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Ghilynn M.

Espino Group Dynamics

III-C2 BS Psychology Ma’am Czarina

Pick-up the Popsicle Sticks

I. Learning Objective
The aim of this game is to make the teams coordinated with each other by:
 Assessing the directions of colored popsicle sticks as part of strategy;
 Communicating by developing their assisting and listening skills
throughout the game; and
 To be able to grasp the navigations of the team members.

II. Instruction and Activity Proper

1. All the participants involved in the game must be in the classroom. The
colored popsicle sticks are spread on the table as the students begin to play.
2. The class will be divided into two groups. Each group will select five
representatives to play the game.
3. In five representatives, they will choose a member to be blindfolded. The
blindfolded player's opponents should be positioned on both sides of the
table with their backs turned three steps apart.
4. The facilitator will tell what color the blindfolded players need to collect. Once
they heard the "GO" signal, only then will they face off and go to the table to
collect the popsicle sticks.
5. The remaining 4 members will help their blindfolded member navigate
directions for the needed colored popsicle sticks.
6. Each collected colored popsicle stick is equivalent to one point. Minus points
shall be given to the group if their blindfolded member picks up the wrong
7. Whoever group earns more points will be declared the winner.

III. Materials
- Different colored popsicle sticks
- Table
- Blindfold

IV. Processing
a. Data Gathering
 Did the participants in the game find it enjoyable?
 Based on the observation, what are the traits they need to have in that
 On a scale of 1-10, what rating would you give to this activity?

b. Synthesis
 Did the directions of the team members seem clear?
 What are the strengths and weaknesses they have discovered during the
 Who gave a comprehensible assistance all throughout the game?

c. Integration
 Its application is the cooperation of the group not only for the game but also
for other factors like groupings in different areas, such as academics, and
in real-life events like team building at the institution or companies that they
are working for.
 More likely to be connected to each other and know each other's vibe. The
interconnectedness of the group must be there. as they will know how to
help each other to achieve the goal.
 This type of game will help individuals to improve their social relationships
and skills they need to possess.

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