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1 3,200,000 Balance (net of accum. dep.

) of PPE as of 12/31/2024
(200,000) Land to be reclassified as investment property
(720,000) Building (net) to be reclassified as investment property
(248,000) Land to be reclassified as investment property
2,032,000 Should be balance of PPE as of 12/31/2024

2 3,200,000 cash price equivalent of equipment

300,000 FV of shares = 20,000 shares x P15
2,112,000 P2,200,000 x 96%
5,000 freight
8,000 installation
1,000,000 downpayment
2,458,650 PV of FCO (500,000 x 4.9173)
9,083,650 Total PPE

3 6,000,000 Machine A (50,000 x P120)

3,100,000 Machine B (P3,000,000 x 95% = P2,850,000 + P50,000 + P200,000)
1,029,200 Machine C (P200,000 x 5.146)
10,129,200 Total cost 10,129,200

4 2,825,000 Machine 1 (500,000 x 5.65)

2,400,000 Machine 2 (3,000,000 x 0.80)
5,225,000 Cost of machines

5 1,000,000 Purchase price

10,000 import duties
5,000 non-refundable purchase taxes
30,000 installation cost
75,000 pv of dismantling cost (P132,275 x 0.567)
1,500,000 FV of land given
500,000 cash payment
3,120,000 Total cost of machineries

6 1,400,000 invoice price

(20,000) cash discount
40,000 freight
50,000 installation cost
30,000 testing cost
1,500,000 total initial cost

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