Chapter-2 (Acid, Bases and Salts) NCERT Questions

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Psge No.


NCET Questiong
Q4 Combounde such lohak ard glucone aler
Contain hy chqen but ane not categpnisedat
acids. Descibe 4n atuity to poe t.

bs, takee a cauk and Zaik on it os thoun be

Plsce this Coek in bekan

bld anda soiteha

Nes, pou dilte HsOy in beokes sothat tes
nals ah imens ed in acil, duitch n cunbt
Rebeat the ebeimant wite dilk HA,guce
alcotol seluionç
HC and Hsous butinot n the case
02 LOhy does dis ll onde do not conduct
ebctictty whesas atn oaen does 2
A istiled oatey dos nct Corduct electicity
tt dees not "Contain gny ionic carmbeun ike aid, base ch
alt. Rain soatesa shouas' contaias qases ike COs
ardtohm aids ike canbonic
ALid ett. Jhase acids aouida Hions to in.
Loate de to shich tst bhsettt hain iate4
Conducts eltsicatyl.
09hy do acds not shaa acdc behaviqun tn absente ot
Asiic nsta o a aubstance is de to the ato
icns in setim. hydmagen
ydnogen ions at pho ducad in
Page No.

aGd ika nCl molaale Cannot ocunin the absercu

o oadeabo, auds do not she acidicl behavioun
in absenca of wate
4iu goutons,,c,Dand E whon ested ott
uniudhsalind'oston sheused BH s 4,4, M,7 and 9
Puxpectualy hich selaton is
(a hauthal?
6 stgly alkaline?
Ostzongly acidie
Loeakly alkalhe?
in inossing aderof conantatione

Atngly aidc
Lely audie

Ma aibbon ae tekon in test tubes

Agnd B. Hdhochlee adis added to test tube
4 whil atdi Qceic acd is adled to test tube
In which eyt tebe, ill the fiazing
igosumusly and why?
AsHClis stong aid ahd acetic acid is
ueak a cid. Being a strang aid HCl sela tion
Contains a much gus te amBunt o hydnagen ions
in it.Due to this, the iz.zing will accu mote
uigosncus y in test tube A. Jhe fizing is due
to the evsti o H qas Lohich is
by the acitnot acidon magne Siumm si bbon
6Bush milk hasa pH. of6. Horsdo you tuhk thu
ac H tns into CundBbb
BH will change as cord
Auyh þH w fal beloro 6 Jhis is because k
acid is bsducad hén mih setsinto cubd,

A milkman adds awy Small arnbunt of baking

tods totk milh,
to sltghtly alkaltne ?
(6 dees thi milk take a lox tine to qset
Qs Cud2
t a ) Milk is mide sigky alkalne sa tat t
scun easily de totosMation of
acte actd iniite
6 the alkalind milk tabesa lengeh time to set
into cue because the lactie adtomad has
to ihst nautalise the alkaliaent in tt

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