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What do you mean by artificial intelligence? Define its goals .

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field of computer science focused on

making machines intelligent like humans.
To perform task such as: learning, problem solving , planning ,
Reasoning and identifying patterns.
Al has become an essential part of the technology industry.

Goals of AI :
1. To create expert systems : The systems which exhibit intelligent
behaviour, learn, demonstrate, explain, and advice its users.
2.To implement human intelligence in machines : Creating systems
that understand, think, learn, and behave like humans.

What are the different branches of artificialI

intelligence ? Discuss some of the branches and progress made in

Different branches of AI and progress made in these fields :

1. Machine Learning (ML):
2. Natural Language Processing (NLP)
3. Vision:
4. Robotics
Machine Learning (ML):

"Machine Learning (ML) is a method where machines learn to

achieve a target by training themselves, like identifying objects
such as apples or oranges by being shown many pictures.
Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a type of computer technology

that helps computers understand and work with human language. It
allows computers to read, interpret, and generate human language in
a way that's similar to how people understand and communicate
with each other.

Machine vision captures and analyses visual information using a
camera, analog-to-digital conversion, and digital signal processing.
Robotics is a field of engineering focused on the design and
manufacturing of robots. Robots are used where the tasks are
difficult for humans to perform.
For example, car assembly lines, in hospitals, office cleaner, serving
foods and preparing foods in hotels etc.
Define the role of the machine intelligence in the human
 Machine intelligence is about giving intelligence to machines.
 It helps machines solve problems like humans do.
 In daily life, machine intelligence is used for tasks like complex
 Machines can handle tough math problems easily with machine

Machine learning plays an important role in following areas

 Learning from Data:
 It helps machines learn from data and improve over time.
 Predictions and Decisions:
 Machine learning helps in making predictions and
decisions based on patterns in data.
 Automation:
 It's crucial for automating tasks that are repetitive or
complex for humans.
 Personalization:
 It enables personalized experiences in various applications
like online shopping or streaming services.
 Healthcare and Medicine:
 Machine learning aids in medical diagnosis and treatment
planning by analyzing patient data.
 Finance and Business:
 It's used for fraud detection, stock market prediction, and
customer relationship management.
 Transportation:
 Machine learning is important in self-driving cars and
optimizing transportation systems.
 Science and Research:
 It helps analyze large datasets in scientific research,
leading to new discoveries.
 Cybersecurity:
 Machine learning assists in identifying and preventing
cyber threats.
 Communication:
 It enhances language translation, speech recognition, and
natural language processing.

Describe the four categories under which AI is classified

with examples.
1. Reactive Machines:
 These are basic AI that only react to the present situation.
 They don't have memories or learn from past experiences.
 Example: IBMs Deep Blue chess-playing computer, which
makes decisions based solely on the current game state
without remembering past moves.
2. Limited Memory Machines:
 These AI can look into the past to make decisions.
 They don't predict past events but use past experiences
for decision-making.
 Example: Self-driving cars, which observe other cars'
behaviors and learn from past driving experiences to
improve their decision-making.
3. Theory of Mind Machines:
 These AI understand that people have beliefs, emotions,
and expectations.
 They can think emotionally and respond with emotions.
 Example: AI like Sophia, although still in research, these
machines have a notion of the world and its entities,
including humans and animals.
 These types of machines can be called human equivalents.
 They can understand their own feelings and predict how others
 For example, they can differentiate between "I want to play"
and "I know I want to play," showing they are conscious of their

Describe briefly the evolution of artificial intelligence.

Beginning of AI (1943):
The concept of AI began around 1943. Ai is not limited to the
computer science but can be seen in various other areas.

Knowledge-Based Systems (1970):

Knowledge-Based Systems are computer programs that use
stored knowledge to solve problems or make decisions.

Machine learning (1998):

Machine learning is like training a computer to learn and get
better at tasks on its own, without needing step-by-step
instructions for everything.
Two types:
 Formal: Computer programs learn from experience to improve
 Informal: Computers learn without explicit programming.

Supervised Learning (2004):

Supervised learning is like teaching a computer by giving it
examples and answers, so it learns to recognize patterns and
make predictions on its own.

Sure, here's a simplified explanation:

- **Unsupervised Learning (2010)**:

- Unsupervised learning is like learning without a teacher; the
computer doesn't have correct answers to learn from.
- For example:
- Clustering algorithm: Finds patterns in data and groups
similar items together.
- Market segmentation: Dividing customers based on
preferences or purchasing behavior for targeted marketing.

- **Genetic Programming (2010)**:

- Genetic programming uses an evolutionary process to
improve algorithms.

- **Future of AI (2019 onwards)**:

- Mimicking human intelligence poses many challenges.
- Humans have intuitive common sense that's hard to explain
logically. For example, we know the color of a blue car is blue


An agent is something that uses sensors to understand its

surroundings and then acts upon that environment using
actuators. It works in a cycle of sensing, thinking, and acting.
Agent = Architecture + Agent Program
Architecture is the machinery that the agent executes on. It is a
device with sensors and actuators, for
example : a robotic car, a camera, a PC.

Agent program is an implementation of an agent function.

An agent function is a map from the percept sequence to an

What is intelligent agent? Deseribe basic kinds of agent

Intelligent agent:
An intelligent agent is an autonomous entity which acts upon
an environment using sensors and actuators for achieving goals.
An intelligent agent may learn from the environment to achieve
their goals.

1. **Simple Reflex Agent**:

- Simple reflex agents are the most basic type.
- They make decisions based only on what they currently see
and ignore past experiences.
- These agents work well in fully observable environments.
- They operate using condition-action rules, where they map
the current situation to an action.

2. Model-based reflex agent:

The model-based agent can work in a partially observable

environment, and track the situation.

A model-based agent has two important factors :

a. Model : It is knowledge about "how things happen in the
world," so it is called model-based agent.
b. Internal state : It is a representation of the current state
based on percept history.


3. **Goal-Based Agent**:
- These agents have specific goals they aim to achieve.
- They take actions based on what brings them closer to their

4. **Utility-Based Agent**:
- These agents evaluate actions based on their utility or
- They choose actions that maximize their utility or achieve
the best outcome.

Deseribe the characteristics of intelligent system ?

Certainly! Here are the simplified characteristics of an
intelligent system:

1. **Adaptability**: Can adjust to different situations.

2. **Learning Ability**: Can improve from past experiences.
3. **Problem-Solving**: Can solve complex problems.
4. **Flexibility**: Can handle various tasks effectively.
5. **Autonomy**: Can operate without human intervention.
6. **Interactivity**: Can interact with users or other systems.
7. **Handling Uncertainty**: Can deal with incomplete
8. **Decision-Making**: Can make decisions based on goals.
9. **Efficiency**: Uses resources effectively.
10. **Continuous Improvement**: Keeps getting better over

State the various properties of environment.

properties of environments:

1. **Discrete / Continuous**:
- Discrete: Limited and clearly defined states.
- Continuous: Infinite or unbounded states.

2. **Observable / Partially Observable**:

- Observable: Complete state of the environment is known
from percepts.
- Partially Observable: Some information about the
environment is missing.

3. **Dynamic / Static**:
- Dynamic: Changes due to agent's actions.
- Static: Does not change regardless of agent's actions.
4. **Single agent / Multiple agents**:
- Single Agent: One agent operates in the environment.
- Multiple Agents: Other agents are present, causing changes.

5. **Accessible / Inaccessible**:
- Accessible: Agent can access complete environment state.
- Inaccessible: Agent cannot access complete environment

6. **Deterministic / Non-deterministic**:
- Deterministic: Next state is completely determined by
current state and agent's actions.
- Non-deterministic: Next state is not entirely predictable.

7. **Episodic / Non-episodic**:
- Episodic: Agent's experience divided into atomic episodes.
- Non-episodic: No clear division into episodes; continuous

Explain learning agent with its architecture.

A learning agent is a tool in Al that is capable of learning from

its experiences.
Learning agents are able to perform tasks, analyze performance
and look for new ways to improve on those tasks.
A learning agent can be divided into four components as shown
in the:

Certainly! Here's a simplified explanation of the four

components of a learning agent:

1. **Learning Element**:
- This part of the agent is responsible for improving its
- It receives feedback from the critic to determine how to
modify its future actions.

2. **Performance Element**:
- This component selects external actions for the agent.
- The design of the learning element depends on the design of
this performance element.
3. **Critic**:
- The critic evaluates how well the agent is performing
compared to a fixed standard.
- It provides feedback to the learning element because the
agent's perceptions alone don't indicate its success.

4. **Problem Generator**:
- This component suggests actions that will lead to new and
informative experiences for the agent.
- It also suggests exploratory actions to help the agent learn
more effectively.

Explain in detail on the characteristics and applications

of learning agents.
Characteristics of Learning Agent:

1. **Situatedness**:
- The agent receives sensory input from its environment and
performs actions that impact its surroundings.

2. **Autonomy**:
- The agent can act without direct intervention from humans
or other agents, having control over its actions and internal

3. **Adaptivity**:
- The agent reacts flexibly to changes in its environment,
accepts goal-directed initiatives, and learns from its own
experiences, interactions, and environment.

4. **Sociability**:
- The agent can interact with other agents or humans in a
peer-to-peer manner.

1. Robotics
2. Autonomous Vehicles
3. Recommendation Systems
4. Healthcare
5. Finance
6. Gaming
7. Natural Language Processing
8. Smart Assistants

What are the AI components that are required to solve

AI components that are required to solve problem are: There
are six major components of an artificial intelligence system.
They are solely responsible for generating desired results for
particular problem.

Sure, here's a simplified version:

1. **Knowledge Representation**: Storing necessary

information for the AI system to perform tasks effectively.

2. **Heuristic Searching Techniques**: Efficient methods to

find information in the growing knowledge base quickly.
3. **Artificial Intelligence Hardware**: Efficient hardware
components including memory, processors, and communication
devices to produce desired results.

4. **Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition**: Capturing

real-world scenarios and gathering patterns efficiently with
compatible hardware.

5. **Natural Language Processing**: Analyzing written or

spoken languages to understand the environment for AI

5. **Artificial Intelligence Language and Support Tools**:

Specialized programming languages and tools to capture
human-like logic and processes for AI systems.

Describe the formal description of the problem?

Sure, here's a simplified version:

1. **Explicit Goal of the Problem**: Clearly defining what the system

is trying to achieve, which helps guide its behavior and actions. It's
the first step in problem-solving.

2. **Implicit Criteria for Success**: Defining how success is

measured, which is the ultimate output the system needs to achieve
to solve the problem.
3. **Initial Situation**: Identifying the starting state of the problem
being solved.

4. **Ability to Perform**: Describing how the system transitions

from one situation to another, including the operations and
rules used to change problem states during the solution

Explain the two main kinds of problem formulation?

Two main kinds of problem formulation
1. Incremental Formulation:
 Starts with a basic configuration and explores states step
by step.
 Checks if actions lead to legal states before executing
 Requires less memory as not all states are explored at
2. Complete State Formulation:
 Generates the entire state space upfront.
 Takes up more memory as all possible states are
generated at once.
 Reduces the number of sequences generated.

What are the steps involved in problem solving agent?

1. **Goal Setting**:
- The agent decides what it wants to achieve.
2. **Goal Formulation**:
- The agent formalizes its goals based on the current situation and
performance measures.

3. **Problem Formulation**:
- It figures out the steps needed to reach the goal.

4. **Search in Unknown Environment**:

- If it's unsure how to proceed, the agent tries different actions to
learn and find a solution.

5. **Execution Phase**:
- Once a solution is found, the agent follows the suggested actions
to achieve the goal. Then, it sets new goals if needed.

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