature , cloud formation, precipitation
○ Leeward side - no cloud formation, high temperature , less precipitation

● Distance to ocean or large bodies of water - areas that are close to oceans or large
bodies of water tends to have more moderate climate changes between seasons
Land breeze - sea to land ( night ) Sea breeze - land to sea ( day )

● Ocean Currents - ocean currents are caused by the wind, earthquake, and gravity ;
currents can be warm or cold
○ Ocean currents that flow away from the equator carry warm water
○ Ocean currents that flow away from the poles carry cold water
○ Ocean currents that bring along warm water inland make the climate warm
○ Ocean currents that bring along cold water inland make the climate cold

Causes of Climate Change

● Burning fossil fuels ( using electricity, cooking, and etc )
● Deforestation ( destruction of forest)
● Reduction of biodiversity - creates an unstable ecosystem

Sustainable Development Goals ( SDG ) - In the same year that the Paris Agreement was
signed, 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by all United Nations Member
States. The 17 goals set out all of the things that need to be achieved to protect the planet and
ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity.
Geology and the Earth's Treasure

Geology - the science that deals with the earth's physical structure and substance, its history, and
the processes that act on it.

Layers of the Earth

The structure of the earth is divided into four major components: the crust, the mantle, the outer
core, and the inner core. Each layer has a unique chemical composition, physical state, and can
impact life on Earth's surface.

● Inner core - a solid ball made of iron and nickel

● Outer core - also made from iron and nickel ; responsible for the magnetic energy of
● Mantle - the thickest layer of earth made of magnesium and iron silicates ; where
lithosphere and asthenosphere, which magma chambers are located
● Crust - the outermost layer of earth or the surface of the earth
○ Oceanic crust - bodies of water
○ Continental crust - lands

Mohorovicic Discontinuity - boundary of crust and mantle

Himalayan Mountain Range - formed by the collision of indian and eurasian plates
Pangaea - supercontinent Laurasia & Gondwana - 2 parts of pangaea
Continental Drift Theory - Alfred wegener

Tectonic plates / Plate tectonics - movement of earth's crust or continent

● Divergent - plates are moving away from each other

● Convergent - plates are moving towards each other
● Transform - sliding horizontally past each other

Types of convergent

● Continental - Continental - creates mountains

● Continental - Oceanic - creates subduction zones and islands
● Oceanic - Oceanic - creates underwater volcano

Rocks within the crust

● Igneous rocks - formed through the solidification or cooling of magma or lava

○ Weathering - the breaking apart of rocks ; can be physical or chemical
○ Erosion - movement of rocks from one place to another
○ Sediments - rocks that have been moved
○ Cementation - the binding of rocks or sediments
● Sedimentary rocks - formed through cementation
● Metamorphic rocks - rocks that settles at the surface and then later melting because of
the heat of magmas
Stars and Constellations

Star - a massive glowing ball made gas and dust, specifically helium and hydrogen ; caused by
the nuclear fusion

Bigbang Nucleosynthesis - the fusion of proton and neutron to create hydrogen, hydrogen
fusing with another neutron creates helium

Sun ( helios ) - about 150 m km away from earth ; it take 8 minutes and 20 second for the
sunlight to reach the earth ; about 1.4 m km in diameter ; a yellow medium sized star

Characteristics of Stars

● Color and Temperature - the wavelength that stars emit are related to the temperature of
the star ; the hotter the temperature , the bluer it is , the cooler the temperature, the redder
it is . The coolest star is about 2800°C appearing red while the hottest star is 28,000°C
appearing blue
● Brightness and magnitude - the brightness of a star depends on its distance
○ Apparent Brightness - depends on how far the star is ; the brightness of a star
seen from an observer from earth
○ Absolute Brightness - the brightness the all stars would have if they were in the
same distances from earth ; the brightness regardless of distance
● Sizes of Stars - there are five groups of stars by size : neutron stars, white dwarfs,
medium sized stars, giant, and supergiant. Neutron stars are about 16 km in diameter,
white dwarf are 7300 km, medium stars are about one tenth the diameter of the sun, giant
stars are 10 to 100 times bigger than the sun, supergiants are about 1000 times the
diameter of sun
● Distance of stars - scientists use parallax to determine how far a star is away from earth.
The closer a star is to earth the greater is its apparent change of position. Very distant
stars seems to not shift at all
○ Parallax - apparent change in the position of an object caused by the change in
position of the observer
○ Light years - used by scientists to express distance between stars and earth ; the
distance that light travels in one year at a speed of 300,000 kps ; a light year is
about 9 T km ; 9.461 x 10^12
○ Proxima Centauri - closest star from earth ; about 4.2 light years away from
● Composition of stars - using spectroscope, scientists found that hydrogen make about
60% - 80% of the stars mass the other one is helium which makes about 96% - 99% of
the stars mass ; other elements are oxygen, nitrogen , neon , and carbon
Constellations - groups of stars that create an imaginary image in the night sky ; used in
religions, telling the time through sundance/ sundial, using it as calendars for harvesting and
planting, also used for navigation

Apparent movement of the stars through the night - stars move from east to west

Polaris - also known as north star as it is the current north pole star ; the brightest star in the
Ursa minor ; polaris stand almost motionless in the sky because it is in the direct line of earth's
axis above the north pole ; polaris can be located by using the pointer stars Merak and Dubhe
from ursa major, they are called pointers because they seem to point at polaris

Stars appear to move in the night sky - the rotation of the earth's axis causes the apparent
nightly movement of the stars across the sky , the revolution is responsible for the fact that we
can see different parts of the sky at different parts of the year

Circumpolar Constellations

Ursa Major - also called the big bear ; 3rd largest constellation ; the big bear is named Calisto
Ursa Minor - also called little bear ; made up of 5 relatively faint stars ; ursa major's son named
Cassiopeia - looks like the letter m or w depending on the time of the year, it represents
cassiopeia’s throne ; made of the very bright-shedir, caph, gamma, cassiopeiae, and ruchbah ;
cursed by aphrodite
Cepheus - 27th largest constellation ; cassiopeia’s husband ; identified by the “home plate”
asterism ; made of alderamin, alfirk, alrai, garnet
Draco - made up of etamin(the brightest), aldibain, rastaban, altais, and aldhibah ; hardest to find
; represent the dragon Ladon that guards the golden apple tree ; killed by Hercules

Non-Circumpolar Constellations

Orion the hunter - appears during winter season ; home to rigel and betelgeuse ; killed by a
scorpion sent by artemis that also killed his mother
Canis Major - represents the big dog following orion ; home of sirius, the brightest star ;
represents laelaps, the fastest dog
Canis Minor - represents a small dog following orion ; home of procyon, the 8th brightest star
Scorpius - one of the oldest constellation found by human civilization ; shows a scorpion figure ;
antares is the brightest star within scorpius

Astronomy - deals with the study of celestial bodies such as planets, stars, comets, asteroids, and
galaxies ; aims to explain its origin, existence, and the changes that happened to them ; deals
with astronomical concepts

Astrology - a pseudoscience ( pseud = false ) ; uses the system of zodiac to make predictions ;
imaginary band that is the center of the path that the sun travels through in its annual motion
Kahulugan at mga elemento ng Parabula

Parabula - galing sa salitang griyego “parabole” na ang ibig sabihin ay maikling sanaysay
tungkol sa buhay, na nagtuturo ng kagandahang asal, at maaaring maging gabay sa
pagdedesisyon kung kailangan ; kadalasang mula sa banal na kasulatan ; gumagamit rin ng

Talinghaga - lipon ng mga salitang may konotatibong kahulugan

Kahulugan at mga elemento ng Elehiya

Elehiya - tulang pumapaksa sa damdamin ; isang uri ng tula na nagsasaad ng kalungkutan at

paghihinagpis patungkol sa isang minamahal na yumao

Elemento ng Elehiya
● Tema - ito ang kaisipang lumulutang sa akda ; madalas na hinuhugot ng may akda mula
sa pansariling karanasan
● Tauhan - tinutukoy nito ang karakter na inaalala, o pinararangalan ng akda
● Tagpuan - may sariling paraan ang mga manunulat kung paano maipahihiwatig ang lugar
o panahong mahalaga para sa may akda
● Kaugalian o Tradisyon - ipinipahiwatig upang lalong maalala ang nawalang mahal sa
● Wikang gagamitin - pormal o impormal ; ang pormal ay may sinusunod na mga
tuntunin ; ang impormal ay malayang pagsulat
● Pahiwatig o Simbolo - nagdaragdag ng sining ang paggamit ng mga pahiwatig at
simbolo sa pagsulat ng elehiya
● Damdamin - tono at damdamin ; ang tono o panagono ay ang emosyon na nais
iparating ng manunulat ; ang damdamin ay ang emosyong nadarama ng bumabasa

Mga uri ng Panlapi

● Pang-angkop - mga salitang ginagamit sa pag-uugnay ng dalawang salita. Iniuugnay ang

mga salitang panuring o naglalarawan tulad ng pang-uri at pang-abay ; Ito ang mga
katangang NG at NA.

○ NG - ginagamit kapag ang naunang salita ay nagtatapos sa patinig at idinurugtong

ito sa unang salita
○ NA - ginagamit ito kapag ang nauunang salita ay nagtatapos sa katinig maliban sa
katinig na N.

● Pang-ukol - kataga, salita, o parirala na naguugnay sa isang pangngalan sa iba pang salita

● Pangatnig - mga kataga, salita, at pariralang nag uugnay ng dalawang salita, parirala,
sugnay, o payak na pangungusap

○ Pamukod, Panubali, Paninsay, Pananhi, Panapos, Panlinaw, Panimbang,

Pamanggit, Panulad
Pambansang Ekonomiya
Ekonomiya - iniuugnay ito ng mga tao sa kanilang negosyo, trabaho, kita, at pagkokonsumo
● Dr. Bernardo M. Villegas - Ekonomiya: ay ang mga tao, ang kanilang pangangailangan
at ang kanilang paggawa

Mga Pangunahing Konsepto ng Macroeconomics

● Pagkokonsumo (Consumption) - ang pagbili ng mga produkto sa pamilihan
● Pagtatrabaho - mga taong naka-empleo o namamasukan bilang hanapbuhay
● Produksiyon - ang pagpoproseso o paggawa ng mga kalakal at serbisyo
● Kita - kabayaran sa pag-upa o paggamit ng salik ng produksiyon

Expanding Economy (lumalawak): Pag-angat ng Ekonomiya

- Pag-unlad, paglaki ng pagkokonsumo, trabaho, produksiyon, at kita. Nangyayari ito
kapag ginagamit nang buong talino at husay ng mga mamimili at prodyuser ang kanilang
- Tumataas ang produksiyon, maraming nabigyan ng hanapbuhay, nagrresulta ng malaking
kita at pagkkonsumo.

Contracting Economy (lumiliit) - Pag-urong ng ekonomiya, lumiliit ang pagkokonsumo atbp.

Matinding implasyon o deplasyon.
- Maaring humantong sa DEPRESYON at RECESSION.

● Recession - panahon ng mas mababang antas ng produksiyon na nagreresulta ng mas

mataas na antas ng kawalan ng trabaho
- Dalawang magkasunod na quarter ng negating pag-unlad (1 Quarter - 3 Months)
● Depresyon - panahon ng malawakang paghihirap sa ekonomiya bunga ng malawak at
matinding kawalan ng trabaho. Pagbagsak ng kita ng mga tao at Negosyo, kakulangan sa
suplay ng produksiyon.
● Inflation - patuloy na pagtaas ng halaga ng produkto
● Deflation - patuloy na pagbaba ng halaga ng produkto

Ang mga Macroekonomikong Sektor

John Maynard Keynes - ang pambansang kita ay nahahati sa apat na pangunahing
magkakaugnay na sektor. Ang mga ito ay ang konsumer, negosyo (business), publiko, at
panlabas (foreign)

Sektor ng Konsumer - mga pribadong indibidwal ang bumubuo dito

● Household - isang grupo ng mga taong magkakasama naninirahan
● Personal or Private Consumption Expenditures - ang kabuuang gastusin ng lahat ng
pamilya o household sa buong ekonomiya.
- kasama rito ang gastusin para sa edukasyon, utilities (tulad ng kuryente, tubig at
telepono), transportasyon, paggamot atbp.

Sektor ng Negosyo - mga organisasyong kumikita ng pera. Kilala ang mga ito sa tawag na
Kompanya o Korporasyon. Entrepreneur ang mga taong nasa likod ng negosyo.
- Ito ang Sektor ng Produksyon at ang pamilihan ng mga produkto
- May tatlong uri ng pag mamayari : sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation
- Investment - pamumuhunan / paggugol ng negosyo ; fixed capital o changes in stock ;
ang fixed capital ay ang pag iinvest nang direkta ; ang changes in stock ay ang pagbili
ng equities o securities sa stock market

Pampublikong Sektor - isang mahalagang sektor ng pambansang ekonomiya ang pamahalaan

ng Pilipinas. Pinakamalaking nag iisang organisasyon sa ekonomiya.
Panlabas na Sektor - mga bansa sa iba’t ibang panig ng mundo.
● Patakarang panlabas ng pamahalaan sa kalakalan at pamumuhunan - gumagabay sa
daloy ng mga kalakal at kapital na pumapasok sa Pilipinas mula sa ibang bansa.

Ang Paikot na Daloy ng Kita, Kalakal, at Serbisyo

Tahanan (Household) - ang suplayer ng mga salik ng produksiyon na kinabibilangan ng

yamang-lupa, paggawa, kapital, at entrepreneurship (Bumibili)

Factor Income - ang tawag sa kita ng mga tahanan mula sa pagbebenta ng salik ng produksiyon.
Ito at may apat na anyo
● Sahod (salary/wage) - bayad sa paggawa o sa mga manggagawa
● Upa (rent) - bayad sa paggamit ng lupa at iba pang ari-arian
● Interes (interest) - bayad sa pagpapahiram ng pera
● Tubo (profit) - ang balik-puhunan o bayad sa paggamit ng kapital

Business Revenues - ang kita ng mga kompanya mula sa pagbebenta ng mga produkto; Profit o

Input/ Resource Market – pamilihan ng mga salik ng produksiyon. (Resources)

Output / Product market- pamilihan ng mga produkto.

Business Revenues – kita ng kumpanya mula sa pagbebenta ng mga produkto. (Profit o Tubo)

Expropriation - ang pagkuha ng pamahalaan sa mga pribadong lupa o ari-arian upang

mapakinabangan ng publiko

Privalization of Public Assets - pagbebenta ng pamahalaan ng mga ari-arian sa pribadong


Foreign Exchange - pinagkukunan ng ekonomiya ng dolyar at iba pang dayuhang


Economic Disequilibrium - nawawala sa sirkulasyon at hindi ginagamit sa produksyon ng mga

- Sanhi ng pagbubulsa ng buwis, pag iimpok ng mga negosyo at tahanan, at dahil sa
perang lumalabas sa bansa

Overseas Remittance (mga OFW) - nakatutulong nang malaki sa pagpapalago ng pera sa

sirkulasyon ng bansa.

Iba pang Sektor ng Pambansang Ekonomiya

Agrikultural - pagsasaka, pangingisda, livestock, (livestock, poultry, raising, forestry)
Industirya - pagmimina, konstruksyon, water and power generation.
Paglilingkod o serbisyo - transportasyon, komunikasyon, kalakalan, pagbabangko,
pagpapautang, pabahay, personal at propesyonal na paglilingkod.
+ Produksiyon - pangunahing aktibidad sa ekonomiya
Pagsukat ng Pambansang Kita at Produkto
National income and Product accounting – umaangat ang pambansang ekonomiya kapag
lumalaki ang antas ng lokal produksiyon. Isa itong matematikal na operasyon na sumusukat sa
paglago ng pambansang ekonomiya.
PRESYO ng produkto sa pamilihan – panukat sa produksyon.
Presyo - katumbas na halaga ng produkto na binabayaran ng mga consumer sa pamilihan
tuwing sila ay namimili.
Pambansang Produkto (National Product) - ang halaga ng kalakal at serbisyo na prinodyus ng
ekonomiya sa loob ng takdang panahon

Ang Konsepto ng Value-Added

- ang halaga ng produkto sa pamilihan ay minsan lang binibilang
Double Counting Error - pagkuwenta sa halaga ng produkto nang dalawang beses o higit pa
Value-Added Tax (VAT) – naidagdag na halaga, ginagamit ng statistician at ekonomista upang
iwasan ang DCE.

Intermediate Product - kinakailangan pang linangin o i-prosesong muli. Ang bumibili nito ay
hindi huling konsumer.
Final Product - hindi na kailangan i-prosesong muli at gawing kapital sa pamumunuhan.

Personal na Pagkokonsumo (C) - gastusin ng mga pribadong indibidwal at tahanan.

- Pinakamalaking bahagi ng pambansang produkto ng Pilipinas. Ito ay nahahati sa tatlong
● Durable goods - tumatagal
● Nondurable - di tumatagal
● Services - serbisyo

Paggugol ng Pamahalaan sa Pampublikong Kalakal at Serbisyo (G) - gumagastos ito ng

bilyon hanggang trilyong piso upang maghatid ng serbisyo sa buong sambayanang Pilipino.
Ginagamit ito sa pagpapagawa ng mga kalsada, tulay, paaralan, at ospital, atbp.

Paggugol para sa Kapital o Pamumuhunan (I) - gastusin para sa pagbili o pagkalap ng kapital
sa pamumuhunan na binubuo ng Fixed Capital at Changes in stocks.

Neto ng Export (X - M) (Net Export)

Net Export – balance ng mga kalakal na iniluluwas at ng mga kalakal na inaangkat. Tinatawag
din itong Balance of Trade
● Export (X) - tawag sa mga produktong ibinebenta sa labas ng bansa; kasama sa pagsukat
ng pambansang produkto dahil bahagi ito ng lokal na produksiyon
● Import (I) - tawag sa mga ito ng bansang umaangkat

National Accounts – iba’t-ibang accounts ng pambansang kita at pambansang produkto.

GDE (Gross Domestic Expenditures) GDE = C + G + I

- kabuoang halaga ng lahat ng pinal na produkto sa pamilihan na binili ng mga sektor ng
konsumer, pamahlaan, at negosyo sa loob ng isang taon
- pinakamalaking national product account ng isang saradong ekonomiya
- katumbas ng GDP at GNP
● “C” - paggugol ng komsumer (Personal Consumption Expenditures)
● “G” - paggugol ng pamahalaan (Government Consumption Expenditures on Goods and
● “I” - paggugol ng negosyo para sa kapital (Capital Formation Expenditures)
GDP (Gross Domestic Product) GDP = C + G + I + (X - M)
- Sa Pilipinas ginawa
- ang halaga sa pamilihan ng mga pinal na produkto na gawa sa loob ng isang bansa
kasama ang neto na export
+ kapag ang neto ng export ay positibo, mas malaki ang GDP kaysa sa GDE
+ kapag ang neto ng export ay negatibo, mas maliit ang GDP kaysa sa GDE
+ kapag ang neto ng export ay zero, ang GDP at ang GDE ay magkasinglaki

GNP (Gross National Product)

GNP = GDP + NFIA GNP = C + G + I + (X - M) + NFIA
- Pilipino ang gumawa sa loob man o labas ng bansa
- kabuoang kita ng mga Pilipino sa loob ng isang taon na ginagamit sa produksiyon ng mga
kalakal at serbisyo sa loob man o labas ng bansa.

● Remittances – pinapadala ng mga OFW sa Pilipinas mula sa kanilang kinita.

● NFIA – (Net Factor Income from Abroad)
+ kapag ang NFIA ay negatibo, ang GNP ay mas maliit kaysa sa GDP
+ kapag ang NFIA ay zero, ang GNP ay mas malaki kaysa sa GDP

NNP (Net National Product) NNP = GNP - less Depreciation Allowance

- ang totoong halaga ng mga pinuhunang kapital sa loob ng isang taon
● Depreciation Allowance - ang kabaran sa paggamit ng pinuhunang kapital
● GDI (Gross Domestic Investment - bahagi ng GNP, ay ang kabuoang halaga ng
puhunan sa bansa sa loob ng takdang taon ng accounting;
- NDI = GDI - Depreciation Allowance


- pambansang kita
+ Indirect Taxes - hindi tuwirang buwis

Nominal GDP
- nakabatay sa umiiral na presyo ng mga produkto sa pamilihan sa panahon ng GDP
accounting. (current price GDP)
- nakabatay sa kasulukuyang taon

- sumusukat sa paglago ng ekonomiya sa loob ng takdang panahon, gamit ang presyo sa
batayang taon (base year). (constant price GDP)
- nakabatay sa batayang taon at sa kasulukuyang taon

Price Index
- nagpapakita kung gaano kalaki ang pagbabago sa presyo sa loob ng takdang panahon.

Consumer Price Index

- Pagbabago sa presyo sa market basket

● Polygons - a plane figure with at least three straight sides and angles, and typically five
or more
● Congruent - identical in form
● Opposite - a position on the other side or further side of a polygon
● Adjacent - next to or adjoining something else
● Diagonal - two opposite corners of a square, rectangle, or other straight-sided shape
● Congruent segment - segments that have the same length
● Congruent angles - angles that have the same length
● Vertical angles - are pair angles formed when two lines intersect
● Adjacent angles - are two angles that have a common side and a common vertex (corner
point) but do not overlap in any way
● Supplementary angles - are angels whose measurements add up to 180 degrees
● Parallel lines - lines in the same plane that are at equal distance from each other and
never meet
● Perpendicular lines - are lines that intersect at a right (90 degrees) angle
● Segment bisector - is a line, a ray, a line segment, or a point that cuts a line segment at
the center dividing the line into two equal parts
● Midpoint of a segment - the point on that line segment that divides the segment into two
congruent segments
● Transversal lines - is a line that intersects two or more other (often parallel ) lines


Quadrilateral - a two- dimensional figure with four sides and four angles. The word part “quad”
means 4 and “lateral” means sides.

Square - a quadrilateral with 4 equal sides and 4 right angles ; can be a rectangle
Rectangle - a quadrilateral with 4 right angles ; Its opposite sides are equal and parallel ; cannot
be a square
Trapezoid - a quadrilateral that has exactly 1 pair of parallel sides.
Trapezium - quadrilateral with no equal sides and no equal angles
Rhombus - a quadrilateral that has 4 equal sides. Its opposite sides are parallel.


Parallelogram - a quadrilateral that has opposite sides that are equal and parallel ; examples are
Square. Rectangle, Rhombus

Theorems about Parallelograms

● THEOREM 6.2.1 - A diagonal of a parallelogram divides the parallelogram into two

congruent triangles.
● THEOREM 6.2.2 - Opposite sides of a parallelogram are congruent.
● THEOREM 6.2.3 - Opposite angles of a parallelogram are congruent.
● THEOREM 6.2.4 - Consecutive angles of a parallelogram are supplementary.
● THEOREM 6.2.5 - Diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.
Theorems about Quadrilaterals

● THEOREM 6.3.1 - If a quadrilateral has two pairs of parallel opposite sides, then it is a
● THEOREM 6.3.2 - If a quadrilateral has two opposite sides that are both parallel and
congruent, then it is a parallelogram.
● THEOREM 6.3.3 - If a quadrilateral has two pairs of congruent opposite angles, then it
is a parallelogram.
● THEOREM 6.3.4 - If the diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect each other, then the
quadrilateral is a parallelogram.
○ THEOREM 6.3.5 (The Midsegment Theorem) - If the diagonals of a
quadrilateral bisect each other, then the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.

Theorems about Diagonals

● THEOREM 6.4.1 - The diagonals of a rectangle are congruent.
● THEOREM 6.4.2 - The diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular.
● THEOREM 6.4.3 - Each diagonal of a rhombus bisects the two opposite angles.
● THEOREM 6.4.4 - If the diagonals of a parallelogram are congruent, then it is a
Music of the Romantic Period
1820 - 1910 is when the Romantic Period’s music had become well known

Romantic Period - western music compose in the late 18th century to 19th century
- composers and artist believed in letting their imagination and passion be seen
through their works
- short piano pieces in ABA form that show emotion were developed during this
- piano musics was in free from such as fantasy, rhapsody, ballade, and nocturne
- most of musical compositions in this era portrays literature, history, emotions, and
- Nationalism is reflected in most of the music of the Romantic Period. Composers
began to incorporate their country’s native folk songs and musical styles into their

Program Music - a form of music that portrays an idea or relays a story to the audience
- was expressed in tone poems such as symphonie fantastique
- this became the main form of instrumental composition which evident in :
concert overtunes, program symphonies, symphonic poems, incidental music
● Ex: Symphonie Fantastique by Hector Berlioz

Concert Halls - venues for musical performances and instrumental music was available to a
wide audience

Ludwig Van Beethoven - Bridged the music from Classical to Romantic Era

Arts of Neoclassical and Romantic Period

Neoclassicism - came from the greek word “ neos “ meaning new and latin word “ classicus “
which is similar to the meaning of English phrase “ first class “
- The western movement in decorative and visual arts
- Applies to literature, theater, music, and architecture that were influenced by the
classical art and culture of Ancient Greek and Ancient Rome

Neoclassical Artists
● Jacques Louis David ( 1748- 1725 ) - influential French painter in the Neoclassical style
and considered to be the preeminent painter of the era
○ Famous artworks: The Death of Marat - David’s master shows portrayal
of a revolutionary martyr. This is the painting of the murdered french
revolutionary leader Jean-Paul Marat
● Jean-Auguste Dominique Ingres ( 1780 - 1867 ) - pupil of Jacques Louis David
- Influenced by Italian renaissance painter like Raphael, Nicholas Pousin, Botticelli,
and his mentor, Jacques Louis David
- His paintings were usually nudes, portraits, and mythological themes
○ Famous artworks : The apotheosis of Homer - the painting was a state
commission by Charles X to have him remembered in the building works
of louvre. The painting depicts an image of Homer, receiving all brilliant
men of Rome, Greece, and contemporary times.

Neoclassical Sculptures - one of the great ages of public sculpture. Artists looked to Roman
styles during the time of Alexander the great for inspiration as well to mimic their style
Neoclassical Architecture
- Neoclassical architectural styles started in the mid-18th century ; it turned away
from the grandeur of Rococo styles and late Baroque
- A style principally derived from the architecture of Classical Greece and Rome
and the architectural designs of the Italian architect Andrea Palladio

● Temple Style
- Based on Ancient temples
- Uncommon during Renaissance period
● First Aid - immediate and temporary care. This can mean the difference between life and
death in extreme cases
Roles of First Aid
- a bridge that fills the gap between the victim and the physician
- not intended to compete with or to take place of the services of the physician
- ends when the services of the physician begin
Objectives of First Aid
- to save lives - to prolong life
- to alleviate suffering - to prevent further injury
Characteristics of a Good First Aider
- Gentle: does not cause pain and panic
- Observant: notices all signs
- Resourceful: makes the best use of things at hand
- Tactful: does not frighten the victim
- Sympathetic: comforts and reassures the victim
Principles of First Aid
Dos in Giving First Aid
● Do stay calm
● Do reassure and comfort the victim
● Do check for a medical bracelet indicating a condition
● Do loosen any tight clothing
● Do keep the victim covered to reduce shock
Don’ts in Giving First Aid
● Don’t give food and drinks to an unconscious person
● Don’t move an injured person unless you need to place them in the recovery position

Top 10 Things to do in Case of Emergency

1. Shout for HELP!
2. Survey the scene and assess the situation.
3. Determine if the accident warrants a visit to the nearest hospit

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