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Reflection Essay

1. It doesn’t seem like it, but I can feel a small improvement. I now understand writing in the
professional area. At first, I didn’t see what was so special about writing professionally. I only
saw it as a formality; however, the workplace correspondence and resume assignments made me
see the importance. I have used the skills from the resume assignment to build my own resume
and I felt confident enough to use it on 4 internship applications. I did improve in some areas, but
I also feel as if I have regressed a little bit. I really wanted to build my confidence in writing, but
this class wasn’t what I was looking for. I’ve tried in other classes but none of them worked how I
thought. I get hung up on one word and I can’t write anything else. I feel as if I pick the wrong
word the whole assignment is trash.
2. To be honest, my goal was to get an A but I don’t know if I did enough to do it. In terms that are
relevant to this course, I wanted to work on my procrastination and that did not work. The main
issue is my ADHD and it makes doing assignments early very difficult. This is mainly a personal
thing, and I don’t know how the class could accommodate that. Probably no late submissions
because that makes me comfortable doing the assignments late. Another goal was to meet the
word count requirements and that I failed to do so. I don’t know how people do it. Every time I
try to hit the word count, I feel as if I am doing a disservice to the assignment by adding fluff.
3. I am proud of the Instructions and Workplace assignments. I liked the instructions because it
allow for much room for creativity. I liked the workplace assignment because I felt as if I did a
really good job. I did not like the amount of discussion post and responding to everyone’s post
felt hallow and a waste of time. Other than the peer reviews. That was very helpful. I didn’t like
the white paper assignment because it felt directionless and too broad. The first two packets had
clear goals to them but the white paper felt like a basic paper and didn’t engage the things I

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