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This study was anchored in the FALL IMMERSION Theory by Davies (2006). This theory

involves students to provide a base-line exposure to a set of cross-cutting skills that will The

exposure two-week period provides on intense focus on the sessions and skills. Although many

skills of litigation readily transfer to transactional and other practice settings, and vice versa for

organizations sake, the fall immersion is focused mostly on such as skills include teamwork,

communication, attendance and punctuality, productivity and resilience, initiative and

proactivity, judgment and decision making, dependability and reliability, attitude, and

professionalism and the spring on transactional. The instractors need to remember that realism

is a goal that is secondary to education.

The theory exposes different skills, provide differing and sometimes over lapping ways. The

creative, engaging lectures, readings, demonstration, and distribution of evaluation criteria are

all used to provide the base of theory.

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