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From: David Hoyt (Marketing Director)

To: SG Director
Date: 02/18/2024
Subject: Feedback on How to Change Your Bass Guitar Strings

Dear Sword Guitar Director,

I am writing to report the results of the useability test for the “How to Change Your Bass Guitar Strings”
instructions document. I have compiled a list of feedback that users have provided us regarding the
instructions. Common remarks follow:

 Bass Part Descriptions: Participants frequently had trouble identifying specific parts located on
the bass guitar. The image provided was unclear and difficult to read. A list of the all the parts and
equipment used should be made available to the readers.
 Brand of Guitar: Not all basses are made the same. We recommend more pictures be added for
those with different models.
 Selection of Equipment: Many readers were overwhelmed by the options available for the
necessary equipment. These should be made clear in the beginning so that they will be able to
purchase the proper tools without confusion.
 Direction of turners: It is crucial that all ambiguity is removed. Readers were confused with the
steps regarding the tuners. This is a complicated step and clarity is vital at this point.
 After Care Clarification: Provide more detail on how the bass behaves after the strings are set.
Participants felt lost when they completed the instructions and did not get the sound immediately.
This causes them to think they messed up on a step and try to go backwards, which will lead to
actual mistakes.
Our goal is to make a guide that is simple and straightforward for the guitarist. Most are beginners and
will already be confused and we must be able to enable them to succeed with confidence. We will conduct
a second usability test and note any improvements that need to be made.

Thank you for your time.

Please contact me with any questions, concerns, or need for clarity that you may have.

David Hoyt
Marketing Director
Sword Guitars INC
(904-531-8008) |
From: David Hoyt (Marketing Director)
To: SG Director
Date: 02/18/2024
Subject: Feedback on How to Change Your Bass Guitar Strings

Dear Sword Guitar Director,

I am writing to report the results of the useability test for the “How to Change Your Bass Guitar Strings”
instructions document. I have compiled a list of feedback that users have provided us regarding the
instructions. Common remarks follow:

The usability test was successful. We received valuable information that will help with improving our
instructions. Many participants said they appreciated how the instructions were laid out and how straight
forward everything was. The following will go into more detail how we can improve.

After conducting the usability test, we received a number ofseveral remarks that highlighted areas that we
could work on. Many of these include missing details outside of string changing and clarity on bass guitar
parts. After these concerns are implemented, we will improve the experience our readers will have.

Finding 1: Description of Bass Guitar Parts

50% of Pparticipants frequently had trouble identifying specific parts located on the bass guitar. Although
a picture was provided, it could be made better with proper labeling. A list of the all the parts and
equipment used should be located at the beginning of the instructions, so readers have a place where all
the information is located.

Finding 2: Different Brands of Guitars

All participants had a guitar that was different than the one shown. Some had different bridges and
different headstock shapes, with a different layout of tuners. “My bass had 5 tuning pegs with there on the
top and two on the bottom” said Micheal. The images depicting the original bass can be kept, other
images should be added to address the issue of brand diversity. This will help communicate the parts
needed for each step to those with who have a different design.

Finding 3: Selection of Equipment

Many readers were overwhelmed by the options available for the necessary equipment. These should be
made clear in the beginning so that they will be able to purchase the proper tools without confusion.
Specifically, string cutter and the types of strings. The participants recommended a list of string cutter
brands to be added. They also recommended a description of the different string gauges and their use.
Adding this section will allow the instructions to relate to each reader because it will help them look for
the sound they want.
Finding 4: Direction of turners
Readers were confused with the steps regarding the tuners. This is a complicated step, and it is crucial that
all ambiguity is removed. Specifically state the direction the tuners will go and be more descriptive on the
placement of the string. This will show confidence and the reader will feel more comfortable.

Finding 5: After Care Clarification

Provide more detail on how the bass behaves after the strings are set. Participants felt lost when they
completed the instructions and did not get the sound immediately. This causes them to think they messed
up on a step and try to go backwards, which will lead to actual mistakes. Specifically, more detail on
setting up the action so strings will not buzz on the fretboard. Many added the strings were too low or too
high and didn’t know how to fix it.

In conclusion, the feedback we received during the “How to Change Your Bass Strings” usability test
showed our strong points and weak points that must be improved on. These improvements will create a
more user-friendly experience.

Based on the feedback, we recommend the following revisions:

 To address Finding 1, add clear and descriptive layout of all of the bass guitar parts.
 To address Finding 2, add pictures showing other bass guitar brands how all the parts relate to the
model bass.
 To address Finding 3, add clear and descriptive information on types of strings and what sound to
expect, add list of brands for string cutters.
 To address Finding 4, be clear on the direction the tuner must turn, be more descriptive on string
 To address Finding 5, be clearer on what to expect after strings are added, add steps to reduce fret
buzz, add steps to increase/decrease string height.

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