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1. Follow the guidelines provided in order to compile your assignment.
2. This is a group project comprising of 4 to 5 members only.
3. Assignment Due Date: Week 12 on Moodle Dropbox (no hardcopies to be submitted)
Note: Late assignments will be penalized.
4. This Project contributes 20% (15% project write-up and 5% Product Presentation)
towards your coursework.
5. Reminder: All assignments are to be submitted on Moodle Assignment Dropbox. No
hardcopies to be submitted.
Formatting Instructions
- Microsoft Word Document
- Times New Roman
- 12 Font Size
- 1.15-line spacing
- Paragraphs should be justified.
- Proof read, Grammar Check and Spell Check before submission.
- Proper Referencing that is in-text referencing and Bibliography should be done properly.
You are required to use the Harvard Referencing style.
You are required to develop a new product and prepare its marketing plan that will support
that product in the Fijian marketplace. It can be an existing product in the marketplace that
needs modifications to the product or you can develop a completely new product that hasn’t
been introduced in the Fiji market as yet. You will be required to present your product and
the marketing plan.
Objective of this Assignment:
The purpose of this assignment is to develop the initiative for students to design a product
and marketing report. One of the learning outcomes for this course is for students to be able
to develop a marketing plan and present their plans. In addition to that, this assignment will
help expose students to develop entrepreneurship skills and so to secure the ability to market
their products. Students are to apply their knowledge learnt during lectures and tutorial to
help them prepare the marketing report.

Requirements (1-8):
The main body which is the Findings and Analysis your marketing plan must comprise of the
following details:
1. Product Marketing Objectives
List down your products marketing objectives such as to: (launch the product, increase
volume, expand market share, maximize revenue and sales, etc.).
2. 4P’s of Marketing:
 Product – Detail the Product Development and the Product Description in terms of
brand name, features, product benefits, ingredients, packaging (sizes, nutritional
value etc.), labelling, Colour, - is your product classified as a safe product for the
 Promotion – Detail your products advertising and marketing promotional strategies
that can be executed. You will also need to include the product launch details –
should include advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and personal selling.
 Price - Provide a clear description on the pricing strategy that can be utilized for your
product – should include List price, discounts, allowances, payment period, and
credit terms.
 Place - Discuss the strategy used for your product distribution, Direct or in-direct
distribution (channel intermediaries); distributing to wholesalers, direct selling to
customers, coverage, logistics, locations, transportation, assortments, and inventory.

3. Customer Analysis
Identify the target markets, discuss in detail the bases for market segmentation, target
markets, positioning your product and also detail on what basis the particular segment was
4. Competitor Analysis
You will be required to also conduct brief competitor analysis (competitor market share); if
you feel there are direct competitors and In-direct competitors, marketing strategies,
promotional techniques used.
5. Micro and Macro Environment Analysis of your Product
Discuss the impact of the environmental factors on your product and what actions you will
take to overcome the influences.
6. SWOT Analysis
Conduct a SWOT Analysis of your product.
7. Market Research
Discuss the market research your group conducted in order to come up with this product
concept. In addition to this what market research needs to be carried out before the product
can be introduced into the marketplace?
6. Consumer Behavior
You are required to briefly analyse your consumer groups and incorporate elements such as:
cultural, social, personal factors that will affect a consumer’s decision to purchase your
7. Financial Analysis: MS Excel
Your group is required to prepare:
 Advertising & Promotions budget that will show the costing of advertising and
promoting your product: half year budget. You will need to research how much Print
and TV advertisements cost and also the cost of promotional materials
(brochures/posters/banners) required.
 Sales & Revenue forecast for your product for a period of 3 years. (Number of units
produced x unit price of product) and then forecast your sales revenue.

8. Implementation, Control & Evaluation (Marketing and Product development)

Provide details of control and implementation mechanisms to ensure that your product is of
top quality, priced affordably, and that the marketing campaigns are appropriate.
Steps to Follow:
 You are required to research and understudy the marketplace for products already
available and products that requires adjustments and modifications and what new
products can be introduced in the marketplace.
 Conduct secondary research: visit companies; speak to consumers, online research,
use textbooks, study articles.
 Design your product
Product Presentation: 5%
You shall be required to present your project in class session. Presentations shall be presented
using Microsoft power point. You are also required to present your product in class. This
presentation is compulsory for all students.


The project write up should include the following:
i. Cover Page - Name, ID Tutorial Day & Time
ii. Title Page
iii. Acknowledgement
iv. Statement of Declaration
v. Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction
Introduce the topic. Discuss briefly what you would be discussing in the main body or
analysis. ¾ -1 page only
2.0 Aims/ Objectives
List down the aim and objectives for this project

3.0. Literature Review (2.5 page)

In the literature review section students need to read a wide range of material on the topic
from textbooks, journals, articles, media, organizational or national reports etc. The In-text
referencing or citing sources of information is especially pertinent here. Acknowledge all
sources within the body. Here, students need to state what is reflected in their research
through their readings from the various sources (example: textbooks, journal articles, online
sources, etc.). The literature should be centered and based on the CONCEPTS mentioned in
the REQUIREMENTS section above (1-8).

4.0 Methodology
In this section students need to say how they collected information for their project. The
secondary sources could include previous research reports, newspaper, magazine and journal
content, and company information statistics; Company brochures or website etc., and to write
up the section on findings, students could employ secondary research and also primary
research resources. The most common primary research resources are: social surveys
(questionnaire surveys & interviews: informal or structured) and participant observation.
5.0 Analysis/Findings
This is the body of the project. You are required to answer all the questions as per the
subheadings mentioned in the REQUIREMENTS section above (1-8) (APPLICATION TO
6.0 Recommendations
Your recommendations should be related to the topic related to Implementation, Control and
Evaluation and what points you may recommend to further improve your product.
7.0 Conclusions
A conclusion draws together and summarizes the ideas and findings presented in the body.
8.0 Bibliography/ References
Use the Harvard style of referencing (from the Moodle). Include all references cited in your
analysis. Please note that the source of all information and ideas that are not your own should
be acknowledged using standard conventions on referencing. Make sure you do not forget to
sign the Plagiarism Statement by declaring that the individual project is your own piece of
work and that all sources have been duly acknowledged.
 Project must be legible and written in proper English. This means that it must be
proof read, spell checked and corrected before submission. Your project must be
typed on one side of the page only and make sure that your references are properly
cited, if you have used other materials to support your answer.
 Marks will be deducted for poor English, spelling, grammar etc.
 Ensure to follow the guidelines mentioned as failure to do so will be detrimental in
terms of grading for this assignment.

Late assignments will be penalized: If you have a genuine excuse for submitting your
assignment late, get in touch with the Lecturer before the due date, not after the due date in
order for you to get an extension. Work and family commitments or course overload excuses
for delay will not be entertained whilst penalty will apply. As management students, you are
expected to manage your time and work effectively.
Attach any additional materials that you have used and is relevant to the project. This project
is worth 20% (15% project write-up and 5% for product presentation).

Product Display
The product display will take place in Week 14 during classes. More details on product
display will be discussed in class.

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