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S Practical 4

AIM : Identification of flora diversity of

Delhi and other states.

Site: College Campus, college of

vocational studies.

Name of the group members:

Nikhil Jain – 51
Anshul Agarwal – 13
Isha Agrawal – 30
Lashika Bajaj – 43
Biodiversity: A Tapestry of Life

Biodiversity, a portmanteau of "biological diversity," is the intricate web of life that blankets our
planet. It encompasses the variety of living organisms, their genetic makeup, and the ecosystems
they form. This rich tapestry, woven over millions of years through the forces of evolution, plays a
crucial role in sustaining life on Earth.

Levels of Biodiversity:

Biodiversity operates at various levels, each contributing to the resilience and functioning of
ecosystems. Genetic diversity, the variety of genes within a species, allows for adaptation and
survival. Species diversity, the multitude of different species in a habitat, enhances ecosystem
stability. Ecosystem diversity, the variety of ecosystems across the globe, ensures the provision of
essential services like clean water, pollination, and climate regulation.

India as a Mega-Biodiversity Nation:

India, a subcontinent of unparalleled ecological diversity, stands as a mega-biodiversity nation. From

the snow-clad peaks of the Himalayas to the dense rainforests of the Western Ghats, India hosts a
myriad of ecosystems. Biogeographic zones and biodiversity hotspots, such as the Western Ghats and
the Eastern Himalayas, showcase the country's ecological richness.

Value of Biodiversity:

The significance of biodiversity extends beyond ecological balance. It holds ecological, economic,
social, ethical, aesthetic, and informational values. Biodiversity supports agriculture, provides
medicinal resources, and contributes to cultural practices. Ecosystem services, from soil fertility to
climate regulation, are the bedrock of human well-being.

Threats to Biodiversity:

However, this intricate balance is under constant threat. Habitat loss, degradation, and
fragmentation due to human activities pose severe challenges. Poaching, biological invasions, and
the current mass extinction crisis further strain ecosystems. Understanding and addressing these
threats are paramount to preserving the planet's biodiversity.

Conservation Strategies:

In the face of these challenges, conservation strategies become imperative. In-situ conservation,
preserving species in their natural habitats through national parks and wildlife sanctuaries, is
complemented by ex-situ methods like seed banks and captive breeding programs. Conservation
efforts often focus on keystone, flagship, umbrella, and indicator species, recognizing their roles in
maintaining ecosystem health.

Sustainable Development Goals:

Aligned with global efforts, India has incorporated biodiversity conservation into its Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs). National Action Plans on Climate Change and missions such ProjectTiger
and Project Elephant exemplify India's commitment to balancing development with conservation.

Celosia Flower:

1. Names:
- Scientific: Celosia spp.
- Local: Cockscomb or Wool flowers.

2. Conservation Status - Varies by species (Least Concern to

Data Deficient).

3. Medicinal Properties:
- Traditional uses for digestive issues and inflammation.

4. Water Consumption:
- Moderately water-efficient and adaptable.

5. Importance:
- Economic: Contributes to ornamental horticulture.
- Environmental: Hardy and adaptable, enhancing
- Socio-Cultural: Used in cultural and celebratory floral

Moss-Rose Purslane:

- Scientific Name: Portulaca grandiflora.

- Local Names: Obtainable through literature or local flora

mobile applications.

- Conservation Status (IUCN): Generally not threatened due to

widespread cultivation.

- Medicinal Properties: Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant

effects with omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals.

- Water Consumption: Drought-resistant, thrives in well-drained

soil with minimal water needs.

- Socio-Economic-Environmental Importance:
- Socio-Economic: Ornamental value in landscaping and
- Environmental: Thrives in arid conditions, contributing to soil
Madagascar Periwinkle

- Scientific Name: Catharanthus roseus

- Local Names: Sadabahar, Nayantara, Nithyakalyani
- Conservation Status: Not Evaluated
- Medicinal Properties: Used in cancer treatment and traditional medicine.
- Water Consumption: Moderately drought-tolerant, requires regular
- Socio-Economic-Environmental Importance:
- Socio-economic: Valuable in pharmaceuticals, supporting livelihoods.
- Environmental: Adaptable to different environments, used in
- Socio-cultural: Holds cultural and aesthetic significance.

Garden Verbena

- Scientific Name: Verbena x hybrida

- Local Names: Garden Verbena, Hybrid Verbena
- Conservation Status: Not available (typically not
endangered in garden settings).
- Medicinal Properties: Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and
- Water Consumption: Low maintenance; tolerates
- Socio-Economic-Environmental Importance:
- Economic: Popular ornamental plant in landscaping
and horticulture.
- Environmental: Attracts pollinators, supports
- Socio-Cultural: Enhances public spaces, contributes to
social engagement.

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