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Marketing Strategy

Ethics Assignment
The Ethics Assignment is worth 10%.

Due Date
Your assignment must be completed and submitted to the dropbox by the date indicated by your

Assignment Overview
Businesses that are a part of the Canadian B Corp Directory share common values and operate with
integrity, transparency, and compassion towards workers, the community, and the environment. This
assignment goal is to make students familiar with what a B Corp is, and how these companies have
proven their commitment to doing good.

You will be assessed on your achievement of the following course learning outcomes:
2. Apply an ethical framework to marketing strategy.

Estimated completion time: Approximately 3 hours.

Create a PowerPoint presentation with the results of your research on the following information.

How to Proceed:

Using research, define what a B Corp is. Choose a Canadian company with a B Corp designation and a
Canadian company without the designation. Identify why you choose those companies. It will simplify
the assignment if you choose two companies in the same sector. Identify the target market of both
companies, indicating any differences. Compare the marketing mix of each company. Contrast the
successes between the companies and where each can improve their strategies. Identify the advantages
and disadvantages of a B Corporation based on your research of both companies. Include a conclusion
that identifies whether you think the non-B Corp should pursue a B Corp designation or not and why.


Your completed presentation should have lots of visuals and include your notes written in the notes
section of the slide.
1. An agenda
2. An introduction to what a B Corp is
3. An introduction to each company (one slide for each company)
4. The target market for each company (one slide for each company)
5. The marketing mix for each company (one slide for each company)
6. Comparison of successes of each company.
7. Suggestions where each company can improve their strategies
8. Advantages and disadvantages of a B Corp
9. Conclusion: Should the non-B Corp pursue a B Corp designation?
10. A reference slide using APA


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