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Creating a Research Paper with References and Sources Objectives . You will have mastered the material in this module when you can: * Describe the MLA documentation style _* Insert and edit citations and their sources Boptesea(chipapers + Add a footnote to a document mioaity,a style * Insert a manual page break *Change line and paragraph spacing in. Create a bibliographical list of sources document ; + Use a header to number pages of a Bei eee eel document * Find text and replace text * Apply formatting using keyboard * Find a synonym shortcuts * Check spelling and grammar at once * Modify paragraph indentation Rook Un inrormation Introduction In both academic and business environments, you will be asked to write reports, Business reports range from proposals to cost justifications to five-year plans to research findings. Academic reports focus mostly on research findings. ‘A research paper is a document you can use to communicate the results of research findings, To write a research paper, you learn about a particular topic from a variety ot ‘sources (research), organize your ideas from the research results, and then present relevant facts and/or opinions that support the topic. Your final research paper combines properly c credited outside information along with perso ‘even if they are about the same topic insights. Thus, no two research papers will or should be the same. Project — Research Paper ‘When preparing a research paper, you should follow a standard documentation style that defines the rules for ereating the paper and crediting sources. A variety of ‘documentation styles exists, depending on the nature of the research paper. Each style 227 ips difference nO aration style uses the ter, jon; th je informations ism, eTw requires the same basic iO" Trample OPE yses the term, references, andy APA Appendix for presenting the fa ash whereas cid entation styles for research Mou resto ography forthe Lt OT, To POP america ee pee American : es i term, “iati enta that uses APAstje stead a third prefers the Wma’ ge soci module USE the MLA documentation of MLA style, you can vsit papers are the Modern les. Rceenen — Paciological Aaron ee) eo ferthestonequedio Te because its used i create hs modules research a ape Alternately jou can "The project in HD jdelines and uses Word er guidelines an or a mule flows reseHeh THEY Fhis paper, which discusses shown in Figs rg documentation style. Each page ‘utlize any number of APA the short research paper 1c i suecictoclebe pence, CTs eS es rbuds safely follows He ye name and course informa online, or ask your instructor. eae “The first two pages P! due date), paper title, an contains a page number. (Geadent name, instructor name, ¢ introduction with a thesis statement seed This section ofthe paper also i Ta ss alien rd page contains a detailed, alphabe es a Fees PaB® All pages include a header atthe sprit rhe pose. re odule, you wll learn how to create rch paper eee The allgeiog roadmap identifies general activities you will perform as you progress through this module: HANG the DOCUMENT SETTINGS creat the HEADER for each page of the research paper. ‘TYPE the RESEARCH PAPER text WITH CITATIONS. and paper course: Rivaat are the thesis, and a conclusion, ee ch sources and a footnote CREATE an ALPHABETICAL WORKS CITED page. . PROOFREAD AND REVISE the RESEARCH PAPER. MLA Documentation Style k ‘The research paper in this project follows the guidelines oll guidelines presented by the MLA Pefollow the MLA documentation style, use a 12-point’Times New Roman or similar font Double-space text onal pges ofthe paper using one-inch top, bottom, ll —— ee the first word of each paragraph one-half inch from the left eae pee age, place a page number one-half inch from the Page, precede the page number with your | tation style does not re ree block at the Le le one double-spa yore ‘luire a title page. Instead, place your ie ce beginning one inch from the cd line bel ine below your name and course top of the page. Center the tith information, In the text of the pa per, place auth, number(s) of the refe i uthor reference. x parenthetical references icy matin: The MLA eee va the pase of noti entation s the end of he paper Inthe Rte 8 Ch Soure an ae hea style uses in-text content or bibliographic notes, “M*#tion style, n, tom of the page oF? Te taed content ae . » hotes are used only for optional zs inthe paper, and bibliographic A ae or provide a means for 1) both to signal that a note eo Hotes at the bottom of tie nt the first line of each note oy (thon Superscripted number Shown in Figure 5-1). Hs. ‘Pace fo] espace eel Wore Cat Chern, Mean 3 Underage Lens Af Heng. 9 Coe Teco We, 16812017 (wee on a Abt at Poe eng Prt ids ds Pen “Te Mingh Lin "engines nd Eat Toco re Ty Av 2077-8 a fume cull nouns Om xprtsvgnt pops likes ony pce masini vote (Chasdcin Mae nd mo ewig hanes nd sad ih the comput ad mie dv Laing high ty Inning device lrg wha a poet sing om wt enon ogi 04 sb 10,2017 fy Ung Heaps alts ep fen sn sod am tsps eis dev hgh Rape acaan enemas pe giatrrite nate teeta a ---— “Simin, ead sol sean ec oft pron sting th devi. amnesia micencteninin=—_ | feet evn ht nmi on nin cubs eu “superscripted te of een ss | [es peeing tyre nk hg he Te oom ott bw aan cough tate poly samt ores te mites The uted ot, the sso ning re Fret, stent aber ohne snd por rca ae ea crtrinbectinn mt =e a iran endghoes nd xi 75-7, EE Ee FE cited, to refer to ‘works cited page MLA documenta of 4 er. Place the | ae ieee Ter of sources atthe end Of te es cited; ne inch font alphabetically lists sourees fer th first line of each Source at the lef sourees on aseparate SOE ins. Begin the Fe OT half inch from the ee the top margin. Dou! ines of the same SN" the author's name is not arated li ain ey eas sme margin. available, by the title of the source: is ument Setting Changing Doc! global formats that apply to the entre ion style defines some ¢ Pee ieee Gee essere te cetmnlezn Ware. For otic the default left, right, top, and bottom margin set ings in We one inch, which m i stings in Word are one inch, c, the MEA i canteen style. You wil Sadie however, the font, font size, and line e and paragraph spacing. To Run Word and Specify Settings ne Ifyou are using a computer to step through the project in this module and you want your screens to match the figures in this book, you should change your screen's resolution to 1366 x 768. For information about how to change a computer’ resolution, refer to the Office and Windows module at the beginning of this book © Bun Word and create a blank document in the Word window. © the word window is not maximized, click th. a 'e Maximize its ti eee Te button on its title bar to © rhe Print Layout button onthe status bar is nots itso that your seen sin Print apa pos Not selected (shown in Figure 5-2) ck eTw If Normal (Home tab iia Forrasts Or tab | styles group) isnot sel ee efermets aon! Figure 5-2), click itso that your document uses she ne SteS gallery (shown in 0.3 particular sive ina Uses the Normal style. document, click the Styles. ‘tab | Styles. rou) ‘and then ° vecessary, click the Page Width button (View up width as the document window, if clk he Ste spector ab | 200 Display the Ho ™ group) button in the Styles task me tab. Ifthe ‘sh 7 Fane Festi the ncerion Selected already click it to display 4e oe W Putton (Home tab paint inthe style in the __SPPIBY Formatting marks on then Lt ar aaraph group) isnot tdocumont and then point to = the screen the Paragraph fomatonocr Styles. Text level frmatrg areas inthe sive Inspector tase When you ere : ate a doc pane to dsplayaScreeTio style is a named ument, Word sing formats eign Broup of » Word form: ee Bemilisiicin Ward ore NE chareca ee PE text using a narcic eA 10 the location of the 2 rd is called the teristics, includ; one 2 Particular style inerion pont You akocanCalibri fone. Ifyou do nen Na which meu font and font size. The » whict | hick the Revel Format n Baio in the Sve inspector pea ada addition to the ee ely uses an I 1-point | ee formats atone ee tI! Can tise ey Fel le, Wore? applies the Normal eT iecure ets at You can mod} ae 65 ae ny Other built-in, oF as sting s ake it easy {Rey ate used in ga oR Styles asy to apply many book, “7 create your own styles J E P ; Creating a Research Paper with References and Sources Word Module 2 SEARCH PAPER WT TATIONS To Modify a Style “¢cHenTE ALPHABETICAL WORE TED |» PROOPREAD © REVISE RESEARCH PAPER ‘The MLA documentation style requires that all text in the research paper use a 12-point’‘Times New Roman or similar font. If you change the font and font size using buttons on the ribbon, you will need to make the change many times during the course of creating the paper. Why? Word formats various areas of a document based on the Normal style, which uses an 11-point Calibri font. For example, body text, headers, and bibliographies all display text based on the Normal style. s ‘Thus, instead of changing the font and font size for various document elements, a more efficient technique is to change the Normal style for this document to use a 12-point Times New Roman font. Why? By changing the Normal style, you ensure that all text in the document will use the format required by the MLA. The following steps change the Normal style. ‘* Right-click Normal in the Styles gallery (Home tab | Styles group) to display # shortcut menu related to styles (Figure 5-2). Showhide uronselected Normale flected ars AaB « Print Layout | you perce baton inayater Figure 5-2 e Maa Sole ahieg bon * Click Modify on the shortcut menu to display the Modify Style dialog box (Figure 5-3). Figure 5-3 © Click the Font arrow (Modify Style dialog box) to display the Font list. Scroll to and then click Times New Roman in the list to change the font for the style being modified. * Click the Font Size arrow (Modify Style dialog box) and then lick 12 in the Font Size list to change the font size for the style being modified. @, You would select the ‘New documents based on this template’ option button. OK button (Modify Style dialog bor) to update the Normal style to the specified settings. “ earns Samice anes 72 Press ALTECTALYSHIT+5, click arrow next: to style name, click Modify . Gnmenu, change settings (Mody tye dalog box), ick OX button Ps adjust li ne | tation sty, SPacing and ‘Click the ‘Line and Paragraph ‘Spacing’ button (Home tab | Paragraph group) to display the Line and Paragraph Spacing gallery (Figure 5-5). <| What do the numbers in the Line 8) and Paragraph Spacing gallery represent? The options 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 set line spacing to single, double, and triple, respectively. Similarly, the 1.15, 1.5, and 2.5 options set line spacing to 1.15, 1.5, and 2.5, Vines. All of these options adjust line spacing automatically to accommodate the largest font or graphic on a line. Figure 5-5 * Click 2.0 in the Line and Paragraph Spacing gallery to change the line spacing at the location of the insertion point. (Can I change the line spacing of existing text? ves. Select the text first and then change the line spacing as described in these steps | otner ways ; : |e Right-click paragraph (or ifusing touch, 2. Click Paragraph Setting: Dislog Box 7, Press cm for double-spacing {ap'show Content Men onmiitocba, Launcher are ab of ay tb ‘ek roagraphon sorta taru orcick| _Poasfph group) ce nde and indents and Spacing tab (Paragraph dialog Spacing tab (Paragraph dialog be, click ‘bow, click Line spacing arrow, select desired Line spacing arrow, select desited spacing, ‘spacing, dick OK button ‘lik OX button omnes oc Sros | MAT ann rr eseanC are wm as To Remove Space after a Paragraph | CRATE ALEWABETCAL WOKS CTD | 5 PROOFREAD& REVISE RESEAR PAPER ‘The following steps remove space after a paragraph. Why? The research paper should not bave additional blank space after each paragraph, according to the MLA documentation style. * Click the ‘Line and Paragraph Spacing’ button (Home tab | Paragraph group) to display ‘the Line and Paragraph Spacing gallery (Figure 5-6). ¢)Why does a check mark appear to | the left of 2.0 in the gallery? The check mark indicates the currently selected line spacing. Fone Space Aer Parographe Progra Figure 5-6 paragraphs. Other Ways, Pacograph group) unto pts dspayed # Right-click Normal in the Styles gallery (Home tab | Styles group) to display a shortcut menu (Figure 5-7). ** Glick ‘Update Normal to Match Selection’ on the shortcut ‘menu to update the selected (or current) style to reflect the settings at the location of the insertion point. Other Ways "Update Normal to Match Selection" Btw ‘the groups appear on the ‘bon may look different ‘Remove Space After Paragraph’ in the \Can | remove space after existing paragraphs? Yes. Select the paragraphs first and then remove 1. Adjust Spacing Ate aivows (Layout tab| 2. Right-click para To Update a Style to Match a Selection 4 i uble-sp To ensure that all paragraphs in the paper will be doubl aragraphs, you want the Normal style to include the ine and paragraph spect ‘two sets of steps. The following steps update the Normal style. Why? You «a he research paper yet, you the location of the insertion point or selected text, Because no text bas been typed in the researc? paper ) select text prior to updating the Normal style. 1 Glick Syles Dialog Bor Launcher, ck arcow nex hal : Mbben dperingontne —ME6E the MLA documentation syle tye inch from the compuierormobie dence footers can include docune sceenreslsion, Thus you current time, and author’ In this research the onesin ths book a ee” placed one-halfinch is dge the MEA documentation gyig = 4 the page net Pige. The the space as eT ccrangioa, ye tab or Layout tat iaclenmaaeth Sap art {ap Shon orn shortcut men CK seater eanmee aca Copter rows une Pt her spayed, cick OK button enoen | TYPE MSEAROH PAPER WT Cnn seaman Seri | 2 CREATE taced and do not have space after the h spacing changes made in the previous update a syle to reflect the settings of do not need to 10 syle name, dick 2. Press a ext to style name in styles Ph Selection’ Normal to Mate Creating a Header aces Abheaderis text and/or graphics thar Screen Resolution Sitar, footers text and/ay Wéordmay changehow the Word, headers print in goupsand buttons within footers print in the bor print a graphic the top mangin tt he top of each page ae in a document. at print at the bottom of every page. In € top of every page, and bottom of each page, which ind graphic 7 ion, sucl Staphics, headers and ohh » uch asthe page raPhics, headers '8€ Number, current date, Prec om the le the page resolution other than foll i PPer-ri Page number with y, Beis he fi owing sections enter your ns ight edge of, ber with your last name Creating a Research Paper with References and Sources Wora momure = ros cman noah |» roe mean paver wi canons To Switch to the Header ‘Tenant APuABETAL WORKS CID | 3 PROFREAD A RYE RESEARCH PAPER “The following steps switch from editing the document text to editing the header. Wy? Tb enter text in the header; you instruct Word to edit the header 1) "aad a Reoder ‘® Click Insert on the ribbon to. display the Insert tab. * Click the ‘Add a Header’ button (insert tab | Header & Footer group) to display the Add a Header gallery (Figure 5-8) ® experiment ** Click the down scroll arrow in the Add a Header gallery to see the available built-in headers, 4 Can | use a bui 8 | research paper? None of the built-in headers adheres to the MLA in header for this at Header tees Baan style; thus, you sain | bullinn _|should enter your own header sete _ |content instead of using a built-in Reader contents header for this research paper. Figure 5-8 How would I remove a header from a document? "}You would click Remove Header in the Add a Header gallery. Similarly, to remove a footer, you would click Remove Footer in the Add a Footer gallery. e a Click Edit Header in the Add a ern Header gallery to switch from the document text to the header, which allows you to edit the contents of the header (Figure 5-9). ‘¢| How do | remove the Header & © | Footer Tools Design tab from the ribbon? he —| meet ators] document iext_ | \When you are finished editing the Egromed wats header, you will close it, which SL ene removes the Header & Footer Tools Design tab. Figure 5-9 Other Ways: |. Double-click dimmed header 2 header in document, dik Edit Header button that appa ing steps right. thats they sod ring 7 (ck Paragraph Settings Dialog Box Launcher Home tbs ae re OUP) click Indents and Parga dialog bos) cick allgnmmeng “rom lena on nanan st Alon ee Word Module 2 Creating a Research Paper with References and Sources ign tab. * Click Header & Footer Tools Design on the ribbon to display the Header & Footer Tools Design ta ae * Click the ‘Add Page Numbers’ button (Header & Footer Tools Design tab | Header & Footer group) to display ‘Add Page Numbers menu, 4) Why does the button name in the step differ from the name on the face of the button inthe figure? Me text that appears on the face of the button may vary, depending on screen resolution. The name that “PPET n the ScreenTip (when you point to the button), however, never changes. For this reason, this book uses that appears in the SereenTip to identify buttons, boxes, and other on-screen elements. Point to Current Position on. the Add Page Numbers menu to display the Current Position gallery (Figure 5-11). P experiment * Click the down scroll arrow in the Current Position gallery to see the available age number Figure 5-11 2 ‘the Current Position gallery. ‘Click Plain Number in the Current Position gallery to insert an unformatted page number at the location of the insertion point (Figure 5-12). Figure 5-12 Other Ways ee “Click ‘Add Page Number! button insert iab| Header &Footer 2. Click ‘Explore Quick Parts button (insert tab | Tex group or Header & Page Footer Tools Design tab| Insert group), lick Field on Explore Quick Parts ‘menu, select Page in Field names list (Field iaiog bon) select Gesreed, foimat in Format lst, dick OK button PE MEEAR 0 __ Microsoft Office: Essentials and Applications ere eorreao # MVE MEIXARC racy " '* Click the ‘Close Header and Footer’ button (Header & Footer Tools Design tab | Close group) (shown in Figure 5-12) to close back to the document text (Figure 5-13), | How do | make changes ‘OI to existing header text? Switch to the header using the steps described previously in the section titled To [Switch to the Header, edit the header as you ‘would edit text in the Jdocument window, and then switch back to the idocument text. Figure 5-13 Other Ways cha 1 Doubleclick dimmed document text = —— Typing the Research Paper Text ‘The text of the research Paper in this moduk j the paper. You will type the text of the reseay © cncompasses the first two pages of ‘module, so that it matches Figure 5-1 sheen ust Papet and then modify it Ieee in the mat the beginning of this module What should you consider when writing the first ang, ————- 2 st dra = £ 3 Gf ir a # com contain any plagiarized mater PONETIS Uses credible source, and does rt * fctade an intrachiction, body, and concuson, rg the readers attention The body, which folone yen Concision surat the main pins the bg * Evaluate sources for authority, currency, ang hand accur Peison, company, or ogerization can publen - Be espa ; Pe eH a FEDS on tne Internet, wed 2 of information ob any “Buhay Do: a eet ston goign, N eNsidering the eye tained on the web authors credential listed and veriiabee the source? 3 the Source, consider the falowind * Ciro the infomston upto dle re dates of sour * AccUCy: 1s the information fee of eons is Yerifiable> ind "sted? uy Me the roducti Paper j mvedteton, several pan MtOduces the topic id captures ‘estates the topic. Paragraphs that support the topic. The esented without bias? are the + Acknowledge all sources of information; do not plagiarize. Sources of research include | - ‘newspapers, and the Intemet. As you record facts and ideas, Ist details about the source: tile, author, place of publication, Publisher, date of publication, etc, When taking notes, be careful not to plaglarize. Thal is, do not use. someone else's work and claim itt be yout own. if you copy information directly, place it in quotation marks and identify its source: Not only is plagia’sm unthical butts considered an academic ita can have sever pies, such as failing a course or being expelled 1m school, When you summarize, paraphrase fevrite information in your own words), present facts, give statistics, quote exact words, OF show a map, chart o other graphic, you must acknowledge the source Information that commonly is known or accessible to the audience constitutes common knowledge andl does nat need to be acknowledged. , however, you question whether certain information is common knowledge, you should document it — just to be safe To Enter Name and Course Information As discussed earlier in this module, the MLA documentation style does not BTW Date Formats require a separate title page for research papers. Instead, place your name and course ‘ase Formas information in a block at the top of the page, below the header, at the left margin. The Seeneen vert iia! following steps enter the name and course information in the research paper. 2017) ot month-

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