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Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning

Element 2.1 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Models and Models fair and Reinforces positive, Develops shared Facilitates student self-
communicates respectful behavior. responsible, and responsibility with reflection and ongoing
expectations for fair and Demonstrates respectful student students for resolving improvement of the
respectful behavior to commitment to fairness interactions. Assists conflict and creating and caring community based
support social and respect in students to resolve maintaining a caring on respect, fairness, and
development. communications with conflicts. classroom community. the value of all members.
students about language Incorporates cultural Supports students in 4/26/24
and behavior. awareness to develop a taking leadership in
Promoting social Seeks to understand positive classroom developing a caring
Development and cultural perceptions of climate. community that is
responsibility within caring community. responsive to the diverse Students take leadership
a caring community Some students share in Students demonstrate cultural norms of in resolving conflict and
where each student responsibility for the Students participate in efforts to be positive, identities of all students. creating a fair and
is treated fairly and classroom community. occasional community accepting, and respectful 7/15/23, 12/9/23 respectful classroom
respectfully building activities, of differences. 7/15/23 community where
designed to promote Students take student’s home culture is
caring, fairness, and responsibility resolving included and valued.
respect. conflicts and maintaining Students communicate
a caring classroom with empathy and
community. Students understanding in
promote respect and interactions with one
appreciation for another.
differences. 12/9/23
Early on students learned I often point out when I When conflict arises, I ask
that mistake are nothing make a mistake and show students questions to get
to be ashamed of because students how I handle my to the root of what their
they help us to learn. emotions when I make a problem is, and I can
They encourage each mistake. I also model facilitate conversations
other and ask each other conflict resolution with students from there.
for help if they need through discussion, Students feel safe enough
support during acting out scenarios and to explain what they are
independent or group allowing students to give dealing with, and others
Evidence work. They have become input to what worked listen respectfully.
supportive of each other and what needs 4/26/24
when they succeed and improvement. I also teach
when they make and model for them how
mistakes, and often use to accept a mistake, fix it,
words to encourage each and learn from it.
other. 7/15/23 7/15/23

I help students navigate

through conflict my
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
modeling how to identify
the emotion they feel and
how to express that to a
classmate in order to
come to a resolution
together. Students are
learning how to take
responsibility and they
lead the discussions they
have with peers and
come up with solutions
on their own. 12/9/23

Students are very

reflective when conflict
arises and are willing to
work toward making
things right and are able
to problem solve as to
what they should do
differently next time.
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Element 2.2 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Is aware of the Experiments with and/or Develops physical Maintains physical Adapts physical and/or
importance of the virtual learning environments that reflect environments that reflect environments flexibly to
physical and/or virtual environments that student diversity and student diversity and facilitate access to a wide
learning environments support student learning. provide a range of provides a broad range of range of resources that
that support student resources for learning. resources, displays, and engage students in
learning. 7/15/23 artifacts that are current learning. Ensures that
Structures for interaction and integral to environments enhance
Is aware that structured are taught in single Utilizes a variety of instruction. 12/9/23 learning and reflect
interaction between lessons or sequence of structures for interaction diversity within and
Creating physical or students can support lessons to support during learning activities Integrates a variety of beyond the classroom.
virtual learning learning. student learning. that ensures a focus on structures for interaction 4/26/24
environments that and completion of that engage students
promote student learning tasks. 7/15/23 constructively and Selects from a repertoire
learning, reflect productively in learning. of structures for
diversity, and 12/9/23 interaction to ensure
encourage accelerated learning for
constructive and Some students use Students use resources the full range of students.
productive available resources in provided in learning Students use a variety of Students routinely use a 4/26/24
interactions among learning environments environments and resources in learning range of resources in
students during instruction. interact with each other environments and learning environments Students participate in
to understand and interact in ways that that relate to and enhance monitoring and changing
complete learning tasks deepen their instruction and reflect the design of learning
in single lessons or understanding of the their diversity. environments and
sequence of lessons. content and develop Students share in structures for
7/15/23 constructive social and monitoring and interactions. 4/26/24
academic interactions. assessment of
12/9/23 interactions to improve
effectiveness and develop
a positive culture for
Evidence By collaborating with I use both homogenous Throughout the day, There is a lot of
each other, students have and heterogenous students sit at tables that movement in the
learned various skills, groupings to demonstrate function as collaborative classroom throughout the
such as asking questions, how differences make us workspaces. They each day, and I try to provide
asking for help, and stronger as a community. have various jobs they are multiple opportunities for
describing their thinking I place students with in charge of at their students to practice
aloud. They learn to share different strengths into tables. Students have autonomy throughout
materials, and teach each one group, while also opportunities to work in their day. Students
other how to use recognizing students who small groups, pairs, and choose preferred seating
technology in their still need training in individually with the during whole group
learning. 7/15/23 specific areas so they can current classroom set up. lessons. They sometimes
deeply grow in those When they work participate in partner
skills. 7/15/23 individually, they use work and are supplied
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
folder patricians to help with a list of things they
Students continue to them focus on their own must complete and a list
build their social skills. work. 12/9/23. of things they may do if
They are practicing their they finish early. There is
speaking and active a lot of scaffolding, small
listening skills group work, and lesson
throughout various small adaptation to ensure
group settings. 12/9/23 accelerated learning for
many students. Students
have multiple
opportunities to work in
groups, with partners, to
work individually, and to
choose topics that
interest them in reading
and writing, and to
choose strategies that
make the most sense to
them in math. 4/26/24

Element 2.3 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Establishing and Adheres to policies and laws Recognizes and addresses Anticipates and reduces Integrates support for Shares responsibility with
maintaining learning regarding safety that are safety issues regarding risks to physical, students to take risks and the students for the
environments that required by the site, district, materials, student intellectual, and emotional offer respectful opinions establishment and
and state. interactions, and the safety using multiple about divergent viewpoints. maintenance of a safe
are physically,
Responds to behaviors that organization of the learning strategies that include 4/26/24 physical, intellectual, and
intellectually, and impact student safety as environments. examining biases in the emotional environment
emotionally safe they arise. learning environment and focused on high quality and
curriculum. 7/15/23, rigorous learning.
12/9/23 Engages in reflection on
Explores strategies to their own language and
establish intellectual and Models and provides behavior that contributes to
emotional safety in the instruction on skills that intellectual and emotional
classroom. develop resiliency and safety in the classroom.
support intellectual and 4/26/24
emotional safety. 7/15/23, Students demonstrate
Students are aware of 12/9/23 resiliency in perseverance
required safety procedures Students follow teacher Students develop and for academic achievement.
and the school and guidance regarding practice resiliency skills and Students maintain
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
classroom rational for potential safety issues for Students take risks, offer strategies to strive for intellectual and emotional
maintaining safety. self or others. opinions, and share academic achievement, and safety for themselves and
alternative perspectives. establish intellectual and others in the classroom.
7/15/23, 12/9/23 emotional safety in the
classroom. 4/26/24
Expectations are set at the In writing students use a
beginning of the day of how combination of checklists,
to be a respectful member of peer review, editing
the community. I also model practice, and one on one
respectful speaking and coaching from the teacher to
listening practices. 7/15/23 improve writing skills.
Through the writing
Through discussion and process, students choose
modeling, I show students topics that interest them
the value in making mistake and allows them to share
because they help us to pieces of the life and
learn. As a community, we interests with others.
are there to support each 4/26/24
other and to use our words
to encourage others.

Students openly share ideas

and opinions and work
Evidence together to find answers and
solutions. If they do not
know they answer, they feel
comfortable asking for help.

My class participates in
weekly restorative circle
that serve the build a sense
of community and support
for students. The circles
start off very light handed as
students are still getting to
know each other and myself.
As the year goes on,
questions begin to get
deeper and students are
encourage to share and
listen with an open heart.

Element 2.4 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Creating a rigorous Focuses the rigor of the Strives for a rigorous Develops a rigorous learning Integrates rigor throughout Facilitates a rigorous
learning environment on learning environment that environment that includes the learning environment learning environment in
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
accuracy of answers and includes accuracy, accuracy, analysis, problem that values accuracy, which students take
completion of learning understanding, and the solving, and appropriate analysis, and critical leadership in learning.
tasks. importance of meeting levels of challenge. reading, writing and Fosters extended studies,
Is aware of the importance targeted learning goals. Holds high expectations for thinking. research, analysis and
of maintaining high Works to maintain high students. Has an Integrates strategic scaffolds purposeful use of learning.
expectations for students. expectations for students understanding of and technologies throughout Supports students to utilize
learning while becoming aware of achievement patterns, and instruction that support the an extensive repertoire of
environment with achievement patterns for uses scaffolds to address full range of learners in differentiated strategies to
high expectations individuals and groups of achievement gaps. 12/9/23 meeting high expectations meet high expectations.
and appropriate students. 7/15/23 for achievement.4/26/24
support for all Students engage in a variety Students take responsibility
students Some students ask for of differentiated supports Students actively use to fully utilize teacher and
teacher support to Some individuals and and challenges in ways that supports and challenges to peer support, to achieve
understand or complete groups of students work promote their accuracy, complete critical reading, consistently high levels of
learning tasks. with the teacher to support analysis, and problem writing, higher order factual and analytical
accuracy and solving in learning. 12/9/23 thinking, and problem learning. 4/26/24
comprehension in their solving across subject
learning. 7/15/23 matter.

I maintain high expectations Students participate in I teach lessons whole group, Students self-assess to
for all learners, while various learning groups providing multiple means of determine if they
providing scaffolds for throughout the day. They scaffolding and support with understand or need more
students who are the goal that students will support before they feel
use a combination of
multilingual learners, who become independent confident. Students that
have learning differences, or
resources like graphic thinkers. Students use a need support know
who need to be more organizers, books, and combination of graphic resources that are available
frequently challenged. This iPads to complete work organizers and technology to them to use and are
might look like providing in each of these groups. I to demonstrate provided with opportunities
sentence frames in writing, provide differentiated understanding of subject to meet with me in a small
or talking to students about activities for all the matter. 4/26/24 group so I can provide
Evidence more details they can add to further support as needed.
groups based on their
their writing. 7/15/23 reading or math skills. Students regularly advocate
for themselves in this way.
I either walk around to help 4/26/24
students sitting at different
tables, or I pull students into
a small group who are
struggling in similar ways.
This allows me to give them
more personalized
instruction. 7/15/23

Element 2.5 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Developing, Establishes expectations, Develops expectations with Uses multiple strategies Integrates equitable Facilitates a positive
communicating, and rules, and consequences for some student involvement. including culturally expectations, positive environment using systems
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
individual and group Communicates, models and responsive instruction to supports, and consequences that ensure students take an
behavior. explains expectations for develop and maintain high for individual and group active role in monitoring
individual and group standards for individual and behavior within and across and maintaining high
behavior. 7/15/23 group behavior. 12/9/23 learning activities. 4/26/24 standards for individual and
group behaviors.
Reviews standards for Utilizes routine references Guides and supports
maintaining Refers to standards for behavior with students in to standards for behavior students to self-assess,
high standards for behavior and applies single lessons or sequence prior and during individual monitor, and set goals for
consequences as needed. of lessons in anticipation of and group work. 7/15/23, individual and group
individual and group need for reinforcement. 12/9/23 behavior and participation.
behavior 4/26/24
Students know expectations
for behavior and Students follow behavior Students respond to Students demonstrate
Students are aware of consequences and respond expectations, accept individual and group positive behavior, consistent
classroom rules and to guidance in following consequences and increase behaviors and encourage participation and are valued
consequences. them. 7/15/23 positive behaviors. 12/9/23 and support each other to for their unique identities.
make improvements.
As a class, we have set I explain and model I use logical consequences in
classroom goals and I set routines and procedures, my classroom to teach
expectations for appropriate which students practice students how to take
classroom etiquette. I early in the school yea. As responsibility for their
demonstrated appropriate the year goes on, we revisit actions and ensure
behavior through modeling them as needed to help consequences are fair.
and practice to establish reinforce the routines. Students and groups on task
clear routines. Students who Students knew how to sit, are recognized with verbal
thoroughly follow classroom use materials appropriately, praise. Students assess their
expectations regularly get and has options to own behavior and
recognized for their efforts. participate in other participation through
7/15/23 activities if they finished classroom discussions. If
their work early. 7/15/23 there is a day when it feels
I use logical consequences harder to get through
Evidence within my classroom. I spend a lot of time going content, students are given
Students will get a warning over routines and space to pause and reflect
before a consequence in procedures throughout the on their needs and we go
enacted. After a entire school year. When over commitments we want
consequence is given, I have multiple students struggle to make to ensure we have a
a short conversation asking to meet the expectation, I classroom environment we
the student if they pause instruction and take can learn and thrive in.
understand why the time to have students Students are very
consequence was given, and practice the routine again. supportive of each other and
they reflect on what needs Students also know the are very good at keeping
to be different next time. procedure for me contacting their classmates on track if
7/15/23 home if they continuously they get distracted. 4/26/24
choose not the follow
directions. 12/9/23

Element 2.6 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Establishes procedures, Develops routines, Maintains regular use of Engages students in Facilitates student
routines or norms for single procedures, and norms in routines and procedures monitoring and reflecting on participating in developing,
lessons to support student single lessons or sequence that are culturally routines, procedures, and monitoring, and adjusting
learning. of lessons with some responsive and engage norms in ways that are routines and procedures
student involvement. students in the development culturally responsive. focuses on maximizing
and monitoring of norms. Maintains a quality learning learning.
7/15/23, 12/9/23 climate that builds on Classroom climate
student strengths. 4/26/24 integrates school standards
Employing Seeks to promote positive and culturally relevant
classroom routines, behaviors and responds to Provides positive behavior Promotes positive behaviors norms.
procedures, norms, Responds to disruptive disruptive behavior. supports. Responds and consistently prevents or
and supports for behavior. 7/15/23 appropriately to behaviors refocuses behaviors Promotes positive behaviors
in ways that lessen disruptive to the learning and establishes preventions
positive behavior to disruptions to the learning climate. 4/26/24 and a positive classroom
ensure a climate in climate. Students participate climate that eliminate most
which all students in routines, procedures, and disruptive behavior.
can learn norms and receive
reinforcement for positive
behaviors. 12/9/23 Students are involved in
Students are aware of Students receive correction assessment and monitoring Students share
procedures, routines, and for behavior that interferes Students receive timely and of routines, procedures, and responsibility with teacher
classroom norms. with learning, and positive effective feedback and norms in ways that improve for managing and
reinforcement in following consequences for behaviors the learning climate. maintaining a positive
routines, procedures, and that interfere with learning. 4/26/24 classroom climate that
norms. 7/15/23, 12/9/23 promotes learning.

Evidence I often look to promote I had visuals for classroom Since the beginning of the
desired classroom behaviors expectations and referred to year, students were
and acknowledge students them often. I also had involved in the classroom
who displayed positive discussions with students as agreements and rules. Based
behaviors with verbal needed to remind them of on their view of what a safe
recognition. I also rewarded why out expectations and and productive classroom
students with “Valdez procedures were put into looks like, we implemented
Bucks” for going above and place. 7/15/23 classroom norms and
beyond expectations that practiced routines to make
they were able to use at the I made a point to make sure our day run smoothly.
classroom store. 7/15/23 consequences were given in Sometimes routines need to
a timely manner, and I be adjusted, and students
would offer to feedback to remained flexible as
help students understand adjustments needed to be
the desired behavior during made. If students participate
lesson or work time. in unsafe behavior, they are
7/15/23 required to fill out a
reflection sheet to describe
I daily go over routines and what happened, why it
expectations with students happened, and indicate
to ensure there is clarity in something they will do
understanding what is differently next time. When
expected of students. I use routines or procedures are
logical consequences to help working well, students help
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
reinforce the norms and to me to brainstorm ways we
teach students how to take can make our procedures
responsibility when they better. 4/26/24
make a mistake. I also talk to
students to allow them to be
participants in the problem
solving experience. 12/9/23

Element 2.7 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Paces instruction based on Paces instruction with some Paces instruction with Paces instruction to include Paces, adjusts, and fluidly
curriculum guidelines. consideration of lesson type, students to provide ongoing assessment of facilitates instruction and
Develops awareness of how adjustments for sufficient adequate time for student learning. Supports daily activities.
transitions and classroom student work time and instruction, checking for students in the monitoring
management impact pacing transitions to optimize understanding, completion of instructional time.
Using instructional and lessons. learning. 7/15/23 of learning activities and 4/26/24
closure. 12/9/23
time to optimize
Some students complete Students use their
learning learning activities in time Students complete learning Students participate in and instructional time to engage Students monitor their own
allotted. activities and, as needed, complete a variety of in and complete learning time, are engaged in
may receive some learning activities in the activities and are prepared accomplishing learning
adjustments of time allotted time allotted with options for the next sequence of goals, and participate in
for tasks or expectations for for extension and review. instruction. 4/26/24 reflection, self-assessment,
completion. 7/15/23 12/9/23 and goal setting.
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
I would anticipate how long I use timers to help Throughout multiple
different aspects of my myself and to help subjects, there is a
lesson would take me and students know how much predictable and consistent
try to adjust parts of lessons pattern for each subject I
time is allotted to
to make sure I could teach. There is an
maintain students’ attention,
different activities. I try introduction, a mini lesson, a
while maximizing teaching to leave more time for main activity to practice the
time. I also factored in them to work in groups skill, independent work
transitions and would use or independently, and I time, and a quick check for
timers and visuals to help try to keep my talking understanding at the end.
optimize transitions. minimal, so students There is a list of items
7/15/23 have space to express students must complete, and
their own thoughts and early finishers have a list of
Evidence The majority of students tasks they can do when they
learning. Many students
could complete work in the are done. Students show me
allotted time provided. A complete their work in their completed work before
few of my students needed the time allotted, and the moving onto the next task
extra time to complete ones who need more time and are very good at
work, so I made sure to find to understand the monitoring themselves.
time so they could complete concepts work with me in 4/26/24
activities. I often used visual small groups. 12/9/23
timers to help students see
their allotted time to
complete work. 7/15/23

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