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Học cách viết tắt

Cách take note khi nghe tiếng Anh hiệu quả, lời khuyên đầu tiên là: Hãy viết tắt!. Bạn có thể áp
dụng những cách viết tắt phổ biến hoặc tự đặt ra quy tắc cho chính mình. Ví dụ như:

 b4 = before
 to = 2
 fine = 5
 you = u
 BTW: by the way
 NM: not much

Để take note nhanh hơn, bạn đừng nên cố gắng ghi hết những gì bạn tiếp nhận được. Hãy chú ý
những “keyword” và sắp xếp nó một cách khoa học nhất.
Hoặc là Rút ngắn nguyên âm. Bạn sẽ không viết lại nguyên âm, chỉ viết lại phụ âm
Ví dụ:

 People – ppl
 development – dvpt
 marketing – mkt
 page – pg

Sẽ có những từ tương tự nhau, thì phương pháp thêm dấu phẩy vào trước chữ cái đuôi là cách
để tạo ra sự khác biệt của những từ đó.
Ví dụ:

 independence – indep
 international – inter’l
 nation – nat
 national – nat’l
 politics – pol
 politician – pol’n
 communication – commmu’n
 common – com’n
 education – edu
 educational – edu’l

Hoặc là dựa vào ký tự của một số từ để nhận biết

Ví dụ:

 per / each – /
 increase / improvement – ↑
 decrease / deterioration – ↓
 leads to / causes – →
 linked / interrelated / connected – ↔
 equal / is the same as / same as – =
 does not equal / is not the same as / not same as – ≠
 is less than / is smaller than – <
 is greater than / is larger than – >
 very – v.
 extremely – vv.
 especially – esp
 around / similar to – ~
 etcetera / so on – etc
 for example – e.g.
 in other words – i.e.
 with – w/
 without – w/o
 a thousand – K
 Century – C

2. Tồng hợp 1 số cách viết tắt thường dùng

hour = hr
minute = min
second = sec
before noon = am
after noon = pm
Monday = Mon
Tuesday = Tue
Wednesday = Wed
Thursday = Thu
Friday = Fri
Saturday = Sat
Sunday = Sun
Weekend = Sat Sun / Wkd
Week = wk
Month = mth
January = Jan
February = Feb
March = Mar
April = Apr
May – May
June – Jun
July – Jul
August – Aug
September – Sep
October – Oct
November – Nov
December – Dec
Spring – Spr
Summer – Sum
Autumn – Aut
Winter – Win
week(ly) – wk(ly)
month(ly) – mth(ly)
year(ly) – yr(ly)
per annum / per annual / each year – p.a.
Century – C
ambassador – ambas
captain – capt
doctor – dr
professor – prof
junior – jr
chief executive officer – CEO
personal assistant – PA
vice president – VP
human resources – HR
administrator – admin
registered nurse – reg nur
flight attendant – flight attd
temporary (job) – temp
permanent (job) – perm
association – assoc
corporation – corp
capital – cap
campaign – camp
company – co.
conference – conf
end of day – EOD
end of business – EOB
close of business – COB
evaluation – eval
established – estd
department – dept
independence – indep
international – inter’l
nation – nat
national – nat’l
government – gov
problem – probl
politics – pol
politician – pol’n
number – no. / #
average – avg
approximate(ly) – approx(ly)
maximum – max
minimum – min
before – b/f
because – b/c
per / each – /
increase / improvement – ↑
decrease / deterioration – ↓
leads to / causes – →
linked / interrelated / connected – ↔
equal / is the same as / same as – =
does not equal / is not the same as / not same as – ≠
is less than / is smaller than – <
is greater than / is larger than – >
very – v.
extremely – vv.
especially – esp
around / similar to – ~
etcetera / so on – etc
for example – e.g.
in other words – i.e.
with – w/
without – w/o
a thousand – K (ví dụ $5,000 – $5K)
a million – M (ví dụ $5,000,000 – $5M)
versus / against – vs
achievement – achmt
background – bkgd
communication – commmu’n
common – com’n
computer – com
information – info
introduction – intro
education – edu
educational – edu’l
subject – subj
pollution – pollu
important / importance – imp
difference / different – diffe
difficult / difficulty – diffi
language – lang
linguistics – ling
library – lib
include / including / inclusion – inc
exclude / excluding / exclusion – exc
reference – ref
review / revision – rev
research – res
section – sect
page – pg
paragraph – para
chapter – chap
principal – princ
university – uni
institution – insti
accounting – acc
chemistry – chem
science – sci
economics – econ
engineering – eng
history – hist
mathematics – math
physics – phys
physical education – PE
statistics – stat
psychology – psyc
literature – litr
marketing – mkt
management – mngmt
development – dvpt
equation – eqn
full time – f/t
part time – p/t
as soon as possible – asap
avenue – ave
boulevard – blvd
drive – dr
highway – hwy
lane – ln
corner – crnr
intersection – i.sect
junction – junc.
mountain / mount – mt
road – rd
street – st
north – N↑
south – S↓
west – W←
east – E→
at – @
entertainment – entertm’t
advertising – ads
advertisement – adsmt
audience – audi
exhibition – exhi
journalism – journl’m
television – TV
program – prog
internet / online – net
magazine – mgzine
agriculture – agri
agricultural – agri’l
environment – envi
environmental – envi’l
population – popu
people – ppl
individual – indi
do it yourself – DIY
date of birth – DOB

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