Psychoanalytic Criticism

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Please wait and stay in the call.
We will start soon.

Mediate ID and
ID (Internal Drive) Superego Superego

Desire Moral
Fear Ethics
Pain Control
Jealousy Conscience
Eat! Eat! Eat!

Maybe just a small piece

Fat! Fat! Fat!

Eat! Eat! Eat! ID (Internal Drive)

Maybe just a small piece Ego

Fat! Fat! Fat! Superego

ID (Internal Drive)
Sokha wants an iPhone 13, but he
has no money. He saw someone
leave an iPhone unattended. He
has a desire to steal the iPhone,
but he thinks that it will be awful
to steal someone’s property. So,
he decides not to steal it and save
money to buy it instead.
ID (Internal Drive) I want it.
Sokha wants an iPhone 13, but he
has no money. He saw someone
leave an iPhone unattended. He
has a desire to steal the iPhone, Ego Let’s save
but he thinks that it will be awful
to steal someone’s property. So,
he decides not to steal it and save
money to buy it instead.
Superego Punishment
(Defense Mechanism)
Ego = mechanism
Maybe just a small piece

• Ego deploys different mechanisms

• Protect ourselves from feelings of anxiety or guilty
• Satisfy ID and Superego
mechanism #1 Denial

Refuse to accept reality

A smoker denies that his habit has negative health A man has divorced his wife, and yet refuses to
consequences so he can continue smoking. believe it, still setting the table for her and keeping
her clothes and other accessories in the bedroom.
mechanism #2 Displacement

Expressing it toward someone.

mechanism #3 Projection

Blame your problems on someone else.

Oh no!! I forgot to do my You didn’t do anything?
I forgot about the group
group project. I wonder We are going to fail I said I am sorry. L
project. I am sorry.
what he did. because of you.
mechanism #3 Projection

Taking our own unacceptable qualities or feelings and

put them to other people.

You don’t like a co-worker. However, you refuse to

admit it ,and you have been telling yourself and
everyone around you that the co-worker doesn’t
like you. After that, you start to interpret his/her
words/actions in the worst way possible.
mechanism #4 Rationalization

Excuses used to reject guilt

I can eat more today. It’s my cheat day! I

have been working hard all week already.
mechanism #5 Overcompensation
Try too hard to feel better
Mocking others, being over musculine
Ughhhh!!! I failed the Yeah me too. That Hey nerd!! I bet
nerd got top score Yeah. No one will
test again. no one love you.
again. love his ugly face.
mechanism #6 Sublimation
Similar to displacement but constructive and
socially acceptable

A man has issues controlling his temper so

he plays football so he can take out his
aggression in a socially acceptable manner.
mechanism #6 Sublimation
Similar to displacement but constructive and
socially acceptable

A woman is frustrated that her daughter has once

again neglected to call on her birthday and instead
of calling her to voice her upset, she spends three
hours scrubbing floors and windows.
mechanism #7 Suppression
Deal with negative feeling by consciously
burying them

Dara is frustrated about failing the exam. He

decided to eat a lot of food to comfort himself.
He tries to escape his feeling.
1. Dara doesn’t want to get old, so he refuses to
celebrate his birthday.
ID (Internal Drive) Ego Superego
2. Chantha hates Montha for no reason. He knows that hating
someone is unacceptable, so he told his friends that he doesn’t
talk to Montha because Montha hates him.

ID (Internal Drive) Ego Superego

3. Daro knows that smoking is bad for his health, so he is being
very committed to eating healthy and working out every day.

ID (Internal Drive) Ego Superego

4. Suang U’s second child is a girl. He always wants to have sons,
but he said that it is okay to have one girl in the family.

ID (Internal Drive) Ego Superego

5. When Mui Eng realize that Ang Buai got more inheritance from
her father, Mui Eng threw a tantrum toward Suang U.

ID (Internal Drive) Ego Superego
1. Dara doesn’t want to get old, so he refuses to
celebrate his birthday.
ID (Internal Drive) Ego Superego

Refuses to
Doesn’t want to celebrate Getting old is
get old. birthday (still unacceptable.
2. Chantha hates Montha for no reason. He knows that hating
someone is unacceptable, so he told his friends that he doesn’t
talk to Montha because Montha hates him.

ID (Internal Drive) Ego Superego

Hating someone is
I hate her. Projection
not okay.
3. Daro knows that smoking is bad for his health, so he is being
very committed to eating healthy and working out every day.

ID (Internal Drive) Ego Superego

I want to smoke. Or Smoking is bad.
4. Suang U’s second child is a girl. He always wants to have sons,
but he said that it is okay to have one girl in the family.

ID (Internal Drive) Ego Superego

More sons Can’t control
(tell himself)
5. When Mui Eng realize that Ang Buai got more inheritance from
her father, Mui Eng threw a tantrum toward Suang U.

ID (Internal Drive) Ego Superego

She’s my sister,
Bigger sister and she has to
should get more support my

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