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1. b. come
2. c. need
3. c. cleans
4. c. spent/bought
5. a. don't use
6. c. washes
7. d. departed/landing
8. c.
10. b. will affect


1. Getting a new job can be both exciting and nerve-wracking.

2. Please provide your current address for our records.
3. English is my first language, but I'm learning French.
4. My mother tongue is Spanish, as I grew up speaking it at home.
5. She is bilingual, fluent in both English and Mandarin.
6. Education is the key to unlocking many opportunities in life.
7. His occupation as a software engineer allows him to work remotely.
8. Their voyage around the world lasted for six months.
9. After years of moving, they finally found a permanent residence.
10. Enjoying a lie-in on weekends is one of life's simple pleasures.


Essay 1:
The Global Significance of English
English has ascended to the status of an international language primarily due to historical,
cultural, economic, and technological factors. Historically, the British Empire's widespread
colonization and subsequent dominance in global affairs propelled English as a lingua franca.
Additionally, the United States' emergence as a superpower post-World War II solidified English
as the language of diplomacy, business, and science. Culturally, English-language media,
entertainment, and literature have reached every corner of the globe, further reinforcing its
Learning English presents various challenges, including its irregular spelling and pronunciation,
complex grammar rules, and vast vocabulary. Additionally, learners may face difficulties with
idiomatic expressions and cultural nuances.

Effective methods of learning English vary depending on individual learning styles, but immersive
experiences such as living in an English-speaking environment or participating in language
exchange programs can be highly beneficial. Additionally, utilizing multimedia resources,
engaging in conversational practice, and incorporating language learning apps and online
platforms can enhance proficiency.

While knowing one foreign language, such as English, is undoubtedly advantageous in today's
globalized world, being multilingual offers even greater benefits. Learning additional languages
fosters cross-cultural understanding, expands career opportunities, and enhances cognitive
abilities such as problem-solving and multitasking. Therefore, while English proficiency is
valuable, fluency in multiple languages provides a more comprehensive skill set for navigating an
increasingly interconnected world.

Essay 2:
The Art of Self-Introduction
Introducing oneself effectively is crucial in various social and professional settings. The best way
to introduce oneself involves providing essential information concisely while also conveying
confidence and approachability. A good self-introduction typically includes stating one's name,
background, and purpose for being present, followed by a relevant detail or anecdote to spark
Self-introductions are necessary in numerous situations, such as networking events, job
interviews, social gatherings, and academic settings. They serve to establish initial rapport,
facilitate communication, and create a positive impression. A well-executed introduction can set
the tone for further interactions, fostering meaningful connections and opportunities.

Good introductions matter because they contribute to the establishment of trust, credibility, and
likeability. A memorable self-introduction can leave a lasting impression, making individuals more
memorable and approachable in professional and social contexts. Conversely, a poorly executed
introduction may hinder communication and negatively impact initial perceptions.
In summary, mastering the art of self-introduction involves crafting a concise yet engaging
introduction tailored to the specific context. Effective introductions not only facilitate
communication but also contribute to building relationships and creating opportunities for
collaboration and connection.

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