Certamen Ingles Unidad 8

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Imagine four friends waiting at a bus stop. They start talking to pass the time.

Mª jose: So, what means of transport do you usually take? And, why is it your favorite?/
Entonces, ¿qué medio de transporte sueles tomar? Y, ¿por qué es tu favorito?

Barbara: I love traveling by train. It's comfortable and I can enjoy the landscape .

Elena: For me, it's all about speed. I prefer taking a plane to get to my destination quickly.

Nicole: I like traveling by car because I can stop wherever I want and explore different

Barbara: Speaking about it, where do you usually go? / Hablando de eso, ¿dónde sueles ir?

Elena: I like to travel to the countryside because it helps me get rid of stress.

Nicole: I prefer to travel to the beach.

Mª jose: I don't really have a preference. It depends on the destination and the schedule.

Nicole: How about likes and dislikes? Is there a type of transport that you don't like? / ¿Qué
hay de los gustos y los disgustos? ¿Hay algún tipo de transporte que no te guste?

Barbara: I'm not a fan of buses. They can be uncomfortable and the rides can be long.

Elena: I don't really like boats. I get seasick easily and I don't like feeling trapped on the

Mª jose: I don't have any dislikes when it comes to transport. I think every means of
transport has its own advantages and disadvantages.

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