Ulangan Mid Bing Maret 2022

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Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : VIII


1. We always . . . . traditional games with her friends after school.

A. Play
B. Plays
C. Playing
D. Played
2. Mr. Santoso usually . . . . newspaper every morning.
A. Read
B. Reads
C. Reading
D. Reader
3. I always . . . . the guitar after school.
A. Practiced
B. Practicing
C. Practice
D. Practices
4. My father. . . . to home late in the evening because . . . . near with our house.
A. Does not go, work
B. Do not go, works
C. Does not go, works
D. Do not go, work
5. . . . . Lucas watch television after dinner?
A. Does
B. Do
C. Are
D. Am
6. Claudia often . . . . her grandparents in the holiday. Her grandparents . . . . in Jepara.
A. Visits, lives
B. Visits, live
C. Visit, live
D. Visit, lives
7. The students . . . . make any noise when the teacher explain the subject.
A. Does not
B. Does
C. Do not
D. Do
8. Mother is . . . .rendang for our dinner right now.
A. Cook
B. Cooks
C. Cooking
D. Cooked
9. At the moment, I . . . . my band performance.
A. Practicing
B. Is practicing
C. Are practicing
D. Am practicing
10. Dani and I . . . . the basketball on the school yard now.
A. play
B. Is playing
C. Am playing
D. Are playing
11. Karin is staying with aunt Hanna for the weekend.
Change the sentence to interrogative pattern.
A. Karin is not staying with aunt Hanna for the weekend.
B. Karin is staying not with aunt Hanna for the weekend.
C. Is Karin staying with aunt Hanna for the weekend?
D. Are Karin staying with aunt Hanna for the weekend?
12. The students . . . . the flowers at the moment.
A. Is water
B. Water
C. Are watering
D. Am watering

The following text is for questions 13 and 14.


The other name starfish is the sea star. The arms of a starfish give it shape of a star.
Starfish get their name from this shape. Most starfish have five arms. Other starfish have six,
seven, or more arms. Some only four arms. There are about 1.500 different kinds of starfish.
Starfish have no bones. Starfish uses the feet on its arms to move around. If the arm of starfish
breaks off, the starfish can grow a new one. The broken off arm can even grow a new starfish.
Starfish eat other animals that live in the sea. They like clams and oysters. Starfish have a
really weird way of eating. The mouth of starfish is in the center of its body. It does not have
teeth. The mouth connects right to stomach that is like a bag.

13. Which one is false based on the text?

A. Starfish always have five arms.
B. Starfish don’t have bone.
C. Starfish live in the sea.
D. Starfish don’t have teeth.
14. Where are the feet of a starfish located?
A. In the center of its body.
B. On its arms
C. Near its mouth.
D. On the shell.
15. The coach . . . . the basketball players carefully when they . . . .
A. Is watch; are practicing
B. Am watching; is practicing
C. Are watch; is practice
D. Is practicing; are practicing
16. Which is the right comparison for the picture?

A. The rabbit is bigger than the ant.

B. The turtle is smaller than the rabbit.
C. The turtle is as big as rabbit.
D. The rabbit is the small than the ant.
17. Two books ( picture )
A. The dictionary is thicker than drawing book.
B. The drawing book is as large as the dictionary.
C. The drawing book is as thick as the dictionary.
D. The dictionary is thinner than the drawing book.
18. The customer that the chocolate cake is . . . . banana cake.
A. The most delicious than
B. The more delicious
C. More delicious than
D. The most delicious of
19. My mother said that the waiter is . . . . waiter she has ever met.
A. The worst
B. More worse
C. The most bad
D. More bad than
20. Tiara : What do you usually do in the evening, Aldo?
Aldo : . . . .
Tiara : Does your sister help you to study?
Aldo : Yes she does. She explains the materials well. She always helps me to
Understand the subject.
Tiara : That’s a great. You have a kind sister.
A. I have dinner and studies after that.
B. I had dinner and studied after that.
C. I have dinner and study after that.
D. I has dinner and studies after that.

The following text is for questions 21 and 22.

There are some people in my family. I live with my parents, grandparents, and a
little brother. My grandfather is oldest in my family. My grandmother is two years
younger than him. She is fatter than him. My father is 40 years old. He is as old as my
mother. My father is the tallest in my family. My mother is as tall as my grandmother.
My little brother is the youngest in my family. He is also the shortest.

21. Who is the shortest in my family?

A. The writer’s grandmother
B. The writer’s uncle
C. The writer’s mother
D. The writer’s little brother
22. Which one is true based o the text?
A. The grandfather is as old as the grandmother.
B. The mother has the same age as the mother.
C. The grandmother is taller than the father.
D. The writer is the youngest in the family.

The UK

Some British people say that they are from Great Britain. Other British people say
they are from the UK. Some say they are from England, Scotland, Wales, or Northern
Ireland. What do you know about these different place?. England, Scotland, and Wales
are on an island in the north- west of Europe called Great Britain together with Northern
Ireland is called the United Kingdom, or UK.

England is the biggest part of the UK. Its name comes from people called the
Angels, who came from Germany 1500 years ago. About 53 million people live in England
and the capital city is London.

Scotland is the north part of Britain. Over 5 million people live in Scotland. The
highest mountain in the UK is in Scotland. It is called Ben Nevis and is 1.345 meters tall.
The capital city of Scotland is Edinburgh but the largest city is Glasgow.

Wales is in the west of Britain. About 3 million people live there and about 20
percent of them speak Welsh. Welsh is one of the oldest languages in Europe. The Welsh
flag has a picture or a dragon! The capital city of Walsh is Cardiff.

Northern Ireland is a part of Ireland, an island west Britain. Nearly 2 million people
live there. The Giant’s Causeway is the most popular tourist attraction. There are huge
rocks made by lava from volcano, but an old story that a giant built it! The capital of
Northern Ireland is Belfast.

23. The largest city of Scotland is. . . . .

A. Edinburgh
B. Glasgow
C. Wales
D. Belfast
24. Which place has the biggest part of the UK?
A. England
B. Wales
C. Ben Navis
D. Edinburgh
25. Northern Ireland is a part of Ireland, an island west Britain.
In this place the least people living in nearly . . . .
A. 53 million people
B. 5 million people
C. 3 million people
D. 2 million people
This dialogue for questions 26 - 2.

Meirra : Where do you go yesterday?

Lintang : I went to the stationary shop with my sister.

Meirra : What did you buy there?

Lintang : I bought some school supplies and story books.

Meirra : Which stationary shop did you visit?

Lintang : It is Diamond Stationary store.

Meirra : Oh. I know that store . How did you go there?

Lintang : I went there by bus.

26. From the dialogue, we know that ….

a. Lintang is buying school supplies now.
b. Meirra is Lintang sister
c. Lintang went to the stationanry shop with her sister.
d. Meira went to the statiomary with lintang.
27. When did Lintang go to the stationary shop?
a. A day before
b. Last week
c. Tomorrow
d. Two days ago
28. What did Lintang buy in the stationaryshop?
a. A new school bag.
b. Writing tools and drawing books.
c. Material books
d. School supplies and story books.

This text for questions 29 - 31.

Julia was pedaling her bicycle from school when she saw a woman coming out of a shop. The
woman was walking toward her car. Suddenly, something fell from her pocket. Julia noticed it, but
the woman did not. Julia stopped her bicycle and pick up the thing. It was a wallet.
“Excuse me, Ma’am .” Julia chased and called the woman.
The woman stopped and turned around.
“Yes, What’s up?” said the woman.
“You dropped your wallet, Ma’am,” Julia explained.
“Oh thank you,” the woman said.
“ Okay, Ma”am, “ Julia answered while giving back the wallet.
The woman opened the wallet and took out some money.
“Here this for you,” she said.
Julia refused, saying, “ No thank you, Ma’am . I just wanted to help you.”
The woman said, “ You are good girl, Thank you so much for your help.”
“No problem, Ma’am. Be careful next time, “ Julia smiled.

29. Which one is true based on the text?

a. Julia was lost the wallet.
b. The woman found the Julia’s wallet.
c. Julia dropped her wallet.
d. Julia helped a woman to get her wallet.
30. Julia met the woman when ….
a. The woman went riding round
b. Julia came out from the shop
c. Julia walked toward her car
d. Julia rode back home
31. Julia refused the money that the woman gave because ….
a. She was a good girl
b. She just wanted to help the woman
c. She didn’t need the money
d. She had much money

The following dialogue for question 32– 34!

Sean : Hi Randy, I heard that you had a basketball match last Sunday.

Randy : Hi Sean, Yes we played against SMF Mentari, Bekasi.

Sean : When you did leave Solo?

Randy : Saturday afternoon. We went to Bekasi by bus. We left as early possible so we could take rest

Before the match.

Sean : I see. Did our school team win ?

Randy : Sadly, no. We lost by ten points.

Sean : That’s pretty cool. You did great.

32. What did Randy do last Sunday?

a. He had a trip to Jakarta
b. He watched a basketball match
c. He had a basketball match
d. He studied in SMP Mentari
33. Why did the team go as early as possible from Solo to Bekasi?
a. So that they could take a rest before the match
b. Because they were in hurry
c. So that they could be the best team
d. Because they didn’t know the Bekasi was located
34. Which is true based on the dialogue.
a. Randy is a student of SMP Mentari
b. Match began at 1 o’clock in afternoon.
c. The team was very tired when arrived at the hotel
d. Randy’s team won the match
35. The boy …. so sad when he ….
a. Did; lose
b. Were; lost
c. Was; lost
d. Did; lost
36. My parents …. To England last year. But , they …… visit the Big Bean.
a. Went; were
b. Go; wasn’t
c. Go ;didn’t
d. Went; didn’t
37. The students …. English subject before the second break. They……very quite during the
a. Had; was
b. Have; were
c. Have; was
d. Had; was

The text is for questions 38 – 40.

Dear Diana,

We tried to contact you by phone, but it couldn’t be connected.

We’d like you to know that Amel, Rifan , and I will go to the bookshop at 5 p.m.

We want to buy English dictionaries and some books.

Would you come with us? We’ll pick you up at 4 p.m if you want.
Send us a message as soon as you read this note.


38. To whom is the message for?

a. Yudha
b. Amel
c. Diana
d. Rifan
39. From the text we know that…..
a. Yudha asks Diana to buy a dictionary for him
b. Yudha invite Diana to go to the bookshop together.
c. Amel and Rifan will buy storybooks for Diana
d. Yudha promises to pick up to Amel And Rifan up at 4 p.m
40. “ We want to buy dictionaries,…..
The underline word refers to …..
a. Rifan and Amel
b. Yudha , Amel, and Rifan
c. Amel, Rifan, and Diana
d. Yudha and Diana

The following text is for questions 41 – 43.

41. What kind of text is it?

a. Short message
b. Note
c. Text message
d. Notice
42. We usually read the text, we should ….
a. Bathroom
b. Bedroom
c. Classroom
d. Garden
43. Based on the text , we should …..
a. Throw paper towel in the toilet
b. Not use paper towel in the bathroom
c. Throw paper towel in the waste bin
d. Use paper towel outside the bathroom

The following notice is for questions 44 and 45.




44. Suppose you are going to meet your sister who studies at the school, what should you do
a. Talk to the principle.
b. Go to the teacher’s room.
c. Report to the school staff.
d. Meet your sister’s class teacher.
45. According to the notice, visitors are not allowed to …..
a. Bring food from outside
b. Enter without permission
c. Meet the students alone
d. Leave their belongs outside
46. Picture

a. Keep your mask on


****************** GOOD LUCK *****************

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