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Recognize the innate entrepreneurial potential within
Understand the many ways in which themselves:
of life
entrepreneurship can manifests itself in different walks
Appreciate the role than entrepreneurial behavior can play in
Iives of others enhancing their lives and the
Develop a strong knowledge baSe and set of
tools that enables them to act on
innovative ideas; creative and
Recognize the critical importance of values and ethics when
activ1ties engaged in entrepreneurial
Course Contents:
Module -1 (8 Hours)
Entrepreneurship: Concept, Historical background, Economic
development and
entrepreneurship, Role of Entrepreneurship in Industrialization, Entrepreneurship
(EDPS) in India, Indian middle class values. programmes
Module- l: (8 Hours)
Entrepreneurial Qualities: Achievement motivation, Creativity.
perception, Risk
tak1ng Entrepreneurial goal setting. Group activities
Environmental scanning, Business opportunity guidance, Product selection, Market research
marketing channels
Module-lil(8 Hours)
Assistance of Govt. agencies - Role of DIC, SFC, SISI, MSME and banks,
Procedure in
setting up an enterprise, Incentives and subsidies
Module-1V (8 Hours)
Assessment of working capital, preparation of project report, project appraisal, Elementary
knowledge on costing, Book keeping, Balance sheet preparation, Ratio analysis, Income tax
Management of small scale industry-Decision making, Leadership, Communication skill,
Stress managenment
Module - V (8 Hours)
Laws concerning entrepreneur viz, partnership laws, business ownership, sales and income
taxes and workman compensation act

Text BoGhs

1. Entrepreneurial Development, C B Gupta S Chand Publication

2 Entrepreneurship of small industries by MU Deshpande - Deep and Deep Publication
Course Outcomes:
Apply sound business and economic principles to successfuly launch and effectively
manage a new venture.
" Exhibit financial and management skills necessary to succeed in increasingly challenging
academic environments of further higher education.
Develop analytical and critical thinking skills necessary to make sound financial decisions
in business and personal arenas.
Recognize the sources of their own attitudes and worldview and deal constructively with
and contribute positively to issues that arise in workplaces and communities.
Understand the ethical implication of business decision making and recognize ethical

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