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a) Fill in the blanks

i. The point of attachment of two chromatids in a chromosome.
ii. The cytokinesis in plant cell is by _____________ formation.
iii. Chromosome duplication occurs in ____________.
iv. A set of unpaired chromosomes is said to be ____________.
v. DNA is a repeating ________.

b) Name the following

i. The complex consisting of DNA strand and a core of histones.
ii. The cell component visible only during cell division.
iii. The specific part of a chromosome that determines heredity characteristics.
iv. The Chromosomes other than sex chromosomes.
v. The Pairing of homologous chromosomes
vi. The type of bond which joins the complementary nitrogenous bases.
vii. The stage in which chromosomes get arranged in a horizontal plane at the equator.
viii. The X-shaped structure formed due to crossing over between the non-sister
chromatids of the paired homologous chromosomes.
ix. The type of cell division which produces pollen grains in flowering plants.
x. The process in which chromatid material get exchanged between the two members of
a homologous pair.

c) Distinguish between the following pairs:

i. Mitosis and Meiosis.
ii. Chromosome and chromatin
iii. Karyokinesis and cytokinesis
iv. Centrosome and centromere
v. Haploid and Diploid

d) Define the following terms:

i. Cell cycle
ii. Karyotype
iii. Homologous chromosomes
iv. Chromatid
v. Interphase.

e) Answer the following:
i. Write the full form of DNA.

ii. Write the names of the Nitrogenous bases present in DNA.

iii. Name the scientists who proposed the double helical structure of DNA.

iv. Name two purines and two pyrimidines.

v. What does a nucleotide consist of?

f) The picture below represents a stage during mitotic cell division.

i. Identify the stage. Give a reason to support your answer.

ii. Label the parts 1-3.

iii. Mention the type of cells in our body where this type of cell division occurs.

iv. Is it a plant cell or animal cell? Give two reasons.

v. Draw a neat labeled diagram of the cell as it would appear in the next stage
and name the stage.


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