Daya Dukung Tiang

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Pile Properties

Type Driven Pile

Shape Turbular
Outer Diameter, OD 0.25 m
Inner Diameter, ID 0.00 m
Area, Ap 0.049087 m2
Moment of inertia 0.0001917 m4
Perimeter, P 0.785398 m
Unit weight 24.0 kN/m3

Unit weight 17 kN/m2

Su (Cu) Adhesion Skin Friction Axial Friction End Bearing End Bearing Compression Capacity (kN) Pull Out Capacity (kN)
Depth (m) qc (kg/cm2) qc (kPa) sigma v (σ) Axial Friction Consistency
(kPa) Factor (α) Side Friction Resistance, (MPa) (kN)
Resistance Q ultimate Qall (SF=2,5) Wp Qu Qall Uplift (SF=2,5)
fs, (kPa) Cumulative
/Stratum, (kN)
0.00 0.00 0 0 0 1 0 0 (kN)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1.00 5.00 490 17 23.67 1 23.67 18.59 18.59 0.21 10.46 29.04 11.62 1.18 19.77 7.91 Soft
2.00 190.00 18633 34 929.93 0,5 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 8.37 410.83 #VALUE! #VALUE! 2.36 #VALUE! #VALUE! Hard
3.00 200.00 19613 51 978.12 0,5 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 8.80 432.12 #VALUE! #VALUE! 3.53 #VALUE! #VALUE! Hard
4.00 0.00 0 68 -3.40 1 -3.40 -2.67 #VALUE! -0.03 -1.50 #VALUE! #VALUE! 4.71 #VALUE! #VALUE! VerySoft
5.00 0.00 0 85 -4.25 1 -4.25 -3.34 #VALUE! -0.04 -1.88 #VALUE! #VALUE! 5.89 #VALUE! #VALUE! VerySoft
6.00 0.00 0 102 -5.10 1 -5.10 -4.01 #VALUE! -0.05 -2.25 #VALUE! #VALUE! 7.07 #VALUE! #VALUE! VerySoft
7.00 0.00 0 119 -5.95 1 -5.95 -4.67 #VALUE! -0.05 -2.63 #VALUE! #VALUE! 8.25 #VALUE! #VALUE! VerySoft
8.00 0.00 0 136 -6.80 1 -6.80 -5.34 #VALUE! -0.06 -3.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! 9.42 #VALUE! #VALUE! VerySoft
9.00 0.00 0 153 -7.65 1 -7.65 -6.01 #VALUE! -0.07 -3.38 #VALUE! #VALUE! 10.60 #VALUE! #VALUE! VerySoft
10.00 0.00 0 170 -8.50 1 -8.50 -6.68 #VALUE! -0.08 -3.76 #VALUE! #VALUE! 11.78 #VALUE! #VALUE! VerySoft

Kontrol Terhadap Pembebanan Aksial

Qall Tekan Qall = #VALUE! kN
Qall Tarik Qall uplift = #VALUE! kN
Beban Aksial Tekan Pondasi Rencana Pc = 900 kN
Beban Aksial Tarik Pondasi Rencana Pt = 400 kN
Jumlah Tiang Pancang yang Diperlukan = #VALUE! bh
Dibulatkan = #VALUE! bh
Beban Aksial Tekan yang Diterima 1 buah tiang = #VALUE! kN……….. #VALUE!
Beban Aksial Tarik yang Diterima 1 buah tiang = #VALUE! kN……….. #VALUE!
Analisis Lateral (Brom's Method, FHWA HI 97-013)
Uncofined Compression Strength (UCS)
Depth (m)
1.00 Stratum 1 qu1 90 kPa
2.00 Stratum 2 qu2 200 kPa
3.00 Stratum 3 qu3 300 kPa
4.00 Stratum 4 qu4 200 kPa
5.00 Stratum 5 qu5 200 kPa
6.00 Stratum 6 qu6 200 kPa
7.00 Stratum 7 qu7 90 kPa
8.00 Stratum 8 qu8 90 kPa
9.00 Stratum 9 qu9 90 kPa
10.00 Stratum 10 qu10 90 kPa
11.00 Stratum… qu… …… ……
12.00 Stratum… qu… …… ……
13.00 Stratum… qu… …… ……
14.00 Stratum… qu… …… ……

Soil type = Cohesive soil

Pile head fixity = Fixed
Pile Section Depth Outer Diameter, h = 400 mm
Inner Diameter, ID = 0 mm
Length L= 4000 mm
Material = Concrete
Concrete strength f’c = 20 MPa
Modulus of elasticity E = 4700 * Ö(f'c = 21019 MPa
Moment of inertia I = p * (h4-ID4) / 64 = 125664 cm4
Section Modulus S = p * h3 / 32 = 6283 cm3
Eccentricity of applied load; ec = 250 mm
Adjustment factor for soil creep = 0.5 FHWA HI-97-013
Critical depth Dcritic = min(L,4.5 * h) = 1800 mm
qu (if Dcritic > 1000mm and <2000mm = 139 kPa
qu (if Dcritic > 2000mm and <3000mm = - kPa
Unconfined soil compressive strength
qu = (qu * tstrata + …... + qu * (Dcritical - Dstrata...)) / Dcritical = 139 kPa
Empirical coefficient, n1 (Table 9-10) n1 = 0.360
Empirical coefficient, n2 (Table 9-10) n2 = 1.150
Coeff of horiz. subgrade reaction KhCalc = n1 * n2 * 80 * qu / h = 11500 kN/m3
Adjusted for soil creep Kh = 0.5 * KhCalc = 5750 kN/m3
Resisting moment of pile My = f'c * S = 125.66 kNm
Bh factor βh = (Kh * h / (4 * E * I))0,25 = 0.3841 m-1
Length category value βhL = βh * L = 1.54
Pile length category βhL < 2 Short Pile
Cohesion cu = qu / 2 = 0.069 MPa

Ultimate lateral load from Graph 9.27 (Short Pile)

Graph x axis value GX = L / h = 10.0
Plot line value ec / h = 0.6

Ultimate lateral load from Graph 9.28 (Long Pile)

Graph x axis value GX = My / ( cu * h3 ) = -
Plot line value ec / h = -

Curva = Fixed
Graph y axis value GY = 25.50
Ultimate lateral load Qu = GY * cu * h2 = 283.33 kN
Allowable working load (SF = 2,5) Qm = Qu / SF = 113.33 kN

Kontrol Terhadap Pembebanan Lateral

Beban lateral arah x pada pondasi Hux = 90.00 kN
Beban lateral arah y pada pondasi Huy = 80.00 kN
Gaya lateral arah x pada tiang hux = Hux / n = #VALUE! kN
Gaya lateral arah y pada tiang huy = Huy / n = #VALUE! kN
Gaya lateral pada tiang kombinasi dua arah humax = Ö(hux2 + huy2) = #VALUE! kN

Ultimate lateral load from Graph 9.32:

Graph x axis value GX = βh * L = 1.54
Plot line value ec / L = 0.063
Graph y axis value GY = 2.63
Lateral deflection DLAT = GY * humax / (Kh * h * L) = #VALUE! mm
Allowable lateral deflection DLatAllow = 25 mm

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