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Gracious and Merciful God,

We humbly come before You at the beginning of this class,

seeking Your guidance and blessing. You are the ultimate
Teacher, the source of all knowledge and understanding.
Forgive us for any distractions or doubts that may cloud our
minds. Grant us clarity and focus as we engage in learning and

We ask for Your wisdom to guide our discussions and activities.

May our words be infused with truth and grace, and may our
actions reflect integrity and compassion.
Lord, we lift up our students to You. Open their minds to receive
knowledge and wisdom. Help them to overcome challenges and
to grow in confidence and understanding.

Thank You, Lord, for the opportunity to teach and learn. We are
grateful for the resources and support that enable us to pursue
education. May we steward these gifts well and use them to
serve others and glorify You.
As we embark on this class, may Your presence be with us. May
Your peace and inspiration fill this room, guiding our thoughts
and actions.

Grant us strength and perseverance throughout this academic

journey. May we always strive for excellence and seek to honor
You in all that we do.
In Your name we pray,

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