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High School

Quarter 4



Strictly for students use only of the Division of Cebu Province. DO NOT share to other divisions and other teaching or non-teaching personnel. Any violation will be dealt with accordingly. Beta evaluation is still pending.
Instructions: Write the letter of the correct answer.
1. The biography is the life story of a famous and or successful person such as a

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business tycoon, an actor, business tycoon, athlete or monarch.
A. historical B. literary C. popular D. secular

2. The life of William Shakespeare could be classified as a biography.

A. historical B. literary C. popular D. secular

3. is a full-length biography that focuses on the significance of its subject with regards to
national or international events.
A. historical B. literary C. popular D. secular

4. Writing a biography requires thorough .

A. taunting B. guessing C. research D. vision

5. In terms of length, the is the shortest among biographical narratives.

A. diary B. profile C. biography D. character sketch

6. The can be a product of just one interview.

A. diary B. interview story C. biography D. profile

7. A cameo life story means that it is in length.

A. full-length B. long C. fragmented D. miniature

8. Three classifications: popular, historical and literary pertains to the .

A. profile B. character sketch C. memoir D. full-length biography

9. When one writes a profile, the writer makes a specific person the .
A. focus B. foil C. outcast D. detail

10. A profile could be based on the following except

A. Memory B. personal experience C. guess D. research

Strictly for students use only of the Division of Cebu Province. DO NOT share to other divisions and other teaching or non-teaching personnel. Any violation will be dealt with accordingly. Beta evaluation is still pending.
Recall our previous lessons on writing essays:

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What are elements of fiction that one can use in writing nonfiction?

What are similarities and differences in structure between fiction and nonfiction?

 Why is it important to plan the structure or outline of your text?

 How does the use of comparisons, examples, descriptions and anecdotes add to the overall
appeal of your essay?

Instructions: Design your own autograph page with the following questions. You
may use half or whole size bond/ construction paper/Yellow Pad. Interview a
family member or friend using the guide questions below.

1. What was your first big achievement?

2. What was your first frustration or failure?

3. What was the first risk you ever took?

4. What was the first grown-up thing you have ever done?
5. If you were given a chance to become president, what would be your first decree or rule?


 What did you discover about your interviewee? Did the interview help you know the person better?
 What lesson did you learn from the person’s experiences?

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 Covers the entirety of a  Shorter than a biography
featured persons existence
 Includes personal history and  Concentrates only on one
significant events from birth to aspect of the person’slife
 Focuses mostly on
 3 types include:
circumstances and
1. Literary biography - life story of a
literary writer written by another writer characteristics that make a
featured person distinct,
2. Popular biography - about a famous
person such as a celebrity, royalty, important or famous
athlete or political leader
 Includes details such as a
3. Historical Biography - life story of a persons innermost thoughts,
historical figure most often written by
feelings and opinions
a historian

 Much shorter than a profile  Takes the length of a typical
newspaper or magazine article
 Provides a miniature life story  Zeroes in on one aspect or facet of
of the subject (featured person) one’s life
 May be a product of just one
 Also known as a cameo meeting between writer and
because of its length and subject/ interviewee

depth  Tells an interesting story about

the subject and get readers more
 Builds a mental picture of a acquainted in a deeper, more
personal sense
person’s appearance, distinct
 Requires skill in interviewing and
characteristics, values, probing.
accomplishments, mannerisms,  The nitty gritty of the interview
etc and parts of conversation add to its

Strictly for students use only of the Division of Cebu Province. DO NOT share to other divisions and other teaching or non-teaching personnel. Any violation will be dealt with accordingly. Beta evaluation is still pending.
Questions to Ponder:
 What is the relevance of biographical narratives in one’s life?
 As a neophyte writer, how would you make your biographical narrative more interesting to your

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Directions. Interview a close friend or family member using the following guide

1. What are significant events in your life that shape who you are at the moment?
2. What are your biggest achievements?
3. What setbacks or obstacles have you encountered?
4. What are your regrets and frustrations?
5. What motivates you despite difficulties?

Independent Assessment 1.
A. Directions. Read the following first two paragraphs of Strachey’s profile of
Florence Nightingale and answer the questions that follow.

As the years passed, a restlessness began to grow upon her. She was unhappy, and at
last she knew it. Mrs. Nightingale, too, began to notice that there was something wrong. It
was very odd; what could be the matter with dear Flo? Mr. Nightingale suggested that a
husband might be advisable; but the curious thing was that she seemed to take no interest in
husbands. And with her attractions, and her accomplishments, too! There was nothing in the
world to prevent her making a really brilliant match. But no! She would think of nothing but
how to satisfy that singular craving of hers to be doing something. As if there was not plenty
to do in any case, in the ordinary way, at home. There was the china to look after, and there
was her father to be read to after dinner.

1. The passage above suggests the following roles for women during those times except
A. wife B. household chores C. family duties D. keeping a job

2. The passage suggests that Florence was a daughter.

A. dutiful B. wayward C. disobedient D. passive

3. In this passage, it can be inferred that Florence was about her life .
A. contented B. dissatisfied C. crazy D. at peace

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4. “There was nothing in the world to prevent her making a really brilliant match,”
A. Florence can easily find a husband with her character and stature.
B. Florence was unworthy of probable husbands.
C. Florence was not in lack for suitors.

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D. Florence was despised by men.

And, indeed, the difficulties in her path were great. For not only was it an almost
unimaginable thing in those days for a woman of means to make her own way in the world
and to live in independence, but the particular profession for which Florence was clearly
marked out both by her instincts and her capacities was at that time a peculiarly
disreputable one. A “nurse” meant then a coarse old woman, always ignorant, usually
dirty, often brutal, a Mrs. Gamp, in bunched-up sordid garments, tippling at the brandy-
bottle or indulging in worse irregularities.

5. Nurses during those times were

A. admired B. honored C. belittled D. taboo
6. What does the expression, “a woman of means” imply?
A. Health B. skill C. magic D. wealth

B. Answer the following questions:

1. How do the perception about nurses differ from the past and the present?
1. What could probably be the reason why nursing is looked down during that time?
2. What valuable contributions do nurses have in promoting heath and well-being?

Independent Assessment 2

Directions: Read through parts of the interview story entitled, Bodhisattva, Baby by Sarge
Lacuesta and do the activities that follow.

There’s a legend called John Lopito who trawls the streets, roams the roads, and
combs the bars. Everybody’s heard about him. Everybody in the know knows of him or
knows somebody who knows him. You’ve heardof him.

There’s a story about a cab who takes a fare in front of the bistro in the middle of
the night. Another lonely, scruffy-looking, down-in-the-dumps sessionist going home after
three tough sets.

“You’re in a band?” the cab driver goes, seeing the soft case slung around his neck.
“Yes,” he goes.
“Where do you guys play- Shakey’s?” the cabbie asks. He’s an old man too.
A sly smile comes on the guitarist’s face. His teeth come out in a self-satisfied

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“Yep,places like that. Cowboy Grill.” “I used to watch bands before,” the cabbie says.
The New Moon Concert. There was this great guitarist.” The man in the
back scrunches his brow, shoots off a few randomnames.

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“Who? Wally Gonzales? Resty Fabunan?”
“No, this guy just hung in the background. He played simple. Do you know Jun
Lopito?”“Yep, I’ve heard of him,” the fare says.

Jun Lopito never did tell the cabbie he was Jun Lopito. Not that guy would believe
him.Not that anybody would believe him anyway.

Jun Lopito is one of those rare occurrences whose name comes without a face.
Whenthe face comes, it’s got laugh lines, crow feet and salt and pepper hair this side of
thenext haircut. He’s probably pushing fifty, but he’s scrawny as a seven-year-old boy ---and
he’s got a pesky twinkle in his eye. When he tells that story, he smiles that smile that makes
him look seven again.

That was the year he saw the Beatles and the Rizal Memorial Stadium, in their most
heavily attended concert since the Shea Stadium a year earlier. His sisters and his brother-in-
law made him tag along because there would be no one to look after him inthe house. “When
I saw them play, I said, whoa-- I wanna be like them!”

A. Write the letter corresponding to the correct answer.

1. Who was the subject’s influence in getting into music?
A. the cabbie B. the Beatles C. his sisters D. the cowboy
2. His awe of and discovery of his love for music was .
A. accidental B. imposed C. purposely D. intentionally
3. The anecdote in the beginning of this interview story was revealed by .
A. The cabbie B. brother-in-law C. Jun Lopito D. sister
4. The following are references to the subject’s age except .
A. Laugh lines B. crow feet C. salt and pepper hair D. rosy cheeks
5. What impression does one get of Jun Lopito according to the cabbie’s description?
A. down-to-earth B. arrogant C. presumptuous D. sly

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B. Answer the questions accordingly.

1. Why do you think the subject, Jun Lopito did not reveal himself to the cabbie?

2. What could be reasons why aging musicians are perceived as lonely?

Answer the following questions:

1. What are similarities and differences of the different types of biographical

2. What are some ways to capture and sustain readers’ interest?

Directions: As a special tribute for a loved one’s special birthday celebration, you are tasked to deliver
a speech highlighting his/her distinct qualities, admirable acts, personality traits, strengths, weaknesses
and some physical attributes and mannerisms. Write a character sketch for this purpose. Include an
anecdote, direct quotations and expressions.

Content - 10 Organization - 5 Language/ Mechanics - 5

Instructions: Make a critique/commentary of the following excerpt from “Diana in Search of Herself:
Portrait of a Troubled Princess,” (Sally Bedell Smith) by answering the questions that follow.

The world probably would have heard little of Diana Spencer had she not married the
Prince of Wales. "She would either have been a countrywoman, just like her sisters, and
dissolved into the atmosphere," said a male friend who knew her from her teenage years, "or
she would have married an achiever who offered more of a
1.challenge but would have gone off and had an affair, and she would have divorced the
husband in short order."

1. What is the impact of including direct quotations to the above passage?

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Diana lived only thirty-six years, all of them amid privilege and wealth: the first
half in the rarefied cocoon of the British upper class, the second in the highly visible
bubble of royal protocol and pageantry. Her married life was unnatural by any
measure-"bizarre," her brother Charles, Earl Spencer, called it in his eulogy of Diana.
Much of her royal existence was lonely and regimented, but tabloid headlines invested
its large and small events with high drama.

2. Explain the contrast made in the above passage describing Diana’s life as being in a “rarefied
cocoon of the upper class” during the earlier half and the “highly visible bubble of royal
protocol” following her marriage to Prince Charles and until her death. What purpose does it

3. What effect does the quote, “Her married life was unnatural by any measure-bizarre”? What
feeling or reaction does it evoke on readers?

Simply assuming the title of princess transformed Diana. As Douglas Hurd, the
former foreign secretary, put it, "She needed to be royal to succeed." But others have joined
the royal family without becoming larger-than-life celebrities. Diana's extraordinary impact
resulted to a great degree from her physical presence.
She was endowed with undeniable attributes. Her beauty was singular, especially
her big blue eyes, the most expressive of all facial features. "They look so wondering and
modest," a Norwegian photographer once remarked. Her height (five foot ten) and lithe
figure allowed her to carry clothing exquisitely. If she had been a haughty ice queen, or
even strikingly confident, her appeal would have been limited. What made her so
charismatic was the combination of her looks and her air of accessibility. "She has a
sympathetic face," her father once said, "the sort that you can't help but trust."

4.Who were the other sources for the author’s perspective about Diana’s physical
attributes and character other than his own?

5. Expound on at least two dilemma/ problems/ conflict that Diana contended with.

Instructions: Reflect on why a good interview and research is important in writing about
another person’s life story. In at least three sentences, writeyour thoughts about it.


Instructions: Write the letter which corresponds to the correct answer in a separate

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sheet of paper.

1. It focuses on the entire lifetime of the writer himself/ herself.

A. autobiography B. memoir C. journal D. diary
2. It is fragmentary compared to a formal autobiography in that it focuses on the writer’s
collection of personal memories and specifically on an aspect of his life.
A. autobiography B. memoir C. journal D. diary
3. The most intimate among autobiographical narratives is the .
A. autobiography B. memoir C. journal D. diary
4. It captures the daily realities and routines of the writer.
A. autobiography B. memoir C. journal D. diary
5. It requires good memory in the part of the writer.
A. autobiography B. memoir C. journal D. diary
6. Its etymological derivative means self+life+write.
A. autobiography B. memoir C. journal D. diary
7. Its etymological meaning is memory or reminiscence.
A. autobiography B. memoir C. journal D. diary
8. It omits nothing from one’s own life from birth to fame.
A. autobiography B. memoir C. journal D. diary
9. It is a day-to-day record of what transpires in one’s life.
A. autobiography B. memoir C. journal D. diary
10. It includes one’s innermost feelings, thoughts and opinions almost on a day-to-day basis
or as often as the writer chooses to.
A. autobiography B. memoir C. journal D. diary

Recall our previous lesson on biographical narratives:

 A biography tells the story of a person’s significant experiences, life insights, failures and


 Biographical narratives include the writer’s impressions of the subject and conveys the

same to readers.

 To make narratives more vibrant and real, writers can use elements of imagery,

symbolism, metaphors, dialogues and others.

Answer the questions accordingly.

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1. Write about your routine on a regular day.

2. Write about your thoughts, feelings, fears and hopes at present.

Reflect on the questions below:

 Are there significant events that happened in your life recently? How do youfeel about
these events?
 What previous events/experiences can you recall that made an impact in your life now?
 Observe the lives of people around you. What events in their lives can you draw lessons



Covers a part of the writer’s life; focused on

Covers the writer’s entire life; does not omit
significant events/ turning point in the
anything from birth to fame/ present writer’s life
Usually by famous and important personalities
Can be about and by just anybody

People read to learn more about the writer People read because of the subject, theme or

Often moves back and forth in time;

Usually written in chronological order
Emphasis is on the emotional experience and
Greater emphasis on facts and history inner character/ interior


Explores ideas that takes shape according to

Records events as they happen usually on a

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one’s experience or
daily basis observation
Random, according to the writer’s mood or
Chronological (day-by-day)
significant experience

Includes innermost thoughts, memories,

Tracks data
feelings, opinions

Routine intimate

Questions to Ponder
 What are your realizations and insights from the readings above?

 As a student learning to write autobiographical narratives, which type are youmost

comfortable to write? Explain.

Independent Activity 1
“Hello ! It’s Me”
Directions: Fill in the following essential details of yourself.

Example: I would compare myself to an eagle because I am determined to reach heights

without fear.

My name is . I was born toand (parents). I have

(number) brothers and (number) sisters named (names).
I was born on (date) in (place). My name is in
(English, French, Spanish, Filipino) which means . I look like my .
I have (describe your physical features) I am (personality,
attitude). I would compare myself to a because I am .

Independent Assessment Activity 1

Directions. Read through the passages and answer the questions that follow. Choose
the letter which corresponds to the correct answer.

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Living to Tell the Tale (An excerpt, Gabriel Garcia-Marquez

My mother asked me to go with her to sell the house. She had come that morning from
the distant town where the family lived, and she had no idea how to find me. She asked around
among acquaintances and was told to look for me at the Librería Mundo, or in the nearby
cafés, where I went twice a day to talk with my writer friends. The one who told her this
warned her: "Be careful, because they're all out of their minds." She arrived at twelve sharp.
With her light step she made her way among the tables of books on display, stopped in front of
me, looking into my eyes with the mischievous smile of her better days, and before I could
react she said:
"I'm your mother."

1. It could be inferred that the writer and his mother are from each other.
A. close B. estranged C. friendly D. hostile

2. The remark, "Be careful, because they're all out of their minds," suggests an
impression that the writer and his writer-friends are .
A. odd B. popular C. well-loved D. kin

3. It could be inferred that mother and son meet .

A. regularly B. occasionally
C. daily D. haven’t seen each other for a very long time

Something in her had changed, and this kept me from recognizing her at first
glance. She was forty-five. Adding up her eleven births, she had spent almost ten years
pregnant and at least another ten nursing her children. She had gone gray before her
time, her eyes seemed larger and more startled behind her first bifocals, and
she wore strict, somber mourning for the death of her mother, but she still
preserved the Roman beauty of her wedding portrait, dignified now by an
autumnal air. Before anything else, even before she embraced me, she said in her
customary, ceremonial way:
"I've come to ask you to please go with me to sell the house."

4. How does the author end the above two passages/ paragraphs.
A. exclamation B. question C. direct quote D. expression
5. In the above passage, the writer introduced his mother’s .
A. physical appearance B. characteristic traits
C. routines and habits D. traumatic experiences

6. According to the writer’s description, his mother looks than her age.
A. older B. blessed C. younger D. sleeker
7. The author acknowledges that his mother is despite her circumstances.

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A. ghastly B. beautiful C. unkempt D. unruly
8. Based on the highlighted phrases, what did the writer use to introduce his mother to his
A. simile B. metaphors C. imagery D. pun

B. Answer the questions accordingly.

1. How do you feel about the writer’s description of his mother?

2. What could be the reason why the writer follows each paragraph with adirect

Independent Activity 2
Directions: Read through the excerpts of two autobiographies and answer the questions
that follow.
Becoming (an excerpt, Michelle Obama)

At school we were given an hour-long break for lunch each day. Because my
mother didn’t work and our apartment was so close by, I usually marched home with
four or five other girls in tow, all of us talking nonstop, ready to sprawl on the kitchen
floor to play jacks and watch All My Children while my mom handed out sandwiches.
This, for me, began a habit that has sustained me for life, keeping a close and
high-spirited council of girlfriends—a safe harbor of female wisdom. In my lunch
group, we dissected whatever had gone on that morning at school, any beefs we had
with teachers, any assignments that struck us as useless. Our opinions were largely
formed by committee.
We idolized the Jackson 5 and weren’t sure how we felt about the Osmonds.
Watergate had happened, but none of us understood it. It seemed like a lot of old guys
talking into microphones in Washington, D.C., which to us was just a faraway city
filled with a lot of white buildings and white men.

1. What life long influence has the writer’s memory of her childhood have on her?

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2. What prevailing issue is presented in the excerpt?

3. What is the significance of the title?

4. What is the writer’s purpose?

5. Is she successful in this purpose? Why or why not?

I Know Why the Caged Birds Sing (an excerpt, Maya Angelou)

The dress I wore was lavender taffeta, and each time I breathed it rustled, and now that I was
sucking in air to breathe out shame it sounded like crepe paper on the back of hearses.
As I'd watched Momma put ruffles on the hem and cute little tucks around the waist, I knew
that once I put it on I'd look like a movie star. (It was silk and that made up for the awful color.) I
was going to look like one of the sweet little white girls who were everybody's dream of what
was right with the world. Hanging softly over the black Singer sewing machine, it looked like
magic, and when people saw me wearing it they were going to run up to me and say, "Marguerite
[sometimes it was 'dear Marguerite'], forgive us, please, we didn't know who you were," and I
would answer generously, "No, you couldn't have known. Of course I forgive you."

6. What are the two literary devices used in the first paragraph? Pick out the phrases that
illustrate these devices.
7. What common theme does this excerpt share with the previous (Becoming)?
8. What is the purpose of using dialogue in the second paragraph?
9. How does the writer feel about white girls?
10. What could be the effect of the use of imagery or vivid description on readers?

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Independent Assessment 2
A. Directions. Read through the passages and answer the questions that follow.

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Choose the letter corresponding to the correct answer.

Notes of a Native Son (an excerpt, James Baldwin)

On the twenty-ninth of July, in 1943, my father died. On the same day, a few hours
later, his last child was born. Over a month before this, while all our energies were
concentrated in waiting for these events, there had been, in Detroit, one of the bloodiest race
riots of the century. A few hours after my father's funeral, while he lay in state in the
undertaker's chapel, a race riot broke out in Harlem. On the morning of the third of August,
we drove my father to the graveyard through a wilderness of smashed plate glass.

1. The above passage suggests the following mood except .

A. celebration B. tragedy C. grief D. chaos
2. The following sums up the setting in the passage except .
A. riot B. death C. festivities D. birth

The day of my father's funeral had also been my nineteenth birthday. As we drove
him to the graveyard, the spoils of injustice, anarchy, discontent, and hatred were all
around us. It seemed to me that God himself had devised, to mark my father's end, the
most sustained and brutally dissonant of codas. And it seemed to me, too, that the
violence which rose all about us as my father left the world had been devised as a
corrective for the pride of his eldest son. I had declined to believe in that apocalypse
which had been central to my father's vision; very well, life seemed to be saying, here is
something that will certainly pass for an apocalypse until the real thing comes along.

3. His father’s eldest son, the writer was talking about was .
A. illegitimate child B. another brother C himself D. foster
4. The apocalypse as an allusion from the Bible refers to .
A. rebuilding B. destruction C. creation D. cleansing
5. His father’s death referred to as ,”the most sustained brutally dissonant of codas is
compared to music.
A. beautiful B. harmonious C. discordant D. raw
6. How does the writer develop his story as illustrated in the passages above?
A. list of celebrations B. series of triumphs
C. enumerating successes D. series of misfortunes

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I had inclined to be contemptuous of my father for the conditions of his life, for the
conditions of our lives. When his life had ended I began to wonder about that life and also, in a
new way, to be apprehensive about my own.

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7. The passage suggests that he is
A. thankful B. resentful
towards his father for their circumstances.
C. proud D. indifferent
8. In the last sentence, the writer expresses a feeling of .
A. ear B. excitement C. anticipation D. appreciation

B. Answer the questions accordingly.

1. How do you feel about the writer’s circumstances?

2. What lessons/takeaways do you have from these passages?

What could be valuable or significant purposes of writing one’s autobiography or memoir?

Directions: Your school recently launched a program on peer counseling as part of mental health
awareness. The screening process requires writing your own life story to highlight significant events
in your life, how you overcame difficulties and the lessons others could possibly learn from your
experiences. Write a brief or mini-autobiography for this purpose. Scoring:
Content - 5 Organization - 5 Language/ Mechanics - 5

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Alpha Tested by the Development Te “Memories”
Directions: Write one to two paragraphs about a significant or unforgettable event in your life
and how it influences you at present.
Content - 10 Organization - 5 Language/ Mechanics - 5

Bridgette used to annoy me. She would lick my feet while I enjoyed Voltes V, my
favorite program at that time. It was really frustrating how she would snatch a sandwich
right out of my hand.. Anyhow, she was one loyal companion at all times.
In my pre-teens, I would do errands for my family; buying meat and chips or
canned goods. It was a long walk to the grocery store but I always loved the cool breeze on
my face and the green scenery around. And then, arriving home from school one day, there
was no Bridgette to meet me. I looked around for my best friend till I saw the dirt mound
in our backyard. No one dared to tell me. I cried a river, missed Mexican Night dinner with
the family. All was quiet that night in our usually raucous home.To this day, I have a soft
spot for dogs and value each of my friendship. It doesn’t matter how bad the start was, first
impressions are not always right. True friendship is worth the nurture.

1. Make a timeline of the most significant events in your life including milestones/
triumphs and struggles. You may include as many arrows as possible.



2. Fill in the chart with a personal memory and life lesson.

Memory Life Lesson

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