Shelf Freeze Dryer Operation

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生物儀器分析/ Bio-instrumental Analysis Class Report

棚版式冷凍乾燥機使用原理與操作作業/ Shelf Freeze Dryer Operation

Operations Steps

1. Close the vent cap, make sure all the pipe passages are closed (the white knob arrow
points up), make sure the oil volume of the vacuum pump is higher than the red arrow,
and make sure the drain valve knob is tightly closed

2. Turn on the main power supply, turn on the compressor, and turn on the vacuum pump
after the temperature drops to -80°C (orange + red button)

3. After preparing the freeze-dried sample, insert the drying bottle into the tube and turn
the white knob until the arrow points down

4. First turn the white knob to the arrow pointing down and collect the sample

5. Turn the white knob of any tube until the arrow points down

6. The vacuum pump can be turned off when the pressure returns to the same as the
indoor pressure

7. Turn off the compressor and the main power supply

8. Open the drain valve


 Freeze-drying can only be started when the pressure drops below 1 Pa

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