Ge 5 - Topic 7 Assignment

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Instruction A: Define the following terms based from your own understanding. (20 points)
1. Interpretation – is an opinion about what it means.

2. Multiperspectivity – is a characteristic of narration or representation, where more than one

perspective represented to the audience.

3. Testimonies – is a solemn declaration usually made orally by a waitress under oath in response to
interrogation by a lawyer or authorized public official.
– firsthand authentication of a fact.

4. Perspectives – is the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance.

– is a particular way of considering something.

Instruction B: Write an essay about your interpretation using primary sources on the site of the First
Catholic Mass in the Philippines. Words must not less than 200. (20 points)
 Based on the history of Roman Catholic religion in our country in which most of us
“Filipinos” were conquered by Spanish regime were baptized by Spanish priest; that was the
time where Ferdinand Magellan sent ashore father Pedro de Valderansa in Limasawa Island
in the tip of Southern Leyte, Philippines; last March 31 1521. How the first Catholic mass of
country happened. This was been happened by informing Rajah Kolombu, through an
interpreter that he and his men would land and attend the mass by sending some gifts. When
Magellan and his troops approached the shore, there was a salvo of six guns was fired as a
sign of peace. So, Rajah Kolombu and So.agu embraced Magellan and they walked together
to the place of worship together with the sailors. Throughout the mass, the Rajales remained
on their knees with clasps hands. At the elevation, the ships fired all their artillery in responds
to musket signal from the shore. This was celebrated on Easter Sunday and this was the time
of Roman Catholicism began; wherein the birthplace of Roman Catholicism in our country
had been remarkable in Limasawa, Southern Leyte Philippines in our history. Since then, the
Roman Catholic religion in our country has been adopted most of our people.

Scoring points:

Content – 10

Relevance- 5

Grammar- 5 Total :

Note: Use Century Gothic, font 11 and 1.5 spacing in answering this activity.
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