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Note: Questions # 1 to 20 were taken from the August 2003 Criminologists Licensure Examination.

1. The normal developing time of a formally exposed photographic paper in Dektol Developer with ordinary
room temperature is ____.
A. 20 – 30 minutes C. 6 – 7 minutes
B. 1 1/2 minutes D. 10 – 15 minutes

2. Which of the following filter is considered best in taking photographs of car collisions where cars involved
are newly painted?
A. Yellow C. Red
B. Green D. Ultra Violet

3. What is the procedure of shadowing a portion of an image to hold back light during the part of the
printing exposure?
A. Burning-in C. Dodging
B. Cropping D. Vignetting

4. Normally, what would be the DIN rating of a film with finer grain?
A. 33 C. 24
B. 27 D. 21

5. How would a photographer adjust or set the shutter speed of his camera if his objective is to freeze the
action of moving objects?
A. Medium C. Slow
B. Fast D. None of these

6. In police photography, ideally, how many photographs of each item per evidence should be taken?
A. 5 C. 4
B. 3 D. 2

7. The lens opening also known as the relative aperture is the indicator for light transmitting capability of the
lens. Which lens opening will admit more light to pass through its medium?
A. f/16 C. f/4
B. f/5.6 D. f/2.8

8. What type of lens is that whose center is thicker and the sides thinner?
A. Concave C. Diverging
B. Micro D. Positive

9. What lens has the focal length that is equal to the measure between the corner to the center of the image
A. Telephoto C. Wide angle
B. Zoom D. Normal

10. Which of the following technical equipment is used for night photography?
A. Wide-aperture standard lens for pictures featuring people
B. Use of zoom lens for light-blur effects
C. Cable release
D. All of these

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11. Why is the enlarger described as OPPOSITE the camera?
A. None of these C. It cannot take pictures
B. It can only record events D. It serves as a view finder

12. What photography makes use of a microscope and is used to record minute evidence such as powdered
debris, stains, hairs and fibers?
A. Microphotography C. Ultraviolet
B. Camcoders D. Infra red luminous

13. What is the better method in taking photographs of a fire scene?

A. Use Polarized filter
B. Use Instamatic camera
C. Use camera equipped with stand
D. Use digital camera

14. The f numbers represent the ratio of what characteristics of the lens and the diameter of the lens
A. Depth of Focus C. Focal length
B. Focal distance D. Depth of field

15. _________ is that light-sensitive silver salts in a gelatin medium coated on all photographic films and
A. Aniline C. Emulsion
B. Sympathetic Inks D. Copy pencil

16. How many degrees must you add to the DIN rating to denote double emulsion speed?
A. 3 C. 5
B. 2 D. 4

17. What contraption or device is used to block the path of light passing through the lens exposing the
sensitized material?
A. Range finder C. Exposure
B. Shutter D. View finder

18. What is the correct sequence of sensitivity of the three emulsion layers of color film?
A. Red-Green-Blue C. Blue-green-red
B. Green-red-blue D. None of them

19. Which object as mentioned below requires individual photograph?

A. Any clue to the perpetrator’s identity
B. Identifying marks
C. Tools or weapons used
D. Wounds of the victim

20. Which indicates the speed of the lens or the amount of light the lens lets through in proportion to its focal
A. Flash meters C. f
B. Exposure D. Electronic flash

21. What is the purpose of an inlet fan in a darkroom?

a) Ventilation c) Heating
b) Light proofing d) All of them

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22. What did Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre used as a “developer” in his copperplate photography?
a) Silver salt c) Hydroquinone
b) Acetic acid d) Mercury fumes

23. The modern photographic process is based on _____ negative to positive principle.
a) Daguerre’s c) Talbot’s
b) Niepce’s d) None of them

24. The sensitivity of a gelatin emulsion could be increased by heating it before coating. This process is known
as ______.
a) Ripening c) Sensitizing
b) Heating d) None of them

25. The typical processing tank can accommodate how many ml of liquid?
a) 200 ml c) 750 ml
b) 100 ml d) 500 ml

26. What film is suitable for “hot pursuit” photography?

a) Slow c) Fast
b) Medium d) All of them

27. It means "to write or draw with light." without light, there can be no images on film and paper.
a) Photography c) Photostat
b) Cartography d) Forensic Photography

28. Is the process of photographing or recording of crime scene or any other objects for court presentation.
a) Photography c) Photostat
b) Cartography d) Forensic Photography

29. Is the art of photographing minute objects when magnified by means of the microscope and enlarge from
10x up.
a) Ultraviolet Photography c) Photomacrography
b) Photomicrography d) Infrared Photography

30. Is the process of photographing or recording not readily visible marks, GPR, etc. by means of energy
located just the after red visible color in the electromagnetic spectrum. Ex. Charred or burnt, over written
documents and internal injuries.
a) Ultraviolet Photography c) X ray Photography
b) Photomicrography d) Infrared Photography

31. Is a German physician, who was generally credited with the discovery in 1727 of the light sensitivity of
silver salts, while experimenting with a mixture of silver nitrate and chalk. He demonstrated that silver
salts turned dark when exposed to light.
a) Joseph Nicéphore Niepce c) Carl Wilhelm Scheele
b) Jacques Charles d) Johann Heinrich Schulze

32. Is a French chemist who produced the first picture copied from nature, in 1826 using the camera obscura.
a) Joseph Nicéphore Niepce c) Carl Wilhelm Scheele
b) Louis J M Daguerre d) Johann Heinrich Schulze

33. In his invention he "iodized" the paper (silver nitrate dipped in a solution of potassium iodide) and
sensitized it with a solution of gallic acid and after exposed it in sunlight, developed with gallic acid. His
work was otherwise known as paper photography.

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a) Joseph Nicéphore Niepce c) Louis J M Daguerre
b) Jacques Charles d) William Henry Fox Talbot

34. Is a mechanical-electronic device designed to accurately control the amount of light that reaches the light
sensitive film.
a) Camera c) Shutter button
b) Film advance d) Focusing ring

35. The following are the basic parts of a camera, except one.
a) Aperture c) Shutter
b) Body d) Flash

36. This is the "eye" of a camera. Its function is to gather light and focus it on the film.
a) Lens e) View finder
b) Body d) Iris diaphragm

37. This is a mechanism that moves the film forward so a new picture can be taken.
a) Lens c) Film advance
b) Body d) Film holder

38. Is the opening that is used to control the amount of light that strikes the film.
a) Shutter c) View finder
b) Aperture d) Lens

39. Artists used this movable room to create pinhole images for use in tracing observed scenes.
a) Camera obscura c) Pinhole Camera
b) Camera d) TLR

40. There are four “still-photo” camera groups or categories, one of them is not included:
a) Viewfinder camera c) Twin-lens reflex
b) Single-lens reflex d) Video camera

41. This refers to the difference between what the photographer sees in the viewfinder and what the lens
captures on film. The reason the error occurs is because the viewfinder and lens are separated from each
a) Lens aberration c) Parallax error
b) Human error d) Mechanical error

42. This type of camera uses only one lens at a time. The light reaches the viewfinder eyepiece after it has
been reflected from a mirror that moves. The lens used for viewing is also used for film.
a) Viewfinder camera c) Twin-lens reflex
b) Single-lens reflex d) View camera

43. Squeezing this button releases the shutter and exposes the film. The button also serves as a switch to turn
on the electronic measuring system within the camera.
a) Shutter Release c) Exposure Mode Dial
b) Film Rewind Lever d) Shutter Speed Selector Buttons

44. The focal plane item that opens and closes to expose the film to the image projected by the lens.
a) Shutter c) Pin-Hole
b) Aperture d) All of them

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45. This lens mounting method is considered better because it is faster to use and there is less chance of
damage to it.
a) Bayonet mount c) Paramount
b) Thread mount d) None of them

46. The best camera for Police Photography.

a) SLR c) TLR
b) View Finder d) View

47. The inability of the lens to focus both horizontal and vertical plane at the same time.
a) Chromatic c) Barrel
b) Astigmatism d) Distortion

48. The inability to focus the different colors of light on film at the same point.
a) Chromatic c) Barrel
b) Astigmatism d) Distortion

49. It is the ability of the lens to focus both the nearest down to the farthest objects on the film at the same
a) Depth of tone c) Depth of field
b) Depth of length d) Depth of focus

50. Example of developing solution…

a) DK-20 c) D-72
b) D-76 d) All of them

51. The inability of a lens to image straight lines as straight on the edges of the film as where they appear to
“barrel” out.
a) Distortion c) Curvature of field
b) Astigmatism d) Spherical

52. It consists of light-sensitive silver salts in a gelatin medium.

a) Solution c) Emulsion
b) Colloids d) Suspension

53. It is a colored glass or gelatin which is inserted in the lens system to modify the color characteristics of the
light that strikes the film.
a) Filters c) Polaroid
b) Lens d) All of them

54. The photography of prisoners for identification purposes.

a) Mug photography c) Photography
b) Police Photography d) Prisoner photography

55. A lens aberration in which the shape of the image is distorted. The magnification increases radially
outwards, and a square object appears in a star-like shape, with the corners stretched.
a) Barrel c) Distortion
b) Pincushion d) Astigmatism

56. The restriction of the direction of vibration of light.

a) Colorization c) Polarization
b) Screening d) None of them

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57. The production of a print from a negative by causing light to pass through the negative and strike a light-
sensitive printing paper which is developed later to give a finished photograph.
a) Printing c) Dodging
b) Vignetting d) Cropping

58. Photographic printing technique of selectively increasing exposure over certain areas of the image.
a) Printing-in c) Dodging
b) Vignetting d) Cropping

59. A chemical used to remove silver from a developed image, so reducing density. It is useful for over-
developed negatives.
a) Developer c) Fixer
b) Stop Bath d) Reducer

60. The bending of light rays as they pass from one transparent medium to another when the two media have
different light-transmitting properties.
a) Deflection c) Infraction
b) Refraction d) All of them

61. The ability of a lens to distinguish between closely-spaced objects, also known as resolving power.
a) Reticulation c) Emulsion
b) Resolution d) Halation

62. A negative having a rough surface looking like “crackle finish” point. It is a crazed effect on a film emulsion
caused by subjecting the softened gelatin to extremes of temperature change.
a) Reticulation c) Emulsion
b) Resolution d) Halation

63. The ability of an emulsion to respond to light.

a) Sensitivity c) Film speed
b) Grain of emulsion d) Graininess

64. The inability to focus light passing through the center of the lens and its edge at the same place on the
a) Chromatic c) Distortion
b) Spherical d) Astigmatism

65. Chemical that neutralizes the action of the developer on an emulsion effectively stopping development.
a) Developer c) Fixer
b) Stop bath d) Washing agent

66. Uniform density in an image.

a) Tone c) Grain
b) Contrast d) Resolving power

67. Chemical that weakens the surface tension of water, and so reduces the risk of drying marks on film.
a) Reducer c) Preservative
b) Restrainer d) Wetting agent

68. Holding back the image-forming light from a part of the image projected on an enlarger easel during part
of the basic exposure time to make that area of the print lighter.
a) Vignetting c) Dodging

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b) Cropping d) All of them

69. A lightning condition in sunlight wherein objects in open space cast deep and uniform or distinct
a) Bright sunlight c) Dull sunlight
b) Hazy sunlight d) Cloudy dull sunlight

70. The first step undertaken in the chemical processing of an exposed sensitized material is ___.
a) Stop bath c) Stabilization
b) Development d) Fixation

71. Photomicrography is the process of taking photograph through…

a) Microscope c) Filter
b) Close-up lens d) Microfilm

72. ASA rating is indicative of…

a) Shutter speed c) Emulsion speed
b) Color sensitiveness d) Speed of light

73. Radiation having a wavelength between 0.30 to 400 millimicrons. It is used to photograph fingerprint or
multicolored background of document that is being altered.
a) Ultraviolet c) Infrared
b) Radio wave d) Light wave

74. Converging lenses are the following, except:

a) Double convex c) Plain convex
b) Concave convex d) Double concave

75. Sheet of celluloid or glass coated with an emulsion of silver halide suspended in gelatin which retains an
invisible image when exposed to light.
a) Film c) Filter
b) Ground glass d) None of the above

76. Source of light which is used in outdoor photography …

a) Natural light c) Artificial light
b) Reflected light d) All of them

77. The most essential use of photography in police work…

a) Record c) Identification
b) Preservation d) Information

78. The procedure of giving additional exposure to selected areas of a print after the basic exposure has been
made in or to darken them…
a) Burning in c) Over development
b) Under exposure d) Under development

79. Part of a camera which is responsible for the image formation on the focal plane…
a) Lens c) Film holder
b) Shutter d) Film

80. A type of that lens that converges the direction of light…

a) Plain convex c) Plain concave
b) Double convex d) Concave convex

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81. Device used in measuring the intensity of light as a basis for the correct setting for the allowance of
photographic rays to strike the film…
a) Exposure meter c) Synchronizer
b) Range finder d) Rapid rectilinear

82. To determine the actual size of an object or articles photographed in the crime scene, the investigator
a) Use marker/scale before photographing
b) Sketch the position and size
c) Use tape measure to get size
d) Use meter stick

83. The recommended size of a photographic evidence is…

a) 5 X 7 inches c) 2 X 2 square meter
b) 4 X 8 inches d) Pass port size

84. In photography, making the object small is ___.

a) Microphotography c) Infrared photography
b) Macrophotography d) None of them

85. In photography, small object is made large ___.

a) Photomicrography c) Photomacrography
b) Simple photography d) None of them

86. In photography, object is shot close-up then blown up ___.

a) Photomicrography c) Photomacrography
b) Simple photography d) None of them

87. Black out photography is called ___.

a) Infrared photography c) Macrophotography
b) Microphotography d) None of them

88. The product of illumination and time…

a) Exposure c) Development
b) Under development d) None of them

89. Contraption or device use to block the path of light passing through the lens and exposing the sensitized
material ___.
a) Shutter c) Film
b) Camera d) None of them

90. Which is not part of the processing tank?

a) Reel c) Tank
b) Lid d) Film

91. Which is not a description of a processing tank?

a) It is a light tight tank that can be filled with liquid but light can not pass through.
b) It can be used to process a photographic paper.
c) It can be used to process a photographic film.
d) It can be brought outside the dark room when processing.

92. Why Niepce became the father of photography?

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a) He was the first to discover a light sensitive chemical
b) He was the first to introduce copperplate photography
c) He was the first to make a permanent image
d) He was the first to make a camera

93. In paper (printing) processing, what is the “stopping” time?

a) 30 sec. c) 4 to 7 minutes
b) 1 to 2 min. d) None of them

94. What is used as stop bath?

a) Acetic acid c) Potassium nitrate
b) Hydroquinone d) Water

95. In film processing, which item is not included?

a) Scissor c) Reel
b) Bottle opener d) None of them

96. Why a red color is refracted farthest by the glass prism?

a) It has the longest wavelength

b) It has the shortest wavelength
c) It is a visible color
d) All of them

97. What describes the work of Talbot?

a) His work pertains to photographic duplication

b) It is a paper photography
c) His photographic process is somewhat similar to present B & W photography
d) All of them

98. Suppose you are going to prepare a 200 ml developer solution during a film developing session and the
instruction reads, “Mix one part of this developer to 3 parts water.” How many ml is your developer?
a) 50 ml c) 150 ml
b) 100 ml d) 200 ml

99. How many seconds are you going to soak a developed paper in the stop bath?
a) 1 to 2 min c) 30 sec
b) 4 to 7 min d) 25 sec

100. What item is not used in printing?

a) Photographic paper c) Enlarger
b) Scissor d) Film

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