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Institute of Foreign Languages WS202

Department of English Writing Skills 202

Name: Thai Hak


I. Give a quotation and proper a list of references to the following terms
● Asynchronous learning (p. 2)

Asynchronous learning can be defined as “approach to education that utilizes

technology to enable students to access learning materials and complete assignments at
their own pace and convenience, without the need for real-time interaction with an
instructor. “(Mayadas, F., 1997, P.2)

● Academic stress (p. 123)

According to Wilks (2008), "Academic stress is the product of a combination of

academic-related demands that exceed the adaptive resources available to an
individual" (p. 107).

● Psychological stress (p. 19)

"Psychological stress is a particular relationship between the person and the

environment that is appraised by the person as taxing or exceeding his or her resources
and endangering his or her well-being" (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984, p. 19)

● Stress Management

According to the APA Dictionary of Psychology, "Stress Management refers to the use of
specific techniques, strategies, or programs—such as relaxation training, anticipation of
stress reactions, and breathing techniques—for dealing with stress-inducing situations
and the state of being stressed" ("Stress Management," n.d.).
Institute of Foreign Languages WS202
Department of English Writing Skills 202
II. Paraphrase and give a list of references to the excerpts from the journal article
However, it is worth highlighting that most NGSs are situated in big towns or cities (or
suburban areas), and only some people are exempted from user fees. Therefore, if such
schools were to be established far from the urban region where the vast majority of
parents are unable to make voluntary payments, their sustainability would be uncertain.
Moreover, the teaching staff and other personnel may not be willing to travel and work in
areas too far from the city center.

Source: New Generation Schools: Addressing Cambodia’s Chronic Inability to Deliver

Quality Education

” Only a small number of students are excused from paying tuition at Next Generation
Schools (NGSs), which are mostly found in bigger urban centers or suburban regions. The
viability of these schools would be in doubt if they were built in farther-flung rural areas,
away from urban centers, where the majority of parents cannot afford to pay voluntary
tuition. Teachers and other staff members could also be reluctant to travel to and work in
remote areas outside of the city core” (Chea & Chen, 2021).

The unexpected result was one of the students’ suggestions about giving some
consideration to the improvement of handwriting in English language by getting the
scanned handwritten assignments. Handwriting of a foreign language is a major issue to
ponder upon in online learning. The students also suggested subtexts to be run in both
Urdu and English languages, which shows their background of learning English language
through Grammar Translation Method. Student’s being time-bound was also determined by
the opinion that even announcements of LMS should be sent to them via mobile phone text
messages. No system can be perfect, however, efforts to achieve the best possibilities
should continue. A hybrid or blended model can be a solution to many problems.

Source: Synchronous and Asynchronous E-Language Learning: A Case Study of Virtual

University of Pakistan
Institute of Foreign Languages WS202
Department of English Writing Skills 202

“The unexpected outcome of the students' answer was a suggestion to accept scanned
handwritten assignments in order to address the problem of English handwriting
improvement. Dealing with handwriting in a foreign language has become a significant
barrier for online learning. In addition, the students promoted the use of subtexts in both
Urdu and English, demonstrating their knowledge of the Grammar Translation Method for
learning English. Additionally, the students' preference for text message notifications from
the LMS was a reflection of their time constraints. Even if perfection might not be feasible,
it is crucial to never stop seeking the best solutions. One approach to resolving these issues
would be to adopt a hybrid or blended learning style.” (Perveen, 2016).


The present paper was conducted with an aim to identify the English language needs
among Cambodian undergraduates and employers. The paper found vocational or work-
related English to be highly rated by most students. In addition, findings based on the views
of both students and employers on the language needs seem to be different. Regarding
students’ perspectives, speaking and reading skills are the most important ones that they
need for improving the overall English ability, but employers rated writing to be the most
dominant skill at workplace. Another crucial finding is that most employers perceived the
lack in report writing to exist in their respective institution. Based on these findings, it can
be suggested that English courses provided by any university should include learning and
teaching materials for speaking, reading, and writing. However, the learning and teaching
materials for reading should be placed on academic reading skill, which is mostly required
by the students.In addition, further studies should be carried out to explore the real English
language needs as perceived by students, instructors, employers, and other stakeholders in
the country. In this perspective, findings might be clear and realistic.
Source: Exploring English Language Needs According to Undergraduate Students and
Employers in Cambodia
“The survey found that employers and undergraduate students in Cambodia had English
language demands. Vocational English proficiency is prioritized by students, but business
Institute of Foreign Languages WS202
Department of English Writing Skills 202
writing is valued by companies. Speaking, reading, and writing should all be emphasized in
English classes, with a particular emphasis on academic reading. In order to better meet
the needs of students, educators, and employers, further study is necessary to understand
their real language demand” (Sothan, 2015).

The study reveals that the majority of Cambodian ELT teachers in this study conceptualized
learner autonomy as learners’ ability to make decisions about, and take responsibility for,
their learning. Teachers were perceived to play a vital role in promoting learner autonomy
within classrooms. Most teachers reported their active practices of learner autonomy in
classrooms, and such practices tended to be prepared by teachers, but independently
completed by learners. The teachers’ perceptions and reported practices of learner
autonomy activities reported in this study have opened up the possibility for the institution
in which they work, and indeed relatable contexts, to encourage, support, and perhaps
initiate action research projects by their staff. Such projects could explore the potential for
developing LA among their students and identify ways of overcoming constraints to
the effective implementation of appropriate strategies.
Source: Cambodian ELT teachers' beliefs and practices regarding language learner
“According to the research findings, the majority of Cambodian English Language Teaching
(ELT) instructors described learner autonomy as learners' ability to make decisions and
accept responsibility for their own learning. Teachers were seen as important facilitators of
student autonomy in the classroom. Many teachers reported actively encouraging learner
autonomy by creating activities that allowed students to work alone. The findings from this
study on teachers' perceptions and practices on learner autonomy present an opportunity
for educational institutions and comparable settings to create and support action research
initiatives among their employees. These initiatives might focus on increasing student
learner autonomy and overcoming obstacles to applying successful tactics” (Barnard & Li,
Institute of Foreign Languages WS202
Department of English Writing Skills 202

III. Summarize the following news article and give a list of references
● A search and rescue operation are underway for a submersible touring the
wreckage of the Titanic
“A civilian submersible, owned by OceanGate Expeditions, has gone missing in the
North Atlantic while en route to the Titanic wreckage. The 21-foot vessel, owned by
OceanGate, has four days of emergency capability and is being searched by US and
Canadian coast guards. The submersible, named "Titan," has a real-time hull health
monitoring system. The search involves aircraft, ships, and sonar technology, with
civilian and commercial assets assisting. OceanGate Expeditions is coordinating the
search and is dedicated to the safe return of the crew” (Levenson & Razek, 2023).
● Lack of critical thinking makes Thailand's competitiveness ranking slip

“The World Economic Forum (WEF) survey shows Singapore leads the rankings,
while Vietnam jumped 10 spots to 67th place. Thailand's ranking has slipped, and
the WEF urges improvement in its pace to maintain competitiveness. Thailand's
weaknesses include institutions, innovation capability, product markets, and skills.
Improvement will come from reducing corruption, improving infrastructure,
workforce skills, and boosting domestic market competition” (The Nation, 2019).

● Three things to know about the 32nd Southeast Asian Games at Cambodia 2023

“King Norodom Sihamoni lit the SEA Games 2023 torch at Cambodia's Angkor Wat
temple, which will tour Southeast Asian nations. Events will include marathons,
20km walks, road cycling races, and mountain biking. Thailand's athletes will wear
recycled plastic jerseys to raise awareness about global warming and waste
reduction. Tag ball, a football-based game, will be featured as a demonstration sport.
The SEA Games will take place from May 5-17, with some team events starting
earlier” (Gunston, 2023).
Institute of Foreign Languages WS202
Department of English Writing Skills 202

Citation References

APA Dictionary of Psychology. (n.d.). Stress Management. American Psychological

Association. Retrieve from

Barnard, R., & Li, J. (Eds.). (2016). Language Learner Autonomy: Teachers’ Beliefs
and Practices in Asian Contexts. ISBN: 978 99963 584 3 2. Retrieved from

Chea, V., & Chen, S. (2021). New Generation Schools: Addressing Cambodia’s Chronic
Inability to Deliver Quality Education. Researchers at ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute
Analyse Current Events, 2021(60). ISSN 2335-6677. Retrieved from Microsoft Word -
ISEAS_Perspective_2021_60.docx (

Gunstron, J., (2023). Three things to know about the 32nd Southeast Asian Games at
Cambodia 2023. Retrieved from Southeast Asian Games at Cambodia 2023: Three
things to know (

Lazarus, R. S., & Folkman, S. (1984). Stress, Appraisal, and Coping (pp. 19). New
York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, Inc. Retrieved from Stress, Appraisal, and
Coping - Richard S. Lazarus, PhD, Susan Folkman, PhD - Google Books

Levenson, E., & Razek, R. (2023, June 20). A search and rescue operation are
underway for a submersible touring the wreckage of the Titanic. CNN. Retrieved
from Submersible touring Titanic wreckage went missing in the Atlantic. A search is
underway | CNN

Mayadas, F. (1997). Asynchronous Learning Networks. Journal of Asynchronous

Learning Networks, 1(1), 2. Retrieved from
Institute of Foreign Languages WS202
Department of English Writing Skills 202

Perveen, A. (2016). Synchronous and asynchronous E-language learning: A case

study of Virtual University of Pakistan. Open Praxis, 8(1), 21-39. ISSN 2304-070X.
Retrieved from Synchronous and Asynchronous E-Language Learning: A Case Study
of Virtual University of Pakistan (

Sothan, S. (2015). Exploring English Language Needs According to Undergraduate

Students and Employers in Cambodia. International Journal of Linguistics and

Communication, 3(1), 87-96.

The Nation. (2019). Lack of critical thinking makes Thailand's competitiveness

ranking slip. Retrieved from Lack of critical thinking makes Thailand's competitiveness
ranking slip (

Wilks, S. E. (2008). Resilience amid Academic Stress: The Moderating Impact of

Social Support among Social Work Students. Advances in Social Work, 9(2), 107.
Retrieved from

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