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Arid 43ases and Falt
Intot Questonß
04Jou taue ben bhopidad oit 3 est tubes. Gnt o
tham cortei ns distilled ato, and othn 2comtain
an acdie amd a basic solitn nteciely
tyou a only gien ed bms pabor, t
you identh the conttnts ot each tcst tubel
Ansdh glutiem llhich tuens tha sad Dtrmus bapo to
bosic selu tioaaNes but this.
bluc litrmus pabe in the zanmoinin4 too tet tutes.
Jhe saltiboa wbich tuns the ble litmus pabe

ohich hos elect on any itmus þafen sill be

nauttal and nce, it ai be distiOlod Loat
0ohy shauld cud and sout subatances not te bat
not be Rabt
in bass and cophe veeselsas cwd andathe sout
substances contoin qeids ushich Can act oit thsse.
Neels o or eicon us Combeund that can
Cause oud oisbning
gas is sly libeated hon ah acidsucts
oth a matal Tlustee otth an.

mital seacts oith Qn acid,

listbesa ted. Ton eq zinc n9cts withhydsngen
H,soy acid as lellers.:
Loe can test sence. at H by biaging t
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abuntin Candle and itusla buanaitb


Mmutl cobrnbound A agcs Loit dilcte uCe

Ho hhaduce efeveSenct. dhe gas evohued entinguish
boning ndle onte a balbnted chemical
eaatPor it one ot the Cornbnd tosmed t
alcium chlonide.
Jhe gas that eting ishes a bumning Candle
Casrbondioide. dt is fomed by the actôn dile
HCl ona mital canbtue O metal hydrgencaborate
and oduces eenuescence. bnce
Comboungs fasnad is caleiu chlonide, this shms tt
tha met compaundAlis aleiurn ca bona te.

do MCly MNOs etea shos aidic characde in

Qqieous sectons ohile seutims t Conbourds
Jike GHeOH o qlucose do notshn acdic
n g ,HNOa,ett, ionise in aqueeus Solion to bhyodce
Ma 0 ions. Hence, thay sh audic chaac les
beunds like GH-OM and glucose do not tom ise

do not she aidic chatacte

Lohy does an qqaus Geltion o an qcid condact

gies Hd ad ionse

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3hy daes ds HCl aas. do not change te tolo

Dy HCL gos does hot change the ceslousr ofHaot
ltrsusbaben because ltdoes ntt bouduce
eLoib diltirg on acid, ohy is t uenerded
Hhat acd sheld be added to saten and rot
An- tion of corncantated acd oth sate is a
ighy euthenmc phoceua ate is added tor
acid, the heat biacsd ts so arge that the
cassiue tting. Kontea diletion s done by adodig

laoro is the concentratin oft hydoin lons aetel,

Ashan a setien an ad is dileted the
Concentsation of Ha0 iomg vunedocuases..
ehan eCASS base ts
colation o sodtu tdroylde disseld n a
Ansn desolutng entaSS bese ina solute od
ydaidt, sadurn

4ls 6 and þH o
salution Bis &. LOhtch selutioa
hiydugen ion
atdic and ohich conceontratitm! onich tese
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ion cooceatta ibn. hus dolation oill aue more
hydhagen loa comantation

(42 Dat efect does the Concntatiom t H* log Laue

acid nate o solution

LAaidicselutien Cotains mhe hydgen fons than coatea

the con Centa tion o 4t ions. solhhiony

13 Do basic solutiong also hae Ht ions? If yes, thtn

sby ah these basics 2
Asastc salutibns aso haue Ht ions in addition t
OM iens, Jhy ae bcic because in thece
0H ons

af a
A4 Unden ohat seil conditn do yot thikotth
opuld tat thu soil ot his fiebd
lqutcklime slaked Oime as chalk
gnbo uall in pH seivalue o
AsMost hlants grPo
to .8. 3 se is too aidic O1 basic,the plarts
o rot ges wellaAl tuse chenmi calç Cauick li
oh alaeed lirae ah chate)wouldas beego used b
LOhan ceil i_ audic
LDhich wald nluttalre

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