25 Interview Questions

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1. What made you become a teacher?

2. What is your style of Teaching?

3. What grade would you like to teach?
4. What techniques do you use to students motivated?
5. How would you implement technology in class?
6. How do you respond to feedback?
7. Are you a team player?
8. Why should our school district hire you?
9. How will involve parents in their child’s education?
10. How will you deal with disruptive behavior in students?
11. Do you have backups for lesson plans that are not working?
12. What has been your biggest teaching challenge?
13. What can you give our school district that is different?
14. What is your teaching personality like?
15. How will you make sure classroom rules are followed?
16. What kind of support do you expect from the principal?
17. What are your career goals?
18. How will you involve yourself in the community?
19. How will you make sure diversity in the classroom is respected?
20. What do you think about our school district?
21. What does your grading policy look like?
22. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
23. What has been your biggest teaching success?
24. How will you help students that are falling behind?
25. How will you challenge students who are academically gifted?
What made you become a teacher?
Some of my biggest role models have been teachers. They helped me become the man I am
today. I moved to the United States when I was 10 and did not know any English. The amount of
support and help I got from my teachers was huge and I have always wanted to return the favor
to someone else. I think teachers have the power to change a student’s life in a positive way and
that is something that I have always wanted to do.
What grade would you like to teach?
If I had to pick a grade, I would pick either third or fourth grade. As a student those were the
grades that I felt the most confused but that I also learned the most in. I think that age group is at
a point where they ready to listen and learn but do not require as much attention as the younger
What is your teaching personality like?
I think that I am someone that is always in a good mood. I think that it is very hard to make me
mad. I believe that translate to my teaching personality, students will come to learn that I can be
very patient and that I am always willing to help them. I also think that will make it more serious
when they see that I am not happy when bad behavior is occurring.
How do you respond to feedback?
I am a person always looking for feedback. I think feedback is there to make us better at what we
do. I welcome feedback and the sooner it happens the more time I have, to either correct
mistakes or improve on what I am currently working on.
How will you make sure classroom rules are followed?
Being clear about rules right from the beginning will be key to students learning to respect them.
In previous jobs I have learned that I soon as we start being lenient with people breaking rules,
we start to lose control and students will think it is okay if you do not follow rules. Depending on
the grade level I plan to have fun activities for students to enjoy when they have been respectful,
when rules are not followed those privileges will be removed.

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