Utilities 2

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Hydrological cycle is the continues circulation of water around the earth’s atmosphere and
surface. This process is very significant for it ensures that the water in earth remains constant.

The hydrological cycle involves six processes. These are the evaporation, transpiration, condensation,
precipitation, percolation, and run-off. When the sun heats the surface of the earth some water
molecules gain enough kinetic energy to separate themselves from the water surface. This water
molecules will be converted to vapors; and from the earth’s surface these will be transferred into the

Evaporation does not occur only from bodies of water and soils. It also occurs from plant surfaces; and
the process is called transpiration. Through transpiration, water is ejected from plants through their tiny
pores called stomata. This process occurs together with evaporation and it is called evapotranspiration.

Evaporated water in the atmospheric troposphere will undergo condensation. Condensation is the
process where water vapor becomes liquid. This happens when the vapor cooled to its dew point and
becomes highly saturated.

When the water vapor that condensed in the atmosphere becomes too heavy, the process of
precipitation takes place. Water falls back to the earth’s surface; and be released from clouds as rain,
sleet, snow, or hail.

Some precipitation will be intercepted by plants, some percolates into the soil and stream, and some
flows as surface run-off into the sea.

Because this is a cycle its processes will continuously repeats in a chronological order.

2. What are the different sources of water? Is the water from these sources considered as potable?
Explain your answer.

The different sources of water are the meteoric waters, surface waters, and groundwaters. Meteoric
waters are the sources above the ground. It includes simple roof collection and storage for individual
home use and large catchment areas for communal use. Water from this source is not considered as
potable because water directly collected from rain and stored in a reservoir. The rainwater can’t absorb
minerals that’s why the water that was collected may be acidic which is not suitable for drinking and
cooking. In addition, meteoric waters may carry bacteria, parasites, viruses, and chemicals that can
make you sick.

Surface waters are sources available on the ground. These consists of freshwater that flows and collects
in rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, swamps and marshes, ocean, or artificial impounding reservoirs. Some
surface waters can be considered as potable water because as rain runs off on the ground it is being
filtered and become mineral water. Also, it is considered as potable as long as the sources are not
polluted and the water is sufficiently treated.

Groundwaters are sources that are below the ground surface. These include the natural springs,
horizontal or infiltration galleries, shallow wells, and deep wells. Groundwaters is considered more
potable than surface waters. When it rains, the water infiltrates the soil and percolates downwards until
it reaches the water table. As the water percolates downward, it will be filtrated numerous times
removing the impurities in the water. Also, as it percolates minerals will be added to the water that will
make the water healthier to drink.

3. Illustrate a typical water treatment system and briefly discuss each processes indicated.

Water treatment system is composed of 5 processes. These are the aeration, coagulation/flocculation,
sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection/chlorination. Water from water sheds will pass through the
intake pipe. And the first process of treating the raw water is through aeration wherein water is sprayed
into the air to release any entrapped air in it and absorb additional oxygen. Then in the process of
coagulation-flocculation, small sediments particles which do not settle well combine to form larger
particles called “flocs”. This “flocs” or suspended particles are removed through the process of
sedimentation. Some suspended matter will not settle by gravity that’s why the next process which is
called filtration, takes place. Water passes through a porous material that filtrates suspended matter.
Even though the sediment particles are removed from the water; still, the water is not totally treated.
The most important process which is called disinfection/chlorination must be performed for the water
to attain safe and sanitary quality.

Then treated water is stored in a reservoir and distributed in buildings for consumption.

4. Differentiate water purification from water treatment.

I think, there is no big difference between water purification and water treatment. Because some
processes that are involved in water treatment such aeration, coagulation/flocculation, sedimentation,
filtration, and disinfection are the same with the methods of water purification. However, in water
treatment these methods will be combined and are arranged step by step; while in water purification,
you can choose method/s that you want to use in purifying the water. Also, water treatment
encompasses purification but not all treatments are purification. So, we can say that purification is a
form of water treatment.

Post assessment

In our house I have encountered little problems in the plumbing system; and I was able to apply basic
reparations on them. Because of our carelessness in washing plates, we just allow some food wastes to
flow in the pipe that drains water from the lavatory, that is why the pipe is clogging sometimes. But I
was able to fix the problem by pumping the drainage of the lavatory or by using stick to force the object
that was stuck up inside the drainage. There is also other problem with the sink. Sometimes water is
leaking from the area where the sink relates to the pipe. Every time this happens, I just put vulcaseal to
prevent the water to leak. The toilet also is clogging sometimes; and to fix it I will just pump the toilet
until the water can be flushed. Drainage also in the CR is clogging sometimes, because hairs are trapped
and prevent other small waste particles to be drained. So, I just get a tire wire and try to remove the
hairs. After removing the hairs, I will pour some muriatic acid for the small waste particles to be
dissolved. In addition, sometimes the water from the service pipe is leaking. To fix it, I will use rubber to
wrap the joints of the pipe together. Another solution that I apply is disassembling the pipe and putting
Teflon tape on the part of the pipe that is connected to the coupling.
As a future engineer, for such inconsistencies, I recommend that it is better to replace the old service
pipe into new ones because I have observed that the old pipes started to corrode. The filters that are
used in the sink and in the CR should be replaced with filters that have smaller holes so that small waste
particles can’t easily enter in the drainage. Also, the water from the source should be treated properly
to have a good quality. Because it can be the reason that the steel pipes are corroding; the water maybe
acidic and allows the steel pipes to rust. In addition, the presence of magnesium and calcium also can
cause the clogging of the pipes.

2. explain water quality in your own understanding.

Water quality is the measure of the suitability of water for consumption. It pertains to the physical,
chemical, and biological conditions of the water based on its particular use. For instance, if the water is
intended for drinking and cooking; the water should be treated properly to have a good quality. It
should be free from waste particles, chemicals, bacteria, microorganisms, and viruses that can cause
diseases. Because poor quality of water can be a threat to the health of the people.

3. why is it important that a civil engineer should study water quality? Explain your answer in
engineering perspective.

Civil engineers do not only build and maintain structures and infrastructures. They also help in
maintaining our biological environment. We all know that water plays an important role in our
environment. It helps maintain lives here on earth. So, civil engineers do not only build systems for
water supplies and sewage treatments. They also need to study the water quality for safer consumption.
Civil engineers can apply what they have learned and work together to formulate effective solutions for
water quality problems.

5. Differentiate coagulation from flocculation

Coagulation and flocculation go with each other however they are different. Coagulation is the process
of adding coagulant chemicals in the water. This coagulant will react with the sediments to make it
capable of combining into larger particles. On the other hand, the physical process that involves the
collision of the sediments with each other and their combination to form larger particles is called as the
process of flocculation. And these large particles that was formed are called “flocs”.

Module 4

1. Measuring the length of the pipes that will be used in plumbing is important. The most effective
way to measure the lengths of the cast iron pipe, galvanized steel pipe, and plastic pipe is by
applying the face to face method. The end portion that will enter to the hub is added to the
face length of the effective distance. So, the total length is the sum of the face-to-face length
and the engagement lengths. However, the types of pipes have different engagement lengths.

In plumbing it is also important to know how to cut and join pipes. In cast iron pipe there are
steps that must be followed. The first thing to draw a chalk mark around the pipe then lay the
pipe on sand. With thew use hammer and cold chisel, the scored line around the pipe is stuck
gently at first round, then continue striking harder all around until the pipe is cut or part off.
Instead of hammer and chisel, hacksaw can be used also. The pipe is laid in any hard material
letting it to be elevated from the ground then the marked line is slowly sawn. After that connect
the pipe using oakum too pack and seal properly the joints. In cutting galvanized steel pipe, the
pipe should be held rigidly with proper holding tools. Cutting is done by using 14 teeth per inch
hacksaw blade applying forward strokes at the rate of about one stroke per second. After cutting
you can now thread the pipes. Put two nuts on them, lock tightly. During the process of
threading apply motor oil regularly to protect both the threader and the thread of the pipe then
the thread should be slightly tapered. Provide the thread portion of the pipe with Teflon tape in
the clockwise direction before turning the fitting joint.

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