Augmented Reality

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Let’s start!
Presented by Prasansha, Saurab, &
-People of similar interest are drawn together
-VR can help people to feel more connected to other people
-VR can help people to learn new things more effectively
-VR can help people to relax and de-stress

-Could lead to low selfesteem,feelings of worthlessness and insignificance,even some self destructive acts
-Training in the virtual world does not equate to training in the real-world
-Equipment for implementing VR is expensive
-Might not be accessible to all
-Can cause addiction
Augmented reality (AR) is an interactive experience that
combines the real world and computer-generated
content.AR can be defined as a system that incorporates
three basic features: a combination of real and virtual
worlds, real-time interaction, and accurate 3D
registration of virtual and real objects
Augmented reality is largely synonymous with mixed
Varieties of Augmented
Marker-based augmented reality (AR) is a technique that uses
Markerless augmented reality (AR) is a software
a marker to trigger an augmented experience, such as text,
application that allows users to overlay digital content
video, animation, or an object, to appear on a device. The
onto a real scene without the need for markers. It
marker is also known as a trigger photo or QR code. The user
works by scanning the environment in real time, and
scans the marker with their phone's camera, and the digital
then adding digital information, such as virtual experience appears on top of the marker. The marker-based
content, that appears at certain points or when AR experience is tied to the marker, so the placement of
surfaces are touched. digital elements depends on the marker's location.

Superimposition-based augmented reality (AR) is a
Projection-based augmented reality (AR), also known as spatial
technique that overlays computer-generated images or
augmented reality (SAR) or projection mapping, uses projectors to
videos on top of an original image, either partially or
overlay digital content onto physical surfaces. This creates the
fully. It provides an alternate view of the object in
illusion of interactive and dynamic augmented a concern,either by replacing the entire view with an
type of augmented reality that uses projectors to overlay digital Augmented view.
content onto physical objects or surfaces in the real world
Uses Of Augmented Reality
AR’s primary functions include visualization,
instruction, and interaction because of the ways
virtual information adds to the physical world.
Let’s take a look at AR’s three main functions:

Visualization: AR allows users to see deeper into difficult aspects of the human body and
mechanical systems by superimposing live images of human veins for blood
drawing procedures or how parts come together in mechanical environments.

Instruction: AR-enhanced instruction and training change how you learn and work by
providing real-time information and diagrams while working to save time
referencing video or 2D diagrams.

Interaction: AR changes the way interaction between humans and machines occurs by
bypassing the need for physical controls in the future through the use of
virtual control panels.
- ability to combine the physical world with a digital interface, creating a new experience of the world.
-creates new ways of experiencing the world ( how you monitor manufacturing machines to how surgeons learn
about the human body).
-AR also provides new ways for you to interact within the digital environment.

- the cost of implementing the technology in education. Future consideration must ensure equitable access
across a diverse range of schools.
- AR also requires a reliable internet connection and access to smartphones or other connected devices to
- On the programming end, it requires skills and technology to produce, which can put it out of the
budgets of small businesses.
AR vs VR

AR uses smartphones to overlay virtual 3D images over the VR requires headsets and computer hardware to create a
physical world, making it more accessible than VR. fully virtual experience, making it less accessible than AR.

AR creates only a partial digital world. VR creates a fully virtual world, creating total immersion
of the human senses.

AR only overlays 3D images, making an interaction VR limits your interaction only to the programming in
between the digital and physical worlds. the virtual world using your headset and controllers.

Real world remains central to the experience, enhanced by Synthetic experience with no sense of real world.
virtual details.

Fully adoption of AR is goung to take the time span of Time horizon for adopting VR in different fields is expecte to
around 3 to 7 years. be 2 to 4 years.

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