Essay Words For Giving Examples

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Essay Words for Giving Examples

1. Akin to
Akin to the effects of climate change, deforestation also leads to a significant
increase in greenhouse gas emissions.

2. Analogize
To analogize, the effect of deforestation on our planet is like removing the lungs
from a living organism.

3. Appear
It appears from recent studies that regular exercise can improve mental health.

4. Case
Our justice system’s flaws are apparent, such as in the case of O.J. Simpson, who was
acquitted despite murdering his wife.

5. Clarify
To clarify, this essay argues that renewable energy is more sustainable than fossil

6. Convey
This essay conveys the importance of cultivating empathy in a diverse society.

7. Corroborate
Recent studies corroborate the theory that mindfulness meditation can reduce

8. Demonstrate
Statistics demonstrate a significant correlation between diet and heart disease.

9. Depict
This essay will depict the socio-economic impacts of the ongoing pandemic.

10. Disclose
Current research discloses a worrying trend of increasing cyber threats.
11. Display
The data displays a significant increase in the usage of renewable energy sources.

12. Elucidate
To elucidate, this essay aims to explore the intricate relationship between mental
health and social media use.

13. Evidence
The evidence suggests that pollution is a major factor contributing to global

14. Exemplify
The effects of climate change exemplify the urgent need for environmental

15. Exhibit
The graphs below exhibit the significant impact of human activities on climate

16. For example

For example, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can significantly lower the risk of
heart disease.

17. For instance

For instance, aerobic exercises like running and swimming improve cardiovascular

18. I.e. (Id est)

A healthy lifestyle, i.e., a balanced diet and regular exercise, can prevent numerous

19. Illustrate
This essay will illustrate the ways in which technology has transformed modern

20. Imagine if
Imagine if we could harness all the power from the sun; we would have an unlimited
source of clean energy.
21. In other words
In other words, this essay will deconstruct the complexities of artificial intelligence
in layman’s terms.

22. Indicate
The data indicates a steady decline in the population of bees worldwide.

23. Like
Like a domino effect, one small change can trigger a series of events in an

24. Outline
This essay will outline the main strategies for maintaining mental wellness amid a

25. Portray
This essay seeks to portray the various forms of discrimination prevalent in society.

26. Pretend that

Pretend that each tree cut down is a breath of air taken away; perhaps then we’ll
understand the severity of deforestation.

27. Proof of
The melting polar ice caps are undeniable proof of global warming.

28. Propose
This essay proposes a holistic approach to dealing with the issue of cyberbullying.

29. Represents
Each data point represents a respondent’s opinion in the survey.

30. Reveal
Recent studies reveal a direct correlation between screen time and sleep disorders.

31. Say
Experts say that practicing mindfulness can help reduce anxiety.
32. Show
The graphs show a significant increase in the global temperature over the past

33. Similar to
Similar to how a car needs fuel to run, our bodies need a balanced diet for optimal

34. Situation
The current situation with the global pandemic has underscored the importance of
mental health.

35. Substantiate
The studies substantiate the claim that smoking can lead to a multitude of health

36. Symbolize
In this context, melting ice caps symbolize the urgent need for climate action.

37. Tell
The data tells us that stress levels have spiked during the pandemic.

38. Testament
The increasing global temperatures are a testament to the impact of human
activities on climate change.

39. To give an idea

To give an idea, think of the human brain as a super-computer, continuously
processing and storing information.

40. Underline
The goal of this essay is to underline the importance of sustainable practices.

41. Verify
The findings verify the hypothesis that meditation can improve mental health.

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