CCP Netflix

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The following information and material within the document is confidential to Netflix.


information should not be disclosed, copied, or shared.

Table of Contents

Introduction 1

Contact Information 2

Crisis Communication Team 2

Purpose 2-3

Mission 3

Likely Crises 3-5

Key Stakeholders and Publics 5-8

Crisis Preparation and Prevention 8-12

Media Audit 12-14

Social Media Strategy 14-18

Third Party Supporters 18-19

Testing and Evaluation 19-20


Immediate Response Checklist 20-21

Communication Channels 22

Key Messages 23

Press Release Template 24-25

Backgrounder 26-27

Media Contact Log 28

Crisis Team Contact 28

Netflix takes pride in its transparency with employees and its customers. In case of a crisis or

severe problem associated with the company, the following material will help aid in the handling

of the media, clientele, and whoever else it may concern.

Contact Information
Phone: 408-540-3700.
100 N Winchester Cir. Los Gatos, CA 95032

Crisis Communication Team Members

Katie Slaven: Legal

Liam Sherman: Communications Officer

Emily Takerian: Team Coordinator, Media Relations

Kayla Friesland: Spokesperson


When faced with a crisis and/or problem, the crisis team should prioritize maintaining and

rebuilding the relationship the company has with the customers. By having these preventive

measures already in place, the team will be able to clearly navigate the crisis. With various risks,

there are different approaches to each. The following information will allow Netflix to

effectively deal with any crisis that may present itself.


Netflix’s mission in terms of a crisis is to acknowledge the situation in an appropriate manner

and quickly address the problem. The needs of the company and the customers is Netflix’s top

priority .

Likely crises for Netflix

● Loss of subscribers due to password sharing charge

○ Likeliness = 4 (More than possible, somewhat probable)

○ Warning signs are evident on social media

○ Potential damage to company = 3 (Considerable damage, but still will not be a

major media issue) Hulu already does this but Netflix will be the first to join


● Negative reputational damage due to graphic intensity (Can occur if Netflix shares highly

sensitive media depicting images such as intense violence, rape, hate crimes etc)

○ Likeliness = 3 (Possible; this occurred during the release of the Jeffery Dahmer

series. Netflix suffered slight reputational damage paired with outrage from

certain sects of the African American and LGBTQIA+ communities. Netflix was

cleared for season 2, but must tread carefully.)

○ Past incidents and today's political climate show that this crisis can very much


○ Potential damage to company = 3 (Considerable damage, but still will not be a

major media issue) There are already shows on Netflix that depict sensitive and

hard-to-watch scenes.

● Negative reputational damage/ Loss of subscribers due to working with a controversial

actor/producer/director etc.

○ Likeliness = 3 (Possible; a similar incident occurred when Netflix shared Dave

Chappelle’s most recent Netflix special; Dave has made and is known for making

insensitive comments towards the transgender community)

○ Netflix did not remove Dave’s special but should be careful moving forward with

other controversial characters

○ Potential damage = 4 (Considerable damage, would definitely be a major media


● Negative reputational damage caused by malfeasance or wrongdoing from an executive.

○ Likeliness = 2 (Remote to possible)

○ Netflix has faith that all of their employees will strictly follow company values

and guidelines both in and out of work.

○ Still a possibility, especially in today’s day and age where everyone is getting

publicly called out for wrongdoing.

○ Potential damage = 4 (Considerable damage depending on what the specific issue

is, could definitely be a major media issue depending on severity of incident)

● Technological crisis; something going wrong with the company network

○ Likeliness = 1 (Nearly Impossible)

○ Netflix has computer engineers working around the clock to ensure that the

website stays running successfully

○ This issue has happened to social media platforms on multiple occasions,

therefore we should not be complacent and prepare for it just in case.

○ Potential damage = 3-5 (Depending on the issue)

○ If the website were to shut down for an extended period of time, this could be

devastating for the company financially and reputationally.

○ If the website shuts down for a shorter period of time, it could still be an issue but

not as major of an issue.

Netflix Key Stakeholders and Publics

It is of utmost importance to communicate with Netflix’s key stakeholders and publics during a

crisis. The stakeholders share an interest in our organization’s actions (Hayes, 2022). Typically

the interest that the stakeholders share is financial. It is the communication team's job to

determine who Netflix’s key stakeholders are to ensure that they remain in the loop while

navigating an organizational crisis. The following table consists of key stakeholders and publics

for Netflix, as well as a depiction of what the communication will look like during a time of

organizational crisis.

Stakeholders Communication and Themes

Board members ● It is imperative that Netflix’s Board of

Directors stays in the loop during an
organizational crisis.

● It is vital that Netflix practices clarity
when communicating with board
members. Honesty is important to
maintain good relations with the board
while simultaneously giving the board
members vital truths of the situation so
they can move forward knowing all
the facts.
● A stronger relationship will
incentivize the board to continue
supporting Netflix post-crisis.
● Crisis resources will be communicated
through phone calls or meetings. It is
essential that board members are
notified of crisis information in real

Employees ● In order to reassure employees of their

value to the team, we must be
consistent with updating everyone
through the time of crisis. Employees
reserve the right to know the
consequences of a given crisis.
● Employees must be given accurate
information so that they can navigate
through the crisis and make the best
decision on their behalf and the
● Crisis resources will be given through
email to employees.

Partners ● To maintain good relations with

Netflix’s partners, we must reiterate
the importance of sticking to our core
values. Reputation control is
necessary when managing a crisis, and
the first step is upholding our core
● In order to maintain our core values,
we must be undeviating when

communicating key crisis details and
resources. We must be thorough when
communicating with partners so that
Netflix remains in their good graces.
● Crisis resources should be
communicated via phone calls or
meetings. It shows respect to
communicate with partners through a
direct medium rather than email or

Media ● It is vital to engage in teamwork with

the media when navigating through an
organizational crisis. Being
cooperative with the media allows
Netflix to get a better handle on the
● To mitigate reputational damage, it is
important that the media does not
believe that Netflix is hiding
● Crisis resources and information
should be communicated through
press conferences.

Key Publics are individuals who have any sort of interest in an organization and its actions

(Hayes, 2022). It is important that publics are given accurate and transparent information during

the time of an organizational crisis. Publics, both internal and external, allow the organization to

run. Therefore it is imperative that Netflix communicates updates to its publics throughout the

entirety of the crisis situation and after.

Internal Publics

● Board of Directors

● Employees

External Publics

● Subscribers

● Sponsors and partners

● Media

● Talents

Crisis Preparation and Prevention

Environmental Scanning

It is necessary to monitor the media whether you are dealing with a crisis or not. Scanning

through traditional and new/social media is important to identify potential risks towards Netflix.

Environmental scanning allows us to get ahead of risks and solve them before they turn into a

crisis. Should a crisis arise, it is still important to monitor traditional and social media to assess

the public perception of the organization during the crisis. The following list consists of

different forms of media that must be monitored.

Traditional media

● Television news outlets

○ Fox News, NBC News, CNN, The Associated Press, CBS News etc

● News papers

○ Wall Street Journal, New York Times, USA Today, Washington Post, Chicago

Tribune etc

Social/ New Media

● Social Media outlets: Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, Facebook, Snapchat etc

● Blog sites

● Online surveys and focus groups

Issues management

Managing issues is the core of what the communication team does, and without this,

organizations would not survive. Issues are developing problems that an organization faces. If

these issues are not dealt with by an organization, then the issue can turn into a full blown crisis.

For this reason, organizations must be proactive with dealing with issues. It is also vital to be

aware of emerging trends that can turn into issues. The communication team is in charge of

identifying these issues and acting to mitigate or prevent them. It is the communication team's

job to analyze the issue, determine the threat it poses to the organization, and determine the

necessary steps needed to be taken to solve the problem.

Reputation Management

In order to maintain Netflix’s reputation, the organization as a whole must take proactive steps in

upholding it. Netflix has maintained a positive reputation by working with talented individuals

in creative and productive ways, while simultaneously putting their workers before everything

else. Netflix’s core value is people before the process. We pride ourselves on being a company

that many talented people want to work with, and it is important that we as an organization are

deliberate in our efforts to uphold this standard. In order to engage in proactive reputation

management, Netflix as an organization must:

● Monitor traditional and social media for potential risks and threats to Netflix’s prestige

● Maintain our core values while working with different talents and individuals

○ Treat everyone with respect in every aspect of Netflix’s work

○ Share content that aligns with Netflix’s core values

○ Work with highly respected individuals who share our values

● Stay up to date with emerging trends

● Be authentic and genuine, especially during times of controversy

Reputation management is not just for external publics, but also Netflix’s own employees.

Studies show that employees would rather work for organizations that care about the same values

as they do. Organizations show employees their strong values by aligning their values with their

strategy, otherwise known as engaging in corporate social responsibility. Employees need to

know what the organization’s bigger picture or goal is, and employees prefer it when It is

important to employees that their leaders speak up on critical issues, especially in a time of crisis

or controversy. Organizations with a strong positive reputation have employees who work

towards something more than just their next pay day.


Environmental scanning is the main tool Netflix as an organization should employ to prevent

potential risks from becoming a full on crisis. It is important that the organization regularly

monitors traditional and new media to gain outside perspective on the organization as well as

identify potential threats against Netflix. Preventing crises before they happen is the main goal.

Not all issues are identified and dealt with however, so it is important that Netflix’s

Communication Team is prepared should one arise. Critical crisis prevention steps are as


1. Threat Assessment: The communication team is in charge of analyzing the crisis at hand,

and determining the scale of damage that the crisis poses to Netflix. The potential

damage will determine how the following steps are executed.

2. Deliberate and Communicate: The communication manager and the rest of the

communication team should be thorough in communicating and execution of their

strategies. Employees and other stakeholders must know what the next steps are and how

the organization is going to navigate through the crisis.

3. Address the Issue to External Publics: Once strategy and next steps are shared with

employees and other stakeholders, the communication team’s spokesperson must respond

to the media about the issue. It is imperative that this is done in a timely manner in order

to control the narrative. Organizations who are open and honest with the media from the

jump display sincerity, which can go a long way towards maintaining a positive


4. Assess External Reaction: The communication team must assess the public's reaction to

Netflix’s strategy in navigating the crisis. It is necessary to determine what went wrong

or right during crisis mitigation in order to better prepare for potential future crises.

5. Revise and Update: After analyzing the communication teams efforts to mitigate the

crisis, they must update the current crisis communication plan with reference to the

current crisis outcomes.

Media Audit

Media allows a crisis situation to spread like wildfire. Depending on the crisis, the media can

determine an organization's future. If Netflix is unaware of which media outlets are likely to

cover their crisis, then the narrative behind the crisis will be completely out of Netflix’s hands.

With Netflix being one of the most used streaming services in the world, any crisis will likely

warrant news coverage from most national news outlets. Netflix also has a strong presence on

social media. Therefore any crisis will likely warrant a lot of social media traffic in real time.

Social media news tends to break well before traditional news outlets, so it is important to be

aware of how and where news would spread on the internet during a potential crisis. The

following table contains several traditional and social media outlets/ platforms that are likely to

cover Netflix in a potential crisis.

Outlet Media Type Medium Contact Information

CNN Traditional Television/ Online Email:

Fox News Traditional Television/ Online Phone:


ABC News Traditional Television/ Online Phone:


NBC News Traditional Television/ Online Phone:


MSNBC Traditional Television/ Online Phone:


BBC News Traditional Television/ Online Email:


The New York Times Traditional Newspaper/ Online Phone:

1 (800)-698-4637

Wall Street Journal Traditional Newspaper/ Online Phone:

1 (800)-369-2834

The Washington Post Traditional Newspaper/ Online Phone:


The Chicago Tribune Traditional Newspaper/ Online Phone:


TMZ Traditional Online Phone:


Politico Traditional Online Phone:

1 (703)-647-7999

Twitter New Media Social Media Phone:

Platform (866)-924-2008

Instagram New Media Social Media Phone:

Platform 1 (630)-543-4800

Tik Tok New Media Social Media Email:


Snapchat New Media Social Media Phone:

Outlet Media Type Medium Contact Information

CNN Traditional Television/ Online Email:

Fox News Traditional Television/ Online Phone:


ABC News Traditional Television/ Online Phone:


Platform 1 (310)-399-3339

Facebook New Media Social Media Phone:

Platform 1 (650)-308-7300

Social Media Strategy

As mentioned before, social media serves as a great medium for discovering information in real

time. Users are able to receive updates on news stories as they break, making social media a

great tool for accessing external reactions in a timely manner. The faster Netflix can gauge the

public’s reaction, the faster Netflix can act and respond.

Social media can also be utilized as a tool for organizations to market their product or content.

Organizational social media accounts serve as a direct line of communication between

consumers and the organization themselves. Netflix participates in this by having social media

accounts on almost every platform. The following table contains information regarding Netflix’s

social media presence.

Platform Handle How Platform is Utilized

Instagram @Netflix ● Generally used to

highlight various

actors that Netflix
works with
● Also highlights
specific scenes from
popular movies and
shows that stream on
● Captions from posts
use similar vernacular
to today’s younger
generation (Ex. one
post is captioned “in
my trying to get
Taylor Swift tickets
● Captions also use a lot
of emojis; this gives a
sense of informality
and relatability
especially since
Instagram’s audience
is mostly young
● Account also posts
memes related to
current events and pop
culture with the use of
famous scenes and
characters from
Netflix shows
● Overall, the account
markets their content
while simultaneously
attempting to be
viewed informally

Twitter @Netflix ● Generally uses their

twitter account to
highlight actors and
actresses they work
● They also share links
to articles about
shows, movies and
● Posts a lot of memes

relating to current
events and pop culture
using their content
● Generally uses
platform to market
their content

Tik Tok @Netflix ● Shares video clips

from their shows and
● Also shares interviews
with actors, producers,
and directors who
work with Netflix
● Informal vernacular
and emojis are used in
their captions; this
makes Netflix seem
informal and relatable
to everyone else as
Tik Tok’s audience is
generally young
● Generally used to
market their content

Facebook @Netflix ● Shares video clips of

scenes from Netflix’s
movies and shows
● Shares updates about
the company
● Shares interviews
from actors, directors
and producers who
work with Netflix
● Captions use more
formal Vernacular in
their posts than they
use on Tik Tok and
Instagram; this is
because facebook has
an older audience.
● Generally used to
market their content

Netflix’s Use of Social Media During A Crisis

Social Media is a good tool to utilize during a crisis as it provides a direct line of communication

between Netflix and the public. It is important for Netflix to update and share public statements

during a crisis, and the best way to do so is through social media.

In Netflix’s case, only two of the four major platforms should be utilized during crisis mitigation:

facebook and twitter. Instagram and Tik Tok are important platforms for environmental

scanning, but the informal nature of these platforms make it difficult to remain sincere and

authentic during a crisis.


● Facebook should share any public statements Netflix might make in regards to a crisis.

○ This can be in the form of a written statement, a recorded video statement, or even

a livestream of the press conference.

● Facebook’s audience consists of a lot of older people, making it a good platform to share

information to the older demographic.

● Facebook should also be utilized to evaluate the public’s reaction to the crisis

○ Posts on Facebook are not as limited in size as other platforms, thus allowing

Netflix to get a more in-depth understanding of the public's reaction.

● The formal nature of Netflix’s facebook account makes it the perfect platform to share

serious information.


● Twitter should share any public statements Netflix might make in regards to a crisis.

○ Also can take the form of a written statement, a recorded video statement, or even

a live stream of the press conference.

● Twitter has more young users than facebook does, therefore this platform helps Netflix

get their message out to younger users more effectively than Facebook.

● Twitter is also a good tool to evaluate public reaction towards the crisis in real time.

News tends to break on Twitter before every other platform or outlet, therefore Netflix

should utilize it to find necessary information in a timely manner.

● Netflix uses Twitter more informally than they use Facebook, which can complicate

things when trying to share serious information. Nevertheless, the timely fashion in

which news breaks on Twitter makes it a vital tool in crisis mitigation.

Third-party supporters
In the event of a crisis event, third-party supporters may provide support for the organization by

helping with reputation management and nullify negative comments. Third-party supports are

those that a company does business with (suppliers, vendors, partners, affiliates, etc.). These

individuals or groups are not directly employed by the organization, but are knowledgeable about

the organization, know enough to speak on their goals, and have supported them. Supporters who

are identified may be contacted by the media to show their support for Netflix in a crisis. The

chart below lists current third-party supporters in regards to hypothetical crisis scenarios that are

discussed in the previous pages 3 through 5.

Third-party Supporters Relationship

Sony, LG, Samsung Partnered with Netflix in 2015 to promote 4k


Teleparty Previously called “Netflix Party”, rebranded

in April 2022. A Google Chrome extension
created to watch Netflix, Youtube, Disney
Plus, Hulu, HBO, and Amazon Prime Video
with others online.

Microsoft Partnered with Netflix in July 2022, preparing

to launch ads in 2023. Including access to
Microsoft’s cloud storage, access to consoles
and user data.

Walmart Partnered with Netflix in October 2021,

creating Walmart’s Netflix Hub. Including
merchandise (clothes, collectibles, music,
games, seasonal items, etc) related to popular
family Netflix shows/movies.

Plan for Testing/Evaluating the Crisis Plan

In order to ensure an effective crisis communication plan, they must be tested, evaluated, and

revised to update along with the changes of communication strategies. In a real crisis scenario,

everyone who is or will be involved should have input in the testing, evaluating, and revising of

the CCP.

1. Test

The CCP can be tested by using the hypothetical crisis scenarios that are previously mentioned in

pages 3 through 5. This should accurately test if the strategy is effective, efficient, consistent,


2. Evaluate

During a real crisis, those involved should observe and take notes on how effective, efficient,

consistent, and complete the CCP is. Those involved (stakeholders, employers, etc) then must

evaluate the plan using the Post Crisis Evaluation Form (Appendix A) within a week of the

resolution. A copy of the CCP must be available to reference while filling out the Post Crisis

Evaluation Form.

3. Revise

Once the CCP evaluation has been completed by employees and stakeholders, Netflix and the

communication manager must work together to rate how successful the plan is and how it could

be improved. The plan must be kept up to date and tested at least once a year to ensure

preparedness should a real crisis occur.

Immediate Response Checklist

Communication is essential in all stages of a crisis. There should be consistent, clear

communication before, during, and after with stakeholders, publics, and the media. The

following five step plan can help Netflix in providing responses in a timely manner. This should

be used repeatedly throughout every stage of a crisis, so that their response strategies can be

adjusted based on what stage they are currently in.

1. Identify the crisis

● Immediately gather facts and key information (may meet at the location of the

incident if necessary)

○ Who is involved (who needs to be communicated with)?

○ What happened and what is currently being done?

○ When did the crisis happen?

○ Where did the crisis take place?

○ Why did the crisis escalate?

○ How did the crisis start?

● Identify the severity of the crisis

2. Notify key communicators

● Immediately, the communication manager should share communication strategies

with the employee liaison and implement these strategies

● Communicate with internal, key stakeholders and employees

● Keep employees informed and provide them with guidance on how to talk about

the crisis

● Continue communication with Netflix

3. Develop communication messages

● Netflix communication managers form messages to release to external audiences

● Schedule communication updates

● Prepare for responses and questions from external audiences following the release

4. Release messages

● Spokesperson provides a statement across social media platforms (Facebook,

Twitter, Instagram). May use a live press conference depending on the severity of

the crisis.

● Follow up on comments from the public and mentions from the media

5. Monitor and provide feedback

● Monitor media coverage, both traditional and new media

● Use the media log sheet to track trends and coverage

● Evaluate the effectiveness of the plan and communicate feedback with Netflix

Communication Channels Worksheet

The communication channel should be reflexive of the current crisis situation as well as the


Audience Communication Channel

Media ● Press release and official statement

● Updates across social media platforms

Employees and Stakeholders ● Interpersonal

● Email from organizational leader
● Updates via email

Partnerships ● Interpersonal
● Email from organizational leader
● Updates via email

Public ● Press release and official statement

● Updates across social media platforms

Key Messages Worksheet
This worksheet should be utilized when crafting official statements and messages to the public.

Information Self-Efficacy Content Empathetic Expression


What do we know What must stakeholders do to Should we apologize for our role
for certain? minimize their risk or to manage in the situation?
the effects of the hazard?

What are we trying

to find out? Should we accept moral
responsibility even if we haven’t
determined our legal standing?

What actions are we What else should they do? How can we stake out the middle
taking to resolve the ground?

When will we What else could they do? How can we acknowledge any
provide our next uncertainties about the situation?

Press Release (Template)

Contact Name: Emily Takerian

Contact Phone Number: (414) 587-0106 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Contact Email Address:

One sentence, 7-10 words, that describes the major point of the release:

City __________________________, (Date)

Message of Empathy/Caring (if appropriate):

Main Paragraph
Quickly answers the Who, What, Where, When and Why of the story:

Who is affected:
What is going on:
Where is this taking place:
When did this occur:
Why is this important:

About Netflix

Netflix is the world’s leading internet entertainment service with 209 million subscribers in over

190 countries enjoying TV series, films and mobile games across a wide variety of genres and

languages. Members can watch and play as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, on any

internet-connected screen. Members can play, pause and resume watching, all without

commercials or commitments.




Back in 1997, Netflix was founded by two software gurus by the names of Reed Hastings and

Marc Randolph. Hastings had come up with the idea of Netflix after forgetting to return a movie

on time, and wound up paying nearly $40 in late fees. The duo came up with the idea of a

subscription service where customers could order as many movies as they wanted, for a flat fee.

Their system was designed in a way that once a customer sent back the previous DVD, they

would immediately be issued a new movie of their choosing. As technology advanced over the

years, Netflix transitioned from a DVD mailing service, to a first of its kind streaming service.

Today, Netflix is currently headquartered in Los Gatos, California, home to over 15,000


Netflix Today

Netflix currently holds over 209 million subscribers worldwide and brings in nearly $25 billion

annually in total revenue. The streaming site is home to over 5,000 movies, TV shows and games

for subscribers to enjoy. With the addition of Netflix Original shows and movies, the streaming

service is able to keep afloat against other top performing competitors.

Netflix’s Impact

Netflix is committed to being an inclusive and diverse company. Inclusivity ranges but is not

limited to both the company’s employees and on screen programs. “We believe more people

deserve to see their lives on screen, and are committed to creating opportunities in front of and

behind the camera for people from all backgrounds and cultures.” (Netflix, 2021)

The company is also extremely committed to making sure the platform is accessible to all

individuals. Netflix currently streams in over 190 different countries around the world. Within

those 190 countries, local languages are provided via both closed captioning and verbally, to

ensure everyone has representation.

Environmental sustainability is also important to the company’s culture. As the year 2022 comes

to a close, Netflix has successfully reached their goal of achieving zero net greenhouse gas

emissions. The corporation has not only reduced their own carbon footprint, but they are

continuously funding environmental projects around the world. “Netflix exists to entertain the

world, and that requires a habitable world to entertain. Which is why environmental

sustainability is important to us at Netflix.” (Netflix, 2022)


Date: _____________________________ Time: _______________________________

Your Name:
Office #: ______________________ Cell #: ______________________ Other #:____________
Fax #: ______________________ Email:____________________________________________


Deadline for response: ______________________________________________

Type of response requested: Email/Phone

Call-Back Log

Date: _____________________________ Time: _______________________________

Responder: _____________________________________________________________


Follow-Up Requested: Yes No

Crisis Team Contact Sheet

Name Title Email Phone

Emily Takerian Team Coordinator; (414) 587-0106
Media Relations

Kayla Friesland Spokesperson (217) 871-1022

Katie Slaven Legal (832) 589-7950

Liam Sherman Communications (312) 479-0098



Columnist Tuesday, A. E. G. (2022, September 6). Netflix and Microsoft is a partnership built on
bundling. AdExchanger. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from

Evans, J. (2021, October 11). Walmart and Netflix team up for exclusive new retail hub that will
bring popular stories to life. Corporate. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from

Google. (2022, November 3). Netflix party is now teleparty. Google. Retrieved November 19,
2022, from

Niedt, B. (2022, November 1). Netflix comes to Walmart for a 1980s throwback.
Retrieved November 19, 2022, from

Popp, M., By, & Popp, M. (2015, January 9). Netflix partners with the big 3 to bring 4K content
to consumers. TechNorms. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from


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