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Thuật ngữ Từ loại Nghĩa tiếng Việt

1 absence

2 accountability

3 ad hoc request

4 Administrator cadre/High rank cadre

5 Aggrieved employee

6 Air conflict

7 align

8 allegation

9 Allowances

10 Annual leave

11 appointment

12 Apprenticeship training

13 approach

14 approachable

15 Arbitrator

16 auditor

17 authoritarian

18 autonomous/ autonomy

19 Board interview/Panel interview

20 breach

21 breakdown

22 briefing

23 bully
24 Bureaucratic

25 business partner model

26 candidate

27 capacity

28 cascade system

29 change management

30 closed question

31 Coaching

32 Cognitive dissonance

33 Colleague, peer

34 commensurate

35 Compensation

36 component

37 compulsory

38 conduct

39 confidential

40 conflict of interest

41 Congenial co-workers

42 constraint

43 consultancy

44 Contractual employee

45 conversion rate

46 corporate business plan

47 Corporate culture

48 Corporate philosophy
49 corporate strategy

50 corrective action

51 Cost of living

52 credibility/ credible

53 criteria

54 current employee profile

55 cut

56 Daily worker

57 Death in service compensation

58 deliverables

59 Demanding

60 demographic

61 demographics

62 Demotion

63 Determinants

64 Disciplinary action

65 discrimination/ discriminate

66 dismissal

67 disposition

68 disruption

69 doable

70 draw up

71 dynamic

72 dyslexia

73 emerge
74 Employee referrals

75 employee review scheme

76 Employment agency

77 enabler

78 enrolment

79 ensure

80 entitled to

81 Entry- level professionals

82 Essay method

83 establish

84 Esteem needs

85 ethical

86 evaluate/ evaluation

87 Evaluation and follow up

88 exemplary performance

89 exit interview

90 expense claim

91 Expertise

92 External environment

93 Family benefits

94 fast-track

95 feasibility study

96 fire

97 fixed-term contract

98 flexible working
99 Floater employee

100 follow-up question

101 Forecasting

102 Formal system

103 Former employees

104 fringe benefits

105 General knowledge tests

106 Going rate/ Prevailing rate

107 Graphology

108 Grievance procedure

109 Gross salary

110 Hazard pay

111 Health and safety

112 Hierarchy of human needs

113 high calibre

114 Holiday leave

115 Hot stove rule

116 HR outsourcing

117 ice-breaking

118 Immediate supervisor

119 impact

120 impartiality

121 implementation and monitoring plan

122 In- basket training

123 Incentive compensation

124 Incentive payment

125 incompatible

126 induction

127 initiative

128 innovation

129 Input

130 integration

131 Internal employee relations

132 Internal environment

133 Internal equity

134 Internship

135 in-tray exercise

136 Job analysis

137 Job bidding

138 Job enlargement

139 Job enrichment

140 Job Involvement

141 Job knowledge test

142 Job performance

143 Job posting

144 Job rotation

145 Job specification

146 Job title

147 key deliverable

148 key perfomance indicator

149 knowledgement management

150 Labor contract

151 labour demand

152 labour suply

153 labour turnover

154 launch

155 Layoff

156 learning intervention

157 Leave/Leave of absence

158 legislation

159 length of service

160 Lethargic

161 Line management

162 loyalty bonus

163 lump sum

164 Macro environment, mega-environment

165 Management By Objectives (MBO)

166 Maternity leave

167 Means- ends orientation

168 Miniaturization

169 misconduct

170 mission statement

171 Mixed interview

172 modular course

173 Motion study

174 Motivation hygiene theory

175 network

176 New employee checklist

177 Non-financial compensation

178 non-negotiable

179 Norms

180 Off the job training

181 offence

182 Omnipotent view

183 On the job training

184 One-on-one interview

185 operational manager

186 Oral reminder

187 outcome

188 Outplacement

189 output

190 outsource

191 Paid absences

192 Paid leave

193 panel interview

194 Pay ranges

195 Pay rate

196 Pay roll/Pay sheet

197 Pay scale

198 payroll
199 penalty

200 penetration pricing policy

201 Performance appraisal

202 performance culture

203 Performance expectation

204 performance management

205 performance standard statement

206 performance-related pay

207 persistent

208 person specification template

209 Personality tests

210 Physical examination

211 Physiognomy

212 Piecework payment

213 pilot scheme

214 Planning

215 Polygraph Tests

216 position

217 Predictors

218 Preliminary interview/ Initial Screening interview

219 prioritise

220 Proactive

221 probability

222 probationay period

223 profit margin

224 Profit sharing

225 promotion

226 prompt

227 Psychological tests

228 psychometric testing

229 punctuality

230 Rating scales method

231 Ratio analysis

232 redeployment

233 Resignation

234 resource plan

235 Salary advances

236 Scanlon plan

237 Seasonal variation

238 Second shift/swing shift

239 Selection process

240 Self- appraisal

241 Self- employed workers

242 Self-actualization needs

243 Seniority

244 Services and benefits

245 Severance pay

246 Sick leaves

247 Simulators

248 Social security

249 Specific environment

250 Starting salary

251 Strategic planning

252 Subordinates

253 succession planning

254 Surplus of workers

255 Talent management

256 Telecommuting

257 Tell-and-sell interview

258 Temporary employees

259 Termination

260 Time payment

261 Travel benefits

262 Unemployment benefits

263 Unit integration

264 Unstructured interview

265 Vacation leave

266 Vestibule training

267 Voluntary resignation

268 Warning

269 Written reminder

270 Wrongful behavior

Định nghĩa (bằng tiếng Anh)
Nhóm 4
Nhóm 6
Nhóm 8

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